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147 Cards in this Set

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What is addictive behavior?
All behavior involved in increase in brain dopamine levels, some obsession where a high intensity persistant seeking of pleasure is present
Serial marriages serial relationships and thrillseeking are types of what kind of behavior
Addictive behavior
What does nicotine cocaine meth X and eating and loving peets, or thrillseeking or relationships have in common?
All are related to dopamine and can be addictive behaviors.
In general drugs of abuse do what to dopamine levels?
Elevate them.
When presented with a stimulus such eating a meal after quitting smoking or going to the store and seeing beer, or watching a game causes one's body to anticipate a specific behavior and can cause relapse, what does this signify?
It signifies how the environement plays a crucial role in addiction and in relapse.
Dopamine is made in two specific brain stem regions, name them:
The Substantia nigra, and the Ventral tegmental area
How is dopamine projected?
Which two areas do these projections affect with respect to behavior
Dopaminurgic projects go to throughout the ventricles mid brain and cortex,
They affect the motor control system (Striatum = parkinsons disease)
And the pleasure addictive system
The initial stages of falling madly in love is activated at which area of the brain?
The pleasure addictive system
How many ppl get lung cancer that smoke, %? Why is it so detrimental to our society?
1/10 get lung cancer, however risk is increased through smoking, and it's affect on our society is mostly economical as it costs alot to take care of resp. pts.
What did the indians give as a gift?
How many ppl get lung cancer %?
1/10 or 10%
How many cases in the USA vs china
Where are ach Projections in the brain?
They are wide spread and more importantly reach the frontal lobe.
What do nicotinic receptors do to skeletal muscles?
contract skeletal muscles?
What do muscurinic receptors do to cardiac?
They relax the heart
The ANS and Somatic motor have their first neurons in the CNS what is the common characteristic of these neurons?
They are all nicotnic
Muscurinic receptors are more sensitive to _____ than _____
muscurine than nicotine
The most damaging part of smoking is
The tar
Why are smokers yellow?
Because the nicotine which is yellow is fat soluble and is stored in many parts of the body
When nicotine activates the sympathetic nervous system (mimics it) what happens? What is released
The Sympathetic flight or fight system becomes active and NT nor epinepherine is released.
Which part of the ANS does nicotine activate?
it activates both symp and para however symp overrides parasympathetic (it wins)
What is the primary cause of addiction to nicotine?
The increase of dopamine in the brain. behavior is independent of the nicotine
Doses of nicotine, small rapid vs long drawn out
sm rapid alertness and arousal
long drawn out sedation and relax
What does Monoamine oxidase do with respect to dopamine?
It metabolizes it
Nicotine which inhibits MAO B does what to dopamine levels?
it increases the levels found in the blood stream
Synaptic transmission occurse in 3 parts transport diffusion enzymatic degradation, which does nicotine inhibit?
It inhibits enzyme degradation by blocking mao b
Due to the increase in Dopamine in the blood what happens to the sensitivity (think tolerance)
less receptors are available for dopamine and this results in dopamine tolerance.
What is the difference btw non smoker and smoker w/ respect to MaoB? enzyme activity?
Non smokers have brain and heart MaoB activity while smokers have less enzyme activity.
How much nicotine is fatal?
About one cig if all was extracted and absorbed on the tongue
What does GABA do to dopamine? And what does nicotine do to Gaba?
Gaba inhibits dopamine release, nicotine increases Dopamine release by inhibiting Gaba Control
What do ECBs do to Gaba inhibition of dopamine neurons?
ECBS turn off the gaba inhibition. Gaba acts as the breaks ECBS turns off the breaks.
What is tonic inhibition due to gaba?
It's that gaba constantly inhibits dopamine releasal.
If you are not manic depressant and take lithium or not depressed and take prozak what happens to hwo you feel?
you don't feel good Lol
Effects of tabacco heart and viens brain appetite mood ect.
Cancer heart and vascular disease, Aneurysm, lose MAO A and B, Appetite suppression, Depresssion
Positives of smoking
Stimulates ACh potential against alzheimers
Inc brain dopamine levels reduces parkinsons
Cocaine fat soluble insoluble vaso what? uses?
Local anaesthetic with vasoconstrictive properties, and is fat soluble
What does (according to HPLC) cocaine do to brain dopamine levels
Skyrockets them to like 500% increase over a course of half an hour or so. also increases Nor Epi.
Meth and coke increase Dopamine lvls as does tobacco, however what is the difference btw them?
Meth and coke block reuptake, meth is more effective while tobacco block enzyme degradation
The reduction of dopamine receptors after 4 months of cocaine abstinence (describe)
still persists, there has not been any recovery. takes more than 4 months to bounce back.
In a cocaine user the use of Glucose is described how?
It's lower especially the frontal cortex whcih is responsible for executive function. However the occipital lobe shows recovery after 3 or so months
Effects of coke, chest lungs heart GI
Heart attacks
chest pains
strokes seizures headaches
GI complications,
abdominal pain
Reduction in glucose metabolic rates and dopamine receptors
Amphetamine was first synth'ed where? what did it do what was it called?
legal vs illegal
In 1887 germany raised bp and nasal dialator/lungs trate congestion benzdrine was the name
For ADHD it improved concentration and performance and was calming rather than stimulant.
Illegal in 65 and 71 over 12 billion pills/year
Vietnam vs WWII amphetamines
1/2 million soilders did more than 10-20 million amph
Crystal meth vs heroin and mj classification
Meth is schedule 2 as desoxyn
MJ and Heroin class 1 no usage or purpose
When /where was Crystal meth first synth'd and used for what?
Japan 1919 for narcolepsy depression parkinson's alcholism crebral arteriosclerosis hay fever, ADHD exogenous obesity
What's Anhedonia mean and how is it related to crystal meth?
it means without pleasure and it's caused by hyperstimulation of pleasure pathways
Coke vs C Meth
3500 vs 500 % increase of dopamine
How does someone who uses C Meth get peritis?
It happens as they constantly pick and scratch till they bleed
What happens to Dopamine transporters in C Meth users?
THey are reduced, and reuptake is reduced Massive amounts of dopamine everywhere.
Meth mouth
Dry mouth for poor hygiene and lots of grindign of teeth and high calorie carbonated drinks
What does ecstasy mean?
MDMA mean?
outside yourself
3,4-methylene dioxy methamphetamine
How is ecstasy classified?
Class A illegal stimulant
Structurally similar toe meth and mescaline
What are some effects of X?
Hallucinations depression anxiety memory loss, confident blissful uninhibited, objects pulsate emotional arousal
Risks of X
Over heating and dehydration
liver kidney problems (linked)
Damages serotonin neurons
Impairs memory dmgs sleep regulation mood and learning
What does X and LSD have in common?
They target Serotonin
Which neurons does meth kill?
Serotonin and dopamine
What does prozac and X have in common? What do they target?
They both target serotonin transporters
With usage of x with respect to recoery how are the Cortex and HT?
HT some recovery and frontal no recovery:
Some of the S. Neurons do not grow back and some parts overgrow.The fiber and terminal is damaged and it interferes with seratonin release.
Long term X use:
Memory and learning failed to recover, sleep and appetite had excessive overabundance of serotonin so they couldn't stop eating and sleeping lol
When we evaluate MDMA exposure what do we look for?
loss of serotonin func and increased seratonin function in other areas of the breain
What happens to the HT w/ X?
It inc heart rate and BP and messes up body temp regulation
*initially E inc bp then due to Dehydration BP drops, vasoconstriction increases heart rate increases
To obtain Vit C is it better to get ascorbit acid naturally?
no it doesn't matter
Is natural better?
in some cases however nature is also bad for us :P poison
Why do plants make chemicals? for us?
Attract or repelt for them, not for us, each plant makes one thing :)
Fungus on rye ->
Willow barck >
Yew leaves >
Coca ->
Bark of Peruvian tree ->
Also what do they do?
ergotamine: poison
aspirin: duh
Taxol: tx boob cancer
quinine: tx malaria
ergot alkaloids
fungus on rye
purple nodule spores
Stillbirth dead mom burning and gangrene extremities St Ant's fire seizures and convulsions.
How much of teh us rye crop is rejected due to ergot poisoning
1-36% if it's over .3% infected it's rejected.
Plants vs Fungus
(chemicals they make)
Plants in general make one chemical
fungi makes a series of chemicals.
Clavine alkaloids
cause convulsive symptoms
How does ergot cause gangrene?
peri vasoconstriction,
How did St Ant cure the holy fire?
he lived in the south and ppl who went to visit him stopped eating that crap.
Medical uses
Used to induce labor
migrainesvine: postpartum hemorrhage
What do ergots do? Their action? What receptors do they affect? How do they affect viens Uterine muscles BP ect.
Affects all known dopamine serotonin and nor epi receptors peri vasoconstrict uterine contract, Depreses BP control centers.
Mommy bonding hormone
How does ergot relate?
oxytocin, reduces bleeding dialates cervix ergots mimic them. induces labor
Types of headaches 4
sinus: pain behind forehead
cluster: pain aroundone eye
tension: pain head squeeze
migraine: pain nausea visual changes.
3 types of migraines
common no aura
Classic w aura
silent or ocular: w/o headache
Triggers for migraines
Most likely stress weather cfhanges estrogen withdrawl fatigue sleep disturbance alcohol, OTC pain meds
4 types of headaches
Opthalmic Front head CN5
Migraine headache vison and nausea
Occipital C2
Meningitis stiff neck C3
What's an aura
blindspot where youcan't see, sensory experience that worns of migraine nauea visual generation.
How to combat malaria and CF
malaria need sickel cell
CF 1 compy of a gene to survive.
What do aspirin and tylenal prevent ?
Production of prostaglandins that causes pain
What does immatrex bind to and what is the out come of this binding?
What does CGRP do to blood vessels?
Immitrex binds to seratonin receptors blocking CGRP
They bind to CGRP receptors and (the trigeminal neuron bouton is more sensitive) causes vaso dilation.
Migraine tx with imetrex
imetrex which mimics seratonin acts as an agonist for 5ht1b and 5ht1d effectively blocking CGRP releasal and indirectly prevents vasodilation. Seratonin by itself will not do anything
What does 5hT do?
it is released by platelets into the blood causing powerful vasoconstriction.
Botox for migraines
it paralyzes the muscles and is based off the theory that muscles cause migraines, and that blocking the trigger factor will relieve the migraine. 155 unites every 12 weeks, not shown to work for headaches that occur fewer than 14 days per month, Paralyzes skel, muscles by blocking Ca+2 channels, and this reduces change of trigger event in neck or head muscles that can lead to trigeminal sensitization. FDA approved.
How do designers of drugs make their drugs from something like ergot?
Ergot or any poison can have a variety of effects, however which components have which effects? This is what they do, isolate the components that target particular receptors.
Tumor suppression and Ergot, describe:
Ergot shuts down blood supply and therefore can be linked to anti-angiogenesis treatment for tumors. (However the dead tissue is then a problem.)
2. L-Dopa
1. Used in chemotheroapy when compasine does not work to control vomiting, can also be used to control post partum hemorrhaging by constriction blood vessels.
2. Parlodel and Permax is more affective at L-Dopa at tx parkinson's disease which targets dopamine receptors.
Female viagra
Flibanserin, Not significant increase in desire.
5 HT1A recptor agonist on GI and 5 HT2A recptor antagonist on GS however does not pan out as the affect is equivalent to a glass of wine.
What is considered responsible for female excitation/sex drive?? (Chemical)
The balance of dopamine and nor epi vs seratonin.
Seratonin inhibits sexual drive
Dopamine and norepi excite
What does the vascular efects in the visual cortex cause?
What does a migraine do to the trigeminal system of the face scalp and brain
it can cause auras because of vascularization of the visual cortex, and can cause trigeminal bulbes to release peptides (CGRP)
How does an aura activate? how fast?
There is a trigger of threshold, with nerve impulses moving through the visual cortex they move towards the frontal cortex at 2-3 mm/min causing ionic disturbances and vasodilation.
Describe the phase of the headache
Release of CGRP from trigeminal dendrites(vascular system) causes vasodilation, and also sensitize nerve fibers that respond to blood vessels pulsing and leads to pain.
What did Candace pert and solomon synder discover in 1973 that was so important ?
Exercise contributes to the release of endorphins that reduce pain They are the natural pain killers.
What does morphine heroin and aspirin all have in common?
They all target receptors in the body that respond to endorphins.
Effects of opiates in the body:
Substantia gelatinosa/medial thalmus in the brain:
Brain stem:
Limbic system in the brain:
Lg. Intestines:
1. Pain relief for dull prolonged pain(Central analgesia)
2. Cough suppression, resp. depression, pupil constriction Euphoria.
3. Constipation. slows down gastric motility.
Medically used for pain relief, Resp. Depressant naturally exists in opium
Medically used for pain relief and cough suppression also naturally found in opium
Semi-synthetic drug for euphoric effect. Depresses respiratory system.
Semi synthetic suppress cough and reduce diarrhea
Semi synthetic use to releive pain and suppress cought and tx diarrhea
Percocet percadan and oxycodone
Block release of Ca+2 and this prevents vescicles from fusing and NT's to be released.
Activation of opiate receptos do what to Calcium?
They block Ca+2 channels and NT's are not released.
92 proof opium gave to infants as old as 5 days old.
National Vaporizer vapor Old
tx for asthma volatile liquit and heated it was 80 proof w 195 mg opium/oz.
Which drugs discussed are two of the main alkaloids in opium?
Morphine and codeine
What does the liver do to codeeine?
it metabolizes it into morphine
Felix Hoffman of the bayer company did what?
Synthe'd heroin, searching for a non addictive drug to replace morphine.
What is the point of combining aspirin and narcotics?
it's fun
narc: dull slow pain
Asp: sharp pain
= no pain woot
Time releasal of oxycodone: to lessen side effects.
Tylenol and the liver
Tylenol can cause liver failure lol
Proposition 18
legalize MJ however it's only state, as federal law isstill against it!
What did ancient cultures use mj for?
They used it for pain inflammation and as a sedative, not for it's euphoric effect.
What is the law in 1619 in jamestown?
That you HAD to grow hemp
What did napoleon bring back after getting whooped on in egypt?
He brought back cannibus seeds & the rosetta stone
What did pancho villa sing a song about?
Marijuana, that was where the drug got it's name.
What replaced the medical use of marijuana?
Aspirin and comasine they both are more effective and are without the euphoria.
Where was the first Anti-cannibus law?
Utah, go fig, then texas UK...however jfk still used it. it 's a schedule 1 drug
What did the jazz scene do to marijuana?
gave it a tauntry reputation, and the government taxed it out of use.
Why is MJ not used to tx glaucoma?
Why not pain?
It requires 20 joijnts a day.
Opiates and NSAIDs are better for pain.
also For BOTH you can't separate the side effects from the psychotropic effects MJ is fat soluble.
Oscar wilde said some nonsense
Only superficial people don't judge by appearances as deep down we are all the same.
THC name and what it does
mimics endocannabinoids in the body and activates the receptors:
stim appetite
suppress immune system
reduce pain
reduce nausea
reduce intraocular pressure
affects motor and cognition memory time sense
inhibits tumor growth
involved in fertilty
bone formation.
Why give MJ to an aids patient if it suppresses the immune system?
Because the stimulation of appetite is far more beneficial
With respect to bone modeling what can THC do?
It can reverse osteoporosis.
Hydra and insects annelids with respect to MJ
Mj targets receptors ECBS thaat respond to endogenous ligands. all animals have it, including the hydra to control it's feeding. Howver insects and annelids don't.
Does the professor smoke weed?
Yes he hides it in his cowboy hat.
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and anandamide both have what in common?
They both target cannabinoid receptors >.>
Ananda means bliss, teh other that the brain makes is 2AG.
Rats without Cannabinoid receptors Knockout mice
Die 1/3 early are really hyper and stressed out, have symptoms of type II diabetes.
In the rate brain where are cannabinoid receptors?
And what does marijuana do there?
They are in the :
HT: appetite and sex behavoir
hippocampus:memory and learning
Cerebellum:motor control/coordination
and basal ganglia: motor control initiating and controlling an action & planning.
Two endocannabinoids
and 3 inactivating enzymes
AEA meaning bliss
2 AG arachidonoyl glycerol
3 inactivating enzymes and what are some alternative approaches to regulation and inhibition of them?
MGL (monoacylglycerol)
FAAH (fatty acid amide hydrolase)FAAH inhibitors reduce anxiety in animal models.

COX 2 (cyclooxygenase-2)COX-2 inhibitors reduce pain and inflammation, perhaps in part by reducing eCB degradation.

Block eCB degradation to prolong activity, similar to Prozac and serotonin.
Where aer Endocannabinoids stored?
In the plasma membrane, they become a part of it that is why it's hard to locate, and can't directly observe it, can't stain it ect. they are very fat soluble and are "cleaved" and released on demand.
AEA on the embryo
High levels prevent implantation, low lvls promote implantation.
Really high levels can terminate pregnancy in women.
What does smoking mj and FAAH inhibition cause?
Increase in cannabinoid levels.
What is the significance of blocking CBR? Cannabinoid receptors?
It interferes with the movement of ovum to the uterus and may result in ectopic pregnancy. It shows that low levels of AEA are essential.
What does THC or AEA do to sperm!
They make them hyper as they have CB1 receptors, and there are less of them and their acrosome are messed up. However not all men are affected.
Seratonin affects
Dopamine affects.
Cholenergic contract
skeletal muscles
Cortisol vs eCBs
Persistent stress cortisol
eCBS when Cortisol si off comes in and settles down.
Knockout mice vs normal w/ respect to noxious stimulus
THey never forget harmful stimulus similar to PTSS.
eCB Therapuetic potential as well as other drugs/agonist
stimulation of appetite: marinol
Pain relief: Sativex(MS)
Nicotine addiction : Rimonabant
The difference btw Marinol and sativex vs Rimonabant?
Rimonabant block CBR while Marinol and sativex activate it.
Under name accomplia, anti addictive tx alcoholism nicotine and stimulant addiction Cb1 antagonist.
How does romonabrant relieve addiction
Because most addictive behavoirs are based off of brain dopamine levels, Rimon, inhibits the reward center/dopamine caused by these drugs, but does not change the [Dopa]
The Gaba neuron is the brakes the prevent dopamine from being released, however nicotine does what?
What does Rimonabant do?
Nicotine activates ECBs/MJ which stop GABA, while Rimonavant blocks ECBS from doing anything!
Rimonabant effects
Produces impovements in BMI, triglyc, HDL
Doubles odds of quit smoking
Reduce weight gain
Targets belly fat, and promise for diabetes adn coronary heart disease.