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82 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is a scientific conclusion based on knowing that humans and bacteria share a
common genetic language (i.e., DNA)?
humans and bacteria share a common ancestor
What is required for natural selection to occur?
inheritance, unequal (non-random) success, variation, overreproduction/struggle for existence
natural selection
a process of evolution in which individuals of a population who vary in the details of heritable traits survive and reproduce with differing success
adaption (adaptive trait)
a heritable trait that enhances an individual's fitness
the degree of adaption to an environment, as measured by an individual's relative genetic contribution to future generations
Thomas Malthus
correlated increases in human population size with famine, disease, and war....Humans reproduce faster than they can expand their economical needs
expanded on malthus: all populations, not just humansm have the capacity to produce more individuals then their environment can support
Principles of Natural Selection
Observations about populations, genetics, and inferences.
Observations about populations
-natural populations have an inherent reproductive capacity to increase in size over time.
-as population expands, resources that are used by its individuals (such as food and living space) eventually become limited
-when resources are limited, the individuals of a population compete for them
Observations about genetics
-individuals of a species share certain traits
-individuals of a natural population vary in the details of those shared traits.
-shared traits have a heritable basis, in genes. Alleles (slightly different forms of a gene) arise by mutation
-a certain form of a shared trait may make its bearer better able to survive
-the individuals of a population that are better able to survive tend to leave more offspring
-thus, an allele associated with an adaptive trait tends to become more common in population over time
You put your waffles in the toaster oven to warm, take a shower, and return to find them missing.
Which of the following is a hypothesis as to why your waffles are missing?
my brother billy stole the waffles
Natural selections ALWAYS results in:
a populations that more closely resembles the "best" types
Which is a major piece of evidence that suggests that humans and chimpanzees share a common
there is only a 1% difference in the DNA sequence
the golgi apparatus is the site of:
“sorting and shipping” station of the cell
Why does HIV undergo reverse transcription?
so it can become DNA and take over cellular machinery
Which components below can be found as part of infective viruses?
DNA, RNA, lipids, protein
active transport
Movement of materials into a cell against a concentration gradient
golgi apparatus/body
organelle that modifies polypeptides and lipids; also sorts and packages the finished products into vesicles
active transport
energy-requiring mechanism by which a transport protein pumps a solute across a cell membrae against its concentration gradient
net movement of molecules or ions from a region where they are more concentrated to a region where they are less so
the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
A population of deer was threatened with overpopulation until cheetahs were imported. After a couple
of years there were fewer deer but the average running speed of the deer had increased. This is an
example of:
natural selection
natural selection
a process of evolution in which individuals of a population who vary in the details of heritable traits suervive and reproduce with differeing success
permanent change in DNA sequence. primary source of new alleles
nuclear division mechanism that maintains the chromosome number. basis of body growth, tissue repair and replacement in multicelled eukaryotes; also asexual reproduction in some plants, animals, fungi, and protists
What is the #1 trait that women tend to look for in a mate?
Which of the following can be a cost to sociality?
competition for resources
structure that carries out a specialized metabolic function inside a cell
What is the life stage of anthrax that can be weaponized?
When might a species not evolve for long periods of time?
in a stable environment
In which of the following ways does an animal benefit from being in a social group with other
increased access to scarce sources
Which of the following best describes the process of doing science?
An observation leads to a hypothesis that may lead to a theory
Which of the following best describes the scientific definition of the word theory?
a tried and tested hypothesis
which of the following best describes Lamarck's ideas about evolution?
traits acquired during an individual's lifetime can be inherited
which of the following provides a biological explanation for similarities and differences in the front limbs of frogs, lizards, bats, cats and whales?
descent with modification
which observations and deductions are included in the Darwinian theory of evolution by natural selection?
Resources are often limited, individuals in populations are not all the same, offspring tend to resemble their parent, there is a 'struggle' among individuals to survive and breed
what important ideas did Darwin learn from reading a book written by Thomas Malthus?
populations have the potential to greatly increase in size
Who was Gregor Mendel?
a monk who experimented with pea plants
evolutionary changes in numbers of light vs dark forms of the peppered moth are best explained by
differences in their ability to escape predation
alternative versions of a gene for a given character
using standard genetic notation, which of the following represents a heterozygous genotype?
1.Using standard genetic notation, which of the following represents a homozygous recessive genotype?
1.If a heterozygous male breeds with a homozygous dominant female, what percentage of their offspring will be heterozygous?
1.Using standard genetic notation, if an Aa male breeds with an Aa female, what are the most probably genotype(s) of their four offspring?
One AA, on Aa, and two aa
1.Which of the following breeding events would be most likely to produce a daughter who is color blind?
A color blind father and a mother carrying an allele for color blindness
1.Which of the following is true of a disease caused by a recessive allele?
All aa individuals should show the disease in their phenotypes.
which of the following is true for so-called continuous characters, such as human height and IQ?
they are affected by the action of many genes
How would you interpret the simple formula P= G x E
environments can influence gene expression
-Phenotype = genotype x environment
which of the following best describes the structure of DNA?
two twisted chains of nucleotides?
who were the two guys who won all the praise for discovering the structure of DNA?
Watson and Crick
in a nucleotide, the four bases A,T, C, and G are connected to:
the sugar deoxyribose
Pairs of bases normally form very specific connections. Which of the following is a normal connection?
C with G
we say that RNA codons are redundant in terms of how they code for amino acids. what does this mean?
more than one codon may code for a single amino acid
which of the following best describes how DNA and RNA differ?
RNA consists of a single strand, not double
which of the following statements best defines a gene?
a group of bases that codes for a protein
DNA replication results in:
two DNA molecules, each of which has one old strand and one new strand
which of the following statements is most true of gene mutations?
mutations are a major source of genetic variation
mutations in which of the following kinds of cells would be passed from one individual to its offspring?
egg cells
what is rather unusual about the genetic system of HIV, the virus that causes the deadly disease Aids?
HIV uses RNA as its genetic material
Which of the following best describes transcription in a human cell?
DNA triplets are read to produce mRNA
which of the following best describes translation?
mRNA codons combine with tRNA molecules carrying amino acids
what do you think is the job of the enzyme reverse transcriptase?
it forms DNA from RNA
where int he animal cell does protein synthesis occur?
in ribosomes
which of the following cell structures are found only in plants?
a central vacuole
what are the major productions of cellulary respiration?
Carbon dioxide and ATP
how does a molecule of ATP produce energy that can be used by a cell?
by losing a phosphate group
which of the following single equations best summarizes the process of photosynthesis
carbon dioxide + sunlight produces sugars + oxygen
which of the following are important functions of cell membranes?
selectively allow materials to pass into the cell, selectively allow materials to pass out of the cell, enable cells to stick together to form tissues, enable cells to recognize materials int he outside environment
which of the following chemicals make up the bulk of a cell's outer membrane?
fats and proteins
which of the following best describes the cell cycle of a skin cell?
growth - DNA synthesis - growth - mitosis
which of the following is true of cell division by mitosis?
mitosis presents genetic similarity
the process by which cells from a promary tumor spread to other parts of the body is
what is the process of angiogenesis?
the formation of new blood vessels
chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used to treat cancer because:
they kill cells that divide rapidly
tumor suppressor genes normally function to
inhibit mitosis
proto-oncogenes normally function to:
stimulate mitosis
why should you have a Pap smear?
to detect cervical cancer
over-exposure to which of the following can increase your likelihood of developing certain kinds of cancer?
radon gas, tanning beds, alcoholic beverages, fatty foods at your favorite restaurant
which of the following cellulary components can be used to distinguish a prokaryotic cell from a eukaryotic cell?
distinct nucleus
Which of the following would best describe a cell if its mitochondria weren't functioning properly?
it would produce less ATP
adenosine triposphate. RNA nucleotide that consists of an adenine base, five-carbon ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups. Main energy carrier between reaction sites in cells.