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38 Cards in this Set

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Make it easier for molecules to react

-most enzymes are a protein

-catalyze (speed up) chemical reactions by lowering activation energy

Induced fit

The hand must fit the glove!

-substrate molecule must fit into the active site on the enzyme

-the "ose" must match the "ase"

-sucrose --> sucrase


Reactant molecule.

-the "ose"


=different enzymes catalyze different reactions.

Diff molecules only fit diff enzymes

Intolerance (such as lactose)

Inability to digest lact'ose', due to a deficiency of lact'ase' (no enzyme production)

Metabolic rate

Rate at which the body uses energy.

- influenced by many factors:

Body weight



Genetic makeup


Basal metabolic rate - average is 70 calories per hour (or 1680 per day) of an awake person who is resting. But alert.

Cellular respiration


-converts energy from food into energy stored in ATP


ATP consists of adenine, a sugar, and 3 phosphate groups.

A: adenine

T: tri

P: phosphate

When phosphate is transferred from. ATP to another molecule (phosphorylation), energy is transfered and ADP is what is left

-The energy from ATP can power multiple kinds of work in cells/body


A: adenine

D: di

P: phosphate

As ATP is used up, it must be replenished by cell respiration

-food energy --> replenishes the phosphate (that was pulled off) to ADP --> making ATP

-process: ADP + phosphate, uses oxygen.

How cell resp. Works

3 stages:


Citric acid cycle

Electron transport and ATP synthesis

Stage 1: Glycosis

-6 carbon glucose molecules broken down into 3 carbon pyruvic acid molecules.

-doesn't use O2

-happens outside organelles in fluid cytosol

-produces 2 ATP


-removes electrons for use in producing ATP in the final stage of CR

-electrons are carried by NAD+


Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

- EMPTY taxi cab for electrons

-picks up 2 hydrogen atoms (along with the electrons)

-releases 1 +charge hydrogen ion (H+)

-becomes NADH

- FULL taxi cab for electrons

-Carries the Etrons to their destination (which is the final step in cell respiration)

Stage 2: citric acid cycle

-pyruvic acid is decarboxylated (loses a carbon dioxide molecule)

- the 2-carbon molecule enters the citiric acid cycle.

-reacts with OAA and proceeds through a series of reactants

-takes 8 diff enzymes

-produces more carbon dioxide and releases it into the atmosphere

NADH and 2 ATP are also produced here.

Why is it it called : citric acid cycle?

Because every trip around the pathway regenerates the first reactant which is

-a 4 carbon molecule called oxaloacetate (OAA)

What is a cycle?

Stage 3: electron transport and ATP synthesis

Essentially, energy from electrons added to the electron transport chain is used to produce ATP.

-electrons harvested during stage 1 & 2 are carried to this stage by the NADH

-electron transport chain (of proteins) functions as a conveyor belt for Etrons

-moving toward the matrix of the mirochindrion

-Etrons combine with oxygen and produce water!


-conveyor belt also is moving H+ ions from matrix into the intermembrane space

-decreases concentration in matrix

-increases concentration in intermembrane

diffusion occurs but because charged ions cannot cross the hydrophobic membrane they escape via a protein channel called ATP synthase

This enzyme uses the energy made by the rushing H+ ions to synthesize 26 ATP out of ADP+P.

Water rushing thru a turbine to create electricity.

Anaerobic respiration

Cells generating energy with the absence of oxygen.

Happens when a body works out really hard and oxygen cant be replenished fast enough.


When cells run low on O2 they must get their ATP from glycolysis (stage 1) only because this is the only stage that doesn't use O2

cells run low on NAD+ because it is converted to NADH during glycosis.

Fermentation occurs to regenerate NAD+

Can't be used long cuz it creates lactic acid which also creates 2 ATP.

-produced by the actions of NADH, which will have no where to dump its electrons during fermentation because there is no electron transport chain and no oxygen to accept them.

-lactic acid is transported to liver where cells use oxygen to convert it back to pyruvic acid


-heavy breathing after working out has stopped.

-"paying back your oxygen debt" to liver

- "hitting the wall"

-is the accumulation of too much lactic acid in muscles. And muscles shut down until resupplying oxygen rate outpaces the rate of oxygen use

When we hit the wall


Body mass index: correlates amount of body fat with risk of illness and death using weight and height data

Healthy body fat indexes:

M- 14%

W- 22%

Healthy range of BMI



A BMI of 30+

But this is not a perfect scale

Ex: Arnold Schwarzenegger had a BMI of 31

So muscle mass has something to do with it as well


Hormone that triggers cells to take up glucose

Made by beta cells in pancreas

Type 1 diabetes


Usually arises in child hood

Body cannot produce insulin --> no beta cells

Treated daily with insulin injections

Type 2 diabetese


Associated with obesity

Usually arises in adults

May be controlled by diet and exercise


High blood pressure

Pressure is consistently over 140/90 mmHg

Normal is usually 120/80

Blood pressure terms




Pressure as the heart contracts



The pressure while the heart relaxes


Heart attack /stroke

Sudden loss of blood to heart due to blocked arteries

Loss of blood to brain due to blocked arteries


Lipid that CAN build up and cause blockages

When to high,

Can also be good

Is carried by lipoproteins

Low density lipoproteins (LDLs)

Low density : carry cholesterol made in liver and from foods

High density lipoproteins (HDLs)

Carry excess cholesterol to liver for excretion as bile

Sat fats! Raise cholesterol


Self starvation

-can starve heart producing altered rythms

Can cause amenorrhea: cessation of menstruation causing sterilization

Increases risk of osteoporosis -weak bones


Binge eating followed by purging

Many of same health effects as anorexia

May lead to stomach rupture

Dental and gum problems from stomach acid

Dehydration... Sometimes fatal

Inputs and out puts of cell respiration


1 Glucose - fuel

+ 6 Oxygen - gas we inhale

Out puts: (equals)

6 Carbon dioxide- gas exhaled

+ 6 water -h2o

+ ATP -energy packets that cells use

to do work

First law of thermodynamics

Energy cannot be created, or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another.


Energy releasing reactions


Energy consuming reactions