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57 Cards in this Set

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Eukaryotic Diverse Unicellular,colonial & multicellular Sexual& asexual reproduction¢Classifiedby nutrition: Autotrophic (Algae) or Heterotrophic (Protozoans andSlime Molds)
Thisgroup includes land plants and other photosynthetic organisms, such as greenand red algae, that have organelles derived from endosymbiotic cyanobacteriaack_1430456867120815
Majority are unicellular, but some are multicellular Live in variety of moist environments (oceans, freshwater, treebark…)
Multicellular greenalgae
- ancestors to plant kingdom >
– -Unicellular 2 Flagella – front end, breaststroke
Genus Volvox
– ¢Colonial green algae w/ 500 to 60,000 indiv. cells 9`!I!
Flagella -
produce directional movement
will leave to form new colonies
don’t reproduce
True divisionof labor
Not all cells reproduce. ***Beginning of cell specialization
Multicellular green algae – sea lettuce ¢marine 2 cells thick Up to 1 meter long
Spirogyra –
filamentous green algae Ribbonlike, spiralled chloroplasts ¢Asexual & sexual reproduction
Conjugation tube -
DNA transfer between cells
Diploid Zygote –
product of fertilization
TheRed Algae
Most - multicellular-Foundshallow and deep waters-Grow inwarm seawater - Economically importantcom
gel capsules, dental impressions, cosmetics, media for bacteria, foods (jellies & desserts)
Made oftwo large subgroups1.) Stramenopiles- haveflagella (or descended from organisms that had flagella) -Brown Algae -Diatoms -Water Molds2.) Alveolates-Unicellular protist that habe alveoli (small sacs) just below their cell membrane. -Dinoflagellates -Ciliates
¢Marine, multicellular ¢“seaweed”or “kelp”
responsible for most of the food production through photosynthesis. (up to 100m)
holdfasts -
grasping portion - attach themselves to rocks. Blade
“Airbladders” -
give buoyancy
Genus Sargassum –
sometimes break off from holdfasts & form floating masses Float due to airbladders
The Diatoms
¢Autotrophic¢Uniquedouble shells made of silica - fit togetether likea ”hat box” or petri dish
diatomaceous earth” .
(remains) on ocean floor used as an abrasive (silver & toothpaste) Filtering agents & soundproofing s
“Reproduce asexually
– each offspring gets one old shell, and a new shell grows until it is 30% size of the original – then sexually reproduce
Water Molds/body>
¢Most livein waterp
Parasitesor saprotrophic
fish, insects, decomposing remains – form furry growths ¢Cellulose cell wall, not chitin like fungus
Phytophthora infestans
resp. for potato famine of Ireland in 1840
¢photosynthetic¢Containcellulose and silica walls 2flagella, 1 extends out while the other wraps around the organism Symbiontic w/jellyfish, sea anemones, mollusks and corals
-“red tide”-“
blooms” -Dinoflagellates undergo abnormal growth. This leads to an increase in toxin levels which kills fish in the environment. Can lead to human poisoning, if consumed
Ciliates - Paramecium
Ciliates= unicellular organisms thatmove by cilia
Pellicle –
semi-rigid outer covering .
Trichocysts –
barbed threads used for defense/capturing prey
Gullet –
structure where food enters
The Sporozoans -
Nonmotile, spore-forming parasite Spores enter bloodstream of person and they make their way to the liver and reproduce asexuallySpores reenter bloodstream, rupture, releasing toxic substances. 3 million people die of malaria e/ year.
Apicomplexans- Plasmodiuml
¢causesmalaria¢ Spreadby mosquitoes (vector)¢InvadesRBC’s¢Chills& fever occur when RBC’s rupture releasing toxins
¢autotrophicor heterotrophic (1/3 have chloroplast)
Pyrenoid –
region of chloroplast – produces
¢Pellicle –
flexible protein - shape
2 Flagella
- movement
Stigma or eyespot -
base of flagella - light sensitive
Contractile vacuole –
rids body of excess water
African sleeping sickness- Lack of O2 to braincauses lethargy-Tsetseflies - vector
Giardia lamblia –
responsible for hiker’s diarrhea
Contains protozoans that move by pseudopods. They usually live in aquatic environments
¢Parasitic& free living¢ Nodefinite shape¢Locomotionpseudopods (Greek“false” and “foot”) ¢Feed – phagocytosis –digestion occurs in “food vacuole”¢Ameobic dysentery , causedby amoeba, can be fatal if they infect the brain or liver.
-Exist asa plasmodium:
-Plasmodium-mass of “Cell bodies” that are not separated into individual cells -Creepsalong -resembles slime –phagocytizing decayingplant material in forest-Producespores in dry environments, which will germinate when moisture returnsȜT.j7
Cellular Slime Molds
Exist asindividual amoeboid cells- Commonin soil-Movesthrough soil or substrate ingesting bacteria and yeasts-Whenconditions are not favorable, they will aggregate and produce spores untilconditions are more favorable.
Includesanimals and fungi, as well as several closely related protist (bothunicellular and multicellular)i
¢Relatedto sponges (greatly resemble the feeding cells of sponges)¢Filterfeeders: whipping their flagellum circulates the water through the collar,where microvilli take in nutrients
Consistof Radiolarians and Foraminifera, protist withfine, threadlike pseudopods. Rhizarians have acalcium-based skeleton called a “test”.
¢Glassysilicon test (skeleton) ¢Manyneedles – like pseudopods
Marine- Tests – calcium carbonate skeleton- Pseudopods - Cytoplasmicprojections extend through openings in the test
“White Cliffs ofDover” -
Southern England - rich in foraminiferan deposits.
Egyptian pyramids –
foraminiferan limestone
pore-studded shells made of organic materials reinforced with grains of inorganic matter - Cytoplasmic projections called podia emerge through openings of the testes used for swimming, gathering materials for the testes, and feeding - Forams eat a wide variety of small organisms