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88 Cards in this Set

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initial site of gastulation in amphibian
gray crescent
this becomes anus, the infolding thru which blastula cells migrate during gastrulation in amphibian
the primitive gut (digestive track)that result from gastulation
can't protein self replicate?
DNA is the only molecule capable of self replication
this is secondary messenger
this is triggered after receptor binds a ligand. ligand will bind their membrane receptor
this convert ATP to AMP
adenylate cyclase
adenylate cyclase is located?
in inner layer of phospholipid bilayer
carry the chemical stimulus into the cytoplasm and griggering a response
secondary response
lac operon is a set of control and structural gen in
E coli
group of ribosome making lots of the same polypeptide
t or f

enzyme may interact with non-protein molecule in order to have a biological activity

enzyme have to interact with cofactors such as vitamis or ions for optical activity
enzyme activity is affected by genetic mutation

t or f
adrenal cortex is from
what is paramicium
single cell protist
contain nucleus
if 18O-labled glucose is given to a rat where will the alble first appear?
exhaled CO2
capillary bed of SI to vein to capillary bed in liver
heptic portal system
two capillary bed in the hypothalamus and anterior pituary
hypothalamic portal system
this brings releasing factors fro the hypothalamus othe anterior pituary
hypothalamic portal system
an orange pigment that is the precursor of vitamin A
carotene (which is not steriod)
cortisol, chlorestro, vitamin D, testastrone are
peptide hormone is also called
ligand (can't pass thru mem)
lipid derived
has ring structure
lipid soluble thus pass memrane easy
steriod (hormones)
short rest period between two cell division of meiosis and druing which the chromosome partially uncoil
ability of a single gee to have multiple effect
phenomenon in which one gene alters the expression of another gene tat is independently inhrited
propotion of individuals who show the phenotype that is that is expected from their genotype
protein composed of
CHON (may also contain P and S)
nucleotide is replaced by an incorrect nucleotide
point mutation
when nucleotide is added or deleted
silient, missense, nonsense mutation?
point mutation
when the cell enzymes attempt to repair the damage, there is possibility that DNA POL will replace thymine with an incorrect nucleotide

due to UV mutation
thymine dimer
this structure determine the structure of protein
single polypeptide to be functional it must be this form?
the distance btw linked gene is often measured by?
the probability of crossing over. they are directly proportional
seperation of maternal and parternal chromosome
unferterilzed egg from the queen bee develop into male bee thru?
this cleavage is one that result in cells that maintain the ability to develop into a complete organism
an indeterminate cleavage
this clevage result in cells whose future differenciation pathway are determined at an early developmental stage
determinate cleavage
is an enzyme that phosphorlates
is an enzyme that phosphorlates
is an enzyme that is secreted in an inacttive form. it is cleaved under certain physiological condition to the active form
pepsinogen, trpsinogen, chymotrpsinogen which are cleaved in the digestive track to yield the active enzyme pepsin, trypsin nd chymotrpsin
ex of zymogen
remove phosphate from its substrate
heart beat is initiated by?
SA node (pacemaker)
sa node is located?
wall of right atrium
SA node is regulated but not controlled by
accelerator nerve (sym), vagus nerve (para)
accelerator nerve (sym), vagus nerve (para)
SA node is regulated but not controlled by
this signals bundle of HIS which transports the contraction thru the ventricle via purkinje fiber
AV node
a wave of smooth muscle contraction that proceeds along the digestive track
in small intestine, () absorb nutrient into both lymphatic system and circulation system
in s.i a.a and glucose picked up by?
in s.i fats are picked up by
this is a hormone released by the wall of S.I due to presence of acidic chyme from stomach, it stimulate the gall bladder to release bile and pancrease to release digestive enzyme into duodenum
depolarization occurs when?
aftr release of an excitatory neurotransmitter
this actually makes it more difficult for an action potential to occur
in fetus, heatopoiesis (production of blood) occurs in
the liver.
this act as reservoir for red blood cell and filters the blood
this receives and sorts sensory input
reticular activating system
center for vision, hearing, smell, voluntary movement and memory
cerebral cortex
this monitors CO2, Ph and adjust breating, temp and hear rate

center for reflex activities suh as coughing, sneezing, and swallowing
old name for salivary amylase
resting muscle has slight contraction known as
constant length and an inc in muscle tension
isometric contraction
muscle shortens while the tension remains constant
isotonic contraction
there is no complete recovery before the next sustained contraction

muscle contraction until fatigue b/c of lack of energy or build up of waste occur
invertebrate predecessors of the chordates
-have primative vasculr system known as the water vascular system

-have no backbone
-move with tube feet

-adult radially symmetrical
-larvae bilaterally symmetrical
start fish, sea urchin, sea cucumber
crayfish, insects
segmented body
chitinous skeleton
jointe appendages
when the pressure of air within the lung is less than tmospheric
air ruhes into the lung
this phylum have dorsal notochord
this subphylum have backbone
nonvertebrate chordata whould include
amhioxus (lancet) or unrelated turnicate
red blood cell hace no nucleus thus
can't reproduce, repair themselves or make protein
this involved in the development, maturation and education of T cell
this controls the basal metabolic rate
thyroid gland
-thru releaseof thyroxin, it is stimulate b TSH released of anteriorpituary gland
semi rigid chord that runs along the dorsal side of the chordates.

it provides support for the organism
notochor remains throughout life of animal
in lower chodates like amphioxus orthe tunicate
the notochord exist onlyduring embryonic development then diappear
in higher chordates like human
this is not vesigial
plants that live on the branch of other
liche and fungus
mutualism +/+
parasite +/-
bread mold
saprophyte (feed on dead animal)
free living saprophytes or parasites
this is outer linning of the lung
it is filled with pleual fluid hat lubricates the lung
final community in particular biome sucession (thus have many species)

depends on climate (environment)
thus could be relatively stable with given climate
cimax community
bone to muscle
bone to bone