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140 Cards in this Set

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Hydrocephalus may result from ___________________________.

brain tumor, intraventricular hemorrhage, meningitis, traumatic injury to the head

Chemical synapses use ____________________ to transmit impulses from one neuron to the next.


The term ________________________ describes cases of cerebral palsy in which one arm & one leg on the same side of the body are involved.


Which of the following is not a lobe of the brain?

corpus callosum

Movement disorders may be a result of ____________________________.

-excessive excitatory responses in nervous tissue

-excessive inhibitory responses in nervous tissue

-an excess of neurotransmitter

-a deficiency of neurotransmitter

Which of the following is true about how the brain changes as we age?

-the ventricles enlarge

-the sulci widen

-the brain decreases in volume & weight

-the incidence of neurologic disorders increases

The ___________________ of a neuron carries impulses away from the cell body towards another neuron.


Which of the following would be an effect of the sympathetic nervous system?

an increase in heart rate

The phase of an action potential in which sodium ions flow into the neuron is called ______________________.


Which of the following is a function of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?

-cushioning the brain

-reducing pressure on the brain

-removing harmful substances from the brain

-transporting hormones to remote location in the brain

The cardinal sign of hydrocephalus in newborns is ____________________.

increased head circumference

Clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis are related to _________________________.

a slowing of nervous impulse conduction

When incomplete spinal cord transection occurs very high up (at C1-C2), the resulting manifestations would be _________________________.

-loss of involuntary functions

-breathing problems

-paralysis of upper body

-paralysis of lower body

________________ results from inadequate perfusion to nerve tissue, causing impaired oxygenation.

Ischemic injury

Which of the following can be a clinical manifestation of cerebral palsy?

-motor function

-impairment in cognitive ability

-speech impairment


Which of the following is false about depression?

A person with depression can cure themselves simply by willing it.

Which of the following is a function of the spinal cord?

-serving as a pathway for impulses coming from peripheral areas of the body
-controlling reflexes

The swelling of a neuron due to injury is called _______________________.


Multiple sclerosis is characterized by:

demyelination of neurons
Which of the following puts the parts of a reflex arc in the correct order?
receptor --> sensory neuron --> interneuron --> motor neuron --> target organ

Which of the following is a clinical manifestation of macular degeneration?

-loss of central vision

-difficulty reading

-limited night vision


Migraine headaches are often associated with



-sensitivity to noise

-sensitivity to light

The ability of the brain to detect the location of a skin touch in 2 different areas simultaneously is called

two point discrimination

Fibromyalgia involves which 2 tissue types?

fibrous and muscle

Which of the following would not be a clinical manifestation of otitis media?

impaired vision

___________________________ is caused by the formation of new blood vessels under the retina.

wet macular degeneration

Meniere's disease affects _______________________.


"Swimmer's ear", or _______________________, is a condition of the external ear.

otitis externa

Which of the following sense tactile stimuli?

-Meissner's corpuscles

-Merkel discs

-Pacinian corpuscles

-hair follicle receptors

________________________ detect pain stimuli.


The __________________theory of pain suggests that duration of pain, quantity of tissue involved, and summation of impulses all influence pain perception.


________________ are a type of photoreceptor that produce the pigment rhodopsion, and are active in dim light.


The eyes smoothly following a moving object is called ____________________.


Type _________ fibers are large in diameter and myelinated. They may also diminish pain sensations.


Which of the following is a risk factor for glaucoma?

age, African-American race, diabetes, eye trauma

____________________ order neurons communicate sensory information from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex.


An irregular curvature of the lens is called ______________________.


Primary open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma are both characterized by

an abnormally high intraocular pressure

The sensation of taste is recognized by ligand binding to which of the following receptor types?


The ______________________ contains the sensory receptors for hearing, and is located in the cochlea of the inner ear.

organ of Corti

Pneumonia is most commonly caused by

a microorganism

Which of the following does not happen with asthma?

decrease in elasticity of alveoli

___________________________ is the volume of air exhaled after a passive (resting) inhalation.

tidal volume

What is the function of surfactant?

it is a lubricant that prevents the alveoli from sticking together

Cystic fibrosis is caused by _______________________________.

a genetic mutation

A thickening of the respiratory membrane would cause

-a decrease in the amount of oxygen entering the blood

-a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled

-a decrease in the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues

-an increased acidity of the blood

Which of the following would be considered a protective structure or mechanism of the respiratory tract?

nose hairs, mucus, irritant receptors, macrophages in alveoli

Which of the following would cause impaired ventilation?

edema, inflammation, fibrosis, bronchoconstriction

Which of the following about emphysema is false?

Damage caused by emphysema is reversible.
Which of the following describes the flow of air into the lungs in the correct order?
nasal cavity --> pharynx --> trachea --> bronchi --> lungs

Difficulty breathing, or shortness of breath, is called ____________________.


Most carbon dioxide (60-70%) is transported in the blood __________________________.

as bicarbonate

What is the major role of oxygen in the body?

it is necessary for cellular metabolism

The bacteria that causes __________________________ can be contained by the immune system in a Ghon focus.


Which of the following things occurs with chronic bronchitis?

a. chronic inflammation of airways

b. destruction of cilia

c. squamous cell metaplasia

d. fibrosis in bronchial walls

The process of _____________________ involves both breathing in and breathing out.


Which of the following is true about cystic fibrosis?

its a fatal disease
it leads to an increase in mucous production

c. It also affects the digestive tract.

d. It is most often diagnosed by 1 year of age.

Painless enlargement and flattening of the fingertips associated with chronic hypoxia is called _____________________.


Hemoglobin is considered fully saturated when it is bound to ________ oxygen molecules.


Which of the following is true about acute respiratory distress syndrome?

a. It is usually caused by some type of injury to the lungs.

b. It can cause atelectasis.

c. It can be fatal within 48 hours if untreated.

d. It leads to impaired ventilation and diffusion.

______________________ shock results from a decreased blood volume.


Which of the following is false about strokes?

b. It is possible to fully recover from a completed stroke with no neurological damage.

Which of the following describes the pathway of blood through the heart and lungs correctly?

right atrium --> right ventricle --> pulmonary arteries --> lungs --> pulmonary veins --> left atrium --> left ventricle

Which of the following blood vessels delivers blood directly to the heart muscle?

right & left coronary arteries

In an ECG trace, the P wave represents

atrial depolarization

The layer of the heart wall that contains cardiac muscle is called the ________________.


Which of the following best explains how baroreceptors help control blood pressure?

They monitor pressure in the vessels & alert the cardiovascular center in the brain about changes in BP.

One of your patients with left heart failure wonders why he is short of breath and has a watery cough. You explain to him that:

The left ventricle is having problems pumping blood forward, and this is causing blood to back up into his lungs.

Large areas of blood accumulation in the tissues are called


Which of the following is true about diastole?

-the ventricles are relaxed

-the atria are contracting

-the AV valves are open

-blood is filling the ventricles

Myocardial infarction can lead to

-impaired pumping of the heart

-impaired electrical conduction of the heart

-tissue death beyond the blockage

-angina pectoris

Which of the following is true about disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)?

-it is an uncontrolled activation of clotting factors

-it results in widespread clotting due to formation of unnecessary thrombi

-clotting leads to massive hemorrhage because clotting factors and platelets are depleted by unnecessary thrombi

-complications during labor and delivery can be a cause of DIC

The amount of blood pumped by one ventricle in one beat is called

stroke volume

Which of the following would not be a cause of hypertension?

decreased sympathetic NS activity

A weakened area in the wall of a blood vessel is called a(n)


Which of the following is false about the relationship of ventilation and perfusion in the lungs?

the rate of ventilation is usually much higher than the rate of perfusion

Which of the following could cause inadequate cardiac output?

decreased blood volume, weak heart, a defect in the conduction system, structural heart defects

If a patient is receiving IV fluids, and the nurse does not remove all of the air from the tubing, air entering the blood vessels would have which of the following effects?

-it would act as an embolus and could obstruct blood flow through a vessel

-it could cause tissue death

Narrowing of the heart valves is called


Hypertension is generally indicated by a systolic pressure above ___________ and/or a diastolic pressure above ____________.

140, 90

BMI stands for ___________________, and is a common measurement used to help diagnose obesity.

body mass index

Individuals with anorexia nervosa may experience amenorrhea, which is:

the cessation of menstrual periods

Parietal cells of the stomach secrete ______________________, which helps activate pepsinogen and destroy pathogens.

hyrdochloric acid

The recommended daily intake of fats is ______________% or less of total calories


Which of the following is an example of a polysaccharide?


Which of the following organs is involved with the emulsification of fats?

liver and gallbladder

Which of the following is an example of a micronutrient?

vitamins and minerals

Iron deficiency anemia can be manifested as pica, which is:

the compulsion to eat ice or non-food substances like dirt or clay

__________________________ fatty acids have one or more double bonds and are not known to increase blood cholesterol levels. They are found in plants & are usually liquids at room temperature.


Which of the following is true about anorexia nervosa?

-Individuals may have low self esteem & a perfectionist personality.
-Individuals may be experiencing family dysfunction.
-It may be accompanied by mental disorder, such as depression or anxiety.
-It may be influenced by cultural pressures to lose weight and be thin.

Celiac disease is a sensitivity to __________________, which is a protein found in wheat, rye, oats, & barley.


Which of the following is false about celiac disease?

It is never possible for the intestines to return to optimal function.

Malabsorption may be caused by:

-pancreatic dysfunction

-inadequate bile secretion

-inflammatory conditions of the GI tract

-lymphatic obstructions

Which of the following is represented in the USDA food pyramid?

-physical activity


-variety of different foods


Which of the following is false about manifestations of altered nutrition?

There are no problems associated with excessive levels of vitamins or minerals

Protein-energy malnutrition can be related to __________________, which is a deprivation of all food leading to starvation.


Which of the following is usually NOT a manifestation of obesity?


Which of the following best describes the term 'anemia'?

Anemia is a low red blood cell count that results in a decreased oxygen delivery to cells.

________________________ is/are the largest single component of the body and is essential for all body functions, including digestion, absorption, transportation & excretion.


____________________ must be absorbed by lymphatic capillaries called lacteals, because they form particles called micelles, which are too big to enter blood capillaries.

fatty acids

_________________ are protein aggregations formed in Parkinson's disease.

lewy bodies

The ___________ theory of aging suggests that aging is caused by a reduced resistance to disease.


Definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is done by:


Neurological changes with aging include:

decreased brain mass

The cause of progeria is:

a genetic mutation in the LMNA gene

Slowed movements associated with Parkinson's disease are referred to as:


Loss of skeletal muscle with aging is called:


Which of the following is not a sign of Alzheimer's disease?

enhanced language ability

Which of the following is a potential metabolic alteration leading to osteoporosis in elderly people?

-decreased calcitonin levels

-increased parathyroid hormone levels

-reduced vitamin D activation

-decreased intestinal absorption of calcium

Age related melanin deficiency leads to which of the following manifestations?

graying hair

Renal function impairment in aging is related to:

reduced nephron number

Which of the following contributes to age associated decrease in total body water?

-decreased muscle mass

-increased fat mass

-decreased kidney function

Which of the following is not a risk factor for osteoporosis?

a very active lifestyle

Slow bone loss that affects both men and women is called:

senescent bone loss

Parkinson's disease is characterized by a decrease in the neurotransmitter:


Reabsorption of bone by cells called _____________ is favored over bone formation during osteoporosis.


Which of the following explains why people age 60 and older are more often affected by cancer?

-they have impaired function

-genetic mutations have accumulated over time

-they have had prolonged exposure to carcingens

-their DNA has an impaired ability to repair itself

Accumulation of the protein ________ causes neurofibrillary tangles of Alzheimer's disease.


Undernutrition and decreased response to hunger in the elderly may be due to a decrease in the hormone ___________, which is produced by adipose tissue.


Which of the following changes results in increased cardiad afterload and hypertension in the elderly?

decreased elasticity in arterial connective tissue

The mechanism for the development of the dawn phenomenon is related to the release of:


Diabetics experience __________, which is defined as excessive thirst.


Which of the following about gestational diabetes is false?

babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes may be smaller than normal

Which of the following would be a result of somatic neuropathy?

skeletal muscle weakness

The hormone ___________ is responsible for uptake of glucose by the body's cells.


An individual is less likely to develop the chronic complications of diabetes mellitus if their blood sugar is in the range of _____________ mg/dL


A decrease in insulin production could be caused by damage to the ___________ cells of the pancreas.


A 12 year old boy is diagnosed with type I diabetes, and is prescribed insulin. During is gym class, he experiences hunger, lightheadedness, tachycardia, pallor, headache, and confusion for the first time. The most probable cause of these symptoms is:

hypoglycemia caused by administering too much insulin that morning

One of the most important predictors for mortality in type I diabetes patients is:


Intermittent claudication is:

fatigue or aching in the leg muscles

Obesity is a major risk factor for the development of type II diabetes mellitus. What is the mechanism for this?

obesity causes the release of fatty acids and cytokines, which interfere with insulin receptors

In diabetic ketoacidosis,

-fatty acids are moblilzed for energy because of low insulin levels
-blood pH is lower than normal
-there can be widespread cellular injury
- hyperglycemia promotes osmotic diuresis

Why are individuals with diabetes mellitus more susceptible to infection?

-excess blood glucose provides food for microorganisms

-red blood cell destruction prevents oxygen from being delivered to tissues

-white blood cell function is impaired without adequate glucose transport

-neuropathies prevent individuals from sensing breaks in the skin

Hyperglycemia hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome is mainly a problem in:

type II diabetics

Kussmaul respirations would be a result of:

diabetic ketoacidosis

What would be the effect of hyperglycemia in tissues that do not require insulin for glucose transport, such as red blood cells and the lens?

a fluid shift into the cells causing cell rupture

Macrovascular complications of diabetes are caused by:




Exercise is an important factor in treating diabetes mellitus because:

it helps muscle tissue use glucose

Microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus most oftern occur in the:

retinas of the eye and kidneys

Metabolic syndrome includes which of the following?

-insulin resistance


-high triglyceride and low HDL levels
