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135 Cards in this Set

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Arachnoid mater
Name the muscle
Origin: occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae & spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae

Insertion: clavicle and scapula (acromion and scapular spine)

Action: elevate, retract, depress, or rotate scapula upward and/or elevate clavicle; extend neck
Name the muscle
Psoas Major
Rhomboideus Minor
Origin: spinous process of vertebrae C7-T1

Insertion: vertebral border of scapula

Action: adducts & performs downward rotation of scapula
Name the muscle
Adductor longus
define osteoid
the unmineralized, organic portion of the bone matrix that forms prior to the maturation of bone tissue
Dorsal root and rootlets
Name the muscle
Adductor magnus
Rhomboideus Major
Origin: spinous process of superior thoracic vertebrae

Insertion: vertebral border of scapula from spine to inferior angle

Action: adducts and downward rotation of scapula
Name the muscle
Levator Scapulae
Origin: transverse precesses of C1-C4 vertebrae

Insertion: vertebral border of scapula near superior angle

Action: elevates scapula
Epidural space
Name the muscle
Quadriceps femoris group: Rectus femoris
what component of the extracellular matrix is stained pink in this slide?
type I collagen (protein)
Name the muscle
Quadriceps femoris group: Vastus lateralis
Pia Mater
Serratus Anterior
Origin: anterior and superior margins of ribs 1-8 or 1-9
Insertion: anterior surface of vertebral border of scapula

Action: protracts shoulder: rotates scapula so glenoid cavity moves upward rotation
spinal nerve
Name the muscle
Quadriceps femoris group: Vastus medialis
spinal nerve
Name the muscle
Quadriceps femoris group: Vastus intermedius
name the cell type indicated by the yellow arrows
osteoblast (cuboidal)
Ventral root and rootlets
Name the muscle
fibular muscle group
Sub Arachnoid Space
Name the muscle
Dorsal Root Ganglion
Origin: supraspinous fossa of scapula

Insertion: greater tuberacle of humerus

Action: abduction at the shoulder
Name the muscle
Name the muscle
Biceps femoris
Origin: infraspinous fossa of scapula

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus

Action: lateral rotation at shoulder
Name the muscle
Gluteus maximus
name the cell type indicated by the blue arrows
Name the muscle
Gluteus medius
Origin: clavicle and scapula (acromion and adjacent scapular spine)

Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of humerus

Action: abducts shoulder, flexion and extension, medial and lateral rotation of humerus
Name the muscle
Teres Minor
Origin: lateral border of scapula

Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus

Action: lateral rotation at shoulder
Name the muscle
name the bone covering formed collectively by the cells indicated by the yellow and blue arrows
Name the muscle
Tibialis anterior
Teres Major
Origin: inferior angle of scapula

Insertion: medial lip of intertubercular groove of humerus

Action: extension, adduction & medial rotation at shoulder
Origin: subscapular fossa of scapula

Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus

Action: medial rotation at shoulder
Identify # 4.
Zygomatic process [of temporal bone]
Pectoralis Major
Origin: cartilages of ribs 2-6, gladiolus & inferior, medial portion of clavicle

Insertion: crest of greater tubercle & lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus

Action: flexion, adduction & medial rotation at shoulder
Coronal Suture
Latissimus Dorsi
Origin: spinous process of inferior T and all L vertebrae, ribs 8-12, and lumbodorsal fascia

Insertion: floor of intertubercular groove of the humerus

Action: extension, adduction, and medial rotation at shoulder
Identify # 5.
Mastoid process [of temporal bone]
name the cell type indicated by the orange arrows
Triceps Brachii (lateral head, long head, medial head)
Origin: (Lateral) Superior, lateral margin of humerus:(Long) Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula;(Medial) Posterior surface of humerus, inferior to radial groove

Insertion: Olecranon of ulna

Action: (Lateral) extension at elbow;(Long) extension at elbow, extension & aduction at shoulder;(Medial) extension at elbow
Squamous Suture
Origin: anterior, distal surface of humerus

Insertion: ulnar tuberosity

Action: flexion at elbow
Lambdoid Suture
Name the muscle
What are these?
1. Body
2. Pedicle
3. Transverse Process
4. Lamina
5. Spinous Process
6. Articular Process (superior and inferior)
7. Vertebral Foramen (vertebral canal)
Name the muscle
which arrow is pointing to a cell that is surrounded by bone matrix?
green arrow
which arrow is pointing to a cell that is producing osteoid?

name this cell type
blue arrow; osteoblast
which arrow is pointing to a cell that is resorbing bone?

name this cell type
orange arrow; osteoclast
Biceps Brachii
Origin: (short head) from coracoid process;(long head) from supraglenoid tubercle (scapula)

Insertion: radial tuberosity

Action: flexion at elbow and shoulder; supination
Name the muscle
Sternocleidomastoid: Clavicular Head
name the cell type indicated by the blue arrows
Identify # 2.
Superior articular facet
name the space in which the cells indicated by the blue arrows reside
what kind of tissue is within the blue squares?

what are the characteristics of this tissue type?
primary bone tissue; it is more cellular, contains less mineral content, and its collagen fibers lack organization
what tissue type is in the yellow circle?

what are the characteristics of this tissue type?
secondary bone tissue; the tissue is layered
Identify # 7.
Name the muscle
External Oblique
what is the structure surrounded by the blue circle?

the blue arrow?
osteon; osteonic canal
Name the muscle
Internal Oblique
Identify # 6.
Vertebral arch

Note: 1/2 ring of bone
Name the muscle
Transverse Abdominis
Name the muscle
Rectus Abdominis
what is the name of the tissue surrounded by the red square?

what are the characteristics of this tissue type?
interstitial lamellae; they are avascular because they are part of a degraded/previous lamellae
what is the space indicated by the red arrow?

what cell type occupies this space in living tissue?
lacnuae; osteocytes
name the space indicated by the yellow arrows?

what are their function?
canaliculi; the form a network of tunnel-like spaces in the bone matrix
Coronal Suture
Sauamous Suture
Name the following:
Coronal Suture
Saggital Suture
Lambdoid Suture
cervical vertebrae -- how many? distinguishuing characteristics?
7; smaller in size, and have a foramen in the transverse process
Identify # 5.
Inferior articular process
thoracic vertebrae -- how many? distinguishing characteristics?
12; medium in size with a heart-shaped body
lumbar vertebrae -- how many? distinguishing characteristics?
5; large with a wide body
sacral vertebrae -- how many? distinguishing characteristics?
5 (fused); part of the back of the pelvis, very wide/short
coccyx vertebrae -- how many? distinguishing characteristics?
4 (fused); very small tip of the spine, much like a tail
kyphotic curve
spinal curve with convexity projecting posterior
lordotic curve
spinal curve with convexity projecting anterior
which bone is this? what are its distinguishing features?
C1 vertebra (atlas); lateral masses are round/column-like, the anterior arch is thin and bony,
what bone is this? distinguishing characteristics?
C2 (axis); it has the dens -- the bony like projection that the base of the skill rests upon
what is the outer loop of this tissue? the inner part?
annulus fibrosis and nucleus pulposus
Identify # 1.

Tip: Top of sternum, flat like a spoon
Identify # 4.
how many ribs and of what character?
12 pairs of ribs in total; 7 pairs of true ribs which attach to the sternum via cartilage; 5 pairs are false ribs, the top 3 of which share a single piece of cartilage connected to the sternum, and the last two are floating w/o any attachment
Identify # 2.
Cribriform plate
Identify # 2.
External auditory meatus

Note: Where the ear would be
Identify # 2.
Occipital condyles

Note: To the left & right of foramen magnum
Identify # 2.
Intervertebral foramen
what type of tissue is this, and what are the defining characteristics?
skeletal muscle: it is striated and multi-nucleated with very long cells
what type of tissue is this? what are its defining characteristics?
smooth muscle: no striations, single nucleus, smallest muscle cell type
what type of tissue is this? what are its defining characteristics?
cardiac muscle: one or two central nuclei, striated, branched
what is isometric muscle contraction?
the muscle length remains constant; example:
what is isotonic muscle contraction?
muscle changes in length during contraction (eccentric = increase, concentric = decreases)
cauda equina
bundle of nerves exiting at the inferior end of the spinal cord (around L1-L2) -- "horse's tail"
conus medullaris
tapered/funnel-shaped region at end of spinal cord
filum terminale
continuation of the pia mater at the end of the cord through the sacrum and coccyx
phrenic nerve
motor nerve for diaphragm
axillary nerve
in the axilla; motor nerve for teres minor, deltoid, and triceps brachii; sensory: skin over shoulder
radial nerve
wraps across the AC; motor: triceps brachii and forearm muscles; sensory: majority of posterior forearm, forearm, and lateral hand
white matter
surround the gray matter; consists of myelinated axons and lacks cell bodies
gray matter
in the center of the spinal cord, butterfly shaped, containing unmyelinated ends of axons, dendrites, and neuron cell bodies
ulnar nerve
runs along the ulna; motor: ulnar/medial side of forearm/digit muscles; sensory: medial third of hand
median nerve
runs right down the middle of the arm; motor: forearm muscles for middle fingers; sensory: lateral side of hand
thoracodorsal nerve
runs under the lateral end of the scapula; motor: latissimus dorsi
pectoral nerves
runs into the pectoralis muscles; motor: pectoralis major/minor
suprascapular nerve
runs over back of shoulder above the scapula; motor: supra and infraspinatus muscles
long thoracic nerve
innervates serratus anterior
femoral nerve
runs over ventral side of leg; motor: quads; sensory: anterior/medial thigh, medal leg; medial foot
obturator nerve
runs through inside of thigh; motor: adductor muscles; sensory: medial thigh
superior gluteal nerve
runs in a superior direction behind the gluteal muscle; motor: gluteus medius
inferior gluteal nerve
runs in an inferior direction behind the gluteal muscle; motor: gluteus maxiumus
sciatic nerve
runs on the back of the leg and feeds into the tibial and common fibular
tibial nerve
starts at popliteal space and runs behind the leg; motor: hamstring, gastrocnemius, soleus; sensory: posterior leg and sole of foot
common fibular nerve
passes over lateral/ventral edge below the knee; superficial motor: fibular muscle group; superficial sensory: most of the lateral/bottom of foot; deep motor: tibialis anterior and toe extensors; deep sensory: webspace between 1st and 2nd toes