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40 Cards in this Set

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Fungi can produce reproductive hyphae which ...
project above their growth substrate.
Reproductive hyphae can produce either ___ or ___ spores.
asexual or sexual
Fungal spores are both ___ and ___
resistant and reproductive cells.
Spores can land back on the substrate and form ___.
new hyphae
True/False: Asexual spores produce new hyphae with the same genetics as the strain from which they came.
True/False: Sexual spores will form hyphae with the mixed genetics from two different strains of the mold.
What are some asexual spore type?
1. Blastospores
2. Chlamydospores
3. Arthrospores
4. Sporangiospores
5. Conidiospores
True/False: Asexual spores will produce new hyphae with different genetics from the strain they came from.
What are blastospores?
there are the same as the buds found on yeast cells
What are clamydospores?
thick-walled spores that are highly resistant to adverse conditions
True/False: Sexual spores will form hyphae with the same genetics from two different strains of mold.
What are arthrospores?
described as cast or barrel or cylindrically shaped. They are formed by the disjointing or fragmentation of hyphal cells.
What are sporangiospores?
spores form within sacs at the end of hyphae
Example: Rhizopus
What are conidiospores?
spores formed by extrusion of single cells from specialized area of hyphae. The spores are not enclosed in a sac.
Examples: Penicillium (branching pattern) and Aspergillus (linear pattern).
What are some examples of sexual spore types?
1. zygospores
2. ascospores
3. basidiospores
What are zygospores?
large spores encased in a thick wall.
Example: Rhizopopus
What are ascospores?
spores within a "pea pod like structure known as an ascus.
Example: Penicillium and Aspergillus
What are basidiospores?
are found amongst the gills of the fleshy mushrooms
Fungi imperfecti
this is a special category of fungi where sexual reproduction methods have not yet been observed. This fungi imperfecti category should be thought of as a temporary or holding category. At one time both Aspergillus and Penicillium were placed here. It is now known that these two genera produce sexual spores known as ascospores.
define: symbiosis
the living together of two different organisms or populations. There are several kinds of symbioses in the living world.
• two life forms coexist in the lichen, a fungus and an alga. Both life forms benefit from this coexistence.
Therefore this represents a mutualistic symbiotic relationship.
What is an example of a mutualistic symbiotic relationship?
lichen, where two life forms coexists, a fungus and an alga
What is a mycorrhiza?
a fungus growing in symbiosis with plant roots
What is an example of a mycorrhiza?
• Truffles (mostly from the genus Tuber) are a mass of mycelia and ascospores wrapped around the roots of the tree.
• they are odiferous and is a food delicacy.
• Truffles benefit by gaining access to the tree's carbohydrates while the tree benefits from water and mineral content delivered by the truffles.
How are mycoses categorized?
by the level of tissue involvement in the host
What are the four categories of mycoses?
1. cutaneous mycoses
2. subcutaneous mycoses
3. superficial mycoses
4. systemic mycoses
What are superficial mycoses?
only the outer layers of the hair and skin are affected.
• Generally these are quite mild and are mainly of cosmetic interest.
• Tinea versacolor (disease not agent) causes a mild discoloration and a brownish scaling on the trunk, neck or arms.
• Tinea nigra can present as black spots upon the palms of the hands
• Tinea alba will produce white area upon the skin
What are cutaneous mycoses?
these infect the epidermis, hair and nails. These fungal organisms secrete the enzyme keratinase which is used to breakdown the protein keratin. Since keratin is required as a nitrogen source, these organisms are restricted to growing in the epidermis and areas where keratin is found.
• There are several tineas (ringworm) infections associated with cutaneous mycotic infections.
• Exampls are Tinea pedic, Tinea corporis, Tinea barbae, Tinea cruris
• Three genera associated with cutaneous mycoses are Microsporum, Epidermophyton and Trichophyton.
What is Tinea pedis?
ringworm of the foot and also known as "Athletes Foot"
• an example of a cutaneous mycoses
What is Tinea corporis?
ringworm of the body
• an example of a cutaneous mycoses
What is Tinea barbae?
ringworm of the beard
• an example of a cutaneous mycoses
What is Tinea cruris?
ringworm of the groin area, also known as "jock itch"
• an example of a cutaneous mycoses
What are the three genera associated with cutaneous mycoses?
Microsporium, Epidermophyton, and Trichophyton
Most fungi are ___ pathogens.
Fungi are generally part of the normal flora and we only see them as ___ under certain circumstances.
mild pathogens
Who has an increased risk of serious infections with opportunistic pathogens?
Debilitated individuals, trauma victims, those using broad spectrum antibiotics, those using immunospressive agents (corticosteroids), drug addicts, obese individuals, alcoholics, diabetics, undernourished, and those under stress are al subject to increased risk of opportunistic pathogens.
True/False: Fungal organisms are prokaryotes.
True/False: Fungal organisms are eukaryotes.
Our medicines for treatment are more likely to be ___ on our own eukaryotic cells.
What are subcutaneous mycoses?
most are caused by the yeast called Candida albicans. Candida albicans is typically part of our own normal flora. This infection can involve the skin and the subcutaneous tissues without going any deeper. The disease is called candidiasis or moniliasis. It is also called "thrush" and can be seen in children and older adults as white patches on the inside of the mouth or tongue. This infection can also be seen in warm moist environments where irritation is oftentimes a factor.
• The axilla, intergluteal folds, groin area, inframammary folds and belt line are common areas of infection.
• AIDS patients will experience Candida infections as their immune systems are compromised. Candida can work its way into the blood stream and go systemic.
• It can infect the heart valves and cause a candidal endocarditis.
What are systemic mycoses?
fungal organisms that have spread throughout the body and have invaded deeper tissues. These are rare infections but can be very serious and difficult to treat.
• The yeast-like organisms that cause these dimorphic (two appearances).
• At 37 degrees C. they are yeast-like.
• At 25 degrees C. they grow hypha, and are mold-like.