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9 Cards in this Set

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Know causes of edema, and distinguish signs caused by right- and left-sided heart failure.
1.Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
2.Decrease capillary osmotic pressure
3.Increased Capillary Permeability
4.Lymphatic Obstruction- “Lymphedema”
Understand etiology, pathogenesis and manifestations of ARF. Know signs of failure and recovery.
1.Prerenal: decreased blood flow to kidneys
2.Intrarenal: Acute tubular necrosis Poor prognosis if infarction
3.Postrenal: Obstruction causing backflow
Anything that is toxic to kidneys: antibiotics, xray contrast, heavy metals)
(anti-freeze is nephrotoxic for dogs)
ARF stages
a.Initiation: great dec in GFR
b.Maintenance: dec.in urine OP, inc BUN, edema
c.Recovery: Injury, fast, treat fast, recovery fast (unless infarction)
Polyuria- peeing a lot- delute
Return of normal concentration- means you’re getting better
ARF Manifestations
1.Oliguria- dec GFR (dec urine production)
2.Hyponatremia- Na+ not reabsorbed- edema
3.Metabolic acidosis- Retaining H+
4.Hyperkalemia- cause of too much H+ (same carriers)
5.Azotemia- acute inc in nitrogenous waste. inc BUN and creatinine
6.Anemia: Erythropoytin not produced due to decreased kidney function
Acute Renal Failure (definition) ARF
Decrease in Kidney function causing a electrolye imbalance and build up of NTG waste (high BUN and create)
Chronic Renal Failure(definition) CRF
a. Dec Functional nephrons- homeostasis maintained
b. Renal insufficiency- <25% function, GFR < 30ml/min (normal GFR 12530ml/min)
c. Renal Failure- <15% function
Nocturia- peeing at night- b/c you can’t concentrate urine
d.Uremia- blood in urine <5% function (end-stage renal disease
1.Azotemia (may be a-symtomatic)
2.Anemia- slow over time
3.Dehydration- b/c nephrons that filter the waste from the blood are not working well.
4.Isosthenuria- osmolarity of the blood and urine is the same. Urine is neither concentrated or dilute
5.Metabolic Acidosis- retention of H+
6.Electrolyte imbalance- (inc K+, dec Ca++)
CFR Manifestations
1.Sever electrolyte imbalance
2.Acidosis causes nausea, vomiting, cachexia, oral ulcers
3.Neurologic- uremic encephalopathy
•CNS- apathy, depression, headache, coma
•PNS- peripheral neuropathies- numbness, tingling
4.Cardio- htn- retaining fluid
•MI- L CHF, LV hypertrophy
•Pericarditis- inflammation of pericardial sack
5.Hematologic- Anemia
dec immune function- opportunistic infection
6.Respiratory- Pulm edema “ uremic lung” Looks like bat wing
Uremic frost- build up of uria
Icterus- build up of bili rubin in blood
Uremia phase- need transplant