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415 Cards in this Set

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Two systems of internal communication and regulation in multicellular organisms

Nervous system

Endocrine system

Nervous system vs endocrine system

Nervous =

-rapid, short-acting responses

-message sent to a specific cell


-slower, longer lasting response

-message sent to cells throughout body but only received by specific cells

Berthold's Experiment

Observed male roosters were aggressive and had large waddles and cones and large testes

-removed tests: males lost secondary sex characteristics ---> testes necessary

-removed one teste and put in abdominal cavity: male still had secondary sex characteristics ---> testes sufficient

-Concluded that testes secretes a substance which conditioned blood and blood acted on chicken to produce secondary sex characteristics (substance later found to be testosterone

Classify signaling molecules based on distance of target

hormones = affect distant target cells; transported via bloodstream

paracrines = affect neighboring cells; through ECF but probably not blood

autocrines = affect same cell that secretes them (some paracrines and hormones can have autocrine functions)

examples of paracrines

neurotransmitters; cytokines

Endocrine cells

Cells that secrete hormones

Sources of hormones

1) Isolated endocrine cells in a tissue

2) Endocrine Glands = aggregation of endocrine cells that secrete hormones into ECF; ductless glands (as opposed to exocrine grands)

3) Neurosecretory Cells = specialized nerve cells; secret neurotransmitters that diffuse into blood and act on distant targets -- called neurohormones

Chemical Classes of Hormones & whether lipid or water soluble

1) Peptides or Proteins

-Water Soluble

*ex: Insulin and growth hormone

2) Steroid Hormones

-synthesized from steroid cholesterol

-Lipid Soluble

*ex: Estrogen and Progesterone

3) Amine Hormones

-Synthesized from amino acid, typically tyrosine

-Some are lipid soluble, some are water soluble

*ex: epinephrine + TH

How water soluble hormones signal

--Can't freely cross plasma membrane, but can travel freely in blood:

-Packaged in vesicles and secreted by exocytosis

-travels freely in blood

-binds to receptor on cell surface of target cell, triggering a signal transduction pathway:

---leads to responses in cytoplasm, activating or inactivating an enzyme or altering gene expression

How lipid soluble hormones signal

--Can diffuse through plasma membrane but can't travel freely in blood

-diffuses through plasma membrane

-binds to transport proteins in blood - keeping it soluble in blood

-diffuses into target cell

-binds to receptor either in nucleus or cytoplasm

---bound hormone receptor alters gene expression

first hormone identified


Hormone action depends on:

Cell type & Receptor Type

-different cells have different signaling cascades, leading to different responses (as do different receptors)

Epinephrine secretion and effects
-Sympathetic Division of Nervous System stimulates endocrine glands to secrete epinephrine

-different effects on different cells:

--Liver - breaks down glucose (binds to beta receptor)

--Blood vessels in skeletal muscles dilate (binds to beta receptor)

--Blood vessels in intestines constrict (binds to alpha receptor)

Evolution of hormone signaling molecules

Hormone signaling molecules are highly conserved

--find same compounds and same receptor in many organisms, although the systems have diversified to serve different functions

Simple Endocrine Pathway:

Stimulus causes Endocrine Cell to Release Hormone which travels in blood to Target Cell triggering a response of target cell -- can act as negative or positive feedback

Simple Neuroendocrine Pathway:

Stimulus causes Sensory Neuron to Respond stimulating Neurosecretory Cell to release a Neurohormone which travels in blood to Target Cell triggering a response -- can act as negative or positive feedback

Oxytocin - example of neuroendocrine pathway:

1) Stimulus = baby suckling on breast

2) Sensory neuron stimulates neurosecretory cells to release oxytocin

3) Oxytocin travels through body and binds to receptors on smooth muscle of mammalary glands

4) Causing release of milk

5) Acts as + feedback, causing baby to suckle more

What part of the body regulates hormone secretion

hypothalamus and pituitary gland

Hypothalamus's role in hormone secretion

Control Center - integrates nervous and endocrine systems to maintain homeostasis

Pituitary Gland - role in hormone secretion

Master Gland for hormone secretion and control:

-interface between nervous and endocrine systems

-still gets its control from hypothalamus

2 Glands of Anterior Pituitary- Origins + What type of cells it includes

1) Anterior Pituitary

-Originates from gut epithelial tissue

-Contains glandular (endocrine) tissue cells

2) Posterior Pituitary

-Originates from neural tissue

-Contains axons from hypothalamic nerve, which go directly into the posterior pituitary

Anterior pituitary - overview

-Originates from gut epithelial tissue

-Contains glandular (endocrine) tissue cells

---the cells produce & secrete specific hormones

-----some of which are tropic hormones ("in turn" cause release of hormones from other glands)

-Have actual release AND synthesis of hormone here

Control of hormone secretion in anterior pituitary

Controlled by Hypothalamus:

-hypothalamic neurons lead to release of hypothalamic releasing hormones or release-inhibiting hormones

--these hypothalamic neurhormones reach anterior pituitary traveling through the hypothalamic pituitary portal system (which only goes from nerve terminals of hypothalamic nerves to AP glandular tissue)

Anterior Pitutitary Hormones to Remember;

-which are tropic



FSH and LSH = follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone

-Stimulates testes and ovaries to produce testosterone and pregestins, estrogen

ACTH = Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

-Stimulates adrenal cortex to produce corticosteroids

TSH = Throtropin (thyroid stimulating hormone)

-Stimulates thyroid to produce Thyroid Hormone


Prolactin = Stimulates mammalary glands (to produce milk)

Endorphins and Enkephalins = analgesic effects

GH = growth hormone; stimulates bones (leads to bone growth)

Anterior Pituitary Hormone Secretion pathway

Stimulus --> Stimulates/inhibit Hypothalamus ---> releases hormones which travel to Anterior Pituitary ----> Releases Tropic Hormones ---> which travels to Endocrine Gland ---> Releases Hormone

Hormone can act as negative feedback on stimulus;

Tropic hormone can ALSO act as negative feedback on stimulus

Posterior Pituitary

-Originates from neural tissue

-contains axons from hypothalamic neurons

-hormone synthesis occurs in hypothalamus and hormone is transported down axons to posterior pituitary where hormones are stored and released

-Secretes 2 hormones:

--Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) - targets kidney tubule to increase water retained by kidneys

--Oxytocin - Targets mammalary glands and uterine muscles to stimulate milk flow, uterine contractions, also "cuddle hormone"

thyroid gland

consists of many follicles (composed of follicle epithelial cells and colloid) and parafollicular cells (C-Cells) in between

Two types of hormones secreted by Thyroid Gland

1) Calcitonin

2) Thyroxin


Produced by Parafollicular Cells (C-Cells) of thyroid

-Helps regulate calcium homeostasis

Thyroid Hormone - overview

Produced by follicle epithelial cells of thyroid

-increases metabolism; essential fro growth and neural development

-Contains both T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine)

T3 and T4 names

T3 = triiodothyronine

T4 = thyroxine

How are T3 and T4 produced (and list steps)

Via iodination of tyrosine in the follicular cells of throid:

1) Thyrglobulin, which contains ~100 tyrosines, is produced by follicle epithelial cells and secreted into follicle lumen

2) Iodide is actively transported (via iodide pumps) from capillary -> epithelial cell -> Follicle lumen

3) Iodination of Tyrosine Units of Thyroglobulin in follicle lumen

4) Endocytosis of thyroglobulin into epithelial cells

5) Hydrolysis of Thryroglobulin epithelial cells by lysosomal proteases

6) Release of T3 and T4 into circulatory system

T4 vs T3

T4 = prohormone b/c has little metabolic activity

T3 = active form - capable of binding nuclear thyroid hormone receptors

Thyroid releases 10x more T4 than T3

T4 can be converted to T3 - thus additional layer of control of TH signaling


Deiodinases = enzymes that can remove iodine moieties from TH: thus controlling activation and inactivation ot TH within a cell

Type 2 Deiodinase = Activating Deiodinase

-Convertes T4 -> T3 by removing outer ring of iodine

Type 3 Deiodinase = Inactivating Deiodinase

-Converts T4 -> rT3 (reverse T3), which is inactive

-Also converts T3 -> T2 (inactive also)

-does this by removing inner ring of iodine

--Deiodinase activity is controlled in time and tissue specific manners

2 ways to get T3

1) Secreted by thyroid

2) Type 2 deiodinase converting T4 -> T3

How does T3 lead to response in target cell

1) Lipid-Soluble T3 readily enters the cell

2) T3 binds to receptor - on cell nucleus (called thyroid hormone receptor)

3) Receptor sits on promoters of genes sensitive to thyroid hormone, called thyroid hormone responsive elements (TRE) thus causing gene transcription upon binding

4) Gene Products are responsible for multiple actions of thyroid hormone

Functions of Thyroid Hormon


Metabolic activity of whole body

Heat Production

Heart Rate & strength of heart rate

Growth Rate & Bone maturation

Mental Processes

Insufficient TH in perinatal period causes:


Impaired development of skeletal system, CNS, severe mental retardation, short statured, potbellied, coarse facial features, protruding tongue

Regulation Pathway of Thyroid Hormone

1) Hypothalamic Neurons secrete Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) into Portal Vessels

2) TRH travels to AP and stimulates thyrotroph cells to secrete Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) into circulatory system

3) TSH binds to receptor in thyroid and stimulates thyroid to synthesize and secrete Thyroid Hormone - T3 & T4

4) Negative Feedback: TH decreases sensitivity of thyrotrophs to TRH and also decreases release/production of TRH by hypothalamus


Main cause: Grave's Disease - autoimmune disorder involving antibodies to TSH receptor, mimicking TSH

- increased TH production b/c Thyroid max stimulated (by antibodies binding to TSH receptor)---> causing hyperplasia/hypertrophy of thyroid follicular cells (causing goiter)

-TSH levels low (due to negative feedback from high TH)

-symptoms: high metabolic rate, heat intolerant, etc.


Main cause = iodide deficiency

-decreased TH (b/c don't have iodination of thyroglobulin)

-TSH levels high (b/c don't have negative feedback from TH) --> Max stimulation of thyroid (leads to goiter)

Symptoms = low metabolic rate, cold intolerant, etc.

TSH and TH levels in hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism & how both lead to goiter


high TH (b/c antibody binding)

low TSH (b/c negative feedback from TH)

--> goiter results from antibody stimulating thyroid


low TH (b/c not getting iodination of thyroglobulin)

high TSH (b/c no negative feedback from TH)

---> goiter results from high TSH stimulating thyroid

3 organ systems involved in calcium homeostasis (and what they each do)

bone = deposition and absorption of bone

kidney = excretion of calcium

intestine = absorption of calcium

3 hormones involved in calcium homeostasis

Calcitonin = inhibits osteoclasts ---> blood calcium levels fall

Parathyroid Hormone = stimulates bone turnover and decreases Ca2+ exretion by kidne ---> blood calcium levels rise

Calcitriol = promotes absorption of Ca2+ from GI --> blood calcium levels rise


plays role in ca2+ homeostasis

Calcitonin = inhibits osteoclasts ---> shifts balance to osteoblasts (which use Ca2+ from blood to make new bone); thus blood calcium levels fall

*Not a major player in adult human Ca2+ homeostasis

-secreted by thyroid

Parathyroid Hormone

plays role in ca2+ homeostasis

Secreted from Parathyroid Glands (4 small structures on posterior surface of thyroid)

-Ca2+ activates receptors on parathyroid cells which inhibit PTH

---low levels of Ca2+ trigger release of PTH

PTH increases blood calcium levels by:

-Stimulating bone turnover

-decreasing calcium excreted by kidneys

-activating Calcitriol in kindey


plays role in Ca2+ homeostasis

synthesized from Vitamin D (which has 2 sources - diet & synthesis in skin from cholesterol in presence of UV light) in liver and kidney

Final step of conversion to Calcitriol occurs in kidney and is activated by PTH

--> promotes absorption of Ca2+ from GI to raise blood calcium levels


key fuel for body; when we eat our body breaks food down to form glucose


hormone that allows glucose to get into cells and provide the energy they need

how is insulin released & how does it lead to uptake of glucose

-secreted by beta cells of pancreas & travels through body (as does glucose)

-when insulin binds to a cell - activates glucose transporters in cell membranes to pull glucose in

--when glucose is absent, transporters are returned to cytoplasm and glucose uptake is inhibited

Diabetes Mellitus

Group of diseases marked by hyperglycemia (high glucose levels in blood b/c not entering cells) due to defective insulin production, action, or both

Type 1 Diabetes vs Type 2

Type 1 = lack of insulin

Type 2 = lack of insulin responsiveness in target cell

Diabetes results in...

Lack of metabolic fuel:

-can lead to blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and stroke

Treatment of diabetes

Type 1 = insulin injections

Type 2 = also insulin injections, b/c body needs a lot since cells less responsive

Hormones involved in Glucose Homeostasis

Insulin & Glucagon

How does insulin regulate glucose homeostasis

decreases blood glucose levels:

-after eating, glucose levels rise --> insulin is secreted (by beta cells in pancreas) --> stimulates muscle, adipose, liver to take up glucose --> blood glucose levels fall

How does glucagon regulate glucose homeostasis

increases blood glucose levels:

-when fasting, blood glucose levels fall --> glucagon is secreted (by alpha cells in pancreas) --> stimulates liver to convert glycogen to glucose --> blood glucose levels rise

Adrenal Gland

Endocrine gland within a gland - composed of adrenal medulla and adrenal cortex

Adrenal Medulla

Inside portion of adrenal gland:

-under nervous system control (develops from nervous tissue)

-Produces sympathetic hormones: epinephrine and norepinephrine ---> fight or flight hormones

Adrenal Cortex

Outer portion of adrenal gland:

-Under hormonal control

-Produces steroid hormones --> which can be divided into 3 functional groups: the three S's "Salt, Sex, and Sugar"

Hormone Groupings Secreted by Adrenal Cortex


(1) Mineralcorticoids = for salt and water homeostasis; effects on kidneys

--ex: aldosterone: stimulates kidneys to conserve Na+ and excrete K+

(2) Sex Steroids = for sexual behavior and development

--amounts negligible compared to gonads (although testosterone secretion by females here could become critical if something wrong)

(3) Glucocorticoids = regulate glucose levels and also protein and fat metabolism

*main glucocorticoid in human = cortisol = stress hormone

Main glucocorticoid

cortisol = stress hormone released in times of physical or emotional stress;

-triggers non-critical cells to decrease glucose uptake

-immune system reactions are blocked

Production pathway for cortisol

Stressor ---> Hypothalamus secretes Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH) which travels to AP via portal system --> AP secreates Adrenocorticotropic Hormone which travels in blood to adrenal cortex --> Adrenal Cortex secretes Cortisol

-Cortisol acts as negative feedback on AP and hypothalamus

Different pathways in Adrenal Gland

-Corticosteroids from adrenal cortex = respond to long-term stress:

---Hypothalamus (hormone signal) -> AP (hormone signal) -> Adrenal Cortex (corticosteroid)

-Catecholamines from adrenal medulla = short term stress:

---Hypothalamus (nerve impulse) -> Adrenal Medulla (catecholamines)

Production of Sex Steroids occurs in _____ in response to _______ from ______

Occurs in gonads in response to Gonadotropins (LH and FSH) from Anterior Pituitary

How is LH and FSH release controlled

By hypothalamic Gonadotropin Releasing Hrmone (GnRH) - which increases release during puberty

Male Gonads - what they are, and what they secrete


-secrete androgens; with primary androgen geing testosterone

Male Secondary Sex characteristics

Axillary and Public Hair

Deepening of voice

Muscle Growth

Femal Gonads - what they are and what they synthesize


-Synthesize Estrogens and Progesterone

---main estogen = estradiol

Female secondary sex characteristics

Axillary and pubic hair

breat growth

body fat redistribution

inditation of menstrual and ovarian cycles

What determines whether fetus becomes phenotypically male or female?

Sex Hormones:

-Early embryo, gonads undifferentiated

-around 7th week -

---androgens are produced in presence of Y-chromosome -- male reproductive structures form

---if lack androgens --- female reproductive structures form

Goals for studying hormone action

1) Detect, identify, and measure hormone

2) Identify and characterize receptors

3) determine signal transduction pathways in different tissues


Can be used to detect and measure hormones

=techniques that use interactions between antigen (hormone) and an antibody to that antigen; can measure half life of hormone

-create a standard curve: measure radioactivity of different known concentrations (when have known concentration of known labeled, here radioactive hormone).

-Then measure the radioactivity of unknown concentration (again with same amount of known labeled concentration).

-find where on the standard curve unknown concentration falls (in terms of radioactivity) to determine concentration amount

Affinity Chromotography

Allows you to identify receptors and quantify them

-wash a column containing beads with hormone of interest

-hormone binds to bead

-run proteins through column

-proteins with stick to hormone bound to the bead - these are the receptors for that hormone

-one hormone can bind to multiple receptors

-can create drugs to block specific receptors and thus specific responses

What type of Receptors to Epinephrine and Norepinephrine bind to in cells of the body

Adrenergic Receptors

Sexual reproduction

Creation of offspring by fusion of 2 haploid cells (gametes) to form a diploid zygote

gametes that fuse to form zygote

Sperm and egg

Asexual reproduction; description and types

Creation of new individuals without fusion of gametes

3 types:

1) Budding: New individuals form from bodies of older animals (by mitosis)

-genetically identical to parent

2) Regeneration: Fragment of organism forms complete organism (by mitosis)

-genetically identical to parent

3) Parthenogenesis: Development of offspring from unfertilized egg

-progeny is haploid OR diploid

-most of these species also engage in sexual reproduction

-may be identical to parent or not

Pros and cons of sexual and asexual reproduction



-Genetic diversity is created; through which evolution acts

cons =

-less efficient (only 50% of pop produces offspring)

-mating behavior has costs and risks


pros =

-no energy for mating

-don't have to find mate

-preservation of successful phenotype = good in constant environments

cons =

-doesn't result in genetic changes = bad in non-constant environments

How to get genetic diversity

3 Ways:

Gametes produced during meiosis produces genetic diversity 2 ways:

1) Crossing over between homologous chromosomes

2) independent assortment of chromosomes (which homologue goes to which daughter cell is random)

Third way: have different individuals

3) Variation of genetics between any two parents

Steps of Sexual Reproduction

1) Gametogenesis = making gametes

*spermatogenesis and oogenesis

2) Mating = getting gametes together

3) Fertilization = fusing gametes

* sperm (n) + Egg (n) = Zygote (2n)

Which step(s) of sexual reproduction are similar among, and which are different?

Gametogenesis and fertilization = similar

mating = varies widely

Steps in fertilization

1) Sperm and egg recognize each other

2) Activation of sperm

3) Plasma Membranes fuse (of sperm and egg)

4) Egg blocks entry of additional sperm (block polyspermy)

5) Egg is activated metabolically

6) Egg and Sperm nuclei fuse

Layers of egg - for sea urchins and humans

Sea urchins

Outer = Jelly coat

Inner = Vitelline envelope


Outer = Cumulus

Inner = Zona Pellucida

How is fertilization by the wrong species prevented

Lock and Key mechanism

Sperm binds to species specific receptors on inner layer of egg to prevent fertilization by wrong species

In sea urchins: bindin molecules in accrosomal process bind to bindin receptors on egg's vitelline layer

Sperm anatomy (for sea urchins; similar for humans)

Tail = allows it to swim

Numerous Mitochondria = produce ATP so can swim

Nucleus = haploid


Acrosome = membrane enclosed structure on sperm head that contains enzymes and other proteins

Accrosomal Reaction - function

Allows sperm to recognize and pass through protective layers of egg

Accosomal Rxn - steps (in sea urchins)

1) Jelly coat releases substances attracting sperm

2) Contact - sperm makes contact with jelly coat, triggering accrosomal rxn

3) Accrosomal Membrane breaks down, releasing enzymes that digest through jelly coat

4) Growth of Accrosomal Process; polymerization of actin causes it to elongate and form accrosomal process which has bindin molecules = key to lock, bind to bindin receptors on egg's vitelline layerr

5) Formation of Fertilization cone - fusion of plasma membranes of sperm and egg;

6) Fertilization Cone draws sperm in: Entry of Sperm Organelles - contributes sperm nucleus and centriole; mitochondria degrade

What does the sperm contribute to the zygote?

Centriole and sperm nucleus


Fertilization of egg by more than 1 sperm

-don't want more than 2n = too many chromosomes (triploidy, etc.)

Types of Blocks to Polyspermy in Sea Urchins

1) Fast Block = influx of Na+ ions

2) Slow Block = release of Ca2+ and fusion of corticol granules = corticol rxn (caused by releases of corticol granule contents)

Fast Block to Ployspermy in Sea Urchins

-Influx of Na+ ions (after fusion of plasma membranes) --> depolarizes membrane, preventing fusion of other sperm within the membrane

-occurs 1-3 sec after sperm/egg membrane fusion

-lasts for about 1 minute

Slow block to polyspermy in sea urchins

Corticol rxn: Series of changes in outer zone of egg cytoplasm to make egg impenetrable to sperm:

1- Sperm entry triggers release of Ca2+ (stored in endoplasmic reticulum of egg)

2 - causing Corticol Granules to fuse with plasma and release contents

3 - Corticol Granule contents block polyspermy:

-enzymes dissolve bonds between vitelline envelope and plasma membrane

-proteins cause water to rush in - causes swelling and formation of fertilization envelope (as vitelline layer is lifted off); fertilization envelope aids in resisting sperm entry

-enzymes degrade sperm binding receptors as envelope hardens

-enzymes cause envelope to harden

Which coat triggers accrosomal rxn in sea urchins? In humans?

Sea Urchins = Outer Coat (Jelly Coat)

Humans = Inner Coat (Zona Pellucida)


Outer layer of egg

-contains follicle cells in a gelatinous matrix

-sperm just travels through (no accrosomal rxn)

Zona Pellucida

Inner layer of egg

-contains glycoproteins

-triggers accrosomal rxn that digests path through zona pellucida (accrosomal rxn similar to that in sea urchins)

Blocks to polyspermy in Mammals vs in sea urchins

- Don't have fast block

- Still have slow-block

--Sperm binding triggers increase in Ca2+ and cortical reaction

-Don't have fertilization envelope

--But sperm binding molecules ARE destroyed - functions as slow block to polyspermy

fertilization envelope

Envelope that forms in sea urchins after enzymes from corticol granules cause water to rush in and vitelline layer to be lifted

-aids in resisting sperm entry

Diocious Species

Species that have separate male and female members

Monocious (or hermaphroditic species) - description and types

Have a single individual that produces both sperm and egg (still a form of sexual reproduction).

Two types:

1) Simultaneous: Male and Female at the same time

-some species - must mate with another individual

-other species - can self fertilize (still sexual reproduction

2) Sequential: Function as male or female at different times

Advantage of monecious species

If individuals have low probability of finding mate

External Fertilization - description and what it requires

Eggs shed by female and fertilized by male in environment (aka "spawning")

-requires environment where eggs can develop without desiccation or heat stress (usually in water)

Features of external fertilization that ensure fertilization will occur

-Release large numbers of gametes

-release can be synchronized by day length, temperature, etc.

-Sometimes get congregation of potential mates

Internal Fertilization

Release of Sperm into female reproductive tract

-need to keep egg moist & also a place where sperm can swim to egg

-produce fewer zygotes compaired to external fertilization

-provide more parental care of the young

Oviparous vs. Vivipourous Animals

Oviparous = lay eggs that can withstand harsh environments (eggs provide more paternal care than external fertilization would)

Viviparous = retain embryo, which develops in reproductive tract (provides much more parental care)

Complex reproductive systems that have evolved for internal fertilization

Primary Sex Organs = Gonads

Secondary Sex Organs = All additional components of reproductive system, including genitalia (external sex organs)

Copulation = joining of female and male accessory sex organs

Male Primary Sex Organ



Testis + Scrotum

-testis is held externally to body in scrotum

Sperm travel (in males)

remember SEVEN UP:

1) S: Sperm are produced in Seminiferous Tubules of Testis

2) E: Mature and Stored in Epididymis

3) V: Travel through Vas Deferns which goes behind bladder

-seminal vesicle - links up and contributes vital fluids to semen

4) E: joining become Ejaculatory Duct

-sperm passes through Prostate Gland and then Bulbourethral Duct Gland - both of which contribute vital fluids to semen

5) N: nothing

6) U: Ejaculatory duct links up with Urethra - and have common output for urinary and reproductive systems

7) P: Ejaculated through Penis (male copulatory organ)

Components of Semen

1) sperm = less than 5% of semen

2) Fluids and molecules that support sperm + facilitate fertilization --> are secreted by 3 accessory glands (all are paired structures:

(1) Seminal Fluid (seminal vesicles) ~60% of semen

(2) Prostate Fluid (Prostate Glands) ~30% of semen

(3) Alkaline Secretion (Bulbourethral Glands) small volume

Secretions by male sexual accessory glands

1) Seminal Fluid (seminal vesicles): ~60% of semen

-seminal vesicles empties into vas deferens

-contributes fructose - nourishes sperm

2) Prostate Fluid (Prostate Gland): ~30% of semen

-gives fluid alkaline properties - neutralizes acidity in male and female reproductive tracts

3) Alkaline Secretion from Bulbourethral Gland (in addition to that secreted by prostate gland): small volume

-also neutralizes acidity in urethra

-lubrication - facilitating sperm movement during climax

how sexual stimulation leads to sperm delivery (overview)

-Sexual Stimulation produces penile erection - enabling penis to be inserted into vaginaW

What is human penis composed of

Spongy erectile tissue derived from modified veins and capillaries

Steps from Sexual Arousal -> Erection

1) Sexual Arousal -> Arousal triggers stimulation from CNS through ANS which causes (through its release of Nitric Oxide, NO):

2) Artery Dilation -> allows more blood to flow into spongy tissue

3) Veins are compressed as vascular compartments expand -> causing them to not be able to empty as much blood

4) Erectile Tissue becomes engorged with blood -> due to actions of arteries and veins; thus facilitating insertion into vagina

Erectile Dysfunction

Inability to achieve an erection

-Can be treated with drugs that promote vasodialation of the local regulator, Nitric Oxide (NO);

-ex: Viagra

Steps of Semen Expulsion

-After erection begins, semen is expelled through vas deferntia, ejaculatory duct, and urethra:

1) Semen Emission: Rhythmic Contractions of Glands & Ducts move semen into urethra at base of penis

2) Semen Ejaculation: Contractions by muscles at base of penis cause ejaculation: ejaculate = ~2-6ml of semen, with 50-130 million sperm per mL

3) Prostaglandins in semen stimulate Uterine Contractions ---> cause sperm to move up (only later do sperm swim!)

4) Anticoagulants liquify semen to liberate sperm - so can swim

Female primary sex organ

2 ovaries

Egg travel in females

(1) Starts in Ovary

(2) Travels to Oviduct (aka fallopian tube)

(3) Then to muscular Uterus

(4) then base of uterus - the cervix, with small opening

(5) Finally to the vagina

Primary Function(s) of male and female sex organs


(1) Produce and Deliver Sperm


(1) Produce Eggs

(2) Receiving Sperm

Sperm Travel in females

(1) Sperm is deposited into Vagina

(2) Contractions propel sperm through Cervical Opening

(3) Travels through Uterus

(4) Finally ends in Oviduct - where fertilized

How eggs are released and move

Ovaries contain many follicles - all follicles are formed at birth;

Ovulation = release of an egg (from ovaries):

-follicle cell bursts, releasing egg into oviduct - fimbria of oviduct collects egg and makes sure it travels to oviduct and not abdominal cavity

-cilia propel egg towards uterus

-neck of uterus is cervix which opens to vagina


Functional unit of oveary ; One egg cell surrounded by follicle cells


thick muscular organ lined with endometrium and rich in blood vessels

where does gametogenesis occur? (What are gametes called?)

In Gonads:

males = testes (gametes = sperm)

females = ovaries (gametes = ova)

How are gametes produced (broadly for men and women?)

from Germ Cells = present in early development; migrate to gonads when gonads begin to form

Germ cells undergo mitosis to produce stem cells: spermatogenesis and oogenesis --> self-regenerating stem cells that also produce spermocytes and oocytes

Meiosis then produces haploid cells that mature into sperm and ova

Spermatogenesis = what it is and where it occurs

Production of mature sperm cells

Occurs in seminiferous tubules of testis

-spermatagonia is located in periphery of each seminiferous tubule and developing cells move towards lumen

Process of Spermatogonia

(1) Male Germ Cells (2n) = 1

**mitosis -->

(2) Spermatagonium (2n) = 1

**mitosis -->

(3) Primary Spermatocyte (2n) = 1

**first meiotic division -->

(4) Secondary Spermatocyte (n) = 4

**second meiotic division -->

(5) Spermatids (n) = 4

**growth and maturation -->

(6) Spermatozoa (sperm) (n) = 4

What types of cells (from spermatogenesis) are found in embryo?

Male Germ Cells


What types of cells (from spermatogenesis) are found in adults?


Primary Spermatocytes

Secondary Spermatocytes




Production of Mature, unfertilized egg cells

Process of Oogenesis

(1) Female Germ Cell (2n) = 1

**mitosis -->

(2) Oogonium (2n) = 1

**mitosis -->

(3) Primary Oocyte (2n) = 1

**arrested in meiosis prophase I until puberty

**starting at puberty, first meiotic division-->

(4) Secondary Oocyte (n) = 1 + 1 polar body

**arrested until fertilization

**after fertilization, second meiotic division-->

(5) Ootid (n) = 1 + 2nd polar body (and 1st)

**"growth/maturation" -->

(6) Ovum (egg) (n) = 1 (polar bodies degrade)

Why get polar bodies during oogenesis

During meiotic division, cytokinesis is unequal:

-most of cytoplasm goes to one daughter cell

-other cell becomes polar body

Cytoplasmic Bridges in Spermatogenesis

Connect spermatids -->

b/c have 2 X cells and 2 Y cells; Xs have some necessary proteins that Ys are missing; thus need the connection

gametogenesis in males vs femals

(1) Asymmetry during cytokenesis of meiotic divisions of oogenesis:

-get 1 product in oogenesis

-get 4 products in spermatogenesis

(2) Females have all the primary oocytes they'll ever have;

Males sperm cells continue to develop throughout life

(3) Oogenesis has long periods of arrested development

Spermatogenesis is an uninterrupted process

Gonadotropin Relesaing Hormone (GnRH)

Released by hypothalamus = key regulator of LH & FSH in Anterior Pituitary

What controls male sexual function?

-increased production of testosterone beginning at puberty

List the steps of increased production of testosterone beginning at puberty

(1) Increased GnRH produced by hypothalamus, causes

(2) Release of LH and FSH by Anterior Pituitary


**LH stimulates Leydig Cells to increase Testosterone

--> Testosterone leads to increased growth rate and development of secondary sex characteristics

**FSH and testosterone control sertoli cells - which control spermatogenesis

(4) Negative Feedback Loops:

**Sertoli Cells also produce inhibin which exerts negative feedback on Anterior Pituitary

**Testosterone can exert negative feedback on hypothalamus and anterior pituitary

The Linked cycles in females, and what they do

Ovarian Cycle = produces egg and hormones

Menstrual Cycle = prepares endometrium for embryo

Ovarian Cycle - features

-Woman only has so many: born with ~1 million primary oocytes in each ovary, most degenerate, but a woman will go through ~450 ovarian cycles

-At menopause (end of fertility) may only be a few oocytes left --> ovaries lose responsiveness to gonadotropins as well, thus resulting in a decline of estrogen producton

Phases of Ovarian Cycle

(1) Follicular Phase: follicular cells produce estrogen and progesterone

-usually one follicle matures completely - releasing egg midcycle

(2) Luteal Phase: Follicle cells left in ovary develop into endocrine gland = corpus luteum

-CL produces estrogen and progesterone for ~2 weeks

-CL degenerates if no fertilization

Menstrual cycle - features

Prepares environment for fertilized egg

-parallels ovarian cycle

-consists of buildup and breakdown of endometrium:

---endometrium thickens in preparation of embryo (in max state of preparedness for ~9 days)

---if no embryo, sloughing off of endomentrium = menstruation

-human menstrual cycle ~28 days

-human females = receptive to sexual activity throughout their cycles

---unlike most mammals which go into estrus (when receptive; around ovulation)

Basic Pathway for release of Estrogen and Progesterone by Follicles and CL

(1) Hypothalamus secretes GnRH

(2) AP secretes LH and FSH

(3) Ovary - follicles and CL secrete Estrogen and Progesterone

(4) Estrogen and progesterone travel to uterus;

Also provide feedback:

**Estrogen = positive AND negative feedback to hypothalamus and AP

**Progesterone = negative feedback to hypothalamus and AP

hormonal control of Menstrual and Ovarian Cycles

(1) Pre-menstrual: high FSH and high LH


(2) Follicle Growth in ovaries


(3) Increased production of estrogen by maturing oocytes

**causes (positive feedback):

(4) Surge of LH and FSH


(5) Ovulation and development of Corpus Luteum

**leads to

(6) CL secretes Estrogen and Progesterone - so levels rise


(7) Development of endometrium (in preparation for pregnancy)

**eventually, if not pregnant:

(8) Corpus Luteum degenerates


(9) Decrease in Estrogen and Progesterone

**causing (negative feedback):

(10) LH and FSH levels rise --> back to step 1

When can pregnancy occur?

Over a 5-7 day window around ovulation

--ovulation occurs around day 14 of ovarian/menstrual cycle


(1) egg hangs around in oviduct for ~24/48 hours

(2) sperm can live in female reproductive tract for ~ 5-7 days

Fertilization - where occurs, and basics on what is happening (and what is formed)

Sperm must reach egg in upper oviduct in order to fertilize

fertilization stimulates secondary oocyte to complete secondary meiotic division

fertilization results in fusion of haploid sperm and egg nuclei to form diploid zygote

-undergoes cell division and becomes blastocyst

--blastocyst implants in endometrium

Pregnancy Length in humans

266 days/9 months

-3 trimesters

formation of placenta

tissues from growing blastocyst and endometrium develop into placenta

-blood vessels in umbilical cord carry nutrients and oxygen from mother to fetus and carry waste away

---vein = caries in oxygenated blood

---artery = carries blood with waste away

Changes in Ovarian Cycle during pregnancy

Changes in mother cause it to cease:

----> High levels of estrogen and progesterone prevent pituitary from secreting gonadotropins.

Get high levels as such:

-After fertilization and implantation:

--layer of cells covering blastocyst secrete human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

---hCH stimulates CL to produce estrogen and progesterone to prevent menstruation and maintain endometrium

--after CL degenerates (~2nd trimester) -> placenta becomes main producer of estrogen and progesterone

first trimester basics

main period of organogenesis

-heart beats and limbs form

by end of week 8 all major adult structures are present in rudimentary form = now known as a fetus

Period when most susceptible from damage from drugs/chemicals (because fetus is rapidly developing)

Second trimester basics

Limbs elongate - fingers, toes, facial features form

fetal movement is felt by motherT

Third trimester basics

Internal organs mature

Kidneys can now excrete urine

Brain goes through sleep wake cycles

Birth occurs when lungs are mature

Stages of Labor

(1) Dilation of cervix

(2) Expulsion: delivery of infant

(3) Delivery of placenta

Main process that enables childbirth to occur

Strong rhythmic contractions

-triggered by hormonal and mechanical stimuli

Cause of contractions during birth

(1) Increased ratio of estrogen (stimulates contractions) to progesterone (inhibits contractions by increasing activity of oxytocin receptors on uterine wall) by end of 3rd trimester

(2) Fetus pushes more on cervix

(3) Release more oxytocin

(4) Stimulating more contractions

(5) Causing more dilation of cervix (first stage of labor)

Failure proof methods for preventing pregnancy

(1) Abstinence

(2) Surgical Removal of Gonads


Prevent fertilization of implantation


Termination of pregnancy after fertilized egg has implanted. Two types:

Spontaneous Abortions: miscarriage

Medical Intervention

Reproductive technologies

Artificial Insemination: Sperm placed in female reproductive tract

Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Unfertilized eggs are removed from ovary, combined with sperm outside body, and replaced in female (ex IVF)

Why don't have hormonal contraception for men?

Blocks testosterone --> unwanted consequences (decreased sex drive/feminizing)


external sex organs

leydig cells

produce testosterone; in testicles

Sertoli Cells

In testicles; enable spermatogenesis

also produce inhibin (exerts negative feedback on FSH production)


Process in which a multicellular organism undergoes a series of progressive changes that characterizes its life cycle

Stages of development in embryos:

1. Determination = fate of cell is set

2. Differentiation = becoming specialized in structure and function (i.e., actually becoming cell determined to be)

3. Morhpogenesis = organization and spatial distribution of differentiated cells (includes organ development)

4. Growth = increase in body size by cell division and cell enlargement

Cell fate

which type of tissue the cell will eventually become

What influences cell fate determination

differential gene expression and extracellular environment

determination vs differentiation

determination = a commitment

differentiation = actualization of commitment

Cell potency

Potential to differentiate into other cell types (declines with development)

Greatest level of potency cells to least


(1) Totipotent

(2) Pluripotent

(3) Multipotent

(4) Unipotent



Can differentiate into any cell

-early embryo


Can differentiate into most cell types - but can't form new embryo

-late stage embryo


Can differentiate into several related cell types

-Late developmental stages and into adulthood

Hematopoetic Stem Cells - what is and potency

Stem cell that gives rise to other blood cells



Can differentiate into once cell type

-mature organism

Two ways cell fate is determined:

(1) Cytoplasmic Segregation

(2) Induction

Cytoplasmic Segregation

Unequal Cytokinesis -- helps determine cell fate

How does cytoplasmic segregation help determine cell fate

-Determines Polarity - causing Cytoplasmic Determinants to be distributed unequally in egg cytoplasm:

-Cytoplasmic Determinant distribution directs embryonic development

-cytoskeleton contributes to this asymmetrical distribution of determinants:

---microtubules have polarity (grow in + direction only)

---cytoskeletal elements can bind motor protein elements which transport determinants to one side of cell or other


the difference between one end of the organism and the other

-develops early in development

-yolk and other factors are distributed asymmetrically --> get two poles: Animal Pole and Vegetal Pole

Experiments that show that animal and vegetal poles can differ in developmental potential - thus helping determine cell fate

Take 8 cell stage sea urchin embryo - dissect two ways and get different results -->

(A) Let animal and vegetal poles develop separately --> get undeveloped cells on top and abnormal larva on bottom

(B) Dissect L-R so have some of each pole in both sections --> both halves develop into small but normal larvae

cytoplasmic determinants

Can be specific proteins, small regulatory RNAs and mRNAs

Help direct cytoplasmic segregation which determines polarity and cell fate


cells in development embryo influence one another's developmental fate via chemical signals known as inducers and signal transduction mechanisms

How do inducers control activation of genes

through signal transduction cascades:

-most inducers are proteins (or growth factors) so have receptors on cell surface: when bind, goes through signal transduction phase in order to effect cell

-differential gene expression leads to cell differentiation

Pannexin Proteins: are only found in the brain;

In a liver cell, what would you find of Pannexin?

Pannexin Gene

But NOT pannexin mRNA or Pannexin Protein

how do inducers affect transcription?

inducer molecules go mostly to cell closest to it

-concentration of inducer affects degree to which transcritption factor is activated

--if high enough, transcription factor will enter nucleus and stimulate gene expression involved in cell differentiation

What does fusion of sperm and egg plasma membranes accomplish?

-Produces 2n zygote

-Stimulates ion fluxes across egg membrane

-blocks polyspermy

-changes pH of egg cytoplasm (expels H+)

-increases egg metabolism and DNA/Protein Synthesis

-initiates cell division = first steps of development

contributions to zygote from egg and sperm


-haploid nucleus

-cytoplasm = rich in organelles, nutrients, and cytoplasmic determinants

-mitochondria (with DNA)


-haploid nucleus

-centriole -> becomes centrosome, which organizes mitotic spindles for cell division

Hemispheres of Frog Zygote

Vegetal Hemisphere = lower half, where yolk granules (nutrients) are concentrated

Animal Hemisphere = upper half, highly pigmented, contains haploid nucleus

rearrangement of egg cytoplasm in frogs post - summary of what is happening

Sperm entry establishes polarity in zygote

-information molecules are thus not divided evenly among daughter cells

rearrangement of egg cytoplasm in frogs post - detail of process

(1) Sperm Enters in animal hemisphere; causing

(2) Rotation of Outer Cortical Cytoplasm towards site of entry

-causing shift in animal and vegetal poles - start to connect, causing

(3) Gray Crescent forms = band of pigmented cytoplasm opposite sperm entry (becomes future dorsal side of tadpole)

-formation relies on centriole

-important for specifying body axis

-key organizational roles in development embryo

How does cytoplamic rearrangement change distribution of critical developmental signals?

Centriole (from sperm) initiates cytoplasmic reorganization:

(1) Causes microtubules in vegetal hemisphere to form a parallel array to guide movement of cortical cytoplasm ---> formation of gray crescent

(2) As cytoplasm moves, key developmental signals are distributed

-ex: Beta Catenin transciption factor produced by maternal mRNA

Successive Stages following Fertilization

(1) Cleavage = to create multicellular embryo (embryo called blastula)

(2) Gastrulation = to produce 3-layered embryo (embryo called gastrula)

(3) Organogenesis = forming organs


Early cell divisions with NO cell growth

-embryo becomes a solid ball of small cells

Embryo called after blastocoel forms



central fluid-filled cavity that forms in middle of balls of cells during cleavage


cells of blastula

patterns of cleavage depend on

amounts of yolk -- which depends on how much embryo needs nutrients from egg

Types of cleavage




Complete Cleavage

Completely cleaves through zygotes

-in mammals, frogs, sea urchins, etc.

-blastomeres similar in size (except in frogs - vegetal pole has more yolk, so unequal division - daughter cells in animal pole are smaller)

incomplete - discoidal cleavage

Embryo forms a blastodisc on top of yolk; cleavage doesn't penetrate yolk

-occurs in eggs with lots of yolk (birds, fish, etc.)

Incomplete - Superficial Cleavage

Mitosis without cell division

-get many nuclei, known as syncytium: single cell with many nuclei.

-The many nuclei move to periphery and plasma membrane grows inwards around nuclei

-End result = blastoderm

-Occurs in Insects

how do cytoplasmic determinants determine planes of cleavage and arrangement of blastomere

cytoplasmic determinants determine position of mitotic spindles

-orientation of mitotic spindles is important for planes of cleavage and arrangement of blastomeres

types of cleavage based on arrangement of mitotic spindles

(1) Radial Cleavage = mitotic spindles form parallel or perpendicular to animal-vegetal axis

(2) Spiral Cleavage = Mitotic spindles form at oblique angles to animal-vegetal axis

(3) Rotational Cleavage = (in mammals)

-First division: Parallel to A-P axis, yields to blastomeres

-Second division: involves 2 planes at right angles to each other (and to the first plane)

Features of cleavage in mammals

-Complete & Rotational

-Slow & Asynchronous

-Transcriptional changes play role (b/c so slow)

Features of Cell division during cleavage in mammals

-Early Divisions = loosely associated ball of cells

-8 cell stage = blastomeres change shape and maximize contact with one another to form tight ball (no blastocoel)

-32 cell stage = cells separate into 2 groups:

*inner cell mass = becomes embryo

*Trohpoblast = Sac that forms from outer cells; helps to make blastocoel by secreting fluid

-After 32 stage, embryo is calld a BLASTOCYST (not a blastula)

Where do fertilization and cleavage occur?

Fertilization = in oviduct

Cleavage = as zygote travels down oviduct to uterus

when does human zygote hatch out of zona pellucida

when reaches Uterus

What prevents early implantation of the egg?

Zona Pellucida

When does implantation of the egg occur?

When troophoblast adheres to endometrium in a specific uterine section (and is aided by adhesion molecules and enzymes)

-anywhere else leads to ectopic pregnancy

---trophoblast wants to make contact with maternal blood, so can lead to hemorrhaging

Fate Maps

Produced by labeling blastomeres to identify the tissues and organs they generate

Mosaic Development vs. Regulative Development - what decides the type

Depends on when become "determined"

-Mosaic development = early determination - each blastomere contributes certain aspects to adult mammal

*remove 1 blastomere and portion of embryo won't form

-Regulative Development = late determination = other cells will compensate for any lost cells

Key concept behind why twins form

Regulative development --- if blastomeres separate into 2 groups, each can become an embryo

Twin Types

Monozygotic = identical twins from same zygote

-depending on when blastomeres split, can have own or shared placenta

Non-Identical Twins = 2 eggs fertilized by 2 sperm

Conjoined = inner cell mass starts to split but doesn't split all the way

Parasitic Twins = inner cell mass starts splitting but doesn't split all the way

-one side develops normally, other side doesn't and is absorbed by normal side

Potency and Monozygotic Twins

Shared Placenta = broke off when pluripotent

Two placenta = broke off when totipotent


massive movements of cells transform blastula into an embryo with 3 tissue layers and distinct body axes

Germ Layers

(1) Endoerm = innermost layer

-becomes lining of 2 tubules - respiratory and digestive

-also becomes out growth of tubes - pancreas, thyroid, liver, and lungs

(2) Ectoderm = outermost layer

-nervous system, eyes, ears, and skin

(3) Mesoderm = middle layer

-contributes to tissue in many organs: heart, blood vessels, muscle, and bone

What does gastrulation begin with?

Changes in shapes of blastomere and slowing of mitosis

Types of cell movement during gastrulation

(1) Invagination = infolding of sheet of cells into embryo

(2) Involution = cells rolling over the edge of a lip into interior

(3) Epiboly = cells moving over surface of embryo towards site of involution

At end of gastrulation -

-embryo has 3 germ layers

-dorsal-ventral and Anterior-Posterior organization

-fates of specific regions have been determined

Gastrulation in sea urchins - steps

(1) Vegetal Hemisphere flattens as cells change shape

(2) Vegetal pole cells migrate into cavity and become primary mesenchyme (cell layers of mesoderm)

(3) Vegetal pole invaginates - cells form archenteron which is pulled inward by secondary mesenchyme which have filapodia that attach to ectoderm

(4) Finally, make contact with archeneron + ectodermal cells on top. Opening = blastopore and becomes anus

(other end, end of contact, eventually pinches off to form mouth)


Primative Gut


On Secendary mesenchyme of sea urchin; during gastrulation attach archenteron and ectodermal cells on top

Gastrulation in the frog - steps

(1) Bottle Cells form in gray crescent area and elongate and move to form dorsal lip of blastopore

(2) Cells start moving over lip and involute into the interior - to form mesoderm and endoderm layers

(3) Blastopore Lip surrounds a "pug" of yolk rich cells; another set of bottle cells form and involution causes archenteron & destroys bloastocoel

Hans Spemann Experiments - result

Reveals how determination occurs

Hans Spemann Experiments - details of each

Experiment 1: Bisected salamander two ways with different results

(1) bisected gray crescent -> two normal larvae produced

(2) Gray crescent on one side only -> normal developed on side of gray crescent, belly piece developed on other side

----> Conclusion: cytoplasmic factors, such as those in gray crescent, are necessary for normal development

Experiment 2: Transplant (of what should be neural ectoderm to where epidermis should form) in salamander eggs at different stages:

(1) early gastrula -> epidermis did form

(2) late gastrula -> second neural plate formed instead

--> Conclusion: cell fate is determined during gastrulation

Experiment 3: Placed part of dorsal lip in area that should make epidermis

-had second site of gastrulation -> got 2 salamanders

--> conclusion: since blastopore dorsal lip could induce host tissue to form an entire embryo, called the dorsal lip the primary embryonic organizer

Primary embryonic organizer in frogs

Dorsal Lip

How does the dorsal lip in frogs result in body organization?

Involutes during gastrulation - thus guiding formation of head, trunk, etc.:

-produces specific growth factor antagonists at different times to achieve different patterns of differentiation on A-P axis

---by interacting with growth factors in adjacent cells (inhibiting or activating), since involuting, changing adjacent cells

Gastrulation in Reptiles and Birds (and basically mammals) - Steps

(1) Start with blastodisc: flat disc of cells on top of the yolk

--arranged in two layers: hypoblast (lower, will contribute to extraembryonic membrane) and epiblast (upper, will become embryo)

(2) Epiplast cells move towards midline, forming ridge - known as primative streak - continue moving until streak fully formed in midline

Primative Streak - features

Primative Groove = in middle, where cells migrate through to become endoderm and mesoder

-functions as blastopore

Hensen's Node = most anterior of streak, primary organizer

-equivalent to dorsal lip in amphibians

-in reptiles, birds, mammals

Inner cell mass in mammals

Two layers:

hypoblast = lower layer - contributes to extraembryonic membranes that surround embryo and helps form placenta

epiblast = upper layer - forms embryo

-upper layer forms amnion - surrounds embryo and is filled with amniotic fluid

What helps determine left right symmetry in mammals?

Cilia at top of Primative Groove which beat to create asymmetrical flow of extracellular fluid

features of gastrulation in placental mammals

-Very similar to with reptiles

-Have inner cell mass with the two layers (hypoblast and epiblast)

-have a primative groove

-have Hensen's Node = primary organizer


Organ and Organ Systems form - cells from different germ layers participate in formation of single organ


one part of organogenesis (occurs early in organogenesis): initiation of the nervous system


mesoderm closest to midline; prodces notochord

-has organizer functions and induces overlying ectoderm to form nervous system


= rod of mesoderm that provides support for embryo (not present in adults, is replaced by vertebral columns in ectoderm)

-produced by chordamesoderm

Steps in neurulation

(1) Chordamesoderm produces Notochord

(2) Ectoderm lying over notochord thickens to form Neural Plate

(3) Edges of Neural plate fold and a deep groove forms

(4) Folds fuse - forming Neural Tub and layer of epidermal ectoderm

(5) Neural Crest Cells dissociate from neural tube and migrate outward; leading development of connections between CNS and rest of body

Failure of neural tube to form

At Anterior End = Brain

-Anencephaly (no forebrain develops)

Rest = spinal cord

At Posterior End

-Spina Bifida

when does body segmentation occur

during neurulation


body segments; form from mesoderm on either side of neural tube

-produce cells that become vertebrae, ribs, muscles, limbs, and lower skin layer

-guide neural crest cells in peripheral nerve development

homeotic genes

genes that control body segmentation

-all have a DNA sequence called the homeobox which encodes the homeodomain responsible for DNA binding

Hox Genes

Homeotic Genes for vertebrates -> control differentiation along A-P axis

-are expressed along A-P axis of embryo in same order as their arrangement between the 3' and 5' ends of the gene complex on the chromosome

-different segments of embryo receive different combinations of gene products

Positional Information

Molecular cues that control pattern formation


inducer that provides positional information

Ex of a morphogen

Morphogen Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) - produced by Zone of Polarizing Activity;

-makes an Shh gradient that determines A-P axis

---cells exposed to a higher dose of Shh (closest to ZPA) = little finger forms

---cells exposed to lower dose of Shh (further from ZPA) = thumb forms

(hox genes also play role in this)

how dorsal-ventral information is obtained

genes provide d-v information:

-tissues in each body segment different based on dorsal-ventral position

functions of morphogenesis

-cell differentiation

-cell division

-ALSO Apoptosis

potency of a zygote; what occurs during development

Totipotent -> as development proceeds, cells become determined and lose their totipotency

**but, most differtentiated cells still contain the entire genome and still have the genetic capacity for totipotency

Example of Nuclear Transfer

Animal Cloning:

Dolly the sheep -

(1) Take udder cell (somatic differentiated cell) and remove nucleus --> becomes donor nucleus

(2) take an egg from a different sheep and also remove the nucleus --> becomes host sheep

(3) Take donor nucleus and place in egg from host sheep and then place the egg back into the host sheep

--> Clone develops in host

-no genetic information is lost as cell passes through developmental stages

-cytoplasmic environment can modify cell fate

Stem Cells

Rapidly dividing undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into several cell types

Stem Cells in adults - potency


Stem cells in embryonic blastocyst

Embryonic Stem Cells = pluripotent

-can be harvested from human embryos

Problems with embryonic Stem Cells

(1) Ethical issues

(2) Could have immune response - rejection

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS Cells)

Made from differentiated cell in vitro by the addition of several genes essential for undifferentiated state

heterotrophs vs autotrophs

heterotrophs = derive nutrition from eating other organisms

autotrophs = use solar or inorganic chemical enrgy to synthesize its own organic molecules

all animals are heterotrophs, but all get nutrition (either directly or indirectly) from autotrophs

Diet supplies what 3 nutritional needs

(1) Chemical Energy for cellular processes

-fuel that allows cellular processes to work

(2) Organic Raw Materials used for Biosynthesis

-come in form of carbon skeletons, which can be used by body to make most molecules in body

(3) Essential Nutrients

-raw materials from carbon skeletons aren't enough to make all molecules we need, so need to get some materials pre-assembled = essential nutrients

Food energy conversion to biological work

Follows first law of thermodynamics (energy can't be destroyed or created, must be converted)

-mammals balance energy in (fat, protein, and carbohydrates) with energy out (metabolic processes and exercise)

All energy needs are met by _____. Explain

Food. Breakdown organic molecules to release energy to perform biological work


unit for energy in nutrition

1 kcal - 1,000 calories = 1 Calorie (Cal)

1 cal = amount of heat needed to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius

components of food are broken into ______________. How much energy each provide

Protein: 4.1 Cal/gram

Carbs: 4.2 Cal/gram

Fats: 9.5 Cal/gram <--- most energy per gram!

Basal Energy Requirement - definition; amount for human adult male and female

Amount of energy to just perform basic activities to live

Male = 1600-1800 Cal/day

Female = 1300-1500 Cal/day

How is food stored:

Carbohydrates --->

-stored in liver and muscle as glycogen

-meets about 1 day's energy reserves

Fats ---->

-stored with little associated water, more compact (ex: in adipose tissue)

-most important form of stored energy (b/c more energy per gram)

Proteins --->

-NOT used for storage but can be metabolized as last resort

Chronic Deficit of Calories leads to...

Starvation: metabolism of body's own molecules begins:

- first, glycogen and fat are broken down

-finally proteins are metabolized:

---muscles decrease - start to lose kidney function

---eventually results in death - loss of heart, liver, or kidney function

Chronic Excess of Calories leads to...

Obesity: Excess stored as increased body mass

-first, glycogen stores build

-then excess carbs, fats, and proteins are converted to body fat (first, subcutaneous fat under skin, then body fat goes to ectopic ares such as liver

-can lead to increased health risks:

---type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers

---reduced life expectancy

Measure obesity

Using BMI =

Weight (kg) / Height (m^2)

Normal = 18.5 - 24.9

Overweight = 26-29

Obese = 30-40

Morbidly Obese = 40+

Carbon Skeletons

building blocks for larger organic molecules

animals require organic molecules to supply them.

Example of a carbon skeleton

Acetyl Group --- is used to build more complex groups

-must obtain acetyl group from food

In addition to an organic source of carbon skeletons, also need a source of organic ______, usually from _____


usually in amino acids from digestion of proteins

Essential Nutrients = Molecules that ______

must be obtained in pre-assembled form

What are the classes of essential nutrients that food must supply

(1) Essential Amino Acids

(2) Essential Fatty Acids

(3) Minerals

(4) Vitamins

How many amino acids do animals require?

20; but different animals can synthesize different amino acids

Essential Amino Acids

Amino Acids that a particular animal cannot synthesize

How many essential amino acids must human adults obtain from food


What type(s) of food will give humans all 8 essential amino acids at once

Animal Proteins

Complementary Diet

Of Plant foods; eating food together that supply all 8 essential amino acids

-since most plant proteins are incomplete (and must get all 8 around the same time

-ex: grains and legumes

Essential Fatty Acids

Certain unsaturated fatty acids that animals can't synthesize (have difficulty making double bonds in some fatty acids)

Example of an essential fatty acid

Linoleic Acid = helps synthesize other unsaturated fatty acids, including signaling molecules and membrane phospholipids


the inorganic required nutrients

Macronutrients and micronutrients

types of minerals; examples

Macronutrients = mineral elements required in large amounts (ex: Ca2+ b/c of high turnover)

Micronutrients = mineral elements required in small amounts (ex: Iron, Iodide)


carbon compounds required for growth and metabolism that cannot be synthesized;

(most function as coenzymes or parts of coenzymes)

How many vitamins do humans require


Two types of Vitamins

Water soluble - including B and C

-excreted in urine if there's excess

Fat Soluble - AEDK

-can accumulate to toxic levels in body fat and liver

Vitamin D - hormone or vitamin?


Starts as prohormone Califerol

-if don't get enough skin exposure, body can't synthesize it from skin so need it (thus a vitamin)

Nutrient Deficiencies can lead to _____; chronic ____ can lead to _____


Chronic Malnutrition can lead to deficiency diseases

Deficiency Diseases:



Scurvy (lack Vit D) = bleed easily, poor wound healing

Beriberi (lack Vit B1) = extreme weakness

Hypothyroidism (lack Iodine)

Pernicious Anemia (lack Vit B 12)

Classifications of animals based on diet

Herbivores = prey on plants

Carnivores = prey on animals

Omnivores = prey on plants and animals

Type of teeth an animal has is called _____ and it reflects ____

Dentition, diet

Tooth layers

Enamel = composed of calcium phosphate, covers crown

Dentine = bony material in crown and root

Pulp Cavity = contains blood vessels, nerves, and dentine producing cells

Dentiton by animal type

Herbivores =

-large molars and premolars (to grind)

-modified incisors and canine (for biting off pieces)

Carnivores =

-enlarged canine teeth (killing prey and ripping flesh)

Omnivores =

-multipurpose set of teeth

GI Tract also called

Alimentary canal

Functions of GI System

Motility = moving food mouth -> anus

Digestion = mechanical (fragmenting food) and chemical

Secretion = of enzymes to break down food

Absorption = to get food/nutrients into body

When is food truly "inside" your body

Only after absorption

what breaks down macromolecules in GI system (i.e., chemical digestion)

hydrolytic enzymes which cleave bonds by hydrolysis

Hydrolytic enzymes which cleave bonds by hydrolysis (i.e., chemical digestion) - enzyme name and bonds broken

Proteases: Break bonds between adjacent amino acids and proteins

Carbohydrates: hydrolyze carbohydrates

Peptidases: hydrolyze small peptides

Lipases: hydrolyze fats to get fatty acids and glucose

Nucleases: hydrolyze nucleic acids to get component nucleotides

What prevent GI Tract (enzymes) from destroying itself?

1) Zymogens: digestive enzymes are produced in inactive form, known as zymogens

-must be activated by another enzyme within GI tract lumen

-can't act on cells that produce it

2) Mucus: cells lining gut are protected from enzymes by mucus

Key Aspects of Human GI Tract (Organs Beginning to End)

1) Oral Cavity: Tongue, mouth, teeth

2) Esophagus

3) Stomach

4) Small Intestine:




5) Large Intestine/Colon:

-Ascending Colon

-Transverse Colon

-Descending Colon

6) Rectum

7) Anus

Tissue layers of the gut

Lumen = gut cavity

-inner layer, exposed to outside

Mucosa = lines gut cavity

-layer of epithelial cells

-may secrete mucus, digestive enzymes, or hormones (depending on location

-may aid in digestion

Submucosa = Layer right under mucosa

-contains blood and lymph vessels and nerves

2 Layers of Smooth Muscle:

Circular Muscle

Longitudinal Muscle

what initiates swallowing

Food is chewed and tongue pushes bolus to soft palate

swallowing: propels food through ____ into ____

through Pharynx

into Esophagus

enteric nervous system

nerve nets in submucosa and between smooth muscle (in GI Tract)

-only forms synapses with other nerves in network

-like a second brain - mostly autonomous (although CNS can influence ststem small amount)

-responsible for communication within GI Tract

what allows food to enter the esophagus

upper esophageal sphincter


waves of muscle contractions in esophagus that move food towards stomac

what type of muscle is the esophagus

Skeletal in upper esophagus (voluntary aspects of swallowing)

Rest is smooth - involuntary

How are muscles coordinated in esophagus?

by Enteric Nervous System:

-circulatory muscles contract and then longitudinal muscles contract then circulatory muscles contract again to force food forward; followed by waves of relaxation

-as food moves resulting stretch causes next region to contract

_________ prevents food from moving backward into esophagus. _________ cause this to relax

Lower esophageal sphincter = ring of circular smooth muscle

-waves of peristalsis cause it to relax

how does food move in stomach and small intestines?

Not as coordinated as in Esophagus

-segmentation movements: segments of gut periodically contract but DON'T generate a wave of contraction that moves in one direction ---> allows food to move back and forth and mix with digestive juices

-although do have some peristalsis to keep food moving down

where does chemical digestion begin; how?

in the mouth: salivary glands secrete amylase that breaks down carbohydrates

How does chemical digestion occur in stomach?

Gastric Pits: in stomach, have 3 types of secretory cells (which aid in digestion)-

1) Chief Cells

2) Parietal Cells

3) Epithelial cells that secrete mucus, which protects tissues from the acids and enzymes (against self-digestion)

Chief Cells

In Gastric Pit of stomach

-secrete Pepsinogen = zymogen of the protease pepsin (which begins protein digested when activated)

Pepsin: Purpose, and activation

Begins protein digestion

-Low pH in stomach converts inactive pepsinogen to pepsin

-pepsin activates other pepsinogen molecules through autoacatalysis (positive feedback)

Parietal cells

Secrete HCL which keeps pH ~2 by maintaining H+ concentration difference

How do Parietal cells maintain H+ concentration differences?

--In the cell: Carbonic Anhydrase catalyzes formation of carbonic acid which dissociates into H+ and bicarbonate

*an antiporter activaley transports bicarbonate out of cell into blood cell and Cl- into parietal cell from blood cell

*another antiporter actively transports H+ into lumen (from Parietal cell) in exchange for K+ ions

--K+ will leak out of cell (down gradient) into lumen, causing it to keep being pumped out - causing H+ to continually return to lumen

--Cl- will additionally leak out into lumen from parietal cell - thus allowing HCl in lumen

----> thus the low pH (which helps activate pepsinogen, and also helps denature proteins)


Mixture of gastric juices and partly digested food in the stomach

how does chyme move through stomach

stomach walls contract to move chyme to bottom of stomach

Pyloric Sphincter

Allows small amounts of chyme to enter the small intestine at a time

Main function of liver

synthesizes bile salts (from cholesterol) and secretes them as bile which flows through hepatic duct to duodenum


Site of bile storage

How is the gallbladder stimulated to release bile

-Fats enter duodenum and signal epithelial cells to release the hormone Cholecystokinin (CKK)

-CKK stimulates walls of gallbladder to contract rhythmically and squeeze bile into duodenum

How do Bile Salts emulsify fats in chyme

-Have 1 lipophilic end and one hydrophilic end

--Lipophilic ends merge with fat droplets to keep them from sticking together, thus breaking them down into micelles

-this increases the surface area exposed to lipases (which digest fat); and also makes the outside hydrophilic

Pancreas main (exocrine) functions:

function as both exocrine function and endocrine gland

-Exocrine functions = secrete digestive enzymes to duodenum via pancreatic duct

What are some of the main exocrine enzymes secreted by pancreas

Tripsinogen = protease zymogen

-activated in duodenum by enterokinase to produce trypsin protease (which activates other zymogens)

Bicarbonate = neutralizes chyme in intestine (b/c other proteases work better and more neutral pHs)

where do you finally get monomers in GI Tract

small intestine

Where does most chemical digestion occur in the GI tract

Small intestine; particularly the duodenum

Parts of the small intestine; main functions

Duodenum = most digestion occurs here

Jejunum and ileum = carry out most absorption

How digestion occurs in the small intestine

epithelial cells secrete various enzymes which cleave peptides, disaccharides, and lipids :

larger molecules --> monomers (which are then absorbed)

Two prime functions of small intestine

digestion and absorption

anatomical features of small intestine that aid in digestion

Increased Surface Area

-has many folds with finger like projections, villi

-villi have smaller projections: microvilli which give intestine enormous surface area for absorbing nutrients

How does absorption occur in small intestine (of everything except fat: nucleic acids, proteins, and carbohydrates)?

(1) Nutrients are transported across epithelial cells - actively or passively.

(2) From epithelial cells, move into the intestinal capillaries:

(3) Capillaries/Veins -> Hepatic Portal Vein carries nutrient-rich blood to liver

(4) from liver, blood travels to heart, etc.

How are nutrients (excluding fat) absorbed by small intestines?

Either actively or passively:


-Facilitated Diffusion --> ex: fructose (moves down concentration gradient)

-Osmosis ---> ex: water

-Active Transport ---> ex: inorganic molecules

-Co-Transport ---> Symporters combine transport of nutrient molecules with Na+

How are fats/lipids absorbed in small intestine?

(1) Bile Salts emulsify fats into Micelles in the small intestine

(2) Lipases work on micelles - convert to Fatty Acids and Monoglycerides (lipid soluble)

(3) FA and Monoglycerides pass through microvilli membranes (b/c lipid soluble)

(4) In cell, FA and monoglycerides are reformed into Chylomicrons = TG and cholesterol coated with proteins (water soluble)

(5) Chylomicrons pass into lacteals = vessels of lymph system

(6) Lymph eventually drains from lymphatic system into large veins which return blood to the heart

Main function of large intestine

Absorbs (most) water and ions, and produces feces


semi-solid mass of waste products

too much or too little water absorption by large intestine causes

too much = constipation

too little = diarrhea

how is feces eliminated?

Through anus, which consists of 2 sphincters:

internal sphincter = under involuntary control

external sphincter = under voluntary control

Explain mutualistic adaptations in GI Tract

Microbiome provide nutritional benefits to humans:

-intestinal bacteria produce vitamins, such as Vitamin K and Biotin

-more microorganisms as move down GI Tract (most in colon)

What enables herbivores to digest cellulose

Bacteria in cattle rumens produce cellulase which allows cows to digest celluse


microbial fermentation chamber of herbivores

3 hormones that aid in digestion



Cholecystokinin (CKK)

How does gastrin aid in digestion

-negative feedback loop

-Released from stomach

-Stimulates stomach movements (increasing release of chyme) and secretion of (acidic) digestive juices ---> Stimulates secretion of HCl and Pepsin

*Low pH inhibits Gastrin release

How does Secretin aid in digestion

-negative feedback loop

-Released from duodenum due to acidity of chyme (chyme release wasdue to gastrin - if acidic, Secretin is released)

-causes pancreas to secrete bicarbonate (neutralizing chyme)

*Slows down stomach movements, causing decrease in chyme release

How does Cholecystokinin (CCK) aid in digestion

*negative feedback loop

-Released by duodenum epithelial cells when fat in chyme (chyme release was due to gastrin; if fat in it, CCK is released)

-Causes gallbladder to contract and release bile (also causes pancreas to release digestive enzymes

*Slows stomach movements, causing decrease in chyme release

How does the liver convert and store nutrients?

Gluconeogenesis: converts amino acids and other molecules into glucose

Glycogenolysis: breaks down glycogen into glucose

Also, controls fat metabolism by production of lipoproteins




= Core of hydrophobic fat and cholesterol with covering of hydrophilic proteins

-Can be transported in blood (a way of transporting fat); ex: chylomicrons


High-Density Lipoproteins (HDLs) = "the good"

-high ratio of protein to lipid

-removes cholesterol from tissues and carries it to liver

Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDLs) = "the bad"

-Transport cholesterol in the body

Very-Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDLs) = "the ugly"

-Transport triglycerides to fat cells

What causes glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis? Which occurs first?

When blood glucose levels fall, insulin release decreases, and thus glucose uptake by cells also decrease

-Glucagon release by pancreas causes glycogenolysis (short term fasting) and gluconeogenesis (long term fasting)

How do glucose levels effect nutrient storage - during absorptive period

-Blood glucose levels increase --> pancreas stimulated to produce insulin

-insulin release promotes uptake and utilization of glucose for metabolic activities and for synthesis of glycogen and fat

How do glucose levels affect nutrient storage - during post-absorptive period?

-Blood glucose levels fall, insulin release decreases, and thus glucose uptake by cells also decrease

-Glucagon release by pancreas causes glycogenolysis (short term fasting) and gluconeogenesis (long term fasting)

-Most cells switch to fatty acids for fuel

What is the arcuate nuclues and what does it do?

Part of hypothalamus - integrates feedback signals regulating food intake:

-hormones that activate neurons in it inhibit feeding:

-Leptin = released by fat cells in proportion to how much lipid they contain


-hormons that inhibit neurons activate feeding:

-Ghrelin = released by stomach when empty

Ob and Db genes in mice

Ob = code for protein leptin

Db = code for leptin receptors

-If have ob or db (recessive), will have loss of function of the Gene = weight gain

What % water are humans? Where is that water?


2/3 is intracellular

1/3 is in extracellular fluids:

~20% in plasma

~80% in interstitial fluid

Why must we maintain water at certain levels in ECF?

Solute concentration in ECF determines water balance in the cells

-ECF ionic composition influences cell-function

-important for nitrogenous waste elimination


Management of Body's water content and solute compostion


Moles of Osmotically active solute per liter of solution

= (Molarity) X (#particles in solute that dissolve)

2 solns of same osmolarity


2 solns at different osmolarity:

-one at lower = ____

-one at higher = ____

Lower = hypoosmotic

Higher = hyperosmotic

Osmolarity is a type of ______


Water flows from ___ osmotic solns to _____.

From Low to High

Water transport is ALWAYS _____


What are the two factors that cause water movement (which way does water move with both)?

(1) Osmolarity Differences (OSMOSIS)

-from hypoosmotic -> hyperosmotic (up gradient)

(2) Pressure Diferences (FILTRATION)

-from high pressure -> low pressure (down gradient)

Two types of organisms in terms of balancing water balance - Types, features, Pros and cons

Osmoconformers = isoosmotic with environment

-don't actively adjust internal osmolarity

-most stay in pretty constant environments

Osmoregulators = control internal osmolarity independent of environment (either hypoosmotic or hyperosmotic regulation)

-can live in environments that would be uninhabitable for osmoconformers (ex: all terrestrial, fresh water)

-BUT must control internal osmolarity which is energetically costly

Most Vertebrates are regulate _____ and ______

Osmolarity AND ion concentration

Ion Regulators

Selective in the ions conserved vs ions excreted

Why must nitrogenous waste by eliminated? What is nitrogenous waste?

-Breakdown of proteins and nucleic acids lead to nitrogenous products - most commonly NH3.

-Must eliminate to maintain health; also important for effect on osmoregulation

-Most wastes are dissolved in water to eliminate (except CO2)

-must be continuously excreted (NH3 very toxic), but water soluble so will also lose water, or converted

3 Ways Animals excrete Nitrogen

(1) Excrete Ammonia = ammonotelic Animals

(2) Convert ammonia to Urea to excrete = Ureotolic Animals

(3) Covert Ammonia to Uric Acid to excrete = Aricotelic Animals

Features of Ammonia and ammonotelic animals

-animals = aquatic animals and most bony fish


-ammonia is Water Soluble

-excreted via diffusion across gills (usually passive)

-low energetic cost of excretion

Features of Urea and Uretolic animals

-animals = mammals, most amphibians, cartilaginous fishes

-urea is water soluble (important for placenta - can pass through)

-converted from NH3 to Urea (through CO2)

-Relatively Non-Toxic

-High Energetic cost of excretion

Features of Uretelic Acid and Uricotelic Animals

-Animals = birds, insects, and reptiles

-Convert NH3 to Uric Acid

-Relatively Non-toxic

-insoluble in water (important so doesn't expose embryo in egg)

-excreted as semi-solid with little water loss

-high energetic cost

humans mostly excrete nitrogenous waste as ____ but also secrete ____ (too much of which can lead to gout) and ______

Mostly = urea

Also (too much of can lead to gout) = uric acid

And = ammonia

Excretatory System

The organs that control volume, concentration, and composition of the ECF and secrete wastes


Output of excretatory systm; fluid containing nitrogenous wastes

3 Key processes in urine formation

(1) Filtration = using pressure differences to separate the majority of wastes

(2) Secretion = process of removing more waste

(3) Reabsorption = reabsorbing waste into blood that is not to be remoed

What are the two main mechanisms of excretatory systems

(1) Body Fluid is collected

-through filtration through semipermeable membrane (excludes cells and large molecules)

-pressure forces water and small solutes into excretatory systems

-fluid collected = filtrate (once in excretatory tube)

(2) Composition of body fluid is adjusted

-active transport to reabsorb valuable solutes

-non-essential solutes and wastes are secreted

How do circulatory systems play a role in excretatory systems

Filtration is driven by pressure differences - if don't have a circulatory system (or it is open), must approach filtration differently (or not at all

Describe Protnephrida Excretatatory features

(and features of an organism that has it)

Ex: Flat worm = no circulatory system;

-Network of tubules:

*Tubule has a flame cell with a tuft of cilia

(1) Cilia of Flame cell beat inside tubule, leading to negative pressure in tubule

(2) Causing fluid to move in between tubule cells

---In end -> Filtrate is less concentrated than ECF, and exits through pores (thus conserve salts and excrete water)

Describe features of Metanephridia excretatory system (and features of an organism that has it)

Ex: Annelids (Earthworms), with closed circulatory system

Ciliated Nephrostome -> tubule -> nephridiope (open to outside)

(1) High pressure inside circulatory system filters blood into coelom (Coleomic/Body Cavity)

(2) Cilia on Nephrostomes guide coelomic fluid into Tubules

(3) In tubules, have active Reabsorption and Secretion into the filtrate

-> In end, have dilute urine (usually in a moist environment)

Describe features of Malphigian Tubules (and features of an organism that has it)

Ex: Insects, open circulatory system


Blind ended tubules open to gut

(1) Tubules use active transport to transport uric acid, K+ and Na+ into tubules and water out

(2) Waste travels to gut; in hindgut, Na+ and K+ are actively reabsorbed into hemolymph cavity (water follows osmotically)

(3) Uric Acid forms colloidal suspension and eliminates waste (with little water)

***in end, have concentrated urine (with little water)

three examples of invertebrate excretatory systems



Malphigian Tubules

key features of the nephron

Glomerulus = ball of capillaries, site of blood filtration, makes direct contact with:

Bowman's Capsule = first part of tubule

Renal Tubule = filtrate passes through here, cells modify filtrate by reabsorption and secretion of solutes

Afferent Arteriole = blood enters glomerulus from here

Efferent Areteriole = blood leaves gloerulus from here

Peritubular Capillaries = transport substances to and from renal tubes

bowman's capsule

encloses glomerulus

site of blood filtration

cells of Bowman's capsule

Podocytes = in direct with glomerular capillaries

Pressure drives water and small solutes out of _______ and into _______

Out of glomerular capillaries and into Bowman's Capsule

Why is there a high filtration rate between Bowman's capsule and glomerular capillaries

1) High capillary blood pressure

2) High permeability of glomerular capillaries and podyctes

Travel of filtrate (by large organ)

Kidney ---> Ureters (collected here) ----> Urinary Bladder ----> Urethra (expels filtrate)

How does urethra expel filtrate

Have 2 sphincters at base of urinary bladder

Smooth muscle sphincter ---> involuntary control

Skeletal Muscle Sphincter ---> voluntary control

Key analogy of Kidney

Outer Cortex

Inner Medulla -> broken into renal pyramids

Renal Pyramids: collecting duct nephrons go through, collect filtrate into pelvis

Pelvis: funnel shape extension of ureter; collects filtrate

Renal Artery = bring blood supply

Renal Vein = after filtration, blood leaves

Tubule Sections of Nephron starting at glomerulus

1) Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT)

2) Loop of Henle: 3 segments:

----1-Thin Descending Limb

----2-Thin Ascending Limb

----3-Thick Ascending Limb

3) Distal Convoluted Tubule

4) Collecting duct

(eventually leads to pelvis and ureter)

Peritubular capillaries

Surround proximal and distal convoluted tubule

Vasa recta

Network of peritubular capillaries parallel to the loops of Henle and Collecting Duct

-drain off into venule, then vein to renal vein and back to systemic circut

Proximal Convoluted Tubule:

-main function

Site of most reabsorption of water and solutes

-Active transport of Na+, glucose, and Amino Acids out of Tubules, and water follows osmotically -> taken up by peritubular capillaries and back to rest of body



-Many microvilli --> increase surface area

-Many mitochondria --> important for Active Transport

Importance of Loop of Henle

Concentrates urine (due to countercurrent multiplier) -> due to tubular fluid flowing in opposite directions in ascending and descending limbs, which leads to creation of solute gradient in renal medulla (increasing osmolarity of ISF from outer cortex to inner medulla)

How does the Loop of Henle lead to increased concentration of inner medulla

Cells of loop differ anatomically:

Thin Descending Limb & Thick Ascending Limb:

-No microvilli

-Few mitochondria

Thick Ascending Limb:

-many mitochondria = for active transport

How different segments of the Loop of Henle vary

Descending = losing water (many aquaporins)

Ascending = Losing ions (few aquaporins)

Thin = passive diffusion (few mitochondira)

Thick = Active transport (many mitochondria)

Thin descending Limb:


What losing (and how)


Permeable to water, impermeable to Na+ and Cl-

-Loses water to ISF (via diffusion)

-Before entering, osmolarity in tubule is same as in blood plasma

Thin ascending limb:


what losing (and how)


Permeable to Na+ and Cl-, impermeable to water

-loses NaCl to ISF (via passive diffusion)

-Beforing entering, osmolarity is very high in tubule

Thick ascending limb:


what losing (and how)


-Impermeable to Water

-Loses NaCl to ISF (via active transport)

Purpose of blood flow through medulla (through vasa recta

-Tubule needs nutrients, but vasa recta must conserve the concentration gradient. Does by:

-blood flows down descending vasa recta (which is proximal to ascending loop of henle): loses water and gains solutes

-blood flows down ascending vasa recta (which is proximal to descending loop of henle): gains water and loses solutes


membrane proteins that form water channels - insert into cell membranes (on both sides of cell - facing lumen and facing bloodstream)

Where are there lots of aquaporins found in renal tubules; where are there few

Lots = PCT, and descending loop of henle

few = Ascending loop of henle

osmolarity of ISF and Tubules ______ as you go down


Distal Convolutd Tubule:

main function

Fine tuning of ionic compostion and water reabsorption:

-Active secretion and reabsorption of: Calcium, Phosphate, Bicarbonate, and Potassium

-Hormone regulation: PTH and other hormones work here

Collecting duct:

-where fluid comes from

-composition of fluid


Comes from Tubule (DCT)

-has same concentration as blood plasma but different composition ---> now mostly urea

-in collecting duct, concentrate uring:

*is permeable to water --> increases osmolarity of filtrate

-urea diffusion out adds to osmotic potential

-in end, concentration same as ISF

Two ways that kidneys remove H+/add HCO3- from/to the blood

(1) Through HCO3- conversion:

1-HCO3- is filtered out of blood at gomerulus and into the tubule lumen & Renal tubule cells secrete H+ into tubule fluid

2-H+ and HCO3- react to form CO2 in tubule lumen

3-CO2 diffuses back into tubule cells

4-CO2 is converted back into HCO3- in tubule cells and transported to ISF/blood

(2) Through NH4+ formation

1-NH3 and HCO3- are produced in tubules by metabolism of glutamine

2-HCO3- is transported to ISF/Blood

2-NH3 is transported to lumen and combines with H+ to produce NH4+

Results of kidney failure

Salt and Water retention = high blood pressure

Urea Retention = uremic poisoning

Decreasing pH = acidosis

Dialysis Treatment

Pass blood through membrane channels bathed in a plasma like soln to remove waste:

1-take arterial blood from patient

2-dialyze blood across semipermeable membrane bathed with soln similar in concentration to blood plasma:

--high glucose conc -> dialysis fluid has higher osmolarity than blood blasma, so water diffuses out of blood

--concentration of ions that are the same in both = no net mvmt

--bicarbonate ions = soak up H+, removing excess H+ from blood

3-used dialysis soln is discarded and blood returned to patient via a vein

Glomerular Filtration Rate

Volume of blood plasma filtered per unit time

Pair of humans filter ____ Liters per day. Most is _____


Most is reabsorbed

Main 2 mechanisms for ensuring high glomerular blood pressure (to maintain high GFR)

Dilation of afferent arterioles

Constriction of efferent arterioles

Name 4 hormones that can result in altered kidney function

Angiotensin: increase BP

Aldosterone (release stimulated by Angiotensin): increase BP

ADH: increase BP

ANP: decrease BP

*increasing BP = increased GFR

*decreasing BP = decreased GFR

Describe how Renin release causes an increase in GFR

(1) If GFR falls, kidneys release the enzyme renin

(2) renin activates the hormone angiotensin (by converting angiotensinogen to angiotensin)

(3) Angiotensin raises GFR (by increasing BP):

1-constricts efferent renal arterioles

2-constricts peripheral blood vessels

3-stimulates release of aldosterone from adrenal cortex - which increases Na+ reabsorption

How is renin released

DCT makes contact with glomerular afferent and efferent arterioles

-Macula Densa = specialized cells in tubule ---> detect concentration of NaCl, if low, signal to:

Juxtaglomerular Cells = specialized cells in arteriole ----> release renin

**this can occur b/c if GFR is low, there is more time, so more NaCl is reabsobed, so NaCl is low -> so renin is released, leading to increased BP

how does ADH regulate blood pressure and blood osmolarity

Insertts aquaporins on collecting duct to increase water permeability ---> leading to water retention which increases blood pressure decreases osmolarity

how is ADH release controlled

Osmoreceptor Neurons in hypothalamus: detect high blood osmolarity --> triggers release of ADH ---> increases blood pressure by increasing water retention

Stretch Receptors in Aorta and Cartoid Arteries:

detect high blood pressure --> inhibits release of ADH ---> decreases blood pressure


Atrial Natriuretic Peptide

How does ANP regulate blood pressure

-increased venous return stretches atria and muscle fibers release ANP

-ANP leads to decreased reabsorption of Na+ in the kidney

-increasing loss of Na+ and water ---> decreases blood volume and pressure

After drinking lots of water, what hormone will increase


Different species have different loops of henle. How do differing loops of henle reflect ability to concentrate urine

Long loops = very concentrated urine

-ex: desert rat - wants to conserve water

Short loops = less concentrated urine

-ex: birds, but use uric excretion as water conservation mechanism