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112 Cards in this Set

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All organisms acquire and use energy


All organisms are made up of membrane bound cells


All organisms process hereditary information encoded in genes


All organisms are capable of reproduction


Populations of organisms are continuously evolving


-Extremely well substantiated explanation; repeatedly tested and confirmed

-An explanation for a general class of phenomena or observations

-Cannot be proved

Cell Theory


-Robert Hooke: pore-like compartments are cells from cork

-Anton van Leeuwenhoek: single celled "animalcules" in pond water

-Conclusion: all organisms are made of cells; all cells come from preexisting cells

Louis Pasteur

-Do cells arise spontaneously?

-All cells from cells vs. Spontaneous generation

Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection


-Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace

-"Descent with Modification": All species are related by common ancestry; Species change over time through natural selection


Change in heritable characteristics of a population over time


Multiple individuals of a species living and breeding in the same area

Natural Selection Conditions

-Individuals must vary in characteristics that are heritable

-Certain heritable characteristics help individuals survive better or reproduce more

Pepper Moths in England

-Before Industrial Revolution: 98% white, 2% black

-During Industrial Revolution: 5% white, 95% black

-After Industrial Revolution: white more common again

Darwin's Finches


-Peter and Rosemary Grant study finches Daphne Islet

-Drought caused less production of seeds

-Finch population declines

Artificial Selection

-Individuals with particular traits selected by humans

-Repeating over generations: alters traits in a population


Ability to produce fertile offspring


Trait that increases fitness

Does evolution always result in species that are "better"?


Do individuals change when natural selection occurs?


Are individuals with high levels of fitness stronger or bigger or "more dominant"?

Not necessarily


Process of species splitting into two

Tree of Life

Describes genealogical relationships among all species


-Shows genealogical relationships among organisms

-Constructed by analyzing similarities and differences in traits


Science of Classifying organisms

Phylogenetic Tree

A graphical representation of evolutionary relationships

Linnaean Taxonomy

-Carl von Linne (Carolus Linnaeus) (1707-1778)

-Created system for classifying organisms

-1. Each organism has unique two-part scientific name (genus and species)

-2. Nested System of higher categories

System of Higher Categories

Kingdom --> Phylum --> Class --> Order --> Family --> Genus --> Species

Kings Play Chess On Fine Grain Sand


-Linnaeus: 2 Kingdoms: Plants, Animals

-1960s: 5 Kingdoms: Plants, Fungi, Animals, Protista, Monera

Carl Woese


-Studied small subunit rRNA

-proposed new taxonomic level called the Domain


-A, U, C, G

-rRNA is comprised of ribonucleotides


-3 Domains: Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya

-Include several related Kingdoms

Chemical Evolution

-Most cells are 96% Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen

Ancient Atmosphere

-Dominated by H2O, CO2, CO, N2

-No free O2

Two Models (Hypotheses)

-Prebiotic Soup

-Surface Metabolism

Prebiotic Soup Hypothesis

-Precursor organic molecules synthesized from simple molecules

-Gases: CO2, N2, CO, H2, H2O + light energy = simple organic molecules = heat

Stanley Miller Experiment


-Can complex organic compounds develop from the simple molecules present in earth's early atmosphere?

-Product: simple organic molecules and amino acids, important precursors for complex organic molecule needed for life

Surface Metabolism Hypothesis

-Dissolved gases accumulate on minerals in deep sea vents to form organic molecules

-Need a mechanism to increase concentration

-Minerals on wall of deep sea vents will concentrate same dissolved gases

-Provides energy and catalyst for reactions

Four Steps in Chemical Evolution

-1. Production of simple organic molecules

-2. Creation of more complex organic molecules (amino acids, etc.) via prebiotic soup and/or surface metabolism hypotheses

-3. Link organic subunits to make larger molecules

-4. Evolution of a self-replicating molecule


Typological thinking


"The Great Chain of Being"


Described extinct mastodons/mammoths


-Evolution, but still believed in the chain of being

-Mechanism: evolution of acquired traits

Darwinian Evolution

Mechanism: natural selection

Natural (and Artificial) Selection

-Driven by Fitness and Adaptation


Ability to produce fertile offspring


Trait that increases fitness in a given environment

Geological Uniformitarianism

-Charles Lyell: 1830 "Principles of Geology"

-Thomas Malthus: people may produce more offspring than can survive

Natural Selection

Acts on individuals


Acts on populations


-Variation exists naturally; organisms do not develop variation because they need a certain trait

-Adaptations favorable at some times may be unfavorable at others

-Evolution has no goal

Evidence of Natural Selection

-1. Some species go extinct

-2. Transitional forms exist

-3. Vestigal Traits: reduced structure with little/no function

-4. Homologies: similar feature inherited from common ancestor: Structural, Developmental, Genetic

-5. Similar species geographically


Evolutionary history of a group of organisms

Phylogenetic Tree

Graphical representation of evolutionary relationships among species


Population through time


Point at which two lineages diverge


(Terminal Node)

Represents a group (species of larger taxon) living today or is extinct


Node with more than 2 branches

-Usually result of incomplete information

Ancestral Traits

Older, "basal", existed in ancestor and all descendants

Derived Traits

More recent trait, found in group of interest, but not in last common ancestor


Focus on shared, derived traits of focal taxa


The most likely explanation requires the least amount of evolutionary change


Ancestral Trait, shared by multiple taxa


Shared derived traits; found in most recent common ancestor and descendants


Similar traits in different taxa that arose independently; not shared derived trait


Similar trait due to common ancestry

Monophyletic Group

Taxa that includes common ancestor and all descendants


Group that diverged before focal group

Polyphyletic Group

Group that includes more than common ancestor and descendants

Paraphyletic Group

Group that includes common ancestor but not all of its descendants

How to Build Phylogenies

-Choose species/groups of interest

-Select characters (morphological, genetic, behavioral, etc.)

-Choose outgroup

-Populate data matrix (traits x species)

-Build tree

How do we Study the History of Life?


-Fossil Records


Physical evidence of long dead organisms

Fossil Record

Sum total of all fossils ever found and collected

How are Fossils Formed?

-Organism is buried in sediments before decomposition

-Burying allows mineralization, protection, slows decay

Limitations of Fossil Record

-Habitat Bias

-Taxonomic/Tissue Bias

-Temporal Bias

-Abundance Bias

Life's Timeline

-4.6 GYA: Earth Forms

-3.4 GYA: First evidence of life

-2.5 GYA: First cyanobacteria

-542 MYA: Cambian explosion

- Time until 542 MYA: Precambrian


-New body plans appear suddenly


-1. Oxygen

-2. Evolution of predation

-3. New niches create more niches

-4. New Hox genes (genes that control development)

Phanerozoic Era

542 MYA- Present

Big 5 Mass Extinctions






Permian Extinction

~250 MYA

-90% of species went extinct

-Proposed Causes:

-1. Volcanism

-2. High CO2= global warming

-3. Anoxic/Acidic oceans

-4. Lowered sea levels= loss of shallow habitats

-5. Low O2= land animals restricted to low elevations

Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-P)

-Extinction of Dinosaurs

-65 MYA

-Proposed cause: impact of massive asteroid (10km diameter)

Adaptive Radiations

-Lineage diversifies rapidly

-Usually occurs when niches become available: On Islands, after mass extinctions, after morphological, new resources, new ways to exploit them


-Bacteria and Archaea

-No nucleus

-Diverse, abundant, and ubiquitous

Prokaryotic Cell

-Lack a membrane bound nucleus

-All are haploid (single copy of each chromosome)

Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cell

-Nucleus (contains chromosome)

-Similarities: DNA, Ribosomes, Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm

Similarities between Bacteria and Archaea


-Size (small; 0-20 micrometers)

-Circular haploid chromosome

-Rotating flagella (but different mechanisms)

-no RNA processing

Diversification of Prokaryotes

-First appeared in fossil record 3.5 MYA

-Types of Diversity: Morphological, Reproductive, Metabolic, Habitats


Cell split into two daughter cells (all bacteria and archaea)


Lateral transfer of genetic material between cells

Conjugation Tube

Mode of transfer unique to bacteria and archaea

Cellular Respiration

A molecule with high potential energy (electron donor) + a molecule with low potential energy (electron acceptor) = By-products + ATP


Energy currency of cells

Aerobic Respiration

Sugar + O2 = CO2 + H2O + ATP

-Sugar: high potential electron donor

-O2: low potential electron acceptor


CO2 + H2O + light = Sugar + O2

Electron Transport and Cellular Respiration

Sugar (energy source) --> Oxygen (ATP)

Life Requires

-Source of Energy

-Source of Carbon (for complex organic molecules)

Sources of Energy

-Light (phototrophs)

-Organic molecules (sugars) (Chemoorganotrophs)

-Inorganic molecules (ammonia, sulfate) (Chemolithotrophs)


Oxygenic vs. Anoxygenic


-Reverse of respiration

-CO2 + H2O + light = sugar + O2


-Something other than H2O donates electrons

-Product is something other than O2

Sources of Carbon

-Self-synthesized using simple molecules (usually CO2 or Methane) (Autotrophs)

-From molecules made by others (Heterotrophs)




-Anoxic mudflats

-Deepest parts of the oceans

- Hot Springs

-Hydrothermal vents

-Hypersaline environments

-pH as low as 1

-Under ice at 0 C

The Oxygen Revolution

No free molecular oxygen existed for the first 2.3 billion years of earth's history

Nitrogen Fixation

-Nitrogen is required for amino acids and other organic molecule

-Nitrogen is abundant in atmosphere (~80%), but N2 is not usable

-Some bacteria and archaea can "fix" N2 to nitrogen containing molecules used by plants/algae

Nitrogen Cycle

-Nitrogen fixing bacteria can be associated with plants- often taking up residence in nodules

Bacteria and Human





A small fraction cause disease (pathogenic)


-Compounds that help kill bacteria

-Usually disrupt some essential cellular function (usually cell wall construction or protein synthesis)

-Antibiotic resistance increasing

-Antibiotics create strong selection for antibiotic resistance


-Kill 99.9% of germs


The human microbiome


-The use of bacteria and archaea to degrade pollutants:

-1. Fertilizing contaminated sites to encourage the growth of existing bacteria that degrade toxic compounds

-2. Adding specific species of bacteria to contaminated sites


-Contain genetic information (DNA or RNA)

-Have a protein coat

-Can evolve and reproduce

-Do not have cellular structure

-Do not have their own metabolism