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62 Cards in this Set

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Surface area of a cell
The surface area of a cell
is important for carrying
out the cell’s functions,
such as acquiring
adequate nutrients and
-A small cell has more
surface area relative to
its cell volume and is
more efficient
Most cells are small,
ranging from
1 to 100
micrometers in
Bacteria and archaea are
prokaryotic cells
Both prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells have
plasma membrane and one or
more chromosomes and
Eukaryotic cells have
membrane-bound nucleus
and a number of other
organelles, whereas
prokaryotes have a nucleoid
and no true organelles
four life processes in eukaryotic cells
– Breakdown of molecules
– Energy processing
– Structural support, movement, and communication
Manufacturing involves
nucleus, ribosomes,
endoplasmic reticulum, and
Golgi apparatus
– Manufacture of a
protein, perhaps an
enzyme, involves all of
Breakdown of molecules involves
vacuoles, and peroxisomes
– Breakdown of an
internalized bacterium
by a phagocytic cell
would involve all of
– Lysosomes, vacuoles,
and peroxisomes involve
digestion by hydrolytic
enzymes of unwanted
materials within the cell,
resulting in products
that are used by the cell
as food.
Energy processing
mitochondria in
animal cells and
chloroplasts in plant
Generation of energycontaining
such as adenosine
triphosphate (ATP),
occurs in mitochondria
and chloroplasts
Structural support,
movement, and
communication involve
cytoskeleton, plasma
membrane, and cell wall
– An example of the
importance of these is
the response and
movement of phagocytic
cells to an infected area
Structural support,
movement, and
communication involve the...
Structural support,
movement, and
communication involve the
cytoskeleton, plasma
membrane, and cell wall
Membranes within a eukaryotic cell partition the
cell into...
Membranes within a eukaryotic cell partition the
cell into compartments, areas where cellular
metabolism occurs
Each compartment is...
fluid-filled and maintains
conditions that favor particular metabolic processes and
Although the cell is compartmentalized, none of the
cell’s components works alone.
The cell is a living unit
greater than the sum of its parts.
Although there are many
similarities between animal and
plant cells, differences exist
-Lysosomes and centrioles are
not found in plant cells
-Plant cells have a rigid cell
wall, chloroplasts, and a
central vacuole not found in
animal cells
The plasma membrane controls...
The plasma membrane controls
the movement of molecules into
and out of the cell, a trait called
selective permeability
Membranes are made of...
Membranes are made of
lipids, proteins, and some
carbohydrate, but the most
abundant lipids are
Structures of membranes correlates with their function
-Phospholipids form a two-layer
sheet called a phospholipid
-Thus, hydrophilic heads are
exposed to water, while
hydrophobic tails are shielded
from water
-Proteins are attached to the
surface, and some are embedded
into the phospholipid bilayer
The nucleus controls...
The nucleus controls the cell’s
activities and is responsible for
Inside the nucleus is ...
Inside is a complex of
proteins and DNA called
chromatin, which makes up
the cell’s chromosomes
– DNA is copied within the
nucleus prior to cell division
The nuclear envelope is...
The nuclear envelope is a double membrane with pores
material to flow in and out of the nucleus
-It is attached to a network of
cellular membranes called the
endoplasmic reticulum
Consist of DNA and proteins
The genes on the DNA provide..
The genes on the DNA provide
a blue-print to make proteins
which are needed by the cell
Ribosomes are...
Ribosomes are involved in the
cell’s protein synthesis
– Ribosomes are synthesized
in the nucleolus, which is
found in the nucleus
– Cells that must synthesize
large amounts of protein
have a large number of
Free ribosomes are...
Free ribosomes are
suspended in the cytoplasm
Bound ribosomes are...
Bound ribosomes are
attached to the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) associated
with the nuclear envelope
endomembrane system
The membranes within a
eukaryotic cell are physically
connected and compose the
endomembrane system
– The endomembrane system
includes the nuclear
envelope, endoplasmic
reticulum (ER), Golgi
apparatus, lysosomes,
vacuoles, and the plasma
In general, the endomembrane system
Some components of the
endomembrane system are
able to communicate with
others with formation and
transfer of small membrane
segments called vesicles
– One important result of
communication is the
synthesis, storage, and
export of molecules
The endoplasmic reticulum is a biosynthetic
Smooth ER is involved in a variety
of diverse metabolic processes
– For example, enzymes
produced by the smooth ER
are involved in the synthesis
of lipids, oils, phospholipids,
and steroids
– Cells of the ovaries and testes
synthesize the steroid sex
hormones. These cells are
rich in Smooth ER;
– Liver also has large amts of
SER with additional types of
Liver also has large amts of
SER with additional types of
– Certain enzymes in the
smooth ER of the liver cells
helps process drugs and
harmful substances eg.
– Complication: 1 As the cell
are exposed to such
chemicals, the amount of
smooth ER and its detox.
enzyme increase, thereby
increasing the rate of
detoxification and thus the
body’s tolerance to drugs
– Complication 2: detoxifying enzymes
can not distinguish among related
– As a result, the growth of the SER in
response to one drug can increase
tolerance to other drugs e.g.
important medicines
SER – store...
SER – stores calcium ions e.g. in
muscles the SER pumps calcium into
the interior of the ER which allows
muscle contraction
Rough ER makes additional
membrane for itself and proteins
destined for secretion
Note: proteins are synthesized
by the ribosomes found on the
– Once proteins are synthesized,
they are transported in
vesicles to other parts of the
endomembrane system
– An example of a secretary
protein = insulin, a hormone
secreted by certain cells in the
The Golgi apparatus finishes, sorts, and ships
cell products
The Golgi apparatus functions in
conjunction with the ER by
modifying products of the ER
– Products travel in transport
vesicles from the ER to the
Golgi apparatus
– One side of the Golgi
apparatus functions as a
receiving dock for the product
and the other as a shipping
– Products are modified
as they go from one
side of the Golgi
apparatus to the other
and travel in vesicles
to other sites
Lysosomes are digestive compartments
within a cell
A lysosome is a membranous
sac containing digestive
– The enzymes and
membrane (the
lysosomes) are produced
by the ER and transferred
to the Golgi apparatus for
– The membrane serves to
safely isolate these potent
enzymes from the rest of
the cell
One of the several functions of lysosomes is to
One of the several functions of lysosomes is to
remove or recycle damaged parts of a cell
– The damaged organelle is first enclosed in a membrane
– Then a lysosome fuses with the vesicle, dismantling its
contents and breaking down the damaged organelle
Vacuoles function in the general maintenance
of the cell
Vacuoles are membranous
sacs that are found in a
variety of cells and possess
an assortment of functions
– Examples are the central
vacuole in plants with
hydrolytic functions,
pigment vacuoles in
plants to provide color to
flowers, and contractile
vacuoles in some protists
to expel water from the
Cellular respiration is accomplished in...
Cellular respiration is accomplished in
the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells
– Cellular respiration involves
conversion of chemical energy in
foods to chemical energy in ATP
(adenosine triphosphate)
Mitochondria have two internal
The intermembrane
space, which encloses
the mitochondrial
matrix where materials
necessary for ATP
generation are found
Chloroplasts are the
photosynthesizing organelles of
– Photosynthesis is the
conversion of light energy to
chemical energy of sugar
Chloroplasts are partitioned into
The important parts of
chloroplasts are the stroma,
thylakoids, and grana
Mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved by
When compared, you find that mitochondria and
chloroplasts have (1) DNA and (2) ribosomes
– The structure of both DNA and ribosomes is very similar
to that found in prokaryotic cells, and mitochondria and
chloroplasts replicate much like prokaryotes
The hypothesis of endosymbiosis
The hypothesis of endosymbiosis proposes that
mitochondria and chloroplasts were formerly small
prokaryotes that began living within larger cells
– Symbiosis benefited both cell types
Cells contain a network of
Cells contain a network of protein fibers, called the
cytoskeleton, that functions in cell structural
support and motility
– Scientists believe that motility and cellular regulation
result when the cytoskeleton interacts with proteins
called motor proteins
The cytoskeleton is composed of three kinds of fibers
– Microfilaments (actin filaments) support the cell’s shape and are
involved in motility
– Intermediate filaments reinforce cell shape and anchor
– Microtubules (made of tubulin) shape the cell and act as tracks
for motor protein
Cilia and flagella move when microtubules
While some protists have
flagella and cilia that are
important in locomotion, some
cells of multicellular organisms
have them for different
– Cells that sweep mucus
out of our lungs have cilia
– Animal sperm are
flagellum propels a cell by
A flagellum propels a cell by
an undulating, whiplike
work more
like the oars of a crew boat
Both flagella and cilia are made of...
Both flagella and cilia are made of
microtubules wrapped in an
extension of the plasma
Cilia and flagella move by...
Cilia and flagella move by
bending motor proteins called
dynein arms
– These attach to and exert a
sliding force on an adjacent
– The arms then release and
reattach a little further along
and repeat this time after
– This “walking” causes the
microtubules to bend
genetic reasons that
sperm lack motility
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an example
– PCD is a rare disease in which there is an absence of
dynein arms, which prevents microtubules from
decline in sperm quality
A group of chemicals c g oup o a alled phthalates used in a variety
of things people use every day may be the cause
extracellular matrix (ECM)
essential to cell function
– The ECM is composed of
strong fibers of collagen,
which holds cells together
and protects the plasma
– ECM attaches through
connecting proteins that
bind to membrane proteins
called integrins
Integrins span the
plasma membrane
and connect to
microfilaments of the
Three types of cell junctions are found in
animal tissues
– Tight junctions
– Anchoring junctions
– Gap junctions
Adjacent cells communicate,
interact, and adhere through
specialized junctions between
Tight junctions
forms a
seal that prevent leakage of
extracellular fluid across a
layer of epithelial cells (like a
zipper-lock seal in bags)
Anchoring junctions
cells together into sheets
Gap junctions
are channels
that allow molecules to flow
between cells
Plant cells have cell junctions called
Plant cells have cell junctions called
plasmodesmata that serve in communication
between cells