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37 Cards in this Set

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two types of microrganism
Prokaryotes: eubacteria and Archae

Eukaryotes: Fungi and protozoa
bacteria divide by ____
binary fission (very fast)

**2^n n=10, 20, 30, 40
2^10 =

2^20 =

2^30 =


ecoli is has how many ____ base pair and chromosome
4.3x10^6 bp in its chromosome

*only 1 chromosome
there are errors that occur during replications which leads changes to the genome called mutation. Their frequency is about ____
10^-9 / base pair / cell division
How does a phage looks like? how many gene does a phage contains
*Chromosome inside
*DNA--- motor (pump) burn DNA to pump to the head of the virus

**smallest phage is 5000 genes

**biggest phate is 1000 genes

**phage chromosome packed under pressure--- ATP power the pump (60 megapascals of pressure)
why do phage do that? have so much pressrue
so that when a phage ecounters a bacterial cell on the surface they can put thier chromosome in there like a wire spring.
what are the two lifestyle of phage (which also applies to human viruses)?
1. lytic e.g T4
2. lysogenic e.g Lambda
describe lytic (T4)
when it affects the cell it immdiately take over the replication capacity of the cell to make more phage parts. Overtime phage part will be made independently. Later on they assemble to new phage particle. And the gene in the phage make detergent that lysed the baterial cells
lysogenic life cycle
has the capacity to sense its environment

1. infect into a cell
2. want to intergrate its chromosome into the bacterial chrom. **a better survival
3. as bacteria replicate and divide it also replicates lambda chromosomes as well
4. when cell gets back to good state of health. the phage switches to a lytic patter makes more of itself
are cell harboring a quescent prohage
sex in bacteria has no love its all about DNA exchange. Only exchange DNA w/ their species. What are the 3 kinds of sex?
Transformation, conjugation, transduction
transformation: following will be the discovery of hoemophilis and how transformation works] who discover hoemophilis?
Hamilton Smith
Hoemophilias looks for better variant genes of another hemophills (that's dying) to transmit to themself to it. how does it do that?
they have a receptor on its surface that can recognized an eleven base pair sequence that is common in the hemophilus chromosome
once it find it...
it brings DNA to the cell and does not bring foriengn DNA to it.
After that, it goes through a process called
what is recombination?
hoemophilis gene can be swap for the incoming gene
this is a mechanism for ____
recognizing self minimizing the risk of taking unsafe DNA
there are diff. bacteria that relies on diff. mechanism for self protection. name it or some?
restrictive modification mechanims
what does that mechanism do?
it use restriction enzymes
**first an enzyme methylase put methyl grou onto sequence and no other sequence.
**bacteria then produce a restriction enzyme that will cut the sequence if it's not methylated
**restrition enzyme will destroy incoming phage (virus)
[ Conjugation (another bacterial sex) ] Johsua Leaderberg discovered two types of bacteria what are they
F= fertility plasmid

1. F+ ---> cells that have fertility plasmid
2. F- ---> has no plasmid
F plasmid is also called a _____ plasmid. It lives to move itself from one cell to another
F encodes a protein called ____
a pillus assembles into a _____
channel connecting to diff. bacterial cells
when channel is establish DNA replication makes ___
a copy of the F plasmid and transfer it (that copy) to the recipient cell. connecting is separated.
when it separate the donor ____
has donated its F plasmid to recipeints.
F+ cells replicate slower/faster than F-
Phage are also able to recognize pilus? which F is more easily attached by phage virus?
male F+
so, what kind of sex does conjungation have?
nonconsensual sex
[skip tranduction new topic now] what are DNA transposable elements
they contains two genes called transposase and Drug
transposase allows
a piece of DNA to jump from one place to the other
drugs controls
resistance to drugs
For example in enterobacteria faecalis : If O mate with S result____
hoping of the transposon off the F plasmid into the S chromosomes
thus this gives rise to ____
drug resistence in saricus (S) [bad]
Gives examples of bacterias that become resistence due to human creation of drugs?
**Pencillium (1920) discovered by Flaming and synthesis by Floury

how does penecillium becomes resistence
S aureus becomes resistant to Penicillian---> picking up a jump gene that encodes Beta lactomase an enzymes that breaks the lactum ring in penicillian
what is methicillin
a derivatives of penicillium; however, s aureus becomes resistence to methicillian