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57 Cards in this Set

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where did land plants evolve from
freshwater algae
how are land plants protected by dessication
by a waxy surface material called the cuticle that is secreted onto their exposed surfaces
where does gas diffusion into and out of plants take place
tiny mouthshaped openings called stomata
members of the land plants can be distinguished based on the presence or absence of what
what are tracheids
specialized cells that facilitate the transport of water and minerals
what does xylem conduct
what does phloem conduct
what does it mean to have a haplodoplontic life cycle for plants
have multicellular haploid and diploid stages
land plants produce gametes by mitosis or meiosis
is the sporophyte thhe diploide or haploid generation
are gametophytes the diploid or haploid generation
In mosses, liverworts and ferns the gametophyte is ______ and ________-____
photosynthetic, free-living
waht are the two distinct lineages of green algae
charophytes and chlorophytes
what are chlorophyta sister groups to
how do chlorophyta reproduce
sexually, asexually, and alterntation of generation
describe an example of chlorophyta
-single cell, freshwater, flagellated
-reproduce sexualy and asexually
what is a hollow sphere made up of a single layer 500-60000 individual cells (colonial) each having 2 flagella
charophytes are the closest relatives to what
land plants
what are characteristic of charophytes
-grow from tip of plant
-cells join by plasmodemata
-eggs are retained on parent plant
-DNA is similar to plants rather then chlorophyta
what are the adaptations taht plants need to overcome to be terrrestial
water retention, necessary nutrients, overcoming gravity, protection against UV rays, life cycle trends
what are the 3 groups of bryophytes
liverworts, mosses, and hornwarts
whatre some characeristics of bryophtes
-all lack vascular tissue (tracheids)
-lack true roots (have rhizoids) and some lack stomata
- spend most of life as gametophytes
- have tight symbiotic relationship between fungi called mycorrhizal association
gametophytes of bryophytes are what
bryophytes require ____ to reproduce sexually
how are mosses anchored to the ground
what two things are involved in moss reproduction
antheridium and archegonia (female and male gametangia)
what did hornwarts develop
stomata that can open and close to regulate gas exchange
what did tracheophyte plants have
roots, stems, and leaves
what does xylem conduct
water and dissolved minerals upward from the roots
what does phloem conduct
sucrose and hormones throughout the plant
what are the 3 clades of tracheophytes
seed plants
whats the earliest vascular plant known with stems
how many times did leaves evolve
what are the two types of leaves and there characteristic
lycophyll- single vascular strand
euphylls- branched vascular strand (true common leaf)
what are highly resistant structures well suited to protecting a plant embryo from drought and predators
what is an example of a lycophyte
club moss
what generation is dominant in lycophytes
sporophyte generation
what are lycophytes the sister group to
all vascular plants
describe lycophytes
contain tracheidbased vascular tissue
reproductive system is like other vascular plants
lack vasculurized leaves (lycophylls)
ferns are the most abundant group of what type of plant
seedless vascular plants
are ferns pterophytes or lycophytes
what is interesting about pterophytes (ferns) sporophyte
its more complex with roots, stems, and leaves
ferns, reproduce distinctive sporangia, usually in clusters called
what is characteristic of ferns gametophyte
heart shaped, small, lacks vascular tissue
seed plants produce two kinds of what
gameotophytes (male and female)
what is the male gametophyte
pollen grains
what are gymnosperms commonly called
plants with naked seeds
what are the four types of gymnosperms
cyads, conifers, gingkos, gnetophytes
what do the sperm of cyads and ginkos have that conifers and gnetophytes dont
motile sperm aka they have a flagella
what do the thick cuticle and recessed stomata represent in evoluitionary adaptation
the adaptation for retarded water loss
where do male gametophytes develop from in pines
the megaspores produce what
the female gametophyte (cones or seeds)
what are angiosperms
flowering plants
how do angiosperms reproduce
double fertilization
use bio lab book to study the life cycles cause its a lot simpler
like differernt forms of alternation of generations and double fertilization
just read
what is the key step and the reason its called double ferilization
one sperm unites with egg and forms the zygote which develops into an embryo sporophyte plant
the other sperm and the two polar nuclei unite form a triploid primary endosperm nucleus
what does the triploid primary endosperm do
becomes large part of the seed and provides nutrients for the embryo in most flowering plants