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144 Cards in this Set

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Fungi are more closely related to plants than to animals? T or F
False, animals are more related
There are many more harmful fungi than beneficial fungi
False 2/3 good 1/3 bad
Mycorrhizal Fungi (healthy or unhealthy)
healthy fungus getting sugar while photo.
-plant get hypha absorption
How many tissue systems are found in plants
Which of the below is not a product of the light reactions of photosynthesis
Water transport is an active process T or F
false (it has to expand energy)
Girdling a tree
Food transport has been interrupted
Initial electron donor of photosynthesis
Megaspores grow into
female gametophytes
Which statement is false? Cyanbacteria are photoautotrophs, ATP productoin during photosythesis requires ATP synthase, ATP production occurs as electrons are passed from PS2 to PS1, a reaction center of photosystem has many different types of pigments w/in it.
A reaction center of a photosystem ahs many different types of pigments in it
Produced by the light reactions and used up in the calvin cycle? oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, ADP, NADPH
Oxygen released into the air as a product of photosynthesis comes from? water, glucose, carbon dioxide, protons, none of the above.
are formed by a mutualistic relationship between fungi and plant roots
Pollen grains are
Male gametophytes found in gymospersm and angiosperms
Cholorphyll found in a plant cell
w/in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast
Chloroplasts are
sites of both light reactions and calvin cycles in the true plants
How do gymnosperms differ from ferns
gymnosperms have male and female spores (heterospory); fern do not
Which does not occur calvin cycle? production of sugars, formation of NADPH, ATP use, Carbon fixation, reduction of CO2
formation of NADPH
What have a dominate prominent sprophyte and an independent gametophyte
vascular; seedless plants,
With in phloem ells, which area has the lowest pressure
sink area
Which is false:
Photosystems contain large amounts of the enzyme rubisco calvin cycle
Which is common in all groups of plants
mulicellular gametangia
Requires ATP use by the plant
food transport
Thin primary walls and no secondary cell walls
cell types found in xylem tissue
By capturing insects, carnivorous plants gain more _________ from the enviroment
Early wood cells are _______ in diameters and ______ walls
Large; Thin
The first structure formed in the plant life cycle that is diploid is the
Wood is composed of
secondary xylem
Pressure flow mechanism explains ______ movement within the vascular tissue plants
food (sugar
In a plant life cycle, the spore is part of the ______ generation
What are five groups that are found within the proposed phyolgentic tree of this kingdom?
Chytrids, zygomycetes, glomeromycetes, ascomycetes, basidomycetes
It is clear whether this is a monophyletic kingom?
Fungi only feed on dead and decaying material in the soil. T or F
Some fungi can catch round worms as their dinner. T or F
Define hyphae
threadlike filaments
Define mycelia
made of many hyphae; feeding network
What fungus has been named the World's Largest Organism?
Honey mushroom (1600 fields)
Reproduction in fungi typically involves the release of vast numbers of spores. Reproduction in fungi is typically both asexual and sexual
In fungi, are spores produced for survival or for reproduction
Fungal spores are large, heavy and sticky and do not spread far from parent. T or F
healthy; getting sugar while photo, plant gets hypha absorbtion
fungi + phosythetic single cell organism
Lichens are
a mutualistic relationship involving fungi and either green algae or cyanobacteria
There are 100,000 species of fungi, and 1/3 of those are parasitic. T of F
they are both true
What is the percent of plant diseases caused by fungi
Give 3 examples of plant diseases that are caused by fungi
Elm disease, corn smut, ergots on rye
What is a mycosis?
a fungal infection of animals that grow in our body
A chloroplast has fluid-filled space called the ____ and internal membranous discs called ______
stoma; thylakoid
capture sunlight energy and convert it into chemical energy (food)
Loss of electrons
gain of electrons
A chloroplast is an organelle
It has a double membrane
All plants contain
Whcih area of the chloroplast contains chlorophyll and other pigments? (stroma or thylakoids?)
Is Carbon dioxide oxidized or reduced during the reactions of photsynthesis
Light Reactions and calvin cycle: are located in
thykloid membranes and stoma of chloroplast
_____ colors are abosrbed

______colors are reflected

There are many pigment molecules within a photosystem and they all pass electrons to the primary electron acceptor molecule
false ONly the RC chlorophyll
List the parts of a photosystem reaction center:
once chlorophyll and one primary electron acceptor
What is needed for plant growth
minerals, water, carbon dioxide and oxygen, and all kinds of nutrients
Macronutrients are much larger than Micronutrients
False, Macronutrients need a lot and micronutrients dont need as much
What type of bacteria decompose organic matter?
Carnivorous plants get supplemental nitrogen from
What are two organ systems found in plants
root and shoot
What are the functions shoot
shoot: photosynthesis, reproduction, transport, support
What are the functions of root?
anchorage, uptake of water and minerals, food storage
3 tissue systems are
Dermis, Ground, Vascular
Which enchymas produces secondary cell walls?
Whcih enchymas is the most metabolically active and has thin primary cell walls?
Which enchyma has thicken primary cell walls, but no secondary wall?
Which enchyma is dead at maturity?
Tracheids, these cell types are found in tissue called
Companion Cells, these cell types are found in tisse called
Two type of meristems are:
Apical meristems and lateral meristems
Meristems are:
small areas where undifferntiated cells that are capable of division are clustured
Primary groth is how the plant increases in
Secondary growth is how the plant increases in
Cork Cambium is a
meristematic tissue of the lateral type
Vascular Cambium is a
meristematic tissue of the lateral type
Primary xylem is _____
Secondary xylem is ____
outer bark; wood
Primary phloem is _____
Secondary phloem is _____
wood; inner bark
Heartwood is
inner part of bark; not transporting h2o anymore, can live w/out it
sapwood is
young, living wood
Which is conducting water through the plant, sapwood or heartwood
Is Apical or Lateral or both Meristems are re sponsible for primary growth
What 3 processes are involved with plant growth?
1st, cell division
2nd, cell elongation
3rd, cell differentiation
Lateral meristems are
responsible for secondary growth
vascular cambium is resoponsible for
producing secondary xylem and phloem
Cork Cambium is responsible for
producing outer bark (new cork)
What tissues are found in inner bark?

What tissues are found in wood

What tissues are found in outer bark?
secondary phloem;
secondary xylem;
cork cambium
Cascular cambium is found
between the wood and the bark
cork cabium is found
between the inner and outer bark
Early wood is ____
Late wood is ____
spring; summer
A growth ring is an
annual ring
would a tree in the tropics have a growth ring? why?
no because constant growth; not early or late
Which type of wood has larger diameter, thnner wall cells?
Early wood
Which type of wood has smaller diameter, thicker wall cells
Late wood
characteristics of plants
mulitcellular, autotrophic, pigment, cuticle with stomata, vascular tissue, cell wall= cellulose
All plants are thought to have evolved from
charophyceans (green algae)
The first plants evolved approximately
500 million years ago
In plants through what process are spores formed?
Are spores haploid or diploid
Do all plants produce spores?
IN plants gametes are formed by
Are gametes haploid or diploid
haploid; sperm and egg
Do all plants form gametes
Do spores grow into sporphytes or do they grow into gametophyetes?
Gametophytes roduce
sporophytes produce
What is the first structure formed in the diploid generation
a zygote
What is the first structure formed in the haploid generation
a spore; a gamete
In what structure is the zygote found?
female gametangium
What are the four major groups of plants
Bryophytes, Seedless (vascular), gymnosperms, angiosperms
Which of the 4 groups produces seeds?
gymnosperm, angiosperm
Which of the groups have vascular tissue?
seedless, gymono, angio
Which of the four groups produce fruit?
Which of da four produce cones?
Which of the 4 groups has a dependent sporophyte generation
which of the 4 groups have a dependent gametophyte generation?
gymosperm, angiosperm
Which 4 groups has neitehr a dependent gaetophyte nor a dependent sporophyte?
Which of the four groups procues male and female spores (heterosporty
gymno, angio
male microspores and female mega spores found in species
Mcrospores turn into
male cones and eventually sperm cells
Megaspores turn into
female cones eventually egg cells
Which of the 4 groups require water for fertilization?
seedless, bryophytes
Which of the 4 groups use pollen granins
gymno, angiosperms
Pollen grains are male or female?
Which of the 4 groups has a dependent sporophyte generation
which of the 4 groups have a dependent gametophyte generation?
gymosperm, angiosperm
Which 4 groups has neitehr a dependent gaetophyte nor a dependent sporophyte?
Which of the four groups procues male and female spores (heterosporty
gymno, angio
male microspores and female mega spores found in species
Mcrospores turn into
male cones and eventually sperm cells
Megaspores turn into
female cones eventually egg cells
Which of the 4 groups require water for fertilization?
seedless, bryophytes
Which of the 4 groups use pollen granins
gymno, angiosperms
Pollen grains are male or female?
male and gametophytes
Which of the four produce ovules?
Seedless, bryophytes
Ovules are formed by
Female sporophytes
What do ovules turn into?
a seed
What is the difference betweet pllination and fertilization
fussion of egg and sperm; deliver of pollen
If a plant doesn't prouce seeds, how does dispersal occur?
Which group of plants has been most successful most populated?