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57 Cards in this Set

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what were some of the steps involved with eukaryote evolution
1. cell surfaces became more flexible
2. DNA became surrounded by an envolope
3. an internal cytockeleton facilitated movement
4. vacuoules arose that aided digestion
what arose from membrane infoldings
nucleus and ER
what are bacteria that live within other cells and perform specific functions for their host cells called
endosymbiotic bacteria
what evolved from engulfed aerobic bacteria
what evolved from engulfed photosynthetic bacteria
chloroplast endosymbiosis occured more than once which is an example of
seconday symbiosis
plants all occured from what type of endosymbiosis
primary endosymbiosis
whats an example of seconday symbiosis
brown algae engulfing one or more red algae which had enngulfed something to create chloroplast
DNA of mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar to that of
protists are the most ____ of the four kingdoms in the domain eukarya
how are protists united
they are eukaryotes that arent fungi, plants, or animals
single-celled eukaryotic organisms have been typically grouped togehter and called ____
Give some examples of how protists cell surfaces vary wideley
-amoebas are surrounded only by their plasma membrane
- all other protists have plasma membrane surrounded by ECM
-some ECMs may be hard like shells of silica in forminifera and diatoms
-form cysts-resistant outer coverings
protists move mainly by (2things)
flagellar rotation, or pseudopodial movement
autotrophic protists that are photosynthetic are called
how do the heterotrophic phagotrophs get food
ingest visible particles of food by pullind them into intracellular vesicles called food vacuoles
what type of food do osmotrophs ingest
what are mixotrophs
protists that are both autotrophic and heterotrophic
how do protists reproduce
asexually (e.g. budding/mitosis) and sexually (e.g. meiosis forms haploid cells/fertilization)
protists are the bridge to _____ which allows multiple protists to become one and work on one task
what is similar about diplomonads and parabasalids
they are flagellated and lack mitochondria
diplomonads have __ nuclei
Whats an example of a diplomonad and what does it cause
giardia, a parasite that causes diarreah
parabasalids have _____ membranes
whats an example of a function of a parabasalids
live in the gut of termites and digests cellulose
whats another example of a parabaslid that causes something
trichomonas vaginalis, causes vaginitis
the ancestors of diplomonads and parabasalids are likely to be waht
of the earlist eukaryotes
what is a basic description of euglenozoa
a diverse group in which some members have chloroplasts (1/3)
describe euglenoids
-of the first to develop mitochondria
-have anterior flagella
what is a pellicle
protein strips in a helical pattern that form a flexible structure
where is the pellicle located in euglenoids
within the plasma membrane
what is the best known euglenozoa
describe structure of euglena
-two flagella(one long with row of hairlike projections, one shorter within reservoir)
-have contractile vacuoles that regulate osmotic pressure
-have numerous chloroplasts
whats the second major group of euglenozoa
what is unique about kinetoplastids
parasitic, two flagella, single mitochondria
what is a trypanosome
a disease-causing kinetoplastids
(african-sleeping sickness and something with tsetse fly)
what are the three members of alveolata
dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and ciliates
What are some common traits of alveolata members
-flattened vesicles in a layer beneath plasma membrane (alveoli)
-reproduce asexually and sexually
-unicellular with 2 flagella
most dinoflagellates are ________ unicells
what are some characteristics of dinoflagellates
- live in marine and freshwater habitats
- have external cellulose plates that encase them
- DNA lacks histones
- contain carotenoids
-primarily reproduce asexually (asexual cell division)
what does an overgrowth of dinoflagellates cause
red tide
what are all apicomplexans
spore-forming parasites of animals
why are apicomplexans called what they are
they have an apical complex, which is unique arrangement of microtubules, fibrils, vacuoles, and otehr cell organelles
what does the apical complex enable the apicomplexan to do
invade the host
what is the best known apicomplexan and what does it cause
plasmodium, malaria
what are other types of apicomplexans
gregarines, toxoplasma (cat litter)
describe cilliates
-have large number of cilia
- typically heterotrophs
- have pellicle similar to euglenoids
- have a micro and macro nucleus
what is a well-known ciliate
ciliates form _____ for ingesting food and maintaining water balance
What are stramenopila
protists with fine hairs
what are radiolarians
they are a member of actinopoda, they secrete glassy exoskeletons made of silica
are foraminifera heterotrophic or autotrophic
what is a specific characterisic of foraminifera
pore-studded shells called tests, composed of organic materials that are reinforced with CaCO3 sand or other shit
what are podia
a certain type of foraminifera's cytoplasmic projections taht emerge through openings in the test
what is a nonwalled multinucleate mass of cytoplasm taht resembles a moving mass of slime
when food is scarce what do cellular slime molds resemble
in cellular slime molds what affords the greatest advantage for surviving food shortages
there ability to produce spores