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120 Cards in this Set

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the exposed seeds of gymnosperms are produced on

sporophylls, in a strobilusm or cone

seeds of gymnosperms are

- female =cones

- male = smaller pollen cones

- both produced on sporophytes

seeds of gymnosperms are produced on


a female gametophyte develops _____ and is nourished by

within an ovary and is nourished by a nucellus, which is enclosed by a protective integument that will form the seed coat after fertilization

what will form the seed coat after fertilizaiton

protective integument that encloses the nucelles and ovary

four phyla of living gymnosperms are recognized

phylum pinophyta - conifers

phylum ginkgophyta - ginkgo

phylum cycadophyta- cycads

phylum gnetophyta - netophytes ephedra, gnetum, welwitschia

phylum pinophyta


phylum ginkgophyta


phylum cycadophyta


phylum gnetophyta

netophytes ephedra, gnetum, welwitschia

these are the most numerous conifers


conifers needlelike leaves are arranged in

clusters of two to five and have modification adapting them to harsh environments

resin canals

occur throughout the plant body and secrete resin that inhibits fungi and certain insect pests

pine xylem lacks

vessel members and fibers and is relatively soft

pine phloem lacks

companion cells bus has albuminous cells that apparently perform the same funciton

pin roots

always associated with mycorrhizal fungi, which are essential to normal plant development

two kinds of spores are produced

microspores and megaspores

these are produced in papery pollen cones that develop in clusters towards the tips of lower branches


these develop in pairs toward the base of the pollen coe scales and give rise to four celled pollen grains that occur in huge numbers


these are formed in ovules at the bases of seed cone scales


the iteegument of the ovule has a pore called the


one megaspore develops into a

female gametophyte

the mature female gametophyte contains


before the archegonia mature

pollen grains are caught in sticky pollination drops between the cone scales

each pollen grain poduces

a pollen tube that digests ts way down to the devoping archegonia and two of the original four cells in the pollen grain migrate into the tube as it grows

the generative cell

divides and produces a sterile cell and a spermtogenous cell that itself divides producing two sperms

after pollination

one sperm unites with the egg formin a zygote

zygote develops into an

embryo of a seed that has a membranous wing fromed from a layer of the cone scale

some conifers produce seeds enclosed

in fleshy or berry like coverings

- evolutionary origin not cear

_____ has small fan shaped leaves with evenly forking veins


life cycle is similar to that of cycads


edible seeds are enclosed in fleshy covering that has a rank odor at maturity


cycads superficially resemble

palm trees with unbranched trunks and crowns of large, pinnately divided leaves

typically the strobilus of a cycad is

found in the center of the plant

life cycles of cycads are similar to those of

conifers, but the sperms of cycads include sperms with numerous flagella

sperms of cycads

include sperms with numerous flagella

gnetophytes are

only gymnosperms with vessels in their xylem


ephedra, gnetum, wetwitschia

half of gnetophytes are

genus ephedra

members have jointed stems and leaves reduced to scales

genus ephedra of gnetophytes

these have broad leaves and occur int he tropics, primarily as vines

gnetum of gentophytes

this is confines to southwest african desrts and its stem s in the form of a shlalow cup with straplike leaves that extend form the rim; basal meristems on the leaves constantly add to their length

welwitschia of gnetophytes

what makes welwitschia grow length wise

basal meristems on the leaves

the seeds and inner bark of pines are

edible, an a tea has been made from the leaves

eastern white pine stems were used as

masts for sailing vessels and for crates, furnniture, flooring, paneling, and matchsticks

western white pine is the source of

most lumber today

resin from pines consists of

turpentine and rosin

this is used as a solvent

turpentine (resin form pines)

this is used by musicans and basevall players

rosin (resin form pines)

dammar from kauri pines is used in

colorless varnishes

amber is

fossilizd resin

resin is used in

floor waxes, printers ink, paper coatings, perfumes, and manufacture of menthol

white spruce is the

chief source of newspirnt

- also used for basketry and canoe lashing by native americas, molasses or honey for trating scurby and in brewing beer

spruce resin used

chewing hum

spruce wood used

as soundboards for musical instruments nd in the construction of aircraft

larch and juniper woods are sued for

fence posts

firs are used in

construction of paper, ornament, and chrismas tree indsutres

most desired timber tree in the world today

douglas fir

coastal redwoods

great wood, resistant to fungi and insects

bald cypress wood used for

coffins and shingles, is resistant to decay

woods resistant to fungi and insects

coastal redwoods and bald cypress

a dye and tannins are are obtained from the

eastern hemlock

- native american used parts of hemlocks for poultices and for food

eastern white cedars wood was used for


atlantic cedar was used for

construction of pipes for pipe organs

yew wood is used for

making bows and treatment of human ovarian cancer

podocarps of new zealand

have edible seeds

incesnse cedar wood is

used for cedar chests, cigar boxes, pencils and fence posts

junier berries are used to

flavor gin and used by native americans for food and a beverage

ginkgo seeds


ginkgo plant extracts used to

improve blood circulation

arrowroot starch obtained form a


mormon tea is brewed from

leaves and stems of joint firs (ephedra) which were souce of drug ephedrine and a venereal disease treatment

one gnetum species is cultivated in java for


what is a gymnosperm? how is it distinguished form other major groups of plants?

Gymnosperms are a group of vascular plants whose seeds are not enclosed by a ripened ovary (fruit)

-The seeds of many gymnosperms (literally, "naked seed") are borne in cones and are not visible.

- organs bear pollen and seeds


fruit flower



what is the differnce between a seed and a spore

seeds larger than spores, seeds multicellular, spores unicellular, seeds are in angiosperm, spores are underneath leaves of nonflowering plants

- spore may fuse during fertilization to become a seed

-spore may divide by mitosis to produce new organism asexually

how are leaves of pines different from those of broadleaf flowering plants

pines have modified leaves called bracts that bare seeds at the ends, broad leaf flowering plants have leaves

what is a resin canal and what is its funciton where are they found

occur throughout the plant body and secrete resin that inhibits fungi and certain insect pests

hwo do pines differ in their repredoucton form ground pines and ferns

pines do not require moisture to reproduce

how do pollen grains differ from spores or sperms

pollen grain- microgametophytes, produce male gametes of seed plants

spore- reproductive structure, that survives unfavorable conditions yet compared to seeds they have little avaiable food resources

- pollen used by flowering plants to fertilize seeds, fertilized seeds grow into adult plants

- spores are nonflowering plants that grow into gametophytes

which conifers discussed in this chapter do not have woody seed cones

ginkgo have edible fleshy seeds

- podocarps and juniper berries

leaves of pine, ginkgo, cycad, joint fir, welwitschia

gingko has small fan shaped leaves with eevenly forking veins, cycads have large, pinnately divided leaves, joint fir long leaf, welwitschia straplike leaves that extend from the base

what parts of a pine are considered edible

The pines that produce seed the size of sunflower seed or larger are considered to be edible nut pines

resin uses

Resin is a hydrocarbon secretion of numerous plants, mainly coniferous trees. Resins are valued for their chemical properties and associated uses, such as the, adhesives, and food glazing agents; as a significant source of raw materials for organic synthesis; and as constituents of incense and perfume.

phylum pinophyta



naked seed plants

in gymnosperms seeds are formed exposed on


- modified leaf

- these are arranged in spirals in a strobulis/cone

in gymnosperms Female gametophyte contained within in

an ovule

most gymnosperms lack

motile sperm

- no water required

Four major lineages of extant gymnosperms

1. Phylum Pinophyta – The Conifers

2. Phylum Ginkgophyta – Ginkgo

3. Phylum Cycadophyta – The Cycads

4. Phylum Gnetophyta – The Gnetophytes

Gymnosperms form a paraphyletic group, which means

they share an ancestor with another monophyletic clade


angiosperm + gymnosperm

Gymnosperm Characteris/cs

Mostly woody sporophytes

• No vessel elements for most (not all)

• Male and female cones are produced

• Female gametophyte contained withinan ovule, which forms the seed

- Gametophyte reduced to evenfewer cells than the ferns


having both the male and female reproductive organs in the same individual; hermaphrodite.


distinct male and female organs

confiers have

550 species in 7 families

these all produce woody stems, trees, and shrubs

- m nd f cones

- needle leaves, sunken stomata, thick cuticles

- mostly monoecious, few dioecious

- mostly evergreens, few decidious


- conifers

Sequoia sempervirens; tallest is the Hyperion tree; 379.3 feet tall


Pine Leaves Characteris/cs:

1. Thick cuticle, sunken stomata

2. Endodermis

3. Resin canals develop in mesophyll

• Resin is aromatic, antiseptic, antifreeze, insect deterrent

• Considerable secondary growth

– Most gymnosperm wood consists primarily of tracheids

– No vessel members or fibers, thus soft wood

– Mycorrhizal fungi associated with the roots of most conifers

pinophyta conifers

Male pollen cones are

papery and ephemeral, usually produced in the spring

Pollen Cones with Microsporangia

• Cells in the microsporangia undergo meiosis, and the resulting microspores develop into pollen grains (microgametophytes)


- no antheridia present

pollination of male cones

Wind pollination • Pollen grains are themicrogametophytes!

Ovulate cones are larger than pollen cones with woody cone scales (megasporophylls)

• Ovules are produced in pairs found at the base of the cone scales

• Each ovule contains a megasporangium with a nucellus (portion of ovule where embryo develops)

female cones

meiosis takes place in megasporangium, only one megaspore matures and it turns into female gametophyte, megasporphyte

megasporophyte is within megasporangium

-integument develops into seed coat

The microgametophyte enters the ovule through an opening called the


- on ovule

The pollen carries sperm to the megagametophyte (either via wind or pollinator)


life cycle of conifer

mature sporophyte contains both pollen cone and ovulate cone. pollen grain releases pollen grains containing microsporophytes and pollinates the megasporophyte in the ovulate cone. 1 month later meiosis occurs. fertilization occurs 15 months after pollination, embryo appears 18-20 months after pollination, dispersal of seeds 24 months after pollination, where a seedling then grows and grows into a mature sporophyte

megasporocyte undergoes meiosis producing


Single ovule surrounded by a fleshy aril (highly modified megasporophyll) • All other parts are highly toxic to herbivores, but these alkaloids can be usedas an effective anti-cancer medication (Taxol)

taxus and podocarpus

seed plants lack

motile sperm

- an adaptation to xerophytic environment dry

- instead pollen (male gametophyte) carries male nuclei (sperm) to female structure

gingko sperm and cycad sperm

flagelleted sperm swim to pollen tube to meet egg cell

gingko biloba

1 species

- living fossil

- improves memory

- deciduous and dioceous

- fan like leaves


- palm with compound leaves

- circinate venation like ferns

- tropical and dry forests

- evergreen and dioceous

- often toxic (contain potent neurotoxins)

- pollination by beetles

- sperm has over 10k spiral flagella




3. welwitschia

woody climbers, vine like; one species a tree native to asia

- seeds used as snack in se asia

- monoecious and dioecious

gnetum of gnetophyta

gnetophytes evolutionary adaptation

vessels in the xylem

shrubs with long branches and sclae leaves

- dry areas sw na

- treat asthma and allergies ephedrine, mormon tea

-dietary supplement

- dangerous to consume

ephedra of gnetophyta

large tap root

- two wide strap shaped leaves that grow from base up to 2 m long

- deserts of namibia in sw africa


welwitschia of gnetophyta

- monotypic genus