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40 Cards in this Set

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What are the two body cavities
1. Thoracic
The right upper quadrant contains..
small instestine
large instetine
The left upper quadrant contains..
The thoracic quadrant contains..
The heart cavity is called the..
Pericardial cavity
What is the mediastinum
The central tissue mass that divides the thoracic cavity into two plueral cavities
What is the pH of blood and body tissues?
7.35- 7.45
What is acidosis?
An abnormally low pH, under 7.35. Below 7 can cause a coma
What is alkalosis?
An abnormally high pH, above 7.45. Above 7.8 can cause uncontrolled muscle spasms.
What is an enzyme?
A protein catalyst that lowers the activation energy of a reaction and allows the reaction to proceed in conditions suitable for life
What is the plasma membrane made of?
The plasma membrane is a lipid bilyaer made of phospholipids, it has a hydrophobic and hydrophilic end
What is osmosis?
The movement of water down its concentration gradient to an area of higher solute concentration
What does the smooth ER synthesize?
Carbohdyrate and Lipids
What does the Rough ER synthesize?
What are the four kinds of tissues?
1. Epithelial
2. Connective
3. Muscle
4. Neural
What are the different kinds of epithelial tissue?
1. Squamous
2. Cubodial
3. Columnar
What are the 3 kinds of muscle tissue?
1. Cardiac
2. Smooth
3. Skeletal
What are the different kinds of cells in connective tissue?
Melanocytes, adipocytes, cartilage, bone, collagen, elastic fibers, macrophages (fixed and free)
What cels make up neural tissue?
What do exocrine glands do?
Exocrine glands secrete exocrine secretions onto a passageway connected to the outside
What do endocrine glands do?
Endocrine glands secrete hormones into the bloodstream
Describe skeletal muscle:
Striated, long, multinucleated, cylindrical cells
Describe smooth muscle:
Short, nonstriated, one nucleated, cylindrical cells
What happens when melanocytes are exposed to UV light?
Melanocytes will produce melanin, which is a brown pigment
What does UV light do to cholestrol like compounds?
It converts it to Vitamin D3, which travels to the kidney and is converted to calcitrol. Calcitrol is essential for Calcium and phosphorus abosorption.
What nurtients are essential for bone growth and repair?
Calcium and Vitamin D
Define osteocyte:
Cells that breakdown and recycle bone matrix
Define osteoblast:
Cells that produce bone matrix by osteogenesis
What happens when bone is not put under stress?
The bone will degenerate
What is an osteon?
An osteon is the basic functional unit of mature compact bone and consists of osteocytes around a central canal
What nurtients are essential for bone growth and repair?
Calcium and Vitamin D
Define osteocyte:
Cells that breakdown and recycle bone matrix
Define osteoblast:
Cells that produce bone matrix by osteogenesis
What happens when bone is not put under stress?
The bone will degenerate
What is an osteon?
An osteon is the basic functional unit of mature compact bone and consists of osteocytes around a central canal
What is an osteon?
An osteon is the basic functional unit of mature compact bone and consists of osteocytes around a central canal
Defien central canal:
A longitudinal canal in the center of an osteon that contains blood vessels and nerves
Small pit or cavity, that bone cells (osteocytes) live in. Lancunae are arranged in concentric layers called lamellae
Where would you find cilia?
Respiratory tract
Where would you find mircovilli?
In the digestive tract, they increase surface area for absorption