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49 Cards in this Set

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Ketoses are sugars with the functional group:

carbonyl ketone

The tetravalence of carbon most directly results from:

its four electrons in the valence shell that can form four covalent bonds

The functional group that confers acidic properties to organic molecules is:


Disaccharides can differ from each other in all of the following ways except:

in the number of their monosaccharides

Plants store most of their energy as


What happens when a protein denatures?

It loses its secondary and tertiary structure

The alpha-helix of a proteins is not:

a double helix

Unsaturated fatty acids have double bonds in their hydrocarbon backbones


Monomers make polymers by ___ reactions.

dehydration or condensation

If molecules of glycogen are breaking into smaller sugar units, the system is most likely carrying out hydrolysis reactions


What is true about structural isomers?

They have different chemical properties

They have the same molecular formula

Their atoms and bonds are arranged in different sequences

Hydrocarbons are hardly soluble in water because

the C - H bond is nonpolar

A protein with 124 alpha-helices folds into

a secondary structure

A reducing agent

transfers electrons to a molecule, to a salt, or to an atom

Are amphipatic molecules soluble in water?


Aldoses are sugars with the functional group:

carbonyl aldehyde

Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, have the following functional groups:

carboxyl and amino

Lipids have the following functional group in their structure:


Saturated fatty acids have _____ covalent bonds in their hydrocarbon tails, while unsaturated fatty acids have _____ covalent bonds in their hydrocarbon tails


What is the structure of a triglyceride (triacylglycerol)?

one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids

In an amino acid, the "R" (residue) group represents:

the signature group that makes different every amino acid

Polymers are broken down into monomers through:

Hydrolysis reactions

Amino acids are bonded by _______ to form a polypeptide chain.

peptide bonds

A protein primary structure consists of its sequence of amino acids


A protein that folds into a quaternary structure has more that one polypeptide chain.


In an enzymatic reaction, the substance that reacts with the enzyme is called:


The interaction enzyme-substrate is, in most enzymatic reactions, specific.


Enzymes are catalysts that lower _____ necessary for a reaction to occur.

the activation energy

A competitive inhibitor competes with the ______ for the enzyme's _____

substrate/active site

To which enzyme's site a non-competitive inhibitor would bind?

allosteric site

In feed-back inhibition, enzyme activity is blocked by:

the end product(s)

All enzymes are proteins


Ribozymes are nucleic acid enzymes


Factors such as temperature and pH do not affect enzyme function


A protease would be an enzyme acting on:

a nucleic acid

How are the nucleotide monomers connected to form a polynucleotide?

covalent bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next

Monkeys and humans share many of the same DNA sequences and have similar proteins, indicating that

the two groups share a relatively recent common ancestor

Adenine and guanine are



Thymine and cytosine are


Uracil is a nitrogenous base found in


A pentose joined to a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group is called a


Which of the following statements about DNA polymerase is incorrect?

It forms hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs

How does DNA synthesis along the lagging strand differ from that of the leading strand?

Okazaki fragments, which each grow 5' to 3', must be joined along the lagging strand

Single-strand binding proteins hold strands of unwound DNA apart and straight

Tru gurl

Enzymes are catalysts that increase the activation energy necessary for a reaction to occur

Nuh uh. It false

A competitive inhibitor binds to the enzyme's ____ site.


To which enzyme's site a non-competitive inhibitor would bind?


The action of a non-competitive inhibitor usually affects the shape of the enzyme's active site


Enzyme A is regulated by an allosteric, non-competitive inhibitor. If, after modifying the pH conditions of the environment where the enzymatic reaction takes place the enzyme allosteric site's shape changes, would you expect more or lesser amount of the enzyme product?
