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36 Cards in this Set

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What is Population genetics?
Study of genetic variation within populations
What is Population ?
Group of individuals of the same species that can interbreed with one another
What is Gene pool?
All the genes in a population
what is Allele?
a Form of a particular Gene That Determine the Trait.
what is Genotype?
Genetic composition of an individual
Two alleles, one from mom, one from dad
what is Phenotype?
Characteristics of an organism that are the result of the expression of its genes
What is Polymorphism?
Display of Variant of traits within a population
What is polymorphic Gene?
Gene that has two or more alleles that make up more than 1% of the alleles in a population
What is Monomorphic gene?
Gene that has predominantly a single allele in the population, more than 99%
How do you Calc Allele Frequency?
Number of copies of a
specific allele (in a population)
Total number of all alleles for
that gene (in a population)
How do you Calc Genotype frequency?
Number of individuals with a
particular genotype (in a population)
Total number of
individuals (in a population)
What is Micro Evolution?
Change in a population over time
Change in frequencies of alleles in gene pool of a population
Whats is Hardy-Weinberg equation?
Relates allele and genotype frequencies when they are not changing
Whats are the Conditions to reaching equilibrium
in Hardy-Weinberg equation
large population, no random sampling error of allele frequencies
random mating
no migration
no natural selection
no new mutations
Whats is the Hardy-Weinberg equation
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
p + q =
(p + q)2
P is a Frequency of what trait?
q is a frequency of What trait?
What are Four Patterns of natural Selection?
Directional selection
Stabilizing selection
Balancing selection
Sexual selection
What is Directional Selection?
Shift from on color to another
What is Stabilizing Selection?
instead of making too many or too less just making in the middle
What is Balancing Selection?
Type that maintain genetic diversity in a population.
What is Balancing selection, heterozygote advantage?
people Having Sickle Cells animea
What is Balancing selection, negative frequency-dependent?
common do reporduce while rare species do. due to preditor only eating on kind.
What two group Balancing selection have?
heterozygote advantage
negative frequency-dependent selection
Whats two groups Sexual Selection Have?
intersexual selection
intrasexual selection
What is intrasexual Selection?
Sexual selection between same sex
What is intersexual selection?
sexual selection between members of opposite sex
What is Random Genetic Drift?
Changes in allele frequencies due to “random sampling error”
What does Random Genetic Drift Depend on?
Population size
large long time
short short time
What is Bottleneck effect?
Caused by dramatic, largely random reduction in population size then rebounds
What is Founder effects?
new colony is started by a few members of the original population.
What is Gene Flow
– occurs when individuals migrate between different populations and cause changes in the genetic composition of the resulting populations
Whats is Assortative mating?
similar phenotypes
if similar genotypes, more homozygous
What is Diassortative Mating?
more heterozygous
example: grasshopper Phaulacridium vittatum
brown with white stripes