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23 Cards in this Set

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This ratio has to be large in order to be efficient.

SA:V Ratio

It's a ratio.

What does a Prokaryotic cell not have?

All the organelles a Eukaryotic cell has. (Cell Wall and Ribosomes are exeptions)

Where is info packed? **** ton of little things that make protein? It's arms and legs?

What do Actin fillaments do? (Microfiliments)

× Maintain call shape via tension.

× Moves cell via muscle contraction or cell "crawling."

× Divides animal cells in two.

× Moves organelles and cytoplasm in the cell

Intermediate filaments, what are they?

× Maintain cell shape via tension

× Anchors all organelles

It's how a cell remains like an oval.

Microtubules, what are they?

× Maintain cell shape via tension

× Moves cell via flagella or cilia

× Moves chromosomes during cell division

× Assists formation of cell plate

× Provides tracks for intracellular transport

Separates gay boys.. They're also roads.. And a plate..

What Does the nucleus do?

× Stores information (DNA)

× Creates ribosomes

What goes in and out of the nucleus?

Via Nuclear Pore Complex:

× Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

× Messenger RNA (mRNA)

× Small molecules

They both end with -NA

What's the difference between unsaturated phospholipids and saturated phospholipids?

The "Kink!"




What's the mysterious force that results from fatty acid chain length?

Vander Vaal Forces

Is cholesterol just jammed into the plasma membrane?


What are the 4 things that affect Permeability?

× Saturation of fatty acids

× Fatty acid chain length

× Cholesterol concentration

× Temperature

What 3 things affect the fluidity of the lipid bilayer?

× Phospholipid bilayer

× Proteins

× Cholesterol

What are the event phases of Mitosis?

× Prophase= Chromosomes!

× Prometaphase= C-To-Middle!

× Metaphase= We are at the middle!

× Anaphase= Thy split!

× Telephase= NE-Reforms!

× Cytokenisis= Division Complete!

How much DNA do you end up with when you start off with two strands of DNA? #Mitosis


Mitosis Promoting Factor, how does it work?

The amount of Cyclin Dependent Kinase increases up to a certain level it triggers the MPF to start mitosis, once CDK levels off, MPF stops mitosis.

What's the difference between cell division in animal cells and plant cells?


- Actin filaments "pinch off" the cell in two, this pinch is known as the cleavage furrow. ( | ) = ( )( )


- Microtubules send vesicles to the center of the dual-cell and create a cell plate.

What are the primary & secondary structures of DNA?


- Sequence of nucleotides.


- Double Helix

What are the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary structures of RNA?


- Sequence of nucleotides


- Hairpin


- Complex 3D form

What's the name of the enzymes involved in DNA synthesis and their functions?


× Helicase= Cuts it in half

× SSBP= Prevents reformation

× Toipomerase= Allows unwind

× Primase= Creates a start for DNA sythesis ( 3' Postion)

× DNA Polymerase III= Extend strand

× DNA Polymerase I= Removes DNA primer

× Ligase= Joins okasaki fragments

What process is used for Polymerization?


- H2O is sqeezed out during the binding process

What process is used for De-Polymerization


- Water is used to break apart monomers

What is the structure of an amino acid?

× H- a Hydrogen atom

× NH2- an Amino group

× COOH- a Carboxyl group

× R- a distictive "R-Group"

What are the 3 types of R-Groups?

× Polar/Electrically charged- Hydrophilic

× Nonpolar- Hydrophobic