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95 Cards in this Set

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organisms that make their own food/nutrients (plants)
organisms that have to take in food to get nutrients (animals/humans)
The Wavelengths
-Blue 420 nm and Red 660 nm are the best
-All colors are absorbed except green which is reflected
Organ of Photosynthesis
- Plants are green because chlorophyll is green and because green is reflected
-Thyakloid – Flattened sac within the granum whose membrane contains chlorophyll and where the light reactions of photosynthesis occur.

-Grana/Granum – Stack of chlorophyll containing thyakloids in a chloroplast.

-Stroma – Fluid within the chloroplast that contains enzymes involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates during photosynthesis.

- Stoma/Stomata – Small opening between two guard cells through which gas passes.

Mesophyll – Inner, thickets layer of a leaf consisting of palisade and spongy mesophyll; the site of most of photosynthesis.
Accessory Pigments
- These are compounds that help out in photosynthesis (chlorophyll b, c, and d,)
- In addition, there are many non-chlorophyll accessory pigments, such as carotenoids which also absorb light and transfer that light energy.
-Photosynthesis – she said it like over 9000 times.
-Sun light is needed
-Oxygen is produced
Is oxidation or reduction occurring?
-Both, the end product one is needed for the other (plants make oxygen – we make co2)
1. Light Reaction (Light Dependent Reaction)
-produces energy from solar power in the form of ATP and NADPH
-occurs in thyakloid membrane

2. Calvin Cycle (Light Independent Reaction)
-uses ATP and NADPH to make sugar/glucose
How Many Photosystems?
-There are two
-PSII or (P680)
-PSI or (P700)
How Many Electron Pathways?
1. Cyclic Electron flow
2.Noncyclic Electron flow (generates oxygen)
-powers ATP synthesis
-located in thyakloid membrane
Calvin Cycle
-occurs in stroma
- to produce glucose it takes 6 TURNS and uses 18 ATP and 12 NADPH
Calvin Cycle (4 main parts)
1. Carbon Fixation – CO2 is attached to RuBP

2. Reduction – NADPH reduces 3PGA to G3P with the assistance of ATP

3. Release of G3P – For every three CO2 molecules fixed, one G3P molecule leaves the cycle, the remaining five G3P are rearranged.

4. Regeneration of RuBP – Energy from ATP is used to regenerate three molecules of RuBP.
C3 vs. C4. vs. CAM
C3 Plants
-Majority of plants on earth (somewhere around 80%)

-use rubisco to make a three-carbon compound as the first stable product of carbon fixation.
-C3 plants flourish in cool, wet, and cloudy climates, where light levels may be low,
because the metabolic pathway is more energy efficient, and if water is plentiful, the stomata can stay open and let in more carbon dioxide.

-Carbon losses through photorespiration are high.

CAM Plants
- Hot dry environments
-5% of plants (cactus)
- stomates closed during the day and open at night
- light rx occurs during the day
- calvin cycle occurs when co2 is present

C4 Plants
- Hot moist environments
- 15% of plants on earth (grasses, corn, sugarcane)
- divides photosynthesis spatially
- light rxn – mesophyll cells
What factors affect the rate of Photosynthesis
light intensity – more light – more photosynthesis!!!!!!!!
- temperature – high temp and low temps slow photosynthesis. Weather must be optimal 80ish degrees.
- Co2 concentration – more Co2 = more photosynthesis
- water
- Occurs on hot bright days
- Stomates close
- Fixation of o2 instead of Co2
- Produces @-C molecules instead of 3-C sugar molecules
- No sugar or ATP is produces
Importance of Meiosis!!!
* If it did not halve the chromosome number, the gametes would contain the same number of chromosomes, as the body cells, and the number of chromosomes would double with each new generation.
*The chromosome number stays constant in each new generation of individuals.
* The new individual is ensured a different combination of alleles than either parent because:
1. Crossing over can result in different alleles on the sister chromatids of a homologous pair of chromosomes.
2. Meiosis produces gametes that have all possible combinations of the haploid number of chromosomes.
3. At fertilization, a new combination of chromosomes can occur, and a zygote can have any one of a vast number of combinations of chromosomes
Nondisjunction (meiosis)
( meiosis can go awry because of this!!!) - Occurs during meiosis 1 when both members of a homologous pair go into the same daughter cell, or during meiosis II when the sister chromatids fail to separate and both daughter chromosomes go into the same gamete. (Condition that leads to abnormal number of chromosomes.)
Occurs in the testes and is the production of sperm in males by the process of meiosis and maturation.
Occurs in the ovaries and is the production of eggs in females by the process of meiosis and maturation.
Crossing Over
Exchange of segments between nonsister chromatids of a tetrad during meiosis. It also increases the variability of the gametes and the offspring.
Important to population as the raw material for natural selection
3 Sexual sources of genetic variation
1) Crossing over (prophase 1)
2) Independent assortment (metaphor 1)
3) Random fertilization
Locus, autosomes, sex chromosomes
Specific location of a gene or DNA sequence on a chromosome.
any chromosome other than the sex determining pair
Sex chromosomes
Chromosomes that determine the sex of an individual; in humans, females have 2 X chromosomes, and males have an X and Y chromosome.
Haploid (n)
Half the number of diploids.
Diploid (2n)
Twenty-three pairs of chromosomes or 46 altogether.
fusion of a sperm and egg to form a zygote (fertilized egg.)
Trisonomy (syndrome)
an egg ends up with 24 chromosomes instead of 23 and is fertilized with a normal sperm.
Monsomy (syndrome)
an egg that has 22 chromosomes instead of 23 and is fertilized by a normal sperm.
Down syndrome
- (trisomy 21) an individual has 3 copies of chromosome 21.
- The egg contained 2 copies of this chromosome instead of one.)
- Characteristics: Short stature, eyelid fold.
Turner syndrome
XO) is a female. The O signifies the absence of a second sex chromosome.
Characteristics: Short, broad chest, webbed neck, ovaries, oviducts, and uterus are very small and underdeveloped. (NO PUBERTY)
Klinefelter syndrome
(XXY) is a male.
- Male has 2 or more X chromosomes in addition to a Y chromosome. Extra X chromosomes become Barr bodies.
- Testes and prostate gland are underdeveloped. No facial hair, but some breast development.
It is made up of a DNA – histone protein complex called chromatin.
a long, thin fiber that is folded and coiled to form chromosomes
Homologous Chromosome
it is chromosomes in a biological cell that pair during cell division during the creation of gametes (meiosis).
Sister chromatids
copy of chromosomes that is connected by a cetromere.
Cell Cycle
dividing & non-dividing stages in the life of cell.
Phases of cell cycle
a. Interphase -> growth & DNA replication
b. Prophase
c. Metaphase
d. Anaphase
e. Telophase

*b,c,d,e are mitotic division
• Comprises about 90% of the cell cycle
• Cellular Growth: protein synthesis, metabolic activities, DNA synthesis
• Made up of 3 phases:
a. G1 (gap) phase: protein synthesis and metabolic activities and most cell are arrested in this phase.
b. S phase: DNA replication takes place
c. G2 (gap) phase: cellular growth and preparation for M (mitotic) phase
• Early phase
• Nucleolus disassociates
• Chromatin material condenses into chromosomes, consisting of 2 sister chromatids.
• Centrioles move apart
• Spindle fibers form and attach from centrioles to centromeres.
• Nuclear envelope fragments and disassociates.
• Middle phase
• Centrioles are opposite ends of the cell and attached with aster fibers
• Chromosomes move to the metaphase plate (center of cell)
• Centromeres uncouple and spindle fibers shorten
• Sister chromatids separate and move apart
• After separation, chromatids are now considered chromosomes
• During this phase, cell contain twice the normal of chromosomes (very important)
• Cell begins to elongate
• At the end, there are equal numbers of chromosomes at the poles.
• Cleavage furrow develops in animal cells (cytokinesis begins)
• Cell plate develops in plants (no cleavage furrows)
• Nucleolus reappears
• Chromosomes uncoil
• In the end, two genetically identical nuclei(karyokinesis completed) are present
• Cytoplasm Division
• Cell plate complete in plants
• In the end, two separate daughter cells produced with single nucleus
A cell containing 20 Chromosomes at the beginning of mitosis, would at its completion, produce cells containing how many chromosomes?
20 Chromosomes
A cell containing 40 Chromatids at the beginning of mitosis, would at its completion, produce cells containing how many chromosomes?
20 Chromosomes
P generation
Parental generation.
F1 generation
Filial generation, the first-generation offspring
F2 generation
Second- generation offspring
Monohybrid Cross
-A breeding experiment that tracks the inheritance of a single trait
-Mendel’s “Principle of segregation”
a. pairs of genes separate during gamete formation meiosis
b. the fusion of gametes at fertilization pairs genes once again.
Dihybrid Cross
-A breeding experiment that tracks the inheritance of two traits
-Mendel’s “Principle of independent assortment”
a. each pair of alleles segregates independently during gamete formation metaphase I.
b. formula: 2n (n= # of heterozygote)
Allele that exerts its phenotypic effect in the homozygote; it masks the expression of the recessive allele.
Example: RR (Homozygous dominant) Uppercase latter
Allele that exerts its phenotypic effect only in the homozygote; its expression is masked by a dominant allele.
Example: rr (Homozygous Recessive) Lowercase latter
Arrangement of Genes That Produces the Phenotype.
Example: RR, rr, Rr
Outward appearance and physical characteristics.
Example: RR=Red color, rr=White color, Rr= Red color
The law of segregation (1st law)
-Each individual has two factors for each trait
-The factors segregate (separate) during the formation of the gametes.
-Each gamete contains only one factor from each pair of factors.
-Fertilization gives each new individual two factors for each trait.
the law of independent assortment. (two trait crosses or dihybrid cross) (2nd law)
-Each pair of factors segregates (assorts) independently of the other pairs.
-All possible combinations of factors can occur in the gametes.
Test Cross
a mating between an individual of unknown genotype and a
Incomplete Dominance
is exhibited when the heterozygote has an intermediate phenotype between that of either homozygote.
-F1 Hybrids have an appearance somewhat in between the phenotypes of the two parental varieties.
EX. RR=RED Rr= Pink rr=White
Codominance Dominance
- Inheritance pattern in which both alleles of a gene are equally expressed.
-Two alleles are expressed(Multiple alleles) in heterozygous individuals.
One gene many traits. This is leads to a syndrome.
made of nucleotide (DNA molecule) in DNA double helix. DOUBLE STRANDED!!!
made of nucleotides containing the sugar ribose, thus accounting for its name. SINGLE STRANDED!!!
(messenger) mRNA
produced in the nucleus. DNA serves as a template for its formation during transcription.
(transfer) tRNA
Type of RNA that transfers a particular amino acid to a ribosome during protein synthesis.
DNA replication
Synthesis of a new DNA double helix prior to mitosis and meiosis in eukaryotic cells and during prokaryotic fission in prokaryotic cells.
DNA polymerose
During replication, an enzyme that joins the nucleotides complementary to a DNA template.
RNA polymerase
During transcription, an enzyme that joins nucleotides complementary to a DNA template.
The transfer of information in the nucleus from a DNA molecule to an RNA molecule.
Only 1 DNA strand serves as the template.
Starts at promoter DNA (called the TATA box)
Ends at the terminator DNA (stop)
When complete, pre RNA molecule is released.
Synthesis of proteins in the cytoplasm.
start codon (AUG) - During chain initiation at the start codon, the ribosomal subunits, the mRNA, and the tRNA methionine complex come together
tRNA at the P site passes its peptide to tRNA amino acid at the A site. The tRNA at the P site leaves. The ribosome moves forward one codon (called translocation) and the codon at the A site is ready for the next tRNA- amino acid.
stop codon (UAG) - At a stop codon, the ribosome dissociates, the last tRNA departs, and the polypeptide is released.
Every three bases in mRNA that codes for a particular amino acid into a protein.
Three base sequence in a tRNA molecule base that pairs with a complementary codon to mRNA.
DNA, and muatations
A gene mutation is a change in the sequence of bases. Mutations can be due to errors in replication, transposons, or environmental mutagens. The results of mutations can vary from no effect to a nonfunctional protein.
DNA fingerprinting
Makes use of noncoding sections of DNA that consist of 2 to 5 bases repeated over and over again. ATCATCATCATC.
Can identify the presence of a viral infection, or a mutated gene that could predispose someone to cancer..
Forensic: fingerprinting from a single sperm is enough to identify a suspected rapist because the DNA is amplified by PCR.
Gene Therapy
correction of a detrimental mutation by the addiction of new DNA and its insertion in a genome.
DNA polymerase
(enzyme that carries out DNA replication), a set of primers, and a supply of nucleotides.
PCR (Polymerase chain reaction)
can create millions of copies of a segment of DNA very quickly in a test tube without the use of a vector or a host cell.
What is a karyotype?
When chromosomes are arranged by pairs according to their size, shape, and general appearance in mitotic metaphase.
What is amniocentesis?
• Procedure for removing amniotic fluid surrounding the developing fetus for testing of the fluid or cells within the fluid.
• Usually performed at about 14 to 17th week of pregnancy.
• Long needle is passed through abdominal and uterine walls to withdraw a mall amount of fluid, which contains fetal cells.
Gene Therapy
correction of a detrimental mutation by the addiction of new DNA and its insertion in a genome.
DNA polymerase
(enzyme that carries out DNA replication), a set of primers, and a supply of nucleotides.
PCR (Polymerase chain reaction)
can create millions of copies of a segment of DNA very quickly in a test tube without the use of a vector or a host cell.
What is a karyotype?
When chromosomes are arranged by pairs according to their size, shape, and general appearance in mitotic metaphase.
What is amniocentesis?
• Procedure for removing amniotic fluid surrounding the developing fetus for testing of the fluid or cells within the fluid.
• Usually performed at about 14 to 17th week of pregnancy.
• Long needle is passed through abdominal and uterine walls to withdraw a mall amount of fluid, which contains fetal cells.
What is a pedigree?
• Chart showing the relationships of relatives and which ones have a particular trait.
1. Pedigree for autosomal disorders: recessive or dominant.
2. Pedigree for sex-linked disorders: recessive or dominant.
What are genetic disorders?
• Autosomal disorders
1. Tay-Sachs disease (a lysosomal storage disease)
2. Cystic-Fibrosis (faulty regulator of chloride channel)
3. Phenylketonuria (inability to metabolize phemylalanine)
4. Sickle Cell Disease (sickle shaped red blood cells)
5. Marfan Syndrome (defective elastic connective tissue)
6. Huntington disease (abnormal huntingin protein)
Incomplete Dominance Disorder
1. Familial hypercholesterol emia (liver cells lack cholesterol receptors)
X-Linked Disorders
1. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (muscle weakness)
2. Hemophilia (inability of blood to clot)
What is gene therapy?
• Correction of a detrimental mutation by the addition of a new DNA and its insertion in a genome.
1. Ex-Vivo Therapy: cells are removed from the patient, treated, and returned to the patient. (Outside the body)
2. In-Vivo Therapy: a foreign gene is given directly to the patient. (Inside the body)