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41 Cards in this Set

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Inside is the pith

Ring around inside is xylem

Cortex is ring closest to edge

Phloem is between xylem and cortex

Shoot system

Contains reproductive and vegetative parts. Absorbs light needed for photosynthesis

Root system

Supports the plants and absorbs water and minerals. Usually underground





Which animals has a higher metabolic rate?

The mouse has a higher metabolic rate because it is a smaller endothermic animal with a greater surface area for its mass.

What type of cell and where would it be found

Squamous epithelial cell. Can be found in capillaries

What type of cell and where would it be found

Cuboidal epithelial cell. Can be found in renal tubes

What type of cell and where would it be found

Simple columnar epithelial cell. Can be found in digestive tract

What type of cell and where would it be found

Pseudostratified columnar cell. Can be found in respiratory tract

What type of cell and where would it be found

Transitional epithelial cell. Can be found in bladder

What type of tissue and where would it be found?

Loose connective tissue. Can be found around blood vessels

What type of tissue and where would it be found?

Fibrous connective tissue can be found in tendons

What type of tissue and where would it be found?

Cartilage tissue and can be found in human noses

What type of tissue and where would it be found?

Bone tissue. Can be found in bones.....

What type of tissue and where would it be found?

Adipose tissue (fat)

Smooth muscle

No striations, involuntary control, located in visceral organs

Skeletal muscle

Lots of nuclei and striations, voluntary control, located in skeletal muscle

Cardiac muscle cells

Striations and 1 nucleus in each, involuntary control, located in the heart

In plant stems, the xylem and phloem form a structure called a ____________

Vascular bundle

Stems that run parallel to the ground or just below the surface and can have new plants arise from nodes are called_________


__________ enable some vines to grow by providing support


What root area are root hairs found in and what function do they perform?

Maturation and increase surface area

Which of the following are typically associated with a fibrous root system?

Helps prevent soil erosion, associated with abundant water

In a plants male reproductive organ in angiosperms, development of pollen takes place in a structure known as ______________


What happens during megasporogenesis?

A single cell in the diploid megasporangium goes through meiosis producing 1 viable and 3 non viable megaspores

Which parts of a plant are typically associated with vegetative function

Roots, stems and leaves

What is a feature specifically associated with bulbous roots?

Store food

Why do coniferous plants in cold climates have needle like leaves?

To reduce water loss

Leaves are attached to the stem of the plant at the


The pineapple is what kind of fruit?


The metabolic rate per unit of body mass compared to body size is________related


The minimum energy needed for mammals to stay alive is

Basal metabolic rate

The diaphram separates the___________

Abdominal from thoracic cavity

Celiac disease affects microvillis ability to absorb nutrients in the digestive system. What tissue is affected?


Distention of the urinary bladder is able to occur due to what tissue?

Transitional epithelial

The spine is found on the _______ side of a vertebrate animal


The main reason for stratification in epithelial tissue is________?


What will increase when the body has a bacterial infection?


Humans lose the most water to their environment through___________


______ are increased by parathyroid hormone when blood calcium levels are low
