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66 Cards in this Set

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define macronutrients

nutrients that your body needs a lot of for energy

define micronutrients

nutrients your body deposit need allot of and doesn't give energy

define macromolecules

all chemical reactions in a cell

define catabolic reaction

breaking down of molecules to less complex molecules

define anabolic reactions

forming of more complex molecules

what are the macromolecules

carbs, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

what is the dehydration synthesis reaction

anabolic reaction where water is removed and then formed

what is hydrolysis

catabolic reaction where what is broken down

what are the three main types of carbs




define these three types of carbs

monosaccarides- one sugar (SIMPLE)

disaccarides- two sugars

polysaccarides- more then 2 sugars

define monomer

smallest repeating unit

what is a glycosidic bond

formed between two monosaccharides

how is lactose formed

glucose and glacose

how is maltose formed

glucose and glucose

how is sucrose formed

glucose and fructose

what is the main energy unit


what is an example of polysaccarides


describe startch

insoluble in water

made of amylose

what is the difference between amylose and amylopectin

amylose is unbranched and amylopectin is highly branched

describe glycogen

broken down from glucose when needed

highly branched

what is clueless used for

cell wall formation

how are momosaccarides and disaccharides and polysaccarides broken down

mono are so small they don't need to be

di are broken down in the small intestine

poly are broken down in the mouth and small intestine

what is pancreatic amylase

from pancreas breaks down polysaccharides

describe fats / lipids

long term energy, build cell membranes, insulation and protection

what are 4 types of lipides





describe triglycerides

1 glycerol + 3 fatty acids

used for storing energy

describe phospholipids

1 glycerol + negative phosphate + 2 fatty acids

describe steroids


describe wax

chains of fatty acid and alcohol


whats the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats

unsaturated has at least one double bond and saturated only has single bonds

where are lipids broken down

small intestine

roles of protein

make cellular structures

made of amino acids

what are proteins made of

amino acids

what are amino acids made of

carboxyl group and r group

how many aa proteins can the body make


how many are there


how are amino acids joined

peptide bonds

define dipeptide and polypeptide

dipeptide - 2 amino acids \

polypeptide - 3-300 amino acids

what will heat do to proteins

denature them

where is pepsin found


where is trypsin found

small intestine

what are the three prefered carbs for energy in order




what is the roles of nucleic acids

consists of DNA and RNA

and phosphate group

whats the difference between vitamins and minerals

vitamins are organic and help enzymes function minerals are inorganic required in small amount

define enzymes

chemical that speeds up a chemical reaction

define catalyst

speeds up a chemical reaction

how do enzymes work

they have a specific shape that fits a specific substrate

what is the active site

part of enzyme that bonds with substrate

describe competitive and noncompetitve inhibitors

competitive bonds to the active site and prevents bonding with substrates and noncompetitive attaches to somewhere not the active site and changes shape to prevent bonding with substrates

describe coenzymes and cofactors

help with moulding the substrate with he enzyme

what is nervous control

digestion that you don't think about

what is parasympathetic

when you eat lots of food and get tired as a result

what is sympathetic

when you move or are active to digest

what is gastric mobility

contraction of stomach

what is peristalsis

contraction of esophagus or small intestine

what is the duodenum

first part of small intestine

describe the mouth role in digestion

mechanical through chewing

breaking down through salver amylase

describe the role of the esophagus in digestion

thin layer od mucas


describe the role of the stomach in digestion

gastric juices such as HCL pepsin and pepsinigen break down food

thick layer of mucas for protection

describe the role of the small intestine

pancreatic juices from pancreas and bile from gall bladder breaks down food

what are pancreatic juices used in the small intestine





what it formed in the gall bladder


describe the role of the large intestine

removes water

what does the gall bladder do

receives and stores bile for liver

what is the mesentery

holds intestine in place

what is chyme
