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28 Cards in this Set

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fluid-filled body cavity.
lined by mesoderm
lies between digestive tube & outer body wall
Tube w/in a tube
The digestive tube is attatched to the body wall.

Mouth & anus
Advantages of having a coelom
-hydrostatic skeleton
-provided a space where internal organs develop
-protects organs by cushioning
-fluid w/in coelom helps transport materials
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
bilateral symmetry
diffusion for respir. circ.

Class Turbelleria
"planarians"-freeliving flatowrms

Wastes are excreted by protonephredia
Blind tubules that end in flame bulbs. Collect cells equipped w/ cilia.

Cilia beating channels waste thru tubules & out of body thru pores.
Class Trematoda
-attatch to host by hooks & suckers
-responsible for schistosomiasis (liver & kidney deteriorate)
Class Cestoda
Phylum Nemertea
"ribbon worms"
-proboscis: long, hollow, muscular tube that can be everted from the anterior end of the body. Wraps wround prey.
-no heart. blood is circulated by contractions of muscular bv and body movements
-tube w/in a tube
Phylum Mollusca
-soft body covered by a shell
-muscular foot
-visceral mass: body organs
-mantle: covers visceral mass. secretes a shell
-radula: belt of teeth in mouth
-hemocoel: space containing blood
-open circulatory system
Open circulatory system
-Hemolymph (blood) bathes tissues directly.
-Heart pumps blood into 1 vessel & flows in2large spaces called sinuses.
-tissues bathed directly in sinuses
-Blood goes into vessels where its led to gills for 02. Then it returns to heart.
-Blood pressure low
Class Polyplacophora
-sluggish w/ flattened bodies
-shell composed of 8 seperate dorsal plates
Class Gastropoda
-Mantle fuctions as a lung
-Torsion: twisting of visceral mass
Class Bivalvia
-2-part shell
-suspension feeders: trap food particles in water
-no radula
Class Cephalopoda
-"octopus & squids"
-mouth surronded by tentacles or arms
Phylum Annelida
"segmented worms"
-tubular body w/ segments (metameres)
-segments seperated by partitions called septa.
-setae: provide traction
-closed circ
-ventral nerve cord
Class Polychaeta
"marine worms"
-each body segment has a pair of parapodia (locomotion & gas exchange).
Class Oligochaeta
-setae & no parapodia
-no setae & parapodia
Phylum Nematoda
-fluid-filled pseudocoelom
-organ system
-lack circ structures
Phylum Arthropoda
-exoskeleton made of chitin
- paired, jointed appendages
-brain and ventral nerve cord
-open circ
-gills or trachea or book lungs
-coat of armor
-prevents loss of moisture
-supports soft tissue

-molting required
Subphylum Myriapoda
-jawlike mandibles
-Class Chilopoda: centipedes
-Class Diplopoda: millipedes
Subphylum Chelicerates
-no antennae
-chelicerea-fanglike feeding appendages
-Class Merostomes: horshoecrabs
-Class Arachnids: spiders, scorpians, ticks.
-trachea or book lungs
Subphylum Crustacea
-lobsters, crabs, shrimp
-mandibles: jawlike structures for grinding food
Subphylum Hexapoda
-articulated, tracheated hexapod
-head, thorax & abdomen
-3 pairs of legs from thorax
-spiracles: pores
-malpighian tubules
malpighian tubules
receive metabolic wastes from the blood, concentrate wastes, discharge them into intestine, conserving water
egg, larva, pupa & adult