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18 Cards in this Set

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Diagram the hierarchy of structural levels in biological organization from
atoms up to the organ system level.
Atom >> Molecule (carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids) >> oganelles >> cell >> muscle tissues >> organs
Describe the two major dynamic processes of any ecosystem.
1.) Cycling of nutrients such as the use
of minerals by plants that eventually return to the soil by
decomposition and 2.) Flow of energy from sunlight to the
producers of the environment which are capable of converting this light energy into chemical energy. Consumers ingest this chemical energy in order to gain the energy needed to
Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cells are much simpler and smaller than
eukaryotic cells. They lack a nucleus and any other membrane
bound organelles. Eukaryotic cells possess a nucleus and many
specialized organelles.
Describe the basic function of DNA.
DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and is the molecule
responsible for passing on the cell’s heritable information from cell
to cell when undergoing cell division and when creating gametes
which will pass the genetic material from parent to offspring. Our
genes are made of DNA and put simply, each gene is the instruction
manual for constructing a protein.
Distinguish among the three domains of life. List the four kingdoms of
multicellular, eukaryotic life.
3 domains of life are the Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. The
first two possess prokaryotic cells while the Eukarya are made of
eukaryotic cells. The 4 kingdoms of the Eukarya are the Animalia,
Plantae, Fungi and Protists.
Identify the 4 elements that make up 96% of living matter.
Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N) and Hydrogen (H)
Explain how the atomic number and mass number of an atom can be used to determine the
number of neutrons.
The atomic number is the unique identifying number of every element which gives the number of protons for that element. The mass number is the number of protons plus the number of
neutrons. If you subtract the mass number from the atomic number, you will obtain the number of neutrons for a given element.
Explain how 2 isotopes of an element are similar. Explain how they are different.
Isotopes of an element are considered the same element because they would both have the
same atomic number and therefore same number of protons. Their mass numbers would be
different though because they contain different numbers of neutrons.
Distinguish among nonpolar covalent, polar covalent and ionic bonds
Covalent bonds = formed by sharing electrons in the valence shell between two atoms If elements have equal electronegativity values (i.e. the measure of how closely shared electrons are held to one of the atoms), the bond will be nonpolar covalent. If electronegativity values differ greatly, it will be a polar covalent bond. Ionic bonds = when electrons actually leave the valence shell of one atom and join the valence shell of another atom.
Describe how hydrogen bonds form based on electronegativity differences.
When polar covalent bonds are formed within a molecule with hydrogen as one of the atoms in
the bond, the unequal sharing of electrons causes “hot spots” of charge with some areas of the
overall molecule being transiently more positive and other areas slightly more negative. When
adjacent molecules also have these hot spots, hydrogen bonds will form briefly between the
areas of positive and negative charge.
The more electronegative member of a polar covalent bond holds
the shared electrons more closely.
Which organisms are made of prokaryotic cells?
Domain Bacteria, Domain Archaea
How many bonds an atom can form depends on the number of
unpaired electrons in the valence shell in the atom.
Not capable of converting the energy of the sun into
chemical energy so they must eat plants or other animals.
The second electron shell can hold a maximum of
8 electrons.
Compounds called salts are formed by the creation of _____ bonds formed by the attraction
between cations and anions.
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells similarities and differences:
Both have cell membrane and DNA. Prokaryotic cells are smaller
and less complex than eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells would have many internal
membrane bound organelles such as a nucleus that the prokaryotic cell would lack.
Describe what a
hydrogen bond is and how they are formed.
Hydrogen bonds need
slight partial negative and positive charges to form. These slight charges form because
some covalent bonds are polar in nature which means the atoms involved in the bond have
different electronegativity values so the shared electrons are not equally distributed
between the atoms.