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40 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following may be inherited from HIV infection?
a) Immunologic enhancement
b) Immunologic surveillance
c) Immunotherapy
d) Immunodeficiency
For which of the following hypersensitivity reactions are sensitived T cells responsible?
a) Tuberculin skin test
b) Contact dermatitis
c) Reaction to poison ivy
d) Transplant rejection
e) All of the above
All of the above
LYSOZYME protects the skin and mucous membranes from infection by:
a) Stimulating antibody productions
b) Mechanically flushing organisms
c) Killing bacteria
d) Preventing adhesions of organisms
e) None of the above
Preventing adhesion s of organisms
The VARIABLE PORTIONS of the H and L chains of an antibody determine:
The antigen (epitope) to which the antibody binds
In systemic lupus erythematous, IgM, IgG, and deposit in the kidney. This is an example of
Immune Complex Autoimmunity
IgE antibodies are assocaited with the immune response to
Large Parasites
The antibodies found in mucus, salvia, and tears are
Monocytes give rise to which of the following?
a) Basophil
b) Lymphocytes
c) Macrophages
d) Neutrophil
e) Eosinophil
Anaphylactic shock is an example of what type of hypersensitivity?
Type I
In an immunodiffusion test to diagose the fungal disease histoplasmosis, patient's serum is placed in a well in an agar plate. In a positive test, a precipitate forms as the serum diffuses from the well and meets material diffusing from a second well.

What immunodiffusion test is described?
Cytokines released by TH1 cells:
a) activate CD8 cells to CTLs
b) convert TH1 to TH2 cells
c) kill parasites
d) convert TH2 to TH1 cells
e) convert B cells to T cells
Convert B cells to T cells
The classical pathway of the complement protein cascade is initiated by activation of ?
What type of vaccine contains purified antigens?
a) Conjugated vaccine
b) Subunit vaccine
c) Nucleic Acid vaccine
d) Inactive whole-agent vaccine
e) Toxoid vaccine
Subunit vaccine
Which of the following exhibits no phagocytic activity?
a) Neutrophils
b) Dendritic Cells
c) Lymphocytes
d) Macrophages
e) All the above cells have phagocytic activity
All the above cells have phagocytic activity
VACCINES commonly include all the following except:
a) Parts of bacteria cells
b) Antibodies
c) Live, attenuated bacteria
c) Inactivated viruses
d) Inactivated toxoin
Parts of bacteria cells
Live microorganisms can be used in a(n)?
Attenuated whole-agent vaccine
Inflammation is characterized by:
a) Redness
b) Pain
c) Local Heat
d) Swelling
e) All of the above
All the Above
Type II hypersensitivity reactions are also known as
Cytotoxic reactions
Virus-infected cells are destory by?
A reaction between antibody and particulate antigen is called a(n)?
All of the following are advantages of live vaccine EXCEPT:
a) The live vaccine may revert to a more virulent form.
b) Produces both humoral and cell-mediated immunity
c) Produces memory cells
d) Produces long lasting immunity
e) None of the above are advantages
The live vaccine may revert to more virulent form
A substance that elicits an antibody response and can combine with those antibodies is called?
An Immunestimulant
Multiple sclerosis is the result of?
Acquired immunodeficiency
Which of the following is an example of naturally aquired passive immunity?
a) Innate Immunity
b) Immunity due to vaccination
c) Immunity due to the transfer of antibodies across the placenta
d) Immunity due to exposure to the disease
e) Immunity due to to injection of antibodies
Immunity due to exposure to the disease
Opsonization results in
Increase diapedesis of phagocytes
Mucus and any microorganisms trapped in it are removed from the lower respiratory tract by
The ciliary escalator
Which of the following describes a cytotoxic autoimmune reaction such as occurs in Graves disease?
a) Antibodies react to cell-surface antigens
b) Medaited by T cells
c) Cells are killed
d) Immune complexes form
e) Antibodies are not made
Cells are killed
What of the following statements is true?
a) Alpha-interferon acts against specific viruses
b) Alpha-interferon is an antiviral protein
c) Gamma-interferon causes cell lysis
d) Beta-interferon attacks invading viruses
e) Alpha-interferon promotes phagocytosis
Gamma-interferon causes cell lysis
Which of the following is most useful in screening patients for HIV infection, due to its high sensitivity?
b) Fluorescent antibody
c) Complement fixation
d) Agglutination
e) Neutralization
Fluorescent antibody
Normal microbiota provide protection from infection by all of the following EXCEPT:
a) they make the chemical environment unsuitable for non resident bacteria
b) They provide antibacterial chemicals
c) They produce lysozyme
d) They out-compete newcomers
e) Non of the above
They out-compete newcomers
What is the first line of defense (Innate Immunity)?
* Intact Skin
* Mucous membranes and their secretions
* Normal microbiota
What is the second line of defense (Innate Immunity)?
* Natural killer cells and phagocytic white blood cells
* Inflammation
* Fever
* Antimicrobial substances
What is the third line of defense (Acquired Immunity)?
* Specialized lymphocytes: T cells and B cells
* Antibodies
What are the physical factors in first line of defense?
* Epidermis * Mucous Membranes
* Mucus *Lacrimal Apparatus
* Saliva * Hairs
* Cilia *Epiglottis
* Urine Vaginal Secreions
* Defecations & Vomiting
What are the chemical factors in first line of defense?
* Sebum
* Lysozyme
* Gastric Juice
* Vaginal Secretions
What are the 4 types of antimicrobial substances?
*complement system
*antimicrobals peptides
Define Complement System:
causes cytolysis of microbes, promotes phagocytosis & contribes to inflammation
Define Interferons:
protect the infected host cells from viral infection
Define transferrins:
inhibit growth of certain bacteria by reducing the amount of available iron.
Define Antimicrobals Peptide:
cause lysis of bacteria