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60 Cards in this Set

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hereditary info of all living cells

Where is DNA contained?

one or more chromosomes


long chain of _____ that create DNA; consist of a phosphate, deoxyribose, and a base (ACGT)

double helix

two long strands of nucleotides wound around each other


units of inheritance; segments of DNA

after cell division, daughter cells ________

grow and develop or differentiate


becoming specialized for specific functions (contraction, fighting infection, producing digestive enzymes, etc)

stem cells

an undifferentiated cell capable of dividing and giving rise to one or more distinct types of differentiated cells

sexual reproduction

occurs when offspring are produced from gametes from two adults; two haploid gametes fuse to form diploid zygote


sperm and eggs

asexual reproduction

reproduction that does not involve the fusion of haploid gametes (budding)

DNA of prokaryotic cell is contained where?

circular chromosome

first step of binary fission

circular DNA double helix is attached to plasma membrane at one point

second step of binary fission

DNA replicates and 2 DNA double helices attach to plasma membrane at nearby points

third step of binary fission

new plasma membrane is added between attachment points, pushing them further apart

fourth step of binary fission

plasma membrane grows inward at middle of cell

fifth step of binary fission

parent cells divides into two daughter cells

where are eukaryotic chromosomes located?

within a membrane-bound nucleus

have multiple chromosomes

eukaryotic cells

contains single DNA double helix

each human chromosome

protein DNA is wound around

histones (further coil to reduce length of DNA)

each gene occupies a specific space, or _____ on a chromosome


how many telomeres in one chromosome?


how many centromeres in one chromosome?



ends of a chromosome


holds two daughter DNA double helices together after replication and is the attachment site for microtubules

duplicated chromosome

consists of two identical DNA double helices, now known as sister chromatid (attached to each other at centromere)


preparation showing number, sizes, and shapes of all the chromosomes within a cell

homologous chromosomes (or homologues)

chromosomes that contain the same genes


cells with pairs of homologues


a change in the base sequence of DNA in a gene; often used to refer to a genetic change that is significant enough to alter the appearance or function of the organism

a human cell has _____ pairs of chromosomes


a human cell has a total of ____ chromosomes



a chromosome that occurs in homologous pairs in both males and females and that does not bear the genes determining sex

sex chromosomes

either of the pair of chromosomes that usually determines sex of an organism (X and Y chromosomes in mammals)


cells that contain only on of each type of chromosome

during interphase, _____....

the cell acquires nutrients from environment, grows, and duplicates its chromosomes

majority of time is spent in ______



1) cell grows in size

2) cell specializes to perform function

3) cell is sensitive to signals that help it decide whether to divide

"S" phase is entered when

cells decides to divide

"S" phase

DNA synthesis occurs

G2 phase

cell grows and synthesizes proteins needed for division

mitotic cell division

consists of nuclear division (mitosis) followed by cytoplasmic division (cytokinesis)

where does mitosis get its name from?

mitosis comes from Greek word "thread"; during mitosis, chromosomes condense and appear thread-like when viewed through a microscope


cytoplasm is divided by two daughter cells

the mechanism of asexual reproduction in eukaryotic cells


cytokinesis typically occurs during _____


first phase of mitosis


prophase steps

1) duplicated chromosomes condense

2) spindle microtubules form

3) chromosomes are captured by spindle microtubules

when mitosis begins, each chromosome already consists of 2 _______

sister chromatids attached at centromere

nucleolus disappears

during prophase

second stage of mitosis


microtubules lengthen or shorten until each chromosome lines up with equator of cell (one kinetochore facing each pole)

during metaphase

third stage of mitosis


sister chromatids separate, becoming daughter chromosomes. one of two daughter chromosomes moves to each pole of cell. polar microtubules grab onto one another at equator, and then lengthen and push on each other

during anaphase

final stage of mitosis


spindle microtubules disintegrate and nuclear envelope forms around chromosomes. chromosomes revert to extended state and nucleoli begin to form.

during telophase

cytokinesis in animal cells

microfilaments attached to plasma membrane form ring around equator of cell, which contracts and constricts cell's equator. two daughter cells eventually formed

cytokinesis in plant cells

carb filled vesicles meet at cell's equator between two nuclei. vesicles fuse producing cell plate. when enough fusion has occurred, edges of cell plate merge with plasma membrane

following cytokinesis, eukaryotic cells enter ______

G1 of interphase