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26 Cards in this Set

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what are the four types of tissue

epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous

where is connective tissue located? basic functions of connective tissue? basic parts?

between muscles, surrounding glands, wrapping small blood vessels and nerves, under skin, around kidneys and heart, tendons, ligaments, nose, skeleton, within blood vessels.

supports, protects and connects.

cells, matrix, ground substance, and protein fibers

is connective tissue alive? if so, all or just which parts?

yes, connective tissue is alive?

what are actively secreting cells called? mature cells that merely maintain?

fibroblast, fibrocytes

where are fibroblasts found? what other types of cells are in connective tissue?

extracellular matrix in connective

collagen, elastin, adipocytes, osteocytes, osteoblasts

what is extracellular matrix? is that the same as ground substance? how does the ground substance determine the property of connective tissue?

a network of non-living tissue that provides support to cells. extracellular = outside of cell. no, the extracellular matrix consists of the ground substance (only a portion of the matrix) depending on whether it has collagen fiber, elastin fibers or reticular fibers

what are the 3 types of protein fibers in connective tissue? what properties does each add to the tissue? in general, where are these fiber types found?

collagen fibers: strong and rope-like and can withstand pulling because of their great tensile strength.

elastic fibers: contain random coils and can stretch and recoil like a spring. common in structures where elasticity is needed (skin, lungs, blood vessels)

reticular fibers: thin strands of collagen that branch extensively, forming inter connecting networks, suitable for supporting tissues/ support liver and spleen

can you identify the 3 fiber types from photos/drawings?

reticular: thin

collagen: thick bands, strong, slightly flexible

elastic: stretches and returns, very flexible!

what is scurvy and how does it relate to connective tissue?

a condition characterized by general weakness, cause by deficiancy of vitamin C. crucial in formation of collagen, a major component of connective tissue

what are the 6 specific types of connetive tissue?

loose ordinary CT, adipose tissue, blood and blood forming tissues, dense ordinary CT, cartilage and bone

3 types of cartilage? identify based on drawings? differences between them?

elastic: a lot of cells

hyaline: a little bit of cells

fibrocartilage: hardly any cells

hyaline is the most abundant, provides support and flexibility.

elastic is more flexible, provides strength and elasticity

fibrocartilage can withstand pressure and is not flexible

what are the 2 types of bone tissue?

spongy bone & compact bone

what do you call the ground substance in blood?


what are the characteristics of epithelial tissue?

a free surface and a basement membrane

what are 2 ways used to classify epithelium>

by layer: simple or stratified.

by shape: squamous, cubodial, columnar

what are the 6 classifications of epithelial tissue? can you name them based on description? identify them based on diagram?

simple, stratified, pseudo-stratified, cubodial, columnar, squamous

squamous: flattened or scale like cells

cubodial: cube-shaped cells

columnar: elongated column shaped cells

what would be differences in general function of each type of epithelium?

squamous: where oxygen of carbon dioxide needs to be diffused across the lining easily

cubodial: where protection, secretion and absorption is needed

columnar: for absorbtion and secretion

examples where each type of epithelium are found

squamous: blood vessels or lungs

cubodial: glands, lining of kidney tubules

columnar: small intestine

3 types of intercellular junctions? difference between each structure? name places where each can be found?

tight junctions: membranes of neighboring cells are attached so securely that they form a leakproof seal- found in lining of urinary tract and intestine.

adhesion junctions: resembles rivets holding adjacent tissue layers together. plasma membrane do not touch but are held together by filaments. common in tissues that must withstand stretching (akin & heart muscles)

gap junctions: connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cells through small holes, allowing certain small molecules in directly. heart and smooth miscle sells

what are 3 types of muscle tissue? what makes them different? what controls them? what does 'voluntary' mean?

skeletal, cardiac, smooth

skeletal: voluntary contraction while cardiac and smooth have involuntary contraction. found in different parts. skeletal and cardiac both striated not smooth. skeletal has many nuclei, smooth and cardiac have one nucleus

skeletal muscle is under conscious control. voluntary means we can make them contract by thinking about them

identify muscle types from photo?


what are the components of nervous tissue?

neurons and accessory cells

what are the parts of a neuron? what is the function of each part? identify the carious parts in photo? draw and label the parts?

the cell body, dendrites and an axon

cell body: houses the nucleus and most organelles, dendrites: are highly branched processes that provide a large surface area for the reception of signals from other neurons. axon: a long extension that usually conducts impulses away from the cell body

what are the 2 main cavities in the human body? can you place each in the correct location?

dorsal cavity: -upper cavity -cranial cavity -vertebral canal

ventral cavity: -lower cavity -thoracic cavity -diaphram cavity -abdominal pelvic cavity: _abdominal cavity _pelvic cavity

what are the 11 organ systems?

skeletal, muscular, integumentary, digestive, respiratory (pulmonary), circulatory (cardiovascular), lymphatic (lmmune), urinary, endocrine, nervous, reproductive

