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79 Cards in this Set

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-in nucleic acid
-single rings: cytosine (C), thymine (T), Uracil (U)
-in nucleic acid
-double rings: Adenine (A), Guanine (G)
-short, 20 or fewer amino acids (some hormones and signaling molecules)
-monomers are amino acids
linked to form peptide bonds(by covalent)
-amino and carboxylic acid functional group
-R group differs in each amino acid
H3 N+ - C - COO-
-pentose sugar + N base + phosphate group
- pentose sugar + N base
protein primary structure
-sequence of amino acids by single peptide bond
protein secondary structure
-regular, repeated spatial patterns in different regions, resulting from hydrogen bonding
-alpha helix= right handed coil
-beta pleated sheet= 2 or more polypeptide chains are extended and aligned
protein tertiary structure
-polypeptide chain is bent and folded; results in definitive 3-d shape
-outer surfaces present functional groups that can interact with other molecules
protein quaternary structure
-2 or more polypeptide chains bound together by hydrophobic and ionic interactions, and hydrogen bonds
metabolic pathways
-product of 1 reaction is a substrate for the next, series of reactions
-first reaction is the commitment step- other reactions then happen in sequence
-feedback inhibition the final product acts as a noncompetitive inhibitor or the first enzyme, which shuts down the pathway
protein denaturation
-alterations in pH, salt concentration, temperature, or other environmental factors can cause protein to unravel
-loss of protein's native structure
-biologically inactive
-organic catalysts are substances that speed up reactions
-all enzymes are proteins but not all proteins are enyzmes
-bind to specific substrate by active site
-reactants are substrates that bind to specific site on enzyme-the active site
-inorganic ions
ie. metal ions
-add or remove chemical group from the substate
-ie. vitamins
prosthetic groups
-(non amino acid groups) permanently bound to their enzymes
irreversible inhibition
-regulation of metabolism
-inhibitor covalently binds to side chain in active site
-enzyme is permanently inactivated
reversible inhibition
-regulation of metabolism
-competitve inhibitor competes with natural substrate for active site
-noncompetitive inhibitor binds at site distinct for the active site causing change in enzyme shape and function
allosteric regulation
-regulation of metabolism
-non substrate molecule binds to a site other than active site
-enzyme changes shape, which alters chemical attraction of the active site for substrate
-can activate or inactivate enzymes
-sugar= deoxyribose
-bases= adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine
-double strand helix
-informational molecule: genetic information in sequence of base pairs
-bases= adenine, cytosine, guanine, uracil
-single strand
-maintenance of stable internal conditions
amino acid base pairing
-adenine and thymine (A-T)
-cytosine and guanine (C-G)
2 functions of dna
2.gene expression-base sequences are copied to RNA, and specify amino acids in sequences in proteins
-dna (brain) -> transcription -> RNA -> translation -> polypeptide (protein goes to wherever needed)
-complete set of dna in living organisms
-dna sequences that encode specific proteins and are transcribed into rna
-not all genes are transcribed in all cells of an organisms
-part of chromosomes
-sequence of dna that resides at a particular site on a chromosome, called a locus (many locus= loci)
-karyotype: 46 chromosomes xy
cell theory
-first unifying theory of biology
-cells: fundamentals units of life
-all organisms are composed of cells coming from preexisting cells
cell volume
-determines its metabolic activity relative to time
cell surface area
-determines the number of substances that can enter or leave the cell
2 types of microscopes visualize small cells
-light microscope 0.2 micrometers
-electron microscopes 2.0 nanometers
plasma membrane
-selective permeable membrane barrier that allows cells to maintain a constant internal environment
-important in communication and receiving signals
-has proteins for biding and adhering to adjacent cells
-cells->create tissue->organs
-without membrane enclosed compartments
-no organelles
-no nucleus
-enclosed plasma membrane made of phospholipids
-dna located in nucleoid
-cell wall
-capsule flagellus
-smaller than eukaryotic cells
-have membrane-enclosed compartments called organelles, such as nucleus (dna contained)
-cytoplasm and ribosomes
-each organelle plays a specific role in cell functioning
-cell wall (plants)
-consist cytosol (water and dissolved material and suspended particles)
-consist of ribosomes (sites of protein synthesis)
-in prokaryotic cells bacteria cell walls
-some rod like shape bacteria have a network of actin-like protein structures to help maintain their shape
-in prokaryotic cell
-bacteria have slimy layer in polysaccharide
-how prokaryotes swim
-site of protein synthesis
-occur in both prokaryotic and eurakryotic cell and have similar structure-one larger and one smaller subunit
-each subunit consists of ribosomal rna (rRNA) bound to smaller protein molecules
ribosomes - not membrane-bound organelles
-in eukaryotes: free in cytoplasm, attached to endoplasmic reticulum, or inside mitochondria and chloroplasts
-in prokaryotic cells, ribosomes floar freely in cytoplasm
-in eukaryotic cell
-largest organelle
-location of dna and dna replication
-site where dna is transcribed to rna then produce proteins
-surrounded by 2 membranes that for nuclear envelope for protection
-nuclear pores in envelope control movement of molecules between nucleus and cytoplasm
-dna combines with proteins to form chromatin in long, thin threads called chromosomes
-contains nucleolus, where ribosomes begin to assemble from RNA and proteins
endomembrane system
-in eukaryotic cell
-include nuclear envelope
-endoplasmic reticulum
-golgi appartus
-tiny membrane surrounded vesicles shuttle substances between the various compartments as well as to plasma membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
-network of interconnected membranes in cytoplasm with large surface area
- 2 distinct regions
1. smooth ER- lack ribosomes
2. rough ER- has ribosomes studding its surface
smooth er
-synthesizes lipids and steroids for hormonal reproduction
-metabolizes carbohydrates for energy
-detoxifies poisons
-stores calcium for electronegativity exchange
-glycogen degradation site for energy in liver and muscles
rough er
-has bound ribosomes with secrete glycoproteins (-proteins and cho's)
-distributes transport vesicles, proteins surrounded by membranes
-membrane factory for the cell
golgi apparatus
-consists of flattened membranous sacs called cristernae
-shipping and receiving center
fuctions of golgi appartus
-modifies products of er
-manufactures certain macromolecules (polysaccharides in plants) for energy and structure
-sorts and packages materials into transport vesicles
-primary lysosomes originate from golgi apparatus
-contain digestive enzymes and are the site where macromolecules are hydrolyzed into monomers for energy
-carry waste out
-in eukaryotes, molecules are first broken down in cytosol
-partially digested molecules enter mitochondria, here chemical energy is converted to energy rich ATP
-cells that require a lot of energy often has more mitochondria ie. heart
-2 membranes: outer-porous and inner-extensive folds called cristae to increase surface area for energy production
-fluid filled matrix inside the inner membrane contains enzymes, dna and ribosmes
-plant and algae cells contain plastids that can differentiate into organelles- some are used for storage
-chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and is site of photosynthesis
-photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy
other organelles in eukaryotes
-specialized functions
-peroxisomes collect and break down toxic by-products of metabolism, such as H2O2, using specialized enzymes
-scavengers of bad stuff
-gloxysomes found only in plants are where lipids are converted to carbohydrates for growth
-in eukaryotic cells
-in plants and fungi
function of vacuole
1. storage of waste products and toxic compounds; some may deter herbivores
2.structure for plant cells-water enters vacuole by osmosis, creating turgor pressure
3. reproduction: vacuoles in flowers and fruits contain pigments whose colors attract pollinators and aid seed dispersal
4. catabolism-digestive enzymes in seeds' vacuoles hydrolyze stored food for early growth
functions of cytoskeleton
-supports and maintains cell shape
-holds organelles in position
-moves organelles
-involved in cytoplasmic streaming
-interacts with extracellular structures to anchor cell in place
3 components of cytoskeleton
-in cytoskeleton
-help cell or parts of cell to move
-determine cell shape
-made from actin-protein
-filaments can be made shorter or longer
intermediate filaments
-in cytoskeleton
-50 different kind
-have tough ropelike protein assemblages, more permanent than other filaments and do not show dynamic instability
-anchor cell structures in place
-resist tension, maintain rigidity
-stronger than micromolecules than microfilaments
-make tissue
-in cytoskeleton
-largest diameter components,
-2 roles:
1. form rigid internal skeleton for some cells or regions
2. act as a framework for motor proteins to move structures in cell
-pathways for substances to move-road structure of cell
-line moveable cell appendages
-cilia- short, usually many present, move with stiff power stroke and flexible recovery stroke
-flagella- longer usually one or two present, movement is snakelike
extracellular structures
-allow cells to communicate with external environment
-secreted to outside of plasma membrane
-in eukaryotes, these structures have 2 components:
1.prominent fibrous macromolecule
2. gel-like medium with fibers embedded
-plant cell wall-semi rigid structure outside the plasma membrane (steady shape)
-fibrous components is the cellulose (cho's, polysaccharides, glucose)
-gel like matrix contains cross linked polysaccharides and proteins
3 major functions of cell wall
-provides support for the cell and limits volume by remaining rigid
-acts as barrier to infection (protection)
-contributes to form during growth and development
extracellular matrices
-in animal cells
-holds cells together in tissues
-contribute to physical properties of cartilage, skin, and other tissues
-filter materials
-orient cell movement during growth and repair
cell junctions
-specialized structures that protude form adjacent cells and glue them together
- 3 structures: tight junctions, desmosomes, and gap junctions
biological membrane
-general structure of membranes is known as fluid mosaic model
-phospholipids form bilayer which is like a lake in which variety of proteins float
-2 regions:
hydrophillic regions- electrically charged heads that associate with water molecules
hydrophobic regions-nonpolar fatty acid tails that do not dissolve in water
-may differ in lipid composition as there are many types of phospholipids
-differ in fatty acid chain length, degree of saturation, kinds of polar groups present
2 important factors in biological membrane fluidity:
-lipid composition-types of fatty acids can increase or decrease fluidity
-temperature-membrane fluidity decreases in colder conditions
biological membranes contains proteins
-peripheral membrane proteins lack hydrophobic groups and are not embedded in bilayer
-integral membrane proteins are partly embedded in bilayer
-anchored membrane protein- have lipid components that anchor them in bilayer
-transmembrane protein- extend through the bilayer on both sides
plasma biological membranes
-carbohydrates located on outher membrane serve as recognition sites
-glycolipid- carbohydrate bonded to lipid
-glycoprotein- carbohydrate bonded to protein
selective permeability
-biological membrane allow some substances, and not others, to pass.
-passive transport does not require energy
-active transport- requires energy
passive transport
No atp required. 2 types of diffusion
-simple diffusion
-facilitated diffusion through channel proteins or aided by carrier proteins
speed of diffusion depends on
-diameter of molecules- smaller molecules diffuse faster
-temperature of the solution-higher temperatures lead to faster diffusion
-concentration gradient the greater the concentration, the faster a substance will diffuse
-for equilibrium isotonic solution in animal cell
-higher concentration inside the cell causes the solute to diffuse out, and a higher concentration outside causes solute to diffuse in, for many molecules
-diffusion of water across membranes
-depends on concentration of solute molecules on either side of membrane
-water passes through special membrane channels
-if not specific cell will fill and burst
when comparing 2 solutions separated by a membrane
-hypertonic solution has higher solute concentration on outside (lysed or turgid normal in plants
-isotonic solutions have equal solute concentrations on outside (normal in animal or flacid)
-hypotonic solution has lower solute concentration (shriveled or plasmolyzed)
channel proteins
-aids diffusion
-intergral membrane that form channels across the membrane
-substances can also bind to carrier proteins to speed up diffusion
-no atp
-water crosses membranes through specific channels
-no atp
-allow large amount of water to move against its concentration gradient
-may hitchhike with ions such as NA+ as they pass through channels
active transport
-requries energy to move substances against their concentration gradient
-energy source ATP
-substances move in direction of cell's needs, usually by means of specific carrier protein
2 types of active transport
1. primary active transport involves hydrolysis of ATP for energy
2. secondary active transport uses energy from ion concentration gradient, or an electrical gradient
sodium-potassium (Na+ -K+) pump
-active transport
-an intergral membrane protein that pumps Na+ out of cell and K+ in
-one molecule of ATP moves 2 K+ and 3 Na+ ions
-remember illustration
endocytosis 3 types
-moves material in cell through vesicle

1.phagocytosis- cellular eating
2. pinocytosis- cellular drinking
3. receptor-mediated endocytosis
-moves materials out of cell in vesicles