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15 Cards in this Set

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What are the functions of a cell membrane
external boundary-keeps things in and out. Permiability-letting things in and out. Receptor of information- recieve info from other parts of the body. And Cell identifacation- have your name on them, rejects things that don't have your name on them.
are membranes only phospholipids?
what things cross the cell membrane?
proteins- serve in recognition. Glycolipids-carbs attached to phospholipid. Glygoproteins-carbs attached to protein which can be receptors. Both probabley involved in recognition.
what can add rigidity to a cell membrane?
describe the fluid mosaic model
membrane is not stuff, it floats like jello or olive oil. The thing in the membrane are free to move around.
what are transmembrane proteins and what do they serve as
they float in bilayer adn serve as channels. Different channels for different materials. Let's things in and or out of cell. Some allow only in one direction. Very specific with what they let in.
what are the four components of the cell membrane
lipid bilayer, tramsmembrane proteins, supporting fibers and exterior-proteins and glycolipids.
what are four complex molecules built on carbon
carbs, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids
the most abundent lipid in membranes
phospholipids which have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions
how big are proteins in comparison with lipids
proteins are much bigger then lipids and tend to move more slowly. Lipids and proteins are the staple ingridents of membranes though carbs are also important.
when concentration is the same on both of the sides of the membrane
-solution has higher concentation of solute then the other.
higher concentration of water, the water moves from teh hypotonic state to the hypertonic state.
when do plant cells thrive?
Under hyptonic state, walls become turgid if under hypertonic state they become dehydrated shrivel.
when do animal cells thrive?
Don't handle hyptonic state well- they burst lose phusiological functioning.