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47 Cards in this Set

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consists of living, interacting organisms in a given location.

It had an ecological separateness to it (e.g., parasite and its host, predator-prey interactions, mutualisms).
Community Scale
Can be very small (a vernal pool) or large (great lake).

This can be the same for ecosystems.

Community scale focuses on just the organisms and their interactions.
Emergent properties of communities
e.g. succession

the sequence of recovery of species following species removal as result of a disturbance (e.g., volcanic eruption, land clearing).
A community + abiotic environment (e.g., solar radiation, temp, minerals, water, etc)
Ecosystem Scale:

Ecosystems can exist at many different scales e.g: ?
1. Decaying leaf ecosystem in a vernal pool (a tiny water basin created by snow melt and precipitation, but drying up later- this is in BU nature preserve)

2. BU nature preserve: the multiple beaver ponds and adjacent habitat

3. Watershed: area of landscape that drains into a particular river/stream

4. Temperate forest
Emergent properties of ecosystems
1. Productivity/Energy Flow

2. Hydrological Cycling

3. Nutrient Cycling
Major terrestrial ecosystem defined by global climate patterns and characterized by distinct assemblages of animals, plants, and regional abiotic variables.
Determinants of Global Climate Pattern

1. Solar Radiation

2. Earth's Rotation

3. Seasons

4. Mountains
Solar Radiation causes:

1. Vertical air mass circulations

2. Vertical water mass circulation

LOOK UP IN NOTES (many things about this stuff!)
Vertical Air mass circulations
hot air picks up moisture from ground and sea

heated air expands, becomes less dense, rises, and becomes cooled

this lowers moisture carrying capacity of air and causes excess water vapor to condense in form of precipitation near the equator

Deserts: very dry, arid conditions around 30 degrees latitude

Due to:
Expanding air high in the atmosphere moves pole ward (away from the region of expansion) and as it cools and becomes more dense, descends at 30 degrees N and S latitude. HENCE deserts
Hadley Cell

Ferrell Cell

Polar Cell
Some of the air at 30degrees is drawn back toward the equator to replace the air that ascended when heated, creating a cyclic circulation of air parallel to the earths surface between 0 and 30 degrees- (HADLEY CELL)

This downward flow at 30 degrees causes secondary and tertiary cells poleward: between 30 and 60 degrees (FERRELL CELL)

and between 60 and 90 degrees (POLAR CELL).
Hadley Cell

Ferrell Cell

Polar Cell

Where do they occur
They occur Both N and S of the equator, 6 total in all, with the circulation between 30 and 60 degrees being opposite to the others.
Vertical water mass circulation
Vertical water mass circulation
Warm water on top and cold water 100m down in the ocean.

The chilling of polar water and the increased salinity resulting from surface evaporation during chilling increase the density of polar seas and cause the sinking of sea water and its deep flow away from the poled toward the equator.

The warm surface water from the "near the equator seas" are drawn poleward to replace the sinking polar sea water.

this combination of events is the "engine" that drives the N/S component of the ocean conveyor (global pattern of ocean surface/ deep water currents).
Earths Rotation

1. Horizontal air mass response to rotation

2. Horizontal oceanic current components resulting from the earth's rotation
horizontal air mass response to rotation
Air rises as it is heated and moves poleward (paths of less resistance to flow), slowing at about the same rate as the earth's surface. After it descends at 30N/S some of it is drawn back along the earths surface to the equator. The earth moves towards the equator slower than the earth's rotation and is perceivd by people in the subtropics as prevailing easterly winds (from the east).

Horizontal Oceanic current components resulting from the earth's rotation

The rotation of the earth around the sun and the tilt in the earth's axis relative to the sun's position.

Extremely low temperatures and low solar radiation during the winter near poles limit biodiversity

The band of wet equatorial weather near 0N/S and arid conditions near 30N/S moves seasonally with the seasonal tilt in the rotational axis, creating wet and dry seasons.


Major Terrestrial Ecosystems
mostly treeless, except for mini trees few feet high.

not enough sunlight/nutrients for production of woody tissue, which do not photosynthesize food, and is a for drain on resources for reproduction
High elevation tundra
alpine tundra

southern most alpine tundra- Arizona
Alpine Tundrs
Moist cold

pika: stores grass at nest for insulation and food

Marmot(high elevation ground hog)- reduces reproductive rate and becomes more social as a means of conserving energy. Maturation takes 3xs longer in high elevation species due to shorter season for growth and reproduction
Alpine tundra (high elevation)

how much?
Approx 600 feet elevation is equiv to 1 degree latitude

Alpine tundra begins at 12,000 feet in colorado (40 degrees N) but at sea level 60N latitude
High latitude tundra
Arctic Tundra

Generally above 60 degrees north latitude (mostly above the Artic Circle at 66N)
Conditions of Arctic Tundra
1. cold and damp, low evap rates and low precip rates

2. not much vegetation

3. Ptarmigan, Golden Plover: ground nester with cryptic coloration; small food supply many mammals flee into the hills during spring to avoid black flies and mosquitoes in warmer valleys

4. snowy owls and arctic fox feed on lemmings

5. low biodiversity; high carbon stores in permafrost without decomposition
Conifer Forests

AKA northern boreal forests
almost entirely coniferous, except for larch; low diversity of trees, needle retention lowers nutrient needs for maintenance; allows earlier photosynthesis in the the spring
Characteristics of Conifer Forests AKA northern boreal forests
1. Catastrophe prone forests- shallow root growth ( easy wind throw damage), insect devastation

2. browsing animals keep many areas in early succession

3. red woods (tallest tree in the world)

4. giant sequoia (most massive)

5. Bristle cone pine (oldest)

6. spire-shaped trees, with needles close to ground- reduces wind/snow damage

7. Lynx is typical carnivore, snowshoe hare- mammalian prey

8. Brown Bears

Prairie, Pampas (SA), Veldt, Steppes)
Characteristics of Grasslands
1. converted to agriculture because of rich soils

2. warm and dry

3. broadly similar to arctic tundra; low vegetation

4. wind pollination works here (unlike trop rain forest)

5. fire important for prairie maintenance and nutrient re-cycling

6. ants- IMPORTANT prairie soil conditioning
Savannah grassland

Type of grassland

1. mostly dry and warm but highly seasonal rains; some acacia trees

2. important in human evolution- primates came out onto the savanna- upright walk to look over grass

3. termite mounds, wildebeest
Temperate deciduous forests

(mainly between 30 and 45 degrees north)
1. most energy is processed with release of CO2 after leaves die and fall (energy is stored in summer and spring in leaves)

2. many detritivores, fungi, millipedes

3. rich soils and thick hummus because of moisture and rich community of decomposers

4. skunk, raccoon, red fox, white-tailed deer, black bear, deer mouse
mostly around 30 degrees north and south latitude
Characteristics of Desert
1. Dry and hot

2.some plants and animals with water conserving structure (e.g., leaves reduced to thorns.

3. horned lizard, diamond back rattlesnake and kangaroo rat all adapted for living in xeric (very dry) conditions- thermoregulatory animal behavior (avoid mid-day activity)

4. kangaroo rat doesnt drink water; water comes from his food
Tropical Rain forests
within 20 degrees of equator

most biodiverse 2/3 of all known living organisms live here
Tropical rain forests have Complex structure of vegetation
1. Buttress roots- compensate for thin soils resulting from rapid decomposition

2. big leaves (gather reduced light lower in canopy)

3. Epiphytes (plants living on plants; orchids and bromeliads)
Other characteristics of Tropical rain forests
1. complex vegetation

2. several layers of trees with very tall ones

3. lots of vines using trees as support (strangler fig)

4. consumers are mostly arboreal (live in trees), even the ants, termites, herps (amphibians/reptiles)

5. warm and moist year round- great for fungi- leaves decay quickly

6. tremendous selection pressure- predation and competition

Examples- Katydid crypsis of dead leaf shows predation to be a strong selective agent AND plant chemical defenses are common

7. sloth, bats, macaw, parrots, cats (margay), tree iguanas, ants, termites
Aquatic ecosystems
aquatic biodiversity varies considerably with both global and local factors.

Sunlight penetration, temp, O2 availability and nutrient availability are major abiotic determinants of biodiversity
Fresh water habitats
1. vernal pools

2. ponds

3. streams

5. wetlands

6. Swamps

6. Lakes

7. Rivers
Characteristics of Habitats

Vernal pools- spotted salamanders and wood frogs (pools important-reduce flood potential)

ponds- year round water basins with cattails and amphibians, lots of water plants and insects; duckweed, red-winged blackbirds

streams (sculpins, minnows)

wetlands (tannic acid build up from decaying organic vegetation and sphagnum moss), low pH

swamps (cypress)


Rivers- (support many fishes, algal films, macrophytes in shallows)
Brackish water systems (Bays)
mixes salt.fresh water, euryhaline fishes; oysters, crabs

1. salt marshes (somewhat isolated, very high salt conditions; salt-tolerant plants and animals)

2. Bays, estuaries (waterfowl sancturaries); stratification of freshwater over saltwater
Marine Ecosystems: has two major zones
Intertidal (highest nutrient content, but harshest living conditions: periodic exposure to dehydration, UV radiation and wave action)

Neritic Zones (shore out to continental shelf edge) most accomodating due to more gentle water than intertidal, sunlight for photosynthesis, nutrient recycling from bottom; many organisms have phytoplankton symbionts (flatworms, mollusks, jellyfish, corals)
(highest nutrient content, but harshest living conditions: periodic exposure to dehydration, UV radiation and wave action)
Neritic Zones
(shore out to continental shelf edge) most accomodating due to more gentle water than intertidal, sunlight for photosynthesis, nutrient recycling from bottom; many organisms have phytoplankton symbionts (flatworms, mollusks, jellyfish, corals)
Neritic Zones
1. Kelp Forests

2. Coral Reefs CaCO3 skeletons (reefs)

Another Marine Ecosystem:

1. Mostly nutrient-poor because dead organisms float down below the thermocline to the ocean floor (Fe is particularly limiting)

2. No attached plants/algae; floating alga Sargassum support mini oases of life

3. Daily burst of phytoplankton growth with vertical migration of zooplankton coming to the surface at night to safely feed on the phytoplankton, returning to the depths at dawn