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74 Cards in this Set

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Muscle: Effect of Tetradoxin

Blocks Na+, leads to no T-tubule depolarization in muscle fibers

Muscle: Effects of Botulinum Toxin

Blocks Ach release - no chemical signal translated in neuromuscular juntion

Muscle: Effects of Curare

Blocks Ach receptors on sarcolemma

Muscle: Sarin Nerve Gas

Blocks Achase - no breakdown of Ach

Muscular Dystrophy

Genetic degeneration; lack of protein dystrophin; muscle tears and fiber breakdown

Muscle: Myasthenia gravis

Neuromuscular junction abnormality; autoimmune response to destory Ach receptors; treated via Achase inhibitors

Muscle: Multiple Sclerosis

Degeneration of myelin on muscle related axon nerves

Muscle: Anabolic Steriods

Increase protein synthesis in muscles; lead to tumor growth, liver problems

Muscle: Charley Horse

Tear of muscle followed by bleeding

Muscle: Tennis Elbow

Tendon in forearm aggrevation

Compartment Syndrome

Weekend warrior; swelling of calf muscles due to over exertion = muscles in fasicle swell

Muscle: Type 1 Fibers

Slow twitch, no fatigue, posture, red fiber, oxidative phos.

Muscle: Type 2A

Fast twitch, no fatigue, eyelids, red fiber, oxidative phos.

Muscle: Type 2B

Fast Twitch, easily fatigued, biceps, white fiber, glycolysis

Senses: Skin receptors

1. Pressure

a. Meissners Corpuscles - light touch, lips

b. Pacinians Corp - vibrations and deep pressure

c. Root hair plexus- Hair

d. Ruffinis end organ - skin stretch, sustained pressure

2. Temp

3. Pain

Senses: Taste buds and pathways

1. Sweet: Gustadin to cAMP to Ca2+

2. Salty: Rise in Na to Ca2+

3. Sour: Rise in K+ to Ca2+

4. Bitter: Tranducin to IP3 to Ca2+

Skeletal Muscle



attached to bones

fast contraction

Cardiac Muscle



gap junctions with intercalculated disks

moderate contraction speed

Smooth Muscle

Not Striated


gap junctions present

slow contraction rate

Heart: Fast Responses Fibers

Atria, Ventricles - contractile muscle

Heart: Slow Response Fibers

SA node, AV node - autoarythmic

Heart: Fast response Graphically

Phase 0-4

Quick rise, little drop due to K+ leaving, plateau due to Ca2+ influx (very important), drop

Heart: Slow Response Graphically

Phase 4, 0, 2/3, 0

Unstable phase 4 hits threshold, hill like

Heart: EKG Letter meanins

P Wave - atrial depolarization

P-Q - atrial relaxation

QRS - ventricular contaction

S - ventricles contract at end of S

T - ventricles relax

Heart: Heart sounds

Lub - AV (tri and Bi) close

Dub - Semilunar (pulmonary and aortic) close

Heart: QRS complex with Left or right Ventricular Hypertrophy

Left = left axis deviation

Right = right axis deviation

Heart: QRS complex with Pulmonary Embolus

Right axis deviation

Heart: QRS complex with heart attack

Heart attack on left causes axis to go right.

Heart attack on right causes axis to go left

Heart: 1st degree AV heartblock

lover then .20s P-R complex.

Delay in AV node

Heart: 2nd Degree Mobitz Type 1 (wenchebach)

Increasing P-R until QRS is skipped

AV node disease

Heart: 2nd Degree Mobitz Type 2

More P waves then QRS - 2 P for every QRS

Problem with Bundle of HIS

Heart: Supraventricular Tachycardia

Textbook tachycardia; quick AV junction impluses

Just fast EKG

Heart: Ventricular Tachycardia

Huge QRS complexes, Ventricle depolariztion too fast, no P waves, leads to VFib because ventricles contract too quickly to get blood out

Heart: A fib

Atria contract irregularly, less blood moved in ventricles

Heart: V fib

Large QRS, no P or T, death, completely uncoordinated contraction of heart leads to no blood flow

Blood and Fluids: Body fluid Percentage breakdown

60% fluids (42L)

- 40% Intracellular

- 20% Extraceullar

> 15% Interstitial

> 5% Plasma

Blood and Fluids: Blood breakdown

55% Plasma

45% formed elements

Blood and Fluids: Plasma Proteins

Albumins, Glopbulins from liver

Fibrinogen: Clotting

Blood and Fluids: Plasma Serum

Plasma without Fibrinogen

Blood and Fluids: Plasma composition




Blood and Fluids: Formed Elements




Blood and Fluids: Erythrocytes

Red Blood cells

Deliver oxygen to tissues


Blood and Fluids: Anemia

Red blood cells less then 37%

Sicke Cell - odd shaped RBCs

Nutritional - dietary problems (iron)

Pernicious - no vitamin absorption for RBCs

Hemolytic - loss of RBCs thru lysis

Hemoragic - loss of RBCs thru bleeding

Leukemia - cancer b/c too many WBCs

Blood and Fluids: Leukocytes

1. Agranulocytes

a. Lymphocytes: B cells secrete anitbodies

T cells: helper killer cells

b. Monocytes: Phagocytic, clean up

2. Granulocytes

a. Neutrophils:Phagocytic first line ofdefense

b. Eosinophils: parasite defense

c. Basophils: allergic response

Blood and Fluids: Platelets

Thrombus: stationary clot

Embolus: clot that migrates

Cranial Nerve 1

Olfactory; sensory; smell

Cranial Nerve 2

Optic; sensory; vision

Cranial nerve 3

Oculamotor; motor; eye movement (most)

Cranial Nerve 4

Trochlear; motor; sup oblique (down and out)

Cranial Nerve 5


Sensory - Face feeling (opthalmic, maxillary, mandibular)

Motor - mastication, ear muscles, soft palate

Cranial Nerve 6

Abducens; motor; lat rectus (away from midline)

Cranial Nerve 7


M - Expressions, ears, cheeks, etc

s - 2/3 anterior of tongue

Cranial Nerve 8


Sensory w/ vestibular branch and cochlear branch

Cranial Nerve 9


S - 1/3 posterior tongue

M - Throat

Cranial Nerve 10


S - visceral pain

M - cardiac, GI tract, vessels

Cranial Nerve 11

Accessory; Motor; shoulder, head, traps

Cranial Nerve 12

Hypoglossal; motor; tongue movement

Muscle: Nebulin

Structural support for Thin filament (actin)

Muscle: Titin

Elasticity for Thick Filament (mysoin)

Muscle: Troponin I

Inhibits actin myosin binding

Muscle: Troponin C

Binding of Ca2+

Muscle: Troponin T

Anchors troponin to tropomyosin and actin

Muscle: What is ATP needed for in contraction

1. to set myosin heads to actin binding

2. to break actin/myosin complex when new ATp bonds

3. To release Ca2+ back into SR

Muscle: Tonic Smooth Muscles

Remain contracted for most of time (airways stay closed/contracted, and relax when food needs to go in)

Muscle: Phasic Smooth Muscle

Rhythmic contractions; mostly relaxed state; contracts periodically; GI tracting periodically contracting to push poop out

Muscle: Stored ATP

small quantites; on 10 seconds worth

Muscle: Phosphocreatine

3-5 times amount of stored ATP. About 30 seconds worth

Muscle: Glycogen

Variable quantity depending on muscle; used up within 3-5 minutes. 2 ATP

Muscle: Aerobic metabolism

Not stored energy - must be made; it can always be made if blood and oxygen present. 38 ATP

Blood and Fluid: Fibrin Mechanism


Thrombin converts Fibrinogen into Fibrin

Blood and Fluid: Intrinsic Pathway

Exposed Collagen in blood---> Facors XII to XI to IX to Factor X. Factor X triggers Fibrin mechanism

Blood and Fluid: Extrinsic Pathway

Exposed Tissue Factor III ---> Factor VII activates Factor X. Factor X activates Fibrin mechanism

Blood and Fluid: What do hemophillacs lack?

They lack factor VIII in the intrinsic pathway - can't clot blood properly

Blood and Fluid: Anticoagulants

Release Plasmin, which breaks down Fibrin