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57 Cards in this Set

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plasma membrane of muscle cell

transverse tubules (t-tubules)

invaginations of the sarcolemma which form tunnels filled with interstitial fluid


cytoplasm of the muscle fiber


contractile organelles of skeletal muscle which extend the length of the muscle fiber

sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

surrounds eahc myofibril: stores Ca+2 for eventual use in muscle contraction

terminal cisterns

part of SR next to T-tubules; 1 transverse tubule + 2 surrounding terminal cisterns = triad


thin filaments - contains binding sites for myosin


thick filaments - contains ATP binding site on head

skeletal muscle

striated, voluntary, all over

cardiac muscle

striated, involuntary, heart

smooth muscle

not striated. involuntary. blood vessels, airways, organs


(iso= equal, tonic=tone) contraction occurs when the tension in muscle remains nearly constant while the length of the muscle changes


contraction in which muscle shortens as it produces constant tension and overcomes the load it is moving. Ex: picking up a book


contraction in which muscle lengthens as it produces constant tension and gives into the load it is moving. Ex: putting book back down on table


(iso= equal, metric= length) contraction occurs when the tension generated does not exceed resistance of object and muscle remains the same length. Ex: holding book steady with outstretched arm. Energy is expended, but no movement occurs.

structural classification of joints

fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints, synovial joints

fibrous joints

no synovial cavity, bones held together by dense irregular CT. Permit little/no movement due to dense irregular CT. 3 Types: Sutures, Syndesmoses, Interosseous membranes.


only occur between bones of the skull. Slightly moveable (AMPHIARTHOTIC) in infants and children, but immovable (SYNARTHOTIC) in adults.

Interosseaus Membranes

binds long bones and permits slight movement (AMPHIARTHOTIC). Found between radius and ulna as well as tibia and fibula.

cartilaginous joints

no synovial cavity, bones held together by cartilage. lacks synovial cavity like fibrous joints, but consists of cartilage instead of CT. 2 types: Synchondroses and symphyses


Articulating ends covered w/hyaline cartilage, but it is fibrocartilage that actually connects the bones. Slightly movable. Ex: pubic symphysis, manubrium & body of sternum, intervertebral joints between vertebral bodies, annulus fibrosus of IVD

synovial joints

synovial cavity present, bones connected by dense irregular CT. Freely movable. Consists of: synovial cavity, articular capsule, synovial fluid, articulating bones (hyaline cartilage).

articular capsule

encloses synovial cavity. Outer fibrous membrane (dense CT, mostly collagen). Inner synovial membrane (areolar CT w/elastic fibers


dense regular CT holding bones together

functional classification of joints

synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis


immovable joint


slightly moveable


freely movable

Temporomandibular joint

Combined hinge & planar joint. Formed by condylar process of mandible and mandibular fossa of temporal bone. Meniscus present (fibrocartilaginous).

TMJ disorder

pain and inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. Potential causes- injury, arthritis, bruxism (grinding teeth).

Shoulder Joint

Ball & socket joint. Formed by head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula. Glenoid labrum- fibrocartilage around edge of glenoid cavity. 4 bursae present.

Shoulder injuries

rotator cuff injury, dislocation, Torn glenoid labrum

Rotator cuff injury

strain or tear in rotator cuff muscles (shoulder)


most common is inferior displacement of humeral head

Torn glenoid labrum

can lead to dislocation, common in pitchers and weight lifters

Elbow Joint

Hinge joint. Formed by trochlea & capitulum of humerus, trochlear notch of ulna, and head of radius.

Elbow injury

Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis). Golfers elbow (medial epicondylitis.

Hip Joint

ball-and-socket joint. Formed by head of femur and acetabulum of coxal (hip) bone.

Knee Joint

Hinge joint. Consists of 3 joints: Tibiofemoral (laterally). Tibiofemoral (medially). Patellofemoral. 2 menisci (medial & lateral). 3 bursae

atlanto-occipital and cervical intervertebral joints

shoulder joint

elbow joint

wrist joint

hip joint

knee joint

intervertebral joint

shoulder joint

wrist joint

hip joint

metacarpophalangeal joints of the fingers (not the thumb)

shoulder joint. hip joint.

atlanto-axial joint. shoulder joint.

hip joint

temporomandibular joint

temporomandibular joint

intertarsal joint. ankle joint.

radioulnar joint. carpometacarpal joint