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45 Cards in this Set

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spiral cleavage

blastopore forms mouth

list 3 examples





radial cleavage

blastopore forms anus

list 2 examples



Phylum Echinodermata

10,000 species


have tube feet

water vascular system

open circulatory system

dermal gills: absorb oxygen through skin

Phylum Echiodermata


-Asteriodea (starfish/seastars) Asterias

-Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) Gorgonocephalus

-Echinoidea (sea urchins/sand dollars) Mellita

-Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers/sea slugs) Cucumaria

Class Asteriodea

Genus Asterias

starfish / sea stars

thick arms, tube feet with suckers

Pedicellaria remove algae from their skin

Class Ophiuroidea

Genus Gorgonocephalus

brittle stars

long thin arms

no suckers on tube feet

filter feeders

mouth but no anus


have mutualistic bacteria protects them from infection

Class Echinoidea

Genus Mellita (sand dollar)

sea urchins and sand dollars

no arms

Aristotles lantern: sand dollar jaw area

sea urchins: longest lived animals (200yrs) and share 7000genes w humans

Class Holothuroidea

Genus: Cucumaria (sea cucumber)

no arms/spine

tubular body (5 rows of tube ft)

cuvier sticky feet protection

eviscerate themselves

respiratory tree near anus

Phylum Chordata

50,000 species



List 4 characteristics

1. notochord: long flexible rod bw the digestive system and nerve cord (in vertebrates this is replaced by vertebrae)

2. dorsal nerve cord: spinal cord and brain

3. pharyngeal gill slits: in embryo

4. tail that extends beyond anus: at least in embryo

Phylum Chordata


-Cephalochordata (Brachiostoma)

-Urochordata (Molgula / Trididemnin)

-Vertebrata (classes: Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Anura)

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Cephalochordata

Genus Brachiostoma

Evolved 500million yrs ago


common name: lancelets

no head or brain

thin, fish like

filter feeders

cilia and gill slits to move water

burrow tail first

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Urochordata

Genus Molgula / Trididemnin


common name: Tunicate / sea squirt

filter feeders

outer layer (tunic) made from carbohydrate tunicin



simple heart pumps in both direction

trididemnin is the source of anticancer drug Didemnin

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Vertebrata

Classes: Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Anura

oldest fossil vertebrate (500 million yrs old)

50,000 species

cephalization (strong head) cranium

closed circulatory system


Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class: Agnatha (jawless fish)

cartilage skeleton

no fins, long and eel like body, no jaw

fill ouches empty through pores (instead of slits)

Genus: Petromyzon (marine lamprey)

Genus: Myxine (hagfish) feed on dead or decaying fish. located by smell, produces slime to deter predators.

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class: Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)

have jaw and skeleton of cartilage

Sharks and rays

-paired fins for swimming

-oily liver gives them buoyancy

-hard skin with placoid (backwards) scales

-good sense organs: eyes, chemoreceptors, lateral line (detects water currents), can detect electrical field from buried prey

-internal fertilization

Genus: Torpedo (ray)

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class: Osteichthyes (bony fish)

30,000 species {largest class of vertebrates}

hard bones

can move gill so they can breath while stationary

color vision

swim bladder: buoyancy

external fertilization

used for biomonitoring (detect toxins in water)

Genus: Bothus (flounder)

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class: Osteichthyes (bony fish)

3 types of scales:

Ganoid: thick, not overlapping

Cycloid: thin, overlapping

Ctenoid: thin, overlapping with teeth to reduce drag

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class: Amphibia

"two lives" tadpole then adult

external fertilization

first land vertebrates: fossils date back 350million yrs

tetrapod: 4 legs

gas exchange through skin and lungs

skin produces: magainins (antibiotics), fungicides, and toxins

Order: Anura (Frogs and toads)

Phylum Chordata

Subphylum Vertebrata

Class: Amphibia

Order: Anura (frogs and toads)

4 toes on front feet 5 on hind feet

Poison arrow (Dendrobates) brightly colored warning of toxicity.

Pipa: Pprotect eggs under skin of females back

Rhinoderma: males protect young in their vocal sacs

declining due to: habitat loss, predators, fungal infection

Phylum Chordata

Class Reptilia

lay eggs on land

internal fertiliztion

dry skin hardened w keratin (protein)

3 chambered heart (crocodilians have 4)

lungs use negative pressure

good sense organs: eyes , ears (detect vibrations) smell (Jacobsons organs in snakes)

pit vipers detect infrared (heat)

Phylum Chordata

Class Reptilia


Anapsid (no temporal openings) turtles

Diapsid (two temporal openings) snakes

Phylum Chordata

Class Reptilia

turtles are endangered due to over harvesting

lizards due to increasing temperatures

Phylum Chordata

Class Reptilia


Squamata (snakes)

Crocodilia (crocodiles and alligators)

Phylum Chordata

Class Reptilia

Order: Squamata (snakes)

less than 15% are venomous

streamlined body

sea snakes / boas are viviparous (give birth to live young)

Phylum Chordata

Class Reptilia

Order: Crocodilia (crocodiles and alligators)

4 chambered heart

most acidic stomach of any animal

Integumentary sense organs (ISO): detect pressure in water

Palatal valve: keeps water out of lungs when submerged

communicate using sound

Phylum Chordata

Class Aves (birds)

Evolved from reptiles 150million years ago

internal fertilization

diapsid skull ( 2 temporal openings)

feathers for flying and insulation

light weight: hollow bones, no teeth, reduced # of organs (one ovary)

4 chambered heart

endothermic (warm blooded)

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia


-Prototheria (monotremes)

-Metatheria (marsupials)

-Eutheria (placental mammals) {5 orders of placental mammals}

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

evolved 200 million yrs ago


synapsid skull (one temporal opening)

internal fertilization

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Subclass Prototheria (monotremes)

lay eggs

feed young milk but have no mammary gland or breast

found in New Guinea and Australia

ex: Platypus

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Subclass Metatheria (marsupials)

give birth to underdeveloped young and raise them in a pouch (marsupium)

Genus Thylacine: evolved in southern hemisphere (Australia and S. America) but have spread to N. America (Genus: Didelphis [possum])

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Subclass Eutheria (placental mammals)

{5 orders of placental mammals}







Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Subclass Eutheria (placental mammals)

Order Carnivora


bears, cars, dogs, wolves

Genus Canis

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Subclass Eutheria (placental mammals)

Order Cetacea

whales, dolphins

Right Whales breed new Jacksonville

whales are either toothed or baleen (filter feed)

Genus Megaptera (humpback whale)

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Subclass Eutheria (placental mammals)

Order Chiroptera (bats)

feed on insects and fruit


Genus Lasiurus (seminole)

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Subclass Eutheria (placental mammals)

Order Sirenia

slow moving aquatic herbivores

Genus Trichechus (manatee)

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Subclass Eutheria (placental mammals)

Order Primates

monkeys, apes, humans

oldest fossils about 60 million yrs ago

binocular vision: is vision in which creatures having two eyes use them together

opposable thumb: A thumb that can be placed opposite the fingers of the same hand.

large brain

one birth at a time

-Prosimians (oldest primates) (includes lemurs)

-American monkeys separated from African monkeys 40 million yrs ago

-Humans, chimps and gorillas separated 6 million yrs ago


in vertebrates, common chamber and outlet into which the intestinal, urinary, and genital tracts open. It is present in amphibians, reptiles, birds, elasmobranch fishes (such as sharks), and monotremes. A cloaca is not present in placental mammals or in most bony fishes.
how do echinoderms get oxygen?
through dermal cells
how old are the oldest fossil primates?
60 million years

What sense organs do crocodilians have to detect the waves of pressure caused by swimming fish?

Integumentary sense organs

Starfish have ___ symmetry, usually in ____parts
Starfish have radial symmetry, usually in 5 parts
give a genus name of cephalochordata
Brachiostoma (lancelets)
What is the name for the class of cartilaginous fish, such as sharks and rays?
The largest class of vertebrate is ___ with ____ species
The largest class of vertebrate is bony fish with 30,000 species
name 4 characteristics of chordates
1. notocord

2. dorsal nerve cord

3. pharyngeal gill slits

4. talk extends beyond anus

Gill pouches that empty through pours, not slits, are typical of___.
Name a genus of a marsupial mammal.
pedicellaria are found in ___.
The genus Trichechus is in the order ____ and subclass _____
Order Sirenia

Subclass Eutheria

What subclass of mammal lays eggs?
What two areas of the world would you expect to find native marsupials?
S. America and Australia
Three types of scales
3 types of scales:

1. Ganoid: thick, not overlapping

2. Cycloid: thin, overlapping

3. Ctenoid: thin, overlapping with teeth to reduce drag

Which human was the first to use fire?
Homo erectus
2 types of skulls
Anapsid: no temporal openings

Diapsid: 2 temporal openings

birds and cartilaginous fish have what kind of fertilization?

Whish anti cancer drug is extracted from tunicates?
The hagfish is in the class ___ and the genus ___.
class Agnatha

genus Myxine

true or false:

Swim bladders of bony fish evolved from the lungs in early fish.

The fishing in the Great Lakes was devastated by
In what genus of frog, do the makes protect the young?