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59 Cards in this Set

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DNA sequence that code for heritable traits
Alternative form of a gene
Dominant Allele
Requires only one copy to be expressed
Recessive Allele
Requires two copies to be expressed
The combination of alleles on has at a given genetic locus
Genetic Locus
Location on the chromosome of a gene
Having two of he same allele
Having two different alleles
Having only one allele (male sex chromosomes)
The observable manifestation of a genotype
Complete Dominance
One dominant allele and one recessive allele only show the traits of the dominant allele
More than one dominant allele Ex: blood type AB
Incomplete Dominance
No dominant alleles rather an intermediate phenotype Ex: Red and white flowers making pink flowers
The proportion of the population that expresses a phenotype, given a particular genotype Varies from full to high to reduced to low to nonpenetrance
The differences in expression of a phenotype across affected members of a population Either constant or variable
Constant Expressivity
All individuals with a given genotype express the same phenotype
Variable Expressivity
Individuals with the same genotype may have different phenotypes
Mendel’s First Law of Segregation
An organism has two alleles for each gene, which segregate during meiosis, resulting in gametes carrying only one allele for a trait
Mendel’s Second Law of Independent Assortment
Inheritance of one allele does not influence the probability of inheriting a given allele for a different trait because of recombination during prophase I
Experiments Supporting DNA as Genetic Material
Griffith’s mice, Avery-MacLeod-McCarthy degraded DNA vs. proteins, and Hershey-Chase radiolabeled DNA
Griffith’s Mice Experiment
Non deadly rough strain of virus gains the ability to produce smooth strain from the heat-killed smooth strain
Avery-MacLeod-McCarthy Experiment
Bacterial transformation does not occur if DNA is degraded suggesting it is the genetic material
Saw that only radiolabeled DNA was injected by bacteria and not radiolabeled proteins
Gene Pool
All of the alleles in a given population
A change in DNA sequence
Nucleotide Mutations
Point mutations: substituting of one nucleotide for another or frameshift mutations: moving the three letter transcriptional reading frame
Point Mutations
Silent: no affect on codon Missense: substitution of one amino acid for another Nonsense: substitution for a stop codon
Frameshift Mutations
Deletion or insertion
Chromosomal Mutations
Deletion, duplication, insertion, inversion, or translocation
Genetic Leakage
A flow of genes between species through hybrid offspring
Genetic Drift
When the composition of the gene pool changes as a result of chance
Founder Effect
Bottlenecks that isolate a small population, leading to inbreeding and increased prevalence of certain homozygous genotypes
Consequences of Mutation
Advantageous or deleterious (detrimental like defects in metabolism)
Punnett Squares
Monohybrid vs. Dihybrid Cross
Punnett square with one gene (Aa) vs. Punnett square with two genes (AaBB)
Sex-Linked Crosses
Used to indicate sex as well as genotype Sex linked is “x-linked”
Recombination frequency
Likelihood of two alleles being separated during crossing over in meiosis Can be used to create genetic maps as frequency is proportional to distance between alleles
Hardy-Weinberg Principle
If a population meets five criteria then the allele frequencies will remain constant
Hardy-Weinberg Five Criteria
1. The population is very large (no genetic drift) 2. There are no mutations that affect the gene pool 3. Mating between individuals in the population is random (no sexual selection) 4. There is no migration of individuals into or out of the population 5. The genes in the population are all equally successful at reproducing
Hardy-Weinberg Equation Term Meaning
p: dominant allele frequency q: recessive allele frequency pp: homozygous dominant frequency 2pq: heterozygous frequency qq: homozygous recessive frequency
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
Natural Selection
Chance variations exist between individuals and advantageous variations afford the most opportunity for reproductive success
Modern Synthesis Model
Mutation and recombinations are the mechanisms of variation Differential reproduction is the mechanism of reproductive success
Inclusive Fitness
Success in the population is based on the number of offspring, success in supporting offspring, and the ability of offspring to then support others ensuring continuation of genes in subsequent generations
Punctuated Equilibrium
For some species, evolution is a slow process with intermittent rapid bursts of evolutionary activity
Types of Selection
Stabilizing, directional and disruptive
Stabilizing Selection
Keeps phenotypes in a narrow range excluding extremes
Directional Selection
Moves the average phenotype toward one extreme
Disruptive Selection
Moves toward two different phenotypes at the extremes and can lead to speciation
Adaptive Radiation
The rapid emergence of multiple species from a common ancestor that occupy their own niche
The largest group of organisms capable of breeding to form fertile offspring
Reproductive Isolation
Causes species to not be able to reproduce with each other
Pre-Zygotic Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation
Things that stop a zygote from forming Temporal isolation, ecological isolation, behavioral isolation, reproductive isolation, or gametic isolation
Post-Zygotic Mechanisms of Reproductive Isolation
Allow for gamete fusion but yield either nonviable or sterile offspring Hybrid inviability, hybrid sterility, or hybrid breakdown (second generation hybrid can't reproduce)
Types of Evolution
Divergent, parallel, convergent
Divergent Evolution
Two species sharing a common ancestor become more different
Parallel Evolution
Two species sharing a common ancestor evolve in similar ways due to analogous selection pressures
Converging Evolution
Two species not sharing a recent ancestor evolve to become more similar due to analogous selection pressures
Molecular Clock Model
The degree of difference in the genome between two species is related to the amount of time since the two species broke off from a common ancestor