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135 Cards in this Set

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Anabolic Rx
Requires E to work. Links simple molecules together to create more complex ones
E Released. Rx breaks down complex molecules into simpler ones
What causes a energy conversions?
NOt driven by E content, but by the desire of E to be dispersed
1sr Law of thermodynamics
E can't be created or destroyed
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
E spontaneously disperses from being localized to becoming spread out if it is not hindered from doing so
Amount of disorder in a Rx
Free Energy
E available for use in Rx. available to do work
thermodynamic potential (calculated)
Exergonic Rxs
Heat released, disorder increases, spontaneous (most catabolic)
• Heat released, disorder decreases, only spontaneous below certain temps
Endergonic Rxs
Heat used, disorder increases, spontaneous above certain temps
HEat used, disorder decreases, NEVER spontaneous (most anabolic, unfavorable)
Adenine Triphosphate
used for capture, transfer, storage of E
Used in coupling exergonic with endergonic Rx. Delta G must be neg
If delta G is known, ________ can be predicted, but _______ cannot
Activation Energy
Energy needed to pull molecules into transition state
Any substance that speeds up a chem Rx w/o being itself used up (enzymes)
Only Rxs with ____________ can be catalyzed
neg delta G. **actual delta G isn't changed
Substrates bind to Enzymes on Active Site>catalysis takes place> Enzymes can bind molecules together ***VERY SPECIFIC
Enzymes catalyze Rxs by:
1) Orienting Substrates
2) Inducing strain on substrates (melding substrates)
3) Adding charges to substrates to alter rate of chem rx. ** charge is transferred back after Rx so overall charge never changes
Some enzymes require them to function ***team mate
ie) metal ions, Termp/permanet bound organic molecules, NO AMINO ACIDS
Saturated Enzymes
all binding sites occupied
Principles of Metabolic Pathways
1) Each Rx in the pathway is catalyzed by a specific enzyme
2) the operation of each metabolic pathway can be regulated by the activities of key enzymes
Feedback Inhibition
When the appropriate amount of amino acids/nutrients is produced, no point in producing amy morek, so the nezyme that catalyzes a certain production for a substance is stopped (inhibited
Enzyme Regulation
Enz activity can be inhibited by nature and artificial binders
Metablolism regulation by natural inhibitors
Irreversible Inhibition
occurs when the ihibitor destroy the enzyme's ability to interact with its normal substrate
Competitive Inhibitor
when an inhibitor binds reversibly to an enzyme's active site, it competes with the substrate for the binding site
Noncompetitive Inibitor
aka negative allosteric regulator
binds irreversibly to sire distinct from the active site, altering it shape and therefore the active site cannot bind to substrate
Positive Allosteric Regulation
Can stabilize the inactive form and inactive form
Cooperative Allosteric Transitions
2+ substates. Usually multiple enzymes being regulated
** 1st molecule difficult to reg cuz it has to instill change>2nd inhibitor molecule easier because conformation is already in shaped

*** move much more quickly than noncooperative
Most Efficient Metabolic Pathway
Multi-substrates negatively regulated by coop allosteric transition
Catabolic Pathways
in Glycolysis...
Long and complex because E is needed to release slowly. Need to store ATP not release it all @ once
Delta G for complete oxidation of Glucose
-686 (1/2 of E is stored as ATP)
Glycolysis is followed by:
1) Cellular Respiration (w. O2)
2) Fermentation (w.o O2)
For Plants>
photosynthesis>stored ATP>glycolysis> fermentation/respiration
Fermentation overview
Incomplete oxidation
Waste product = organic compounds
Net E trapped-= 2ATP
Respiration Overview
Complete oxidation
Waste= H20 and CO2
Net E trapped = 36 ATP
Reduction vs Oxidation
Gain e-s/ H atoms
Lose e-s./ H atoms
When one material is reduced, it's then oxidized (redox)
Rule for Oxidation of organic molecules
Decrease in # of C-H bonds
cofactor, essential e- carrier in cellular Redox rx
Stores E in forms of e-s
Like ATP (but in diff form)
has alternating double bonds (Energetically favorable)
Redox Potential
Tendency to lose/gain e-s
w/ O2 present, 4 major pathways:
Pyruvate Oxidate
Citric Acid Cycle
E-Transport Chain
2 stages of Glycolysis
1) investment of ATP to activate the sugar by splitting C6> 2 C3
2) Oxidation of C3, giving NADH and H+ and ATP followed by initial ATP investment (Final product = pyruvate)
For ___________ Rxs, delta G values are ______________
sequential , additive
(positive delta G coupled with neg delta G rxs)
Pyruvate- oxidized to _________, which is then converted to ________ and then fed to _______________
acetate, acetyl CoA, fed to Citric Acid Cycle
Substrate Level Phosphorylation
During glycolysis when 2 rx yield each yield one ATP per G3P molecule
Locations of Rxs
ETC- inner mitochondrial membrane
Citric Acid Cycle- mito matrix
Glycolysis= cytoplasm
Fermentation-= cytoplasm
Citric Acid Cycle General pts
Occurs when Pyruvate is Oxidized into Acetyl CoA and then fed into the Citric Acid Cycle
** technically no O2 needed, but it uses it indirectly because the amount of NADH needed cannot be generated without O2
***note that this cycle produces electron- carrying NADH and FADH2 that feed into the electron transport chain
Products of Citric Acid Cycle
1 GTP (converted into ATP)
makes use of the reduced NADH and FADH electron carriers generated in earlier steps
turns these into ATP via oxidative phosphorylation
Oxidative Phosphorylation
occurs in ETC, e- transferred from donors (NADH+, FADH) to acceptors (O2)
***** ATP synthesis occurs here due to e- transport
Step 1 ETC
Step 2 ETC
P+ s diffuse through proton channels down concentration/electricla gradient BACK TO MITO MATRIX
Step 3 ETC
ATP created due to transfer of e-s across the proton gra
PROTon motive force
force the drives P+ back to Mito Matrix in ETC, which in turn creates energy
Cytochrome C
Hydrophobic carriers present in ETC that shuttle H atoms/e- form one protein complex to the next
How does ETC stop??
once the cyanide binds to the active site on the HEME group
Chemiosmotic Mechanism
ATP Synthase. Transports H+ ions across mio membrane.
**Also reversible (hydrolysis) if there are anaerobic conditions
3 H+= 1 ATP
Other uses for ETC
1) in absence of e- transport, an artificial H+ gradient is suffiecient for ATP synthesis for mitochondria
2) ETC can be uncoupled from ATP production by H+ channel> produce heat used for BROWN FAT (not ATP)
3) The P+ gradient drives an ADP/ATP cotransporter that can bring ATP out of the MITO MAtrix as well
Regulating Glycolysis
Main control= kinase (adds 2nd phosphate to C6)
Regulates glycolysis
Enzyme that is inhibited by hight ATP levels, if there is an excess it will shut off glycolysis
Regulating the citric acid cycle
If there is and excess of NADH+ + H+, it will be shut off
When there is an absence of O2
1) ETC shuts down cuz no e- acceptors (O2) available
2) Pyruvate oxidation/CAC stop too!
Cells avoid it cuz only produces 2 ATP
Cells continue glycolysis> pyruvate> fermentatino w. lack of O2
yields more E than glycolysis
an anabolic interconversion
** Process b which INTERMEDIATES OF GLYCOLYSIS AND CAC are used to form glucose
** occurs when body runs out of cglucose
If body runs out of food molecules
1st: Glucogen stored in muscles/liver
2nd: FATS (but brain can only function w. glucose, so must produce it via gluconeogenesis
3rd: Proteins
Photosynthesis divided into 2 pathways
1) Light Rx
2) Calvin Benson Cycle
Light RX (photosynthesis)
Driven by direct light E
Captured by chlorophyll
Produces ATP/NADH+ H+
Calvin Benson Cycle
doesn't used light directly
Similar properties, occur in both palnts and animals
made by sep pathways
Ind regulated
NADP= used for only anabolic pathways
NAD= used for catabolic
Exciting a Molecule
Chlorophyll a has alternating double bonds= delocalized e-> can become excited easily
Excited e- has potential energy
Action Spectrum
indicated that chlorophyll excitation needed for photosynthesis
Once e- is excited by photon it is transferred and decayed by:
1) giving off light/heat
2) Resonance (E transfer)
3) Successive e- transfers ( redox rxs)
2 +3 occur only when molecules are adjacent to each other
Light Harvesting Complex
Light excites a chlorophyll, all chloro packed together to improve chances of absorbing a photon (packed within thylakoid)
Antenna Systems
packed chlorophyll w/in the thylakoid that absorb photon's E
Rx Center/ Central pigment Molecule
Chloro A that is attached to the e- acceptor
has Lowest E (680 nm) compared to 670 nm
Transfer of Light E> Chem E happens when:
Rx center chlorophyll gives up excited e- to reduce first member of the ETC
NOncyclic e- transport
Cyclic e- transport
produces NADPH+ H+, ATP, O2, requires constant absorption of light
produces only ATP
transforms light into ATP
Photosynthesis Regulation
If they wanna grow: non-cyclic because they need NADPH
If they don't wanna grow; only need ATP, so cyclic
-proton gradient formation by e- transport chain synthesis of ATP in the thylakoid membrane
Calvin Benson Cycle
Occurs in Stroma of Chloroplasts
doesn't use sunlight directly, but require ATP/NADPH+ H+ which is produced in the light rxs which cannot by stockpiled
Most abundant protein in plants (world)
Fixes carbon into 6 C skeleton
Carboxylase or oxygenase
Steps in the Calvin Benson Cycle
1) CO2 in, carbon fixed
2) Reduction and sugar production
3) Sugar produced (starch and sucrose)
4) Cyclic> Regeneration of RuBP
when there is low amount of O2, Rubisco runs in reverse
- uses ATP, w.o producing anything
To avoid photorespiration plants used ___________
cellular respiration in mitochondria
proteins that aid in the conglomeration of DNA, keep strands of DNA tightly packed
proteins (histones) plus DNA
G1= rest
S= DNA replication
G2= prepping to divide
Cyclin/ Cdks
proteins whose concentrations fluctuate w. the cell cycle. Their concentrations affect the ability of the cell to proceed through cycle
Crucial Checkpoint=
looks for external signals from other cells...during pregnancy, cyclin E becomes active due to hormones which leads to the proliferation of breast cells
Replication of the centrisome
- centrosomes move to poles
- spindles form
- Chromosome condensation- chromatids become evident
- kinetochores form (protein structure where spindle fibers attach to pull chromosomes apart)
- Nuclear envelop breaks down
- polar microtubules and kinetochore microtubules form
- chromosomes arrive at metaphase plate
Chroms line up on plate
Sister Chromatids bound to kinetochore microtubule on opp spindles
Centromeres sep
Kinetochore microtubules shorten>tighten> sep centromeres
- Spindles break down
- chroms decondense
- nuclei form
Animals vs Plants
animals: actin/myosin form a drawstring that constrict and divide the cell
Plants; vessicles fuse to make cel membrane and cell plate, eventually becomes cell wall
no cytokinesis
Prophase 1
DNA begins to compact
chiasmata form
in Prophase 1, pairing of homologous chromosomes
Crossing Over (prophase 1)
Metaphase 1
Microtubules attach to kinetochore (one per homolog not per chromatid)
- Chroms line up @ meta plate, held together by chiasmata
Anaphase 1
Sep of homologous chroms into sep cells
Telophase 1
meiosis 2
basically same as Mitosis except in Metaphase 2
Metaphase 2
Chroms line up on plate and chromatids sep to end up in diff cells
NOn disjunction event
(down syndrome)
instead of separating, both chrom 21 end up in a single gamete
Law of Segregation
Separation of alleles into each gamete
Law of independent assortment
Genes are sorted independently and are not attached (dihybrid cross proved this)
NOn-functional genes
cant properly make a protein
** vast majority of recessive alleles are nonfuncitonal because they have been mutated (color blindness)
gene is missing from a chrom
(like Y chrom and colorblindness)
Wild type vs mutant
- funcitonal allele
- disfunctional allele
when two clearly diff phenotypes exist in the population
ex. light vs java leopards
Thomas Hunt MOrgan
discovered LINKAGE. Correctly surmised that it was the result of 2 genes being on the same chromosome
Cis vs Trans
alleles on the same chrom
Alleles on the diff Chrom
linkage w. crossing over
FarTHER apart 2 genes are> ______________
more likely recombination will occur
Recombination Rate
measure of physical distance along the chrom.
measured in cM
100x( #recombinants/total progeny)
Linkage Group
genes linked together on the same chrom
Components of Continuous Variation
1) INcomplete dominance
2) Variations depend on which combination of alleles is present in a single locus
3) Enviro
4) Multiple genes contributing to one trait
5) Epistasis
allelic series
alleles placed in order of severity of their corresponding phenotype
How genes interact
*** variations in color
To purify a gene need:
1) method of isolation cell components
2) an assay for genetic material
Freidrich Meischer
found how to isolate the nucleii
and the main constitute is nuclein
Structure of DNA suggests the following properties:
1) Sequence of nucleotides doesn't affect overall structure and info can be encoded arbitrarily
2) 2 strands bind by complementary base pairings, so two strands contain identical INfo
DNA replication
3 possibilities
Semi conservative
Conservative replication
each strand replicates,
2 orig bind to eachother
2 new bind to eachother
old strands bind to new strands
mix of old/new
Meselson and Stahl
proved it was semiconservative
DNA polymerase
breaks bonds between alpha and beta phosphate
attaches alpha phosphate to 3' hydroxyl group on last strand being extended
expends energy to unwind DNA
adds a bit of RNA (like a primer for DNA polymerase 3)
DNA Polymerase I
chews up RNA, fills in gaps
DNA Ligase
joins the ends of the newly synthesized strands
Excision repair
works the rest of the time to repair DNA
ex) if thymine dimers form due to UV light