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176 Cards in this Set

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Define species richness
Number of species in a community
What are the two components of species diversity?
Species Richness and Evenness
Define evenness
Abundance of species (# of individuals)
What is the lognormal distribution a consequence of?
Species within a community subdividing niche space
If community A has
2 different species
with one species more abundant then the other


Community B has 2 species
both having the same abundance in the community

Which community would be more diverse? Why?
Community B, equal proportional abundance between the two species gives in greater species evenness.

Greater species evenness= greater species diversity
When analyzing an abundance curve, what would be the result of a lower slope?
A lower slope means that the species has greater evenness


higher species richness and diversity
What is a

Rank Abundance Curve?
Relative abundance of species


Their rank in abundance
When comparing species diversity and complexity, what trend is observed?
Positive trend

Diversity increases with environmental complexity or heterogeneity
Phytoplankton reside in simple environments but compete for the same nutrients

Even still, many species compete without competitive exclusion

What is the explanation for this phenomenon?
Environmental complexity may account for a significant portion of the diversity
Algal niches appear to be defined by their ____________ __________
nutrient requirements
Tilman found coexistence of freshwater diatoms depended upon ratio of __________ and _______.
silicate and phosphate
Tilman found coexistence of freshwater diatoms depended upon ratio of silicate and phosphate.

This allowed for coexistence. Why?
Diatoms held different trophic niches

Different diatoms would dominate different areas
Describe the two ways that tropical forests are organized
Large # of species in most tropical forest communities

Large # of plant communities in a given area, each with a distinctive species composition
These two characteristics:

Large # of species in most tropical forest communities

Large # of plant communities in a given area, each with a distinctive species composition

Are typical of what community?
Tropical Forest
Tropical forests are organized in two ways:

They have a large number of _________ in most tropical forest communities and a large number of _________ communities in a given area, each with a distinctive __________ composition
Species; plant; species
What occurs as a result of changes in soil type depth to ground water?
Differences in vegetation over short distances
What happens to plants and algal species diversity when nutrients become more available?
As nutrients become more available a negative relationship is observed and there is less species diversity

Adding nutrients to water or soil generally reduces diversity of plants and algae
What is the explanation for the negative relationship observed between nutrient availability and and algal and plant species
Reduces the number of limiting nutrients
Discrete, punctuated, killing, displacement or damaging of one or more individuals that directly or indirectly creates an opportunity for new individuals to be established

This defines
Any relatively discrete event in time that disrupts ecosystem, community or population structure and changes resources, substrate availability or physical environment
Two major characteristics of disturbance
Frequency and Intensity
High and low levels of disturbance _________ disturbance
What would one expect if sufficient time between disturbances was observed?
Sufficient time between disturbances allows wide variety of species to colonize, but not long enough to allow competitive exclusion
Disturbance Vs Diversity in the intertidal zone
Disturbance depends on boulder size

Large boulders = more force required to move
Boulder supporting the greatest diversity of species were those subject to which level of disturbance
intermediate level of disturbance
Paine suggested that what had the dominant influence on community?
That feeding activities of a few species may have a dominant influence on community structure
Pain suggested that feeding activities of a few species may have a dominant influence on community structure

What did he suggest was the criteria for strong interaction?
Criteria for strong interaction is the degree of influence on community structure
Tscharntke studied
food webs associated with wetland reeds (Phragmites australis).
What type of species reduce the likelihood of competitive exclusion?
Keystone species
If keystone species reduce likelihood of competitive exclusion, their activities would increase the number of species that could ___________ _____ ____________.
coexist in communities
Paine found as number of species in intertidal food webs increased,
proportion of the web represented by predators also increased.
Paine found as number of species in intertidal food webs increased, proportion of the web represented by predators also increased.
According to his hypothesis, higher proportion of predators produces
higher predation pressure on prey populations, in turn promoting higher diversity.
If starfish were a keystone species and were removed from the environment, what would happen to species diversity?
Species diversity would decline
Lubchenko studied
influence of intertidal snail (Littorina littorea) on structure of an algal community.
Snails fed on green (Enteromorpha spp.) and red (Chondrus crispus) algae.
 Under normal conditions, Enteromorpha out-competes Chondrus in tide pools, and Littornia prefers Enteromorpha.
 In the absence of snails, what would happen between the two species of algae
Chondrus is
competitively displaced.
At low snail density, what would happen between Enteromorpha and Chondrus?
Enteromorpha dominates tide pool.
At medium snail density what would happen between Enteromorpha and Chondrus?
Competitive exclusion eliminated, and algal diversity increased.
As high snail density what would happen between Enteromorpha and Chondrus?
Feeding requirements are high enough that snails eat preferred algae and less-preferred algae.
 Algal diversity decreased.
Power investigated whether
California roach Hsperoleucas symmetricus and steelhead trout Oncorhhyncus mykiss significantly influence food web structure.
Keystone species effect on community vs biomass
Keystone species exert strong effects on their community structure, despite low biomass.
Define dominant species
Have influence on community structures by virtue of high biomass
Why do exotic species have dramatic impact on their community
Exotic species have dramatic impacts on communities because they were outside the evolutionary experience of local prey populations.
Christian observed
native ants disperse 30% of shrubland seeds in fynbos of South Africa.
Primary production
Fixation of energy by autotrophs in an ecosystem.
Rate of primary production
Amount of energy fixed over a given period of time
Gross primary production
Total amount of energy fixed by autotrophs
Net primary production
Amount of energy left over after autotrophs have met their metabolic needs
Trophic Level
Position in a food web determined by number of energy transfers from primary producers to current level
Primary producers
occupy first level
Primary consumers
occupy second level
Secondary consumers
occupy third level
Tertiary consumers
occupy fourth level
This guy estimated influence of moisture and temperature on rates of primary production by plotting relationship between annual net primary production and annual actual evapotranspiration (AET).
Annual Evapotranspiration
Annual amount of water that evaporates and transpires off a landscape
Low Annual Evapotranspiration (AET) is commonly seen where?
Cold dry ecosystems
A __________ relationship is observed between net primary production and AET
Sala found that east-west variation in primary production correlated with
What happens to terrestrial primary production as AET is increased?
Terrestrial primary production will increase
AET increases with increased _____________ and __________
precipitation and temperature
Shaver and Chapin found arctic net primary production was twice as high on ________ plots as ________ plots
fertilized; unfertilized
Who found that arctic net primary production was twice as high on fertilized plots rather as unfertilized plots
Shaver and Chapin
Bowman suggested that ____ is the main nutrient limiting NPP in a dry tundra and
___ and ____ jointly limit production in a wet meadow


N and P
Who suggested that N is the main nutrient limiting NPP in a dry tundra and N and P jointly limit production in a wet meadow?
__________ availability control the rate of primary production in freshwater ecosystems
What would increase primary production in both wet and dry meadows?
Adding nutrients
The highest rates of primary production by marine phytoplankton are generally concentrated with higher levels of nutrient availability

What are the two reasons that higher rates are found along continental margins?
Nutrient run-off from land
Sediment disturbance
Open ocean tends to be nutrient poor, why?
Because vertical mixing is the main nutrient source
Who gathered results suggesting rate of primary production is nutrient limited?
Graneli found that increased nutrients lead to increased __________ concentrations
Increased nutrients led to increased chlorophyll concentrations.

What appears to be limiting nutrient
Define Residual Variation
Proportion of variation not explained by the independent variable
Who suggested environmental factors besides nutrient availability significantly influence phytoplankton biomass
Dillon and Rigler
Influences of physical and chemical factors of an ecosystem

This statement defines:
Bottom-up controls
What controls influence consumers
Carpenter proposed __________ and __________ fish can cause significant deviations in primary productivity.
piscivores and planktivorous
Carpenter and Kitchell proposed the influence of consumers on lake primary productivity propagate through _______ ______.
food webs
Carpenter and Kitchell proposed the influence of consumers on lake primary productivity propagate through food webs

This is also known as the
Trophic Cascade Hypothesis
Primary Production on the Serengeti

Rate of primary production in the Serengeti is
positively correlated with rainfall quantity
Grazer have what effect on primary production
increase primary production
Who found compensatory growth highest at intermediate grazing intensities.
Where is compensatory growth highest when looking at grazing intensities?
Heavy grazing reduces plant’s capacity to
Light grazing insufficient to produce
compensatory growth
As energy is transferred from one trophic level to another, what happens?
energy is degraded
concluded the ecosystem concept is fundamental to the study of energy transfer within an ecosystem.
As energy is transferred from one trophic level to another, energy is degraded

What three factors are responsible for this phenomenon
Limited assimilation
Consumer respiration
Heat production
– Energy quality decreases with each successive trophic level.
» Pyramid-shaped energy distribution.
Who studied energy flow in a temperate deciduous forest
When studying the energy flow in a temperate deciduous forest

What percent is reflected?
When studying the energy flow in a temperate deciduous forest

What percent is converted to heat?
When studying the energy flow in a temperate deciduous forest

What percent is absorbed during evapotranspiration?
When studying the energy flow in a temperate deciduous forest

What percent is fixed by plants as gross PP?
When studying the energy flow in a temperate deciduous forest

What percent is used in plant respiration?
When studying the energy flow in a temperate deciduous forest

What percent is left for PP?
What % of solar energy unavailable for use by second trophic level
As energy losses between trophic levels accumulate, eventually there is insufficient energy
left to support a viable population at a higher trophic level
Most of the energy traveling thrugh a temperate deciduous forest is either

Lost as heat


absorbed through evapotranspiration
NPP is only about ____% of total input of solar energy
Nearly 90% of energy input to a stream is released during _______
Where are quantities of phosphorous most likely found?
Marine sediments
What takes place that releases phosphorous into the environment?
weathering of rocks
What can return phosphorous to terrestrial ecosystems?
Uplift of marine sedimentary rocks
How much of phosphorous is dissolved in in oceans then in organisms?
Amount of phosphorous dissolved in oceans is 1000x the amount in organisms
Where is the largest amount of P found?
Marine sediments
Atmospheric supply of N2 can be used by
Nitrogen fixers only
The process of fixing nitrogen demands a lot of energy, what occurs?
N2 is reduced to ammonia
Nitrogen is only available to organisms after this process
Nitrogen fixation
Upon death of an organism, nitrogen is released during decomposition by what two things?
Bacteria and fungi
Annual nitrogen fixation by ________ is about 1/7 of biological fixation
Amount of nitrogen cycling in which ecosystem is about 10x that of annual fixation?
Terrestrial ecosystems
What is the largest actively cycles pool of nitrogen?
Carbon moves between organisms and the atmosphere as a consequence of _________ and _________
photosynthesis and respiration
In aquatic ecosystems, CO2 must first be
dissolved into water before it can be used by primary producers
Carbon coming from what process is approximately 40% of fossil fuel burning?
destruction of vegetation
What amount of carbon is contained in soils vs the atmosphere?
twice as much carbon
What contains the largest pool of carbon on the planet?
Carbonate rocks
This contains carbon fixed by primary producers millions of years ago
Fossil fuels
The rate at which nutrients are made available to primary producers is determined largely by what process?
Mineralization occurs primarily through
The rate of decomposition in terrestrial systems is determined by which three things?
Chemical compositions
founddifferencesinmass loss by the target species reflected differences in the physical and chemical characteristics of their leaves.
Gallardo and Merino
Gallardo and Merino found differences in mass loss by the target species reflected differences in the
differences in the physical and chemical characteristics of their leaves
Soft leaves with higher nitrogen content
lost more mass
Tough leaves with lower nitrogen content
lost less mass
used litter bags to study decomposition in temperate forests.
 Found leaves with higher lignin:nitrogen ratios lost less mass.
Melillo et. al.
Leaves with higher ___:____ ratios lost less mass
found leaves with a higher lignin content decomposed at a slower rate.
Gessner and Chauvet
Gessner and Chauvet found that leaves with higher lignin content decompose at a
slower rate
leaves with a higher lignin content decomposed at a slower rate.

Higher lignin inhibits fungi colonization of leaves.
found leaves degraded faster in streams with higher nitrate concentrations.
Suberkropp and Chauvet
Leaves degraded faster in streams with higher _______ concentrations
While leaves with higher ______ content decompose at a slower rate

Leaves with higher ________ content decompose at a faster rate
Lignin; Nitrate
Who pointed out nutrients in streams are subject to downstream transport.
Nutrient Spiraling
Little nutrient cycling in one place
Spiral length
the length of a stream required for a nutrient atom to complete a cycle

Related to rate of nutrient cycling and velocity of downstream nutrient movement
Spiral length is the length of a stream required for a nutrient atom to complete a cycle.

It is related to rate of
nutrient cycling and velocity of downstream nutrient movement
What slows transport of nutrients by streams?
Nutrient uptake by the benthic ecosystem
Nutrient release from the benthos transport by water and downstream uptake by the benthos produce what
nutrient spiraling
Spiraling Length: S =
S = Spiraling Length

V =
T =
Average velocity of a nutrient atom.

Average time to complete a cycle.
showed aquatic invertebrates significantly increase rate of N cycling.
Grimm showed aquatic invertebrates significantly increased rate of
N cycling
Grimm showed aquatic invertebrates significantly increase rate of N cycling.
 Suggested rapid recycling of N by _____________ may increase primary production.
Excreted and recycled 15-70% of nitrogen pool as ammonia.
found pocket gophers altered N cycle by bringing N-poor subsoil to the surface.
Huntley and Inouye
Huntley and Inouye found pocket gophers altered N cycle

By bringing N-poor subsoil to the surface
found a positive relationship between grazing intensity and rate of turnover in plant biomass in Serengeti Plain.
MacNaughton found a ________ relationship between grazing intensity and rate of turnover in plant biomass in Serengeti Plain.
Without grazing, nutrient cycling occurs more slowly through _________ and __________
decomposition and feeding of small herbivores
Plot A
20 species
Each species contains 5-7 individuals

Plot B
5 species
One species has 80 individuals
Other 4 have only 1 individuals

Concerning species richness, which plot is higher?

Concerning species diversity, which plot is higher?
Plot A

Plot A
As environmental complexity increases, species diversity usually
Prestons concept of distribution of commonness and rarity states that there are relatively few species that occur at ____ densities or levels of abundance

low or high
low or high
What does "lognormal distribution" mean?

The graph will normally show a logistic pattern as density increases

the graph will show a normal distribution when the horizontal axis is plotted on a log scale
The graph will show a normal distribution when the horizontal axis is plotted on a log scale
You place two similar species of microbes in a petri dish and find that after 24 hours, there is only one species remaining

This is an example of

bottom-up control
the trophic dynamic concept
the trophic cascade hypothesis
the competitive exclusion principle
the competitive exclusion principle
What effect does disturbance have on the plant species diversity of a community?
Diversity is highest at low levels of disturbance
Highest at intermediate levels of disturbance
Highest at high levels of disturbance
Usually not effected by disturbance
Diversity is highest at intermediate levels of disturbance
Species that make up a large proportion of the biomass in a community are

dominant species
competitive species
keystone species
exotic species
all of the above
dominant species
Species that have a disproportionately large influence (for their biomass) on the structure of a community are

dominant species
competitive species
keystone species
exotic species
all of the above
keystone species
Tidal pool communities in which a relatively high proportion of the animal species are predators (rather than primary consumers) tend to have:

low animal species richness and diversity

high animal species richness and diversity
high animal species richness and diversity
A herbivore species has been found to exert a strong influence on the makeup of its plant community. The herbivore prefers to eat a plant species that is competitively superior to the other plant species

As the density and grazing intensity of the herbivore increases from low to high, the species richness of plants would most likely

decline as herbivore density increased

increase as herbivore density increased

increase as herbivore density reached moderate levels, and then decrease at higher herbivore density
A herbivore species has been found to exert a strong influence on the makeup of its plant community. The herbivore prefers to eat a plant species that is competitively superior to the other plant species

As the density and grazing intensity of the herbivore increases from low to high, the species richness of plants would most likely

decline as herbivore density increased

increase as herbivore density increased

increase as herbivore density reached moderate levels, and then decrease at higher herbivore density
Mary Power studied the influence of the predatory fish steelhead trout in a California river. She found that at high densities of steelhead trout, algal biomass and primary production were relatively
Primary production can be assed by measuring the

carbon uptake of photoautotrophs

biomass produced by photoautotrophs

oxygen produced by photoautotrophs

energy fixed by photoautotrophs

all of the above
all of the above
You measure all of the water vapor lost by your lawn and express it in units of water vapor lost per area of your lawn per time. This is an example of

net primary production
gross primary production
actual evapotranspiration
potential evapotranspiration
You dry the clippings of grass over a year and weigh them. This is an example of
Net primary production
An infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) can be used to measure net primary production by measuring:

oxygen produced by plants
biomass produced by plants
carbon dioxide uptake by plants
energy fixed by plants
Carbon dioxide uptake by plants
If you placed the IRGA chamber over your lawn during the nighttime and made a measurement, it would be an estimate of

net primary production
gross primary production
potential evapotranspiration
A red-tailed hawk which feed primarily on herbivorous rodents would be an example of a
secondary consumer
Net primary productivity (examined across a diverse set of biomes) is positively correlated with:
Annual actual evapotranspiration
Sala et al found that primary NPP was positively correlated with annual precipitation. However, an example where this is not the case would be in such a biome would be
Above average precipitation for 2 years is responsible for an increase in the NPP of a ponderosa pine forest. This would be an example of a ______ of NPP

top down control
bottom up control
bottom up control
A wolf population in this ponderosa pine increases for several years and this results in a decline in populations of several herbivore species. This in turn leads to an increase in the NPP of this forest. This would be an example of a _______ of NPP
top down control
You find that the energy contained in all the primary producers in Lake A is ten times greater than the energy contained in all the primary producers in Lake B. Which would likely be true?
NPP would be greater in Lake A
There would be more trophic levels in Lake A
ET would be greater from Lake A
All of the above
A and B
A and B
In a natural, undisturbed hectare of grassland or prairie, C (carbon) goes from the terrestrial pool to the atmospheric pool through:

In a natural, undisturbed hectare of grassland or prairie, C (carbon) goes from the terrestrial pool to the atmospheric pool through:
When comparing two seasons, one in early july and one in late june, when it has not rained and the soils are unusually dry and most of the vegetation in the forest is experiencing water limitations. How would the percentages of energy going into heating objects and ET differ in late July from the values you found in early June?

Heating objects would be higher (in late July)
ET would be higher
ET would be lower
A and B
A and C
A and C
Which global pool of C has increased dramatically in size over the past 100 years?
This nutrient or elemental cycle has the smallest atmospheric pool
Nitrogen (N) in the biotic pool can be lost from an ecosystem to the atmospheric pool through:
a) N fixation
b) denitrification
c) ammonification
Which factor or variable is positively correlated with terrestrial NPP across different ecosystems?
a) actual ET
b) potential ET
c) grazing intensity
d) a and c
Actual ET