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40 Cards in this Set

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Responsible for controlling breathing.
Medullary rhythmicity center in the Medulla oblongata
Medulla oblongta regulates things like (4)
vomiting, coughing, sneezing, or hiccups
It contains the vasomotor center which adjusts things like blood vessel diameer, this response regulates blood pressure and reroutes blood through body.
Medulla oblongta
Has a nucleus that is the cardiac center which regulates the rate and force of the heartbeat.
Medulla oblongta
Why is the medulla oblongta called the foreman?
it does not do the action, it makes you do it. "crackin the whip"
It is referred to as the bridge.
The major nuclei of the pons are the pontine nuclei which are the ______ & _____
pneumotaxic & apneustic nuclei
These nuclei are most important in respiration, they make the breathing process nice and smooth.
The purpose of the ____ is to bridge between the medulla and the higher parts of the brain
_____ is loosely organized web of gray matter that runs vertically through all levels of the brainstem and projects to many areas of the cerebrum.
reticular formation
It consists of a circuit board in the brain stem that communicates with other parts of the brain to control the level of alertness of the brain or consciousness, one of the jobs is to provide neurons that are constantly sending messages to your body parts to maintain tone and posture.
reticular formation
Responsible for establishing "uniqueness"
Reticular formation
Originates in the reticular formation of the brain stem, helps maintain posture/balance and muscle tone.
Reticulospinal descending tract
contains the corpora quadrigemina, which is composed of the right and left, superior and inferior colliculi
mesencephalon or midbrain
The two ____ handle visual reflex
superior colliculi in the midbrain
The two ____ handle auditory reflex
inferior colliculi in the midbrain
the cerebral peduncle is found in the _____
This is a motor center that relays inhibitory signals to the thalmus and basal nuclei.
substangia nigra in midbrain
It works with threeof the four pairs of basal nuclei (globis pallidus, putamen, and caudate) which are embedded in the white matter of the cerebrum.
substangia nigra
The most important basal nuclei is the ___
_____ works with you limbic system, which is in charge of your emotional brain.
____ creates your ability to express emotion
limbic system
Are embedded in the white matter of the core of the cerebrum.
basal nuclei
_____ & _____ have the duty of limiting motion
basal nuclei & substantia nigra
Fibers from the _____ form the rubrospinal tract in most mammals, but in humans its connections go mainly to and from the cerebellu, with which it collaborates in fine motor control.
Red nuclei
____ is a place where axons pass up and down
The ventral/anterior surface of the ____ is where the spinothalmic tract runs,
The 3rd ventricle surrounds the middle area of it.
The middle of the diencephalon is called the _____
intermediate mass
The tract that ascends and ends in the thalmus is the ______ tract
The ______ tract carries sensations of pain and temperature.
There are many pairs of nuclei in the hypothamlmus (located in the diencephalon) each having its own function: (6)
1. rage center
2. thirst
3. hunger
4. water levels
5. making oxytocin
6. controls the pituitary
_____ have a lot to do with eating behavior
mammilary bodies (in the diencephalon)
____ is an endocrine structure which is known to release melatonin, help with sleep
pineal gland in diencephalon
Handles whatever you want to do anything, your brian has to know where each and every part of your body is in space.
Where sensory information is handled, your place in space.
____ has to decide if information is important enough to be sent to the cortex.
dentate nucleus
______ indirectly affects your coordination; by assessing the information and sending the messages to the cortex.
Ascending tract deals with the cerebellum: begins in the spinal cord and terminates in the cerebellum.
What preduncle would you say that axons of the spinocerebellar ascending tract would be found in?
inferior peduncles