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96 Cards in this Set

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Living organisms reproduce by two methods
-Asexual reproduction
-Sexual reproduction
offsprings are identical to the original cell or organism and involves inheritance of all genes from one parent
Asexual reproduction
offspring are similar to parents but show variations in traits and involves inheritance of unique sets of genes from two parents
Sexual reproduction
the reproduction of cells
cell division
_ perpetuates life
cell division
Roles of Asexual reproduction
-reproduction of an entire single-celled organism
-growth of a multicellular organism
-growth from a fertilized egg into an adult
-repair and replacement of cells in an adult
Roles of Sexual reproduction
sperm and egg production
binary fission means
"dividing in half"
binary fission occurs in
prokaryotic cells
two identical cells arise from on cell
binary fission
steps in the binary fission process
-a single circular chromosome duplicates and the copies begin to seperate from each other
-the cell elongates, and the chromosomal copies seperate further
-the plasma membrane grows inward at the midpoint to divide the cells
_ composed of chromatin
Eukaryotic chromosomes
DNA + proteins
To prepare for division, the _ becomes highly compact and the _ are visible with a microscope
Early in the divison process, chromosomes _
Each chromosome appear as two _
sister chromatids
sister chromatids each contain
identical DNA molecules
sister chromatis are joined by a narrow region called the
cell cycle consists of two stages
mitotic phase
duplication of cell contents
mitotic phase
Interphase consist of
growth, increase in cytoplasm
duplication of chromosomes
growth, preparation for division
mitosis inclues
_ often overlaps telophase
_ is required to divide the chromosomes
A mitotic spindle
the mitotic spindle is composed of
mitotic spindle is produced by
centrosomes are located in
Centrosomes are responsible for
-organize microtubule arrangement
centrosomes contain a pair of _ animal cells
Interphase in the cytoplasm
-cytoplasmic contents double
-two centrosomes form
Interphase in the nucleus
-chromosomes duplicate during the S phase
-Nucleoli are visible
sites of ribosomes assembly
Humans have _ chromosomes. By the end of interphase:
How many chromosomes are present in one cell?
how many chromatids are present in one cell?
Prophase in the cytoplasm
-microtubules begin to emerge from centrosomes, forming the spindle
Prophase in the nucleus,
-chromosomes coil and become compact
-nucleoli disappear
In prometaphase,
-spindle microtubules reach chromosomes
-other microtubules meet those from the opposite poles
-the nuclear envelope disappears
In prometaphase, when spindcle microtubles reach chromosomes, they
-attach at kinetochores on the centromeres of sister chromatids
-move chromosomes to the center of the cell through associated protein motors
In metaphase,
-spindle is fully formed
-chromosomes align at the cell equator
-kinetochores of sister chromatids are facing the opposite poles of the spindle
By end of metaphase,
how many chromosomes are present in one human cell?
how many chromatids are present in one human cell?
In anaphase,
-sister chromatids seperate at the centromeres
-daughter chromosomes are moved to opposite poles of the cell
-kinetochore microtubules are shorten
-the cell elongates due to lenghtening of nonkinetochore microtubules
By the end of Anaphase,
how many chromosomes are present in one human cell?
how many chromatids are?
In telophase,
-the cell continues to elongate
-the nuclear envelope forms around chromosomes at each pole, establishing daughter nuclei
-chromatin uncoils
-nucleoli reappear
-the spindle disappears
By the end of telophase,
-how many chromosomes are present in one nucleus wihtin the human cell?
-are the nuclei identical or different?
In cytokenesis,
-cytoplasm is divided into seperate cells
By the end of cytokinesis,
how many chromsomes are present in one human cell?
-how many chromatids are present in one human cell?
Cytokinesis in animal cells
- a cleave furrow forms from a contracting ring of microfilaments, interacting with myosin
-the cleavage furrow deepends to separate the contents into two cells
Cytokinesis in plant cells
-a cell plate forms in the middle from vesicles containing cell wall material
-the cell plate gows outward to reach the edges, dividing the contents into two cells
-each cell has a plasma membrane and cell wall
Factors that affect cell division
-presence of essential nutrients
-growth factors, proteins that stimulate division
-presence of other cells causes density-dependent inhibition
-contact with a solid surface; most cells show anchorage dependence
_ escape controls on the cell cycle
cancer cells
cancer cells divide rapidly, often in the ansence of _
growth factors
cancer cells spread to other tissues thorugh the
circulatory system
growth is not inhibited by other cells and _ form
_ remain at the original site
benign tumors
_ spread to otherlocations by metastasis
malignent tumors
locatized tumors can be treated with _
surgery or radiation
_ is used for metastaic tumors
_ is a process that converts diploid nuclei to haploid nuclei
_ have two homologous sets of choromsomes
diploid cells
_ have one set of chormosomes
haploid cells
meiosis occurs in the sex organs, producing _
gametes-sperm and and eggs
_ is the union of sperm and egg
the zygote has a _ chromosome number
one set from each parent
like mitosis, meiosis is preceded by _
in meiosis, chromosomes duplicate during
S phase
Unlike mitosis, meiosis has two divisions
-during meiosis I, homologous chromosomes separate
-the chromosomes number is reduced by hald
-during meiosis II, sister chromatids separate
(chromosome numbers remain the same)
In prophase I,
-chromsomes coil and become compact
-homologous chromosomes come together as paris by synapsis
-nonsister chromatids exchange genetic material by crossing over
each pair with four chromatids is called a
crossing over genetic material by nonsister chromatids
At the end of prophase I,
how many chromosomes are present in one cell?
how many chromatids are present in one cell?
In metaphase I,
tetrads align at the cell equator
In Anaphase I,
homologous pairs separate and move toward opposite poles of the cell
At the ends of metaphase I,
how many chromosomes are present in one cell?
how many chromatids are present in one cells?
In telophase I,
-duplicated chromosomes have reached the poles
-a nuclear envelope forms around chromosomes in some species
-each nucleus has the haploid number of chromsomes
After telophase I and cytokinesis,
how many chromosomes are present in one human cell?
how many chromatids are present in one human cell?
In prophase II,
-meiosis II follows meiosis without chromsome duplication
-each of the two haploid products enter meiosis II
-events in the nucleus during meiosis
Events in the nucleus during meiosis II, prophase II
chromsomes coil and become compact
In metaphase II,
duplicated chrosomes align at the cell equator
In anaphase II,
sister chromatids seperate and chromosomes move toward opposite poles
In telophase II,
-chromosomes have reached the poles of the cell
-a nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes
-with cytokinesis, four haploid cells are produced
after telophase II and cytokinesis,
how many chromosomes are present in one human cell?
how many chromatids are present in one human cell?
which characteristics are similar for mitosis and meiosis?
one duplication of chromosome
which characteristics are unique to meiosis?
-two divisions of chromsomes
-pairing of homologous chromosomes
-exchange of genetic material by crossing over
what is the outcome of mitosis?
two genetically identical cells, with the same chromosome number as the original cell
what is the outcome of meiosis?
four geneticall different cell, with hald the chromsome number of the original cell
the combination of each unique sperm with each unique egg increases genetic variability
random fertilization
Independent orientation at metaphase I
-each pair of chromosomes independtly aligns at the cell equator
-there is an equal probability of the maternal or paternal chromosome facing a given pole
-the number of combinations for chromosomes packaged into gametes in 2n where n=haploid number of chromsomes
_ can lead to genetic difference between gametes
separation of homologous chromosomes
homologous chromosomes may have different versions of _
a gene at the same locus
since homologues move to opposite poles during _, gametes will receive either the maternal or paternal version of the gene
anaphase I
_ is the production of new combinations of genes due to crossing over
genetic recombinations
crossing over involces exchange of genetic material between _
homologous chromosomes
nonsister chromatids join at a _
chiasma, site of attachment and crossing over