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35 Cards in this Set

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Prokaryotic Cell - DNA
Located in Nucleoid, not membrane-bound
Prokaryotic Cell - interior
cytoplasm is interior of the cell
Prokaryote - Fimbriae
attachment structures on the surface of some prokaryotes
Prokaryote - Capsule
jellylike outer coating of the prokaryotic cell
Prokaryote - organelles
lacks membrane bound organelles
Eukaryotic Cell - DNA
found in the nucleus, bound by double membrane
Cells - in common
-bounded by plasma membrane
-contain chromosomes
Eukaryotes - Nuclear envelope
Nuclear envelope: double membrane, perforated by pores, continuous with ER
Eukaryotes - Nucleolus
involved in production of ribosomes; nucleus has more than one
Eukaryotes - Chromatin
consists of DNA and proteins; visible as individual chromosomes in dividing cell
Eukaryotes - Endoplasmic Reticulum
active in membrane synthesis and other synthetic and metabolic processes, has rough and smooth
Eukaryotes - Ribosomes
complexes that make protein, free in cytosol or bound to rough ER / nuclear envelope
Eukaryotes - Golgi Apparatus
organelle active in synthesis, modification, sorting, and secretion of cell products
Eukaryotes (animal cell) - lysosome
digestive organelle where macromolecules are hydrolyzed
Eukaryotes - Mitochondrion
organelle where cellular respiration occurs and most ATP is generated
Eukaryotes - Peroxisome
organelle w/various metabolic functions, produces hydrogen peroxide as a by-product then converts it to water
Eukaryotes (animal cell) - Microvilli
projections that increase cell surface area
Eukaryotes - Cytoskeleton
reinforces cell's shape, functions in cell movement
components made of protein: Microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules
solid rods ~7 nm d, twisted double chain of actin (globular protein): function bear tension, gives cortex(outer cytolasmic layer) gel consistency
Microfilaments (cont) Myosin
transport material across plasma membrane(animal cells)
aid in cell motility, myosin: acts as a microfilament-based motor protein, projections "walk" along actin, muscle contractions occur by myosin filamints sliding past each other
Microtubules - dimensions / tubulin
hollow ~25nm d, 200nm - 25(micro)m l. Constructed from tubulin (dimer of alpha and beta tubulin) grow by adding tubulin. + end can add and subtract tubulin at a higher rate than the other
Microtubules - centrosomes / centrioles
animal cells - region near nucleus where microtubules grow out
pair of centrioles composed of nine sets of triblet microtubules in a ring, not essential for function in all eukaryotes
Microtubules - cilia / flagella
microtubule containing extensions that project from a cell
cilia - .25(micro)m d, 2-20(micro)m length, occur in large numbers, row motion
flagella - .25(micro)m d, 10-200(micro)m, limited to one or two,undulate on its axis
Microtubules - basal body
similar to centriole, basal body of sperm becomes centriole
Microtubules - dyneins
pair of proteins spaced along the doublets of microtubules reaching towards the other, composed of several polypeptides. two "feet" "walk" along microtubule and causes microtubules to bend when anchored.
Intermediate Filaments
8-12nm d, specialized to bear tension, important in reinforcing shape of cell and fixing position of organelles
Nuclear envelope
encloses the nucleus, separating its contents from the cytoplasm - double membrane
nuclear lamina
a netlike array of protein filaments that maintains the shape of the nucleus by mechanically supporting the nuclear envelope
complexes made of ribosomal RNA and protein, carry out protein synthesis. Free Ribosomes - in cytosol
Bound Ribosomes - attached to ER or nuclear envelope
Bound and free are structurally identical
Endomembrane System - vesicle
sacs made of membrane, transport vesicles transport stuff
consists of membranous tubules and sacs called cisternae. ER membrane separates internal compartment of ER, the ER lumen or cisternal space, from the cytosol.
Smooth ER
lacks ribosomes, synthesizes lipids (oils, phospholipids, steroids). Enzymes help detoxify drugs (liver cells)
Rough ER
makes secretory proteins (most are glycoproteins: proteins that have carbohydrates covalently bonded to them)
Golgi Apparatus
center of manufacturing, products of ER are modified and stored, then shipped. cis face accepts, trans face gives rise to vesicles
sac of hydrolytic enzymes that animal cells use to digest macromolecules. Some lysosomes come from golgi