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84 Cards in this Set

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Membranes are composed of...
Membranes are composed of
phospholipids and proteins
Membranes are commonly
described as a ...
fluid mosaic
– This means that the surface
appears mosaic because of
diverse proteins embedded in
the phospholipids and fluid
because the proteins can drift
about in the phospholipids
Because of the hydrophobic
properties of the tail of
phospholipids, lipid bilayers are...
naturally self-healing.
Double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acid tails of many
phospholipids produce kinks that prevent phospholipids from
packing tightly together, keeping the membrane ...
Steroid cholesterol
helps stabilize the membrane at warm
temperatures but also keep the membrane fluid at lower
Membranes contain proteins..
= integrins, which give the
membrane a stronger
Integrins attach to the...
extracellular matrix on
the outside of the cell as
well as span the
membrane to attach to
the cytoskeleton
involved in cell-cell
recognition, a second function of the
plasma membrane proteins
The outside surface of the membrane has...
The outside surface of the membrane has
carbohydrate bonded to proteins or lipids
in the membrane
This cell cell recognition allows
cells in an embryo to...
sort themselves
into tissue and organs
Glycoproteins enable the immune system
recognize and reject bacteria,
virus etc.
the four human blood types
designated A, B, AB, O reflect
variation in the carbohydrates on
surface of the red blood cells.
Many membrane proteins
function as
enzymes, which
work as a team to carry out
sequential steps in a
Other proteins function as
for chemical
messenger from other cells.
A receptor protein has a
______ that fits a specific
messenger, e.g. a hormone
-Binding of the messenger to
the receptor triggers a chain
reaction involving other
Membrane proteins are important in..
transport (transport proteins)
membranes exhibit selectively
Because membranes allow
some substances to cross or be
transported more easily than
Their hydrophobic interior is
one reason for this selective
– Nonpolar molecules
(carbon dioxide and
oxygen) cross easily
– Polar molecules (glucose
and other sugars) do not
cross easily
a substance whose molecules move freely
past one another; fluids have no defined shape;
liquids and gases are fluids
is a substance that can be dissolved
fluid capable of dissolving a solute
process in which particles spread out evenly in an available
– Particles move from an area of more concentrated particles to an area
where they are less concentrated
– This means that particles diffuse down their concentration gradient
passive transport
Diffusion across a cell membrane does not require energy
(osmosis and facilated diffusion are types of passive diffusion)
The concentration gradient itself represents...
potential energy for diffusion
Water moves across membranes in response to solute
concentration inside and outside of the cell by a process
– Osmosis will move water across a membrane ___ its
concentration gradient until the concentration of solute
is equal
term that describes the ability of a
solution to cause a cell to gain or lose water
indicates that the concentration of a solute is the
same on both sides
indicates that the concentration of solute is
higher outside the cell
indicates a higher concentration of solute inside
the cell
organisms are able to maintain water
balance within their cells
Many substances that are necessary for viability of
the cell do not freely diffuse across the membrane
– They require the help of specific transport proteins
aquaporins assist in...
facilitated diffusion
facilitated diffusion
a type
of passive transport that does not require energy
Cells have a mechanism for moving a solute
against its concentration gradient
– It requires the expenditure of energy in the form of ATP
– The mechanism alters the shape of the membrane
protein through phosphorylation using ATP
A cell uses two mechanisms for
moving large molecules across
In both cases, material to be
transported is packaged within a
vesicle that fuses with the membrane
is used to export
bulky molecules, such as
proteins or polysaccharides (e.g.
the excretion of insulin by cells
of the pancreas)
is used to import
substances useful to the
livelihood of the cell
– Phagocytosis; pinocytosis
Passive transport
Facilitated diffusion
Active transport
Use energy and moves against concentration gradient
Cells are small units, a chemical
factory, housing thousands of
chemical reactions
The result of reactions is
maintenance of the cell,
manufacture of cellular parts,
and replication
capacity to do work
and cause change
work is accomplished ...
when an
object is moved against an
opposing force,
Kinetic energy
energy of motion
Potential energy
energy that an object
possesses as a result of its
Kinetic energy performs work by..
transferring motion to
other matter
– For example, water moving through a turbine generates
– Heat, or thermal energy, is kinetic energy associated
with the random movement of atoms
An example of potential energy is
water behind a dam
Chemical energy
potential energy because of its
energy available for release in a chemical reaction
– The physical energy (walking) rely upon the chemical energy
from our diet;
field of thermodynamics
Study of Energy transformations within matter
– Biologists study thermodynamics because an organism exchanges
both energy and matter with its surroundings
The first law of thermodynamics
energy in the universe is
constant (not created nor destroyed) e.g photosynthesis
The second law of thermodynamics
energy conversions
increase the disorder of the universe
measure of disorder, or randomness
exergonic reaction
chemical reaction that releases
– This reaction releases the energy
in covalent bonds of the
Cellular respiration
releases energy and heat and
produces products but is able to
use the released energy to
perform work
endergonic reaction
an input of energy and yields
products rich in potential energy
– The reactants contain little
energy in the beginning, but
energy is absorbed from the
surroundings and stored in
covalent bonds of the
products; more energy in the
Example of exergonic reaction
Burning wood which had a lot of
cellulose (chemical energy)
when burned releases the
energy in cellulose thus,
producing heat, light, carbon
dioxide, and water (which has
less energy)
Example of endergonic reaction
– E.g. Photosynthesis makes
energy-rich sugar molecules
using energy in sunlight
– E.g cell making proteins from
amino acids
combination of the thousands of endergonic and exergonic chemical reactions in a living organism
Metabolism requires energy, which is taken from...
or other molecules containing energy
metabolic pathway
series of chemical reactions
that either break down a complex molecule or build up
a complex molecule
A cell does three main types of
cellular work
– Chemical work—driving
endergonic reactions
– Transport work—pumping
substances across membranes
– Mechanical work—beating of
To accomplish work, a cell must
manage its energy resources, and
it does so by...
energy coupling—
the use of exergonic processes to
drive an endergonic one
triphosphate, is the
energy currency of
-ATP is the immediate
source of energy that
powers most forms of
cellular work.
ATP is composed of ...
It is composed of
adenine (a nitrogenous
base), ribose (a fivecarbon
sugar), and three
phosphate groups.
Hydrolysis of ATP releases
energy by transferring its
third phosphate from ATP to
some other molecule
Hydrolysis of ATP releases
energy by transferring its
third phosphate from ATP to
some other molecule
– In the process, ATP
energizes molecules
ATP is a renewable source of energy for the cell
– When energy is released in an exergonic reaction, such
as breakdown of glucose, the energy is used in an
endergonic reaction to generate ATP
energy of activation (EA)
the energy that must be overcome in order for a chemical reaction to occur. Activation energy may also be defined as the minimum energy required to start a chemical reaction.
The cell uses____ to drive
(speed up) biological reactions
that function as biological
Enzymes speed up the rate of
the reaction by...
lowering the
EA , and they are not used up
in the process
Each enzyme has a particular
target molecule called the
Enzymes have unique threedimensional
The shape is critical to
their role as biological
As a result of its shape,
the enzyme has an
active site where the
enzyme interacts with the
enzyme’s substrate
For optimum activity, enzymes require certain
environmental conditions
Temperature is very important, and optimally, human
enzymes function best at 37ºC, or body temperature
– High temperature will denature human enzymes
Enzymes also require...
a pH around neutrality for best
Some enzymes require ...
nonprotein helpers

are inorganic, such as zinc, iron, or copper
organic molecules and are often
– We need vitamins in our food or as supplements because of
their role in metabolism driven by enzymes
chemicals that
inhibit an enzyme’s activity
– One group inhibits
because they compete
for the enzyme’s active
site and thus block
substrates from entering
the active site
competitive inhibitors
One group inhibits
because they compete
for the enzyme’s active
site and thus block
substrates from entering
the active site
noncompetitive inhibitors
inhibitors do not act directly with the active
– These bind somewhere else and change the shape of
the enzyme so that the substrate will no longer fit the
active site
– Penicillin, an antibiotic, is an example of a
noncompetitive inhibitor because it blocks the active
site of an enzyme that some bacteria use to make their
cell wall.
Enzyme inhibitors are important in regulating ...
feedback inhibition
Often the product of a metabolic pathway can serve as
an inhibitor of one enzyme in the pathway