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61 Cards in this Set

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Study of the body's structure & their physical relationship



Anatomy and physiology are different yet related

Structure anatomy indicates it's function

Every specific function is performed by one or more specific structures

Levels of Organization

1. Chemical level 2. Cellular level 3. Tissue level

4. Ogran level 5. system level

11 Organ System

1. integumentary system 2. muscular system 3. skeletal system 4. endocrine system 5. reproduction system 6.cardiovascular system 7. nervous system 8. lymphatic system 9. respiratory system 10. digestive system 11. urinary system


relatively stable internal environment in the body

Homeo - "Same" Stasis - "Standing"

Intracellular fluid (ICF)

The fluid inside cells

Extracellular fluid (ECF)

The fluid outside cells

Interstital fluid

The fluid around cells

body's internal environment

The nervous system causes

rapid changes by nerve impulses

The endocrine system causes

Slow changes by circulating chemicals called hormones

Feedback System

used to regulate the bodys internal environment

Feedback System 3 functional components

1. receptor senses a parameter & sends info about the parameter along an afferent pathway to the control center

2. control center receives & processes info from the receptor & when necessary sends commands along an efferent pathway to effector

3. an effector is a body structure that responds to signal from the control center to alter the parameter

negative feedback system

causes a change that REVERSES the stimulus to the controlled condition

maintain stable internal condition's

positive feedback system

causes a change that INCREASES the stimulus to the controlled condition

to accomplish something quickly ex. blood clotting

homeostatic imbalance

maintains normal controlled conditions 24/7 for life

Body Cavities

internal spaces that contain organs

protect & allow movement of the organs

The thoracic cavity

bounded by the chest wall, vertebrae &diaphragm

The abdominopelvic cavity

inferior to the diaphragm is bounded by the abdominal wall, vertebral column, pelvic floor & pelvis


thin, flexible structure of connective & epithelial tissue that covers, lines, divides or connects structures

parietal layer

adheres to the body wall or surrounding organs

visceral layer

adheres to the organ


surrounds the heart

a pleura

surrounds each lung


uses x-rays


uses magnetic fields


uses X-rays


sound waves


are groups of cells & cell products with one or more functions

4 basic/general tissue types

1. Epithelial tissues

2. Connective tissues

3. Muscle Tissues

4. Nervous Tissues

Epithelial Tissue

Cover surfaces & form glands

Connective Tissue

protect & support the body, bind organs together, store energy reserve & provide immunity

Muscle Tissue


Nervous Tissue

Conduct nerve impulses

5 Cell Junctions

1. Tight Junction

2. Adherens Junction

3. Desmosomes

4. Hemidesmosomes

5. Gap Junction

Tight Junction

prevent fluid from moving between cells

Adherens Junctions

A dense of proteins is attached to microfilaments of the cytoskeleton

has finger like things to move


Intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton are attached to the plaque

resist separation


attach cells to a secreted basement membrane

Prevent seperation

Gap Junctions

Permit communication between cells to coordinate their activities

Allows small molecules to pass threw


cover surfaces & form glands which secrete fluids

Epithelial Cells

have specialized surfaces & specialized junction

Apical Surface

faces something different & may bear cilia or microvilli

Lateral Surface

adjacent cells & are usually connected by a variety of specialized junctions, depending upon is location

basal surface

faces the basement membrane & is attached to it by hemidesmosomes

simple epithelia

thin fragile found in protected locations & are often involved in secretion or absorption

stratified epithelia

thick & are found where physical or chemical stresses occur

pseudostratified epithelia

have multiple layers ecery cell touches the basement membrance & cells are different height

4 simple epithelia

simple squamous




4 stratified epithelia

stratified squamous




simple squamous epithelia

delicate & occure in protected locations for absorption, diffusion or to form a smooth surface

simple cuboidal epithelia

little protection & are found where absorption &/or secretion occur

nonciliated simple columnar epithelia

are found where absorption or secretion occur & often have microvilli

ciliated simple columnar spithelia

found in protected locations where materials must move across their apical surface

stratified squamous epithelia

occurs where stress occurs

keratinized epithelium is found where dehydration occurs & the superficial cells are filled with the protein keratin

Glandular epithelia

produce a secretion


consist of a single cell or multiple cells & secrete into a duct or into the interstital fluid around a cell

endocrine glands

lack ducts & releases secretions into the interstitial fluid

exocrine glands

release secretions onto an epithelium through a duct

connective tissue

widespread & abundant in the human body

matrix of connective tissue

the ground substance

the fibers