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42 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 main processes involved in the water cycle?

Precipitation, evaporation, transparation, condensation

If a lynx and hare were part of a food Web, how would an increase in the hare population affect the lynx population?

The lynx population would increase

Define a producer

Use the sun's energy to make their own food

What types of organisms are producers


Give an example of a predator and it's prey

Lion, zebra

Give an example of a parasite and host relationship

Tapeworm & dog

Tick & human

What type of relationship is it when both deer and rabbits like to eat acorns?


Give an example of a decomposer


Define a decomposer

Breaks down dead material and releases nutrients

What happens to solar energy as it enters plants

It's used for photosynthesis

What percent of the energy an organism contains is passed on from one tropic level to the next?


What's the lowest to highest tropic level order?

Sunlight, producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer, quaternary consumer

At what tropic level do you find herbivores?


Which tropic levels contain carnivores

3 and up

What changes in a food Web would occur if one or more organisms were removed

Those on higher tropic levels would suffer

What is the original source of energy for all living things


What organisms make food for consumers


Describe how the carbon cycle processes carbon

Plants take in carbon, which is released in cellular respiration

Describe how the nitrogen cycle processes atmospheric nitrogen

Nitrogen fixation converts N2 gas to ammonia> nitrification converts ammonia to nitrates> dentrification converts nitrates to N2 gas

Where on earth is the area of highest net primary productivity

Rainforest/ estuary

What is the difference between a food chain and a food Web

A single pathway / many chains put together

How does the taiga differ from the tundra

Trees, taiga is warmer

What are some distinguishing characteristics of a temperate deciduous forests

Tree lose their leaves, evenly spaced rain, pronounced seasons

Name some ways desert organisms have to conserve water

Waxy coating, expandable bodies

How does the phobic zone of the ocean differ from the aphotic zone

Receives sun, more life because of photosynthesis

Which ocean zone is considered the most productive ocean zone


What is an omnivore

Eats plants and animals

What unusual conditions must the animals of the savanna deal with

Rain / drought

What process converts ammonia into nitrates


What type of organisms derive nutrients from dead or decaying organisms


Where is the neritic ocean zone located

Over the continental shelf

What process converts nitrates into nitrogen gas


Give some distinguishing characteristics of a temperate grassland

Rich soil, grazing mammals, not enough rain to support trees

Define a carnivore

Eats only other animals

What zone is the deep water of the open ocean


Give some characteristics of the savanna

Wet/dry seasons, many predators, lots of wildlife

Define a biochemical cycle

Method of recycling substances/nutrients between biotic and abiotic components

What is an estuary

Where ocean water and fresh water mix

What is a trophic level

The stage in a food chain

What determines an organisms trophic level

What something eats

What process converts carbon from an abiotic form to a biotic form

Carbon cycle (photosynthesis)

How is an oligotrophic lake different from a eutrophic lake

Olig- clean and Sandy

Eutro- murky with lots of vegetation