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115 Cards in this Set

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Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O - sternum + clavicle
Ins - mastoid process of temp. bone
Flexes head if both sides contract
rectus abdominis
Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O - pubis symphasis
Ins - hyphoid process + 5-7 ribs
Flexes lower vertebral column
pectoralis major
Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O - sternum + clavicle + cartilage ribs 2-6
Ins - intertubercular groove of humerus
Flexes shoulder, adduct + med. rotates arm
Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O - clacicle, ocramenon + spine of scapula
Ins - deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Flex + extends shoulder
Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O- infraspinatus fossa
ins - greater tubercle of humerus
Laterally rotates arm
teres major
Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O- inferior angle of scapula
ins - intertubercular sulcus
Medially rotates and adduct arm
biceps brachii
Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O- superior margin of glenoid cavity + caracoid process of scapula
ins - radial tuberosity
Flexes elbow + shoulder
rectus femoris
Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O- anterior inferior iliacspine
ins - tibial tuberosity via patelar ligament
flexes hip, extends knee
Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O-anterior superior iliac spine
ins - proximal medial tibia
abduct+laterally rotates thigh, flexes knee
Origin (O)
Insertion (Ins)
O- anterior distal humerus
ins- coronoid process of ulna
flexes elbow
above midline or near the head
below midline of toward feet
front side of the body
back side of the body
front side of the body (for cat)
back side of the body (cat's back)
towards the midline
away from the midline
closer to the point of attachment
farther from the point of attachment
closer to the body surface
farther from the body surface
science of human movement
specialized study of muscles and muscle tissue
scientific study of bone
(detailed study of structure of bones)
functions of the muscles
control of body openings and passages
heat production
the contractile cells of the body classified into 3 groups
skeletal muscle
elongated cell
multiple peripheral nulclei
visible striations
cardiac muscle
branching cells
single central nucleus
visible striations
smooth muscle
spindle-shaped cell
single central nucleus
lack visible striations
alternating light and dark transverse bands
(results from an overlapping of internal contractile proteins - thick and thin filaments)
attachments between muscle and bone matrix
connective tissue around muscle cells
connective tissue around muscle fascicles
connective tissue surrounding entire muscle
which when continued is a tendon
muscle fascicle
bundle of muscle fibers (cells) separated by endomysium and wrapped in bundle by perimysium
muscle fiber (cell)
have nucleus, mitochondria,
sarcolema - is cell membrane
have sarcoplasmic reticulum SR
have Terminal cisternae that serves as specialized reservoir of Ca +
cell consist of bundle of myofibrils
3 unit group consist of 1 T tubule with 2 terminal cisternae associated with it.
sarcoplasmic reticulum
reservoir of Ca+ that activates the muscle contraction process. T tubule signals the SR when to release these Ca bursts.
composed of individual contractile proteins called myofilaments
thin filament is actin protein
thick filaments is myosin
whole muscle
a bundle within a bundle organizations from myofilaments - myofibrils - muscle cell (fibers) - fascicle - whole muscle
bony site of attachment at the relatively stationary end
the attachment site at its more mobile end
the thicker middle region between the origin and insert
indirect attachment
the muscle ends conspicuously short of its body destination, and the gap is bridged by a fibrous band or sheet - tendon
direct attachment or fleshy
attachment of the muscle directly to the bone (there are actually very thin layer of collagen fibers)
prime mover (agonist)
the muscle that produces most of the force during joint action (in flexing elbow the prime mover is brachialis)
muscle that helps the prime mover (in flexing the elbow the biceps brachii overlies the brachialis and works with it as a synrgist
a muscle that opposes the prime mover
muscle that prevents a bone from moving. (rhomboids that holds scapula in place during contracion)
classification of muscle by fascicle orientation
fusiform (gastrocnemius)
parallel (rectus abdominis)
triangular (temporalis)
pennate - unipennate (semimembranosus), bipennate (rectus femoris), multipennate (deltoid)
Circular (orbicularis oculi)
muscle characteristics
responsiveness (excitability)
elastic filaments
made of huge springy protein - titin (connectin). Flank each thick filament and ancor it to a Z disc. (prevents overstretching)
thick filaments
made of protein myosin (shaped like a golf club in bundles)
needs ATP to
thin filaments
made of protein actin. 2 interwined strands wrapped around each other. Have active site that can binds to myosin. Also have tropomyosin that when muscle is relaxed it's blocs that active site.
A band
only thick filaments
I band
only thin filaments with Z disc in the middle
from Z to Z
H band
zone of thick filaments where no Myosin heads and M line in the middle. During contraction it shortens
contractile proteins
Myosin and Actin, because they do the work of shortening the muscle fiber.
regulatory proteins
Tropomyosin and troponin. Work like a switch to determine when the fiber can contract and when can not.
Protein important in transferring the forces of the myofilament movement to the connective tissue of the whole muscle. Genetic defects in dystrophin are responsible for muscular dystrophy.
denervation atrophy
when nerve connections are severed or poisoned and muscle undergoes a shrinkage.
Somatic motor neurons
nerve cells that serve the skeletal muscle
Somatic motor fibers
axons of the neuron that leads to the skeletal muscle.
Motor unit
one nerve fiber and all the muscle fibers innervated by it. Muscle fibers are not clustered together.
small motor units
for relatively fine control (in muscle of an eye movement)
large motor units
for strength (in gastrocnemius)
Neuromuscular junction (NMJ) or motor end plate
the point where a nerve fiber meets the target - muscle fiber.
the point where a nerve fiber meets its target
synaptic knob
the nerve fiber ends in the bulbous swelling at each synapse.
Acetylcholine (ACh)
chemical in synaptic vesicle, a neurotransmitter. Functions as a chem. messenger from the nerve cell to the muscle cell.
isokinetic contraction
is one in which the muscle contracts and shortens at constant rate of speed.
Usually requires special, expensive training equipment that increases the load as it senses that muscle contraction is speeding up.
the distribution or supply of nerves to a part.
Acetylcholineserase (AChE)
enzyme in sarcolema and part of the basal lamina. It breaks down ACh after it has stimulated the muscle cell. Important in turning off muscle contraction in order to relax.
Electrical potential or voltage
a difference in electrical charge from one point to another. On the sarcolemma voltage is -90 mV.
Resting membrane potential (RMP)
negative charge on intracellular sie of the membrane about -90mV. Maintained by the Sodium-Potassium pump.
action potential
quick un-and-down voltage shift, from negative RMP to a positive value and then back to a negative value again.
process of muscle contrastion and relaxation has 4 phases
excitation-contraction coupling
process in which action potential in the nerve fiber lead to action potential in the muscle fiber.
end-plate potential (EPP)
rapid fluctuation in membrane voltage at the motor end plate
Excitation-Contraction coupling
events that link the action potentials on the sarcolemma to activation of the myofillaments, preparing them to contract.
step in which the muscle fiber develops tension and may shorten.
sliding filament theory
myofilaments do not become any shorter during contraction, they slide over the thick ones and pull the Z disc behind them, causing each sarcomere to shorten.
bridge between thin filament Myosin and exposed active site of thin filament Actin during contraction.
when its work is done, a muscle fiber relaxes and returns to its resting length.
length-tension relationship
the amount of tension generated by a muscle (and the force of its contraction) depends on how stretched or contracted t was before it was stimulated.
muscle tone
it is when CNS continually monitors and adjusts the length of the resting muscles, maintaining a state of partial contraction
minimum voltage necessary to generate an action potential in the muscle fiber and produce a contraction.
a stimulus causes a quick cycle of contraction and relaxation (at threshold or higher) Can last from about 7 to 100 msec.
latent period
a delay for about 2 msec between the onset of the stimulus and the onset of the twitch
all-on-non law
either contracting to its maximum possible extent or not at all.
pattern of increasing tension with repetitive stimulation. Also called staircase phenomenon.
temporal summation
results from 2 stimuli arriving close together
wave summation
results from one wave of contraction added to another.
incomplete tetanus
a state of sustained fluttering contraction
complete tetanus
it is when muscle has no time to relax at all between stimuli, and the twitches fuse into a smooth, prolonged contraction. A muscle in complete tetanus produces about 4 times as much tension as a single twitch.
isometric contraction
contraction without a change in length. Phase of normal muscular action.
isotonic contraction
contraction with a change in length but no change in tension. Phase of normal muscular action. Has 2 forms: concentric and eccentric.
2 forms of isotonic contraction
Concentric contraction - a muscle shortens as it maintains tension. (lifting weights) Eccentric contraction - a muscle lengthens as it maintains tension. (lowering weights)
2 main pathways of ATP synthesis
anaerobic fermentation (not a lot of ATP can not be produced without O, the product can be toxic - lactic acid)
aerobic respiration (less toxic end product and makes a lot more ATP)
occurs in some places, groups of tendons from separate muscles pass under a band of connective tissue
are layers of flat broad tendons. Their primary function is to join muscles and the body parts the muscles act upon.