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76 Cards in this Set

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ONE of the two replicated strands of a duplicated chromosome (joined by a centromere)
spindle fibers
microtubles that attach to the centromere and move the chromosomes around during cell division
homologous chromosome
duplicated chromosomes that are paired but chromosomes cam be unduplicated.
cell cycle
ordered sequence of stages through which a cell progresses in order to divide during its life.
is not a phase of cell division
cellular contents, excluding the chromosomes, are duplicated
Each of the 46 chromosomes is duplicated by the cell
the cell double checks the duplicated chromosome for error, making any needed repairs
1st stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disapear. the chromosome condense and can become seen. spindle fibers appear.
1st stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disapear. the chromosome condense and can become seen. spindle fibers appear.
1st stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disapear. the chromosome condense and can become seen. spindle fibers appear.
1st stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disapear. the chromosome condense and can become seen. spindle fibers appear.
the chromosomes are arranging themselves into the equatorial plane at the middle of the cell
1st stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disapear. the chromosome condense and can become seen. spindle fibers appear.
the chromosomes are arranging themselves into the equatorial plane at the middle of the cell
1st stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disapear. the chromosome condense and can become seen. spindle fibers appear.
the chromosomes are arranging themselves into the equatorial plane at the middle of the cell
1st stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disapear. the chromosome condense and can become seen. spindle fibers appear.
the chromosomes are arranging themselves into the equatorial plane at the middle of the cell
Metaphase in Mitosis
homologous chromosome pairs DO NOT synapse or line up side by side
1st stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disapear. the chromosome condense and can become seen. spindle fibers appear.
the chromosomes are arranging themselves into the equatorial plane at the middle of the cell
Metaphase in Mitosis
homologous chromosome pairs DO NOT synapse or line up side by side
1st stage of mitosis, the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disapear. the chromosome condense and can become seen. spindle fibers appear.
the chromosomes are arranging themselves into the equatorial plane at the middle of the cell
Metaphase in Mitosis
homologous chromosome pairs DO NOT synapse or line up side by side
Metaphase in Mitosis
homologous chromosome pairs DO NOT synapse or line up side by side
the chromosomes are arranging themselves into the equatorial plane at the middle of the cell
Metaphase in Mitosis
homologous chromosome pairs DO NOT synapse or line up side by side
homologous chromosome
3 chromosomes that are actually paired
Metaphase in Mitosis
homologous chromosome pairs DO NOT synapse or line up side by side
homologous chromosome
3 chromosomes that are actually paired
Metaphase in Mitosis
homologous chromosome pairs DO NOT synapse or line up side by side
homologous chromosome
3 chromosomes that are actually paired
the sister chromatids are pulled away by the spindle fibers into individual strands.
homologous chromosome
3 chromosomes that are actually paired
the sister chromatids are pulled away by the spindle fibers into individual strands.
homologous chromosome
3 chromosomes that are actually paired
the sister chromatids are pulled away by the spindle fibers into individual strands.
homologous chromosome
3 chromosomes that are actually paired
the sister chromatids are pulled away by the spindle fibers into individual strands.
the chromosomes disapear and the nuclear membrane reappears

Two separate nuclei
homologous chromosome
3 chromosomes that are actually paired
the sister chromatids are pulled away by the spindle fibers into individual strands.
homologous chromosome
3 chromosomes that are actually paired
duplicated chromosomes are separated from one another and nuclear membrane reforms
cytoplasmic contents will be divided in half by formation of a new cell membrane
nuclear division, division of contents in nucleus.
then cytoplasm is divided into two cells, each containing a full complement of organelles and DNA
is just a picture where homologous chromosomes can be lined up and analyzed.
(2n) has 2 sets of chromosomes, one from the father, one from the mother
Haploid number
Half the number of chromosomes than a diploid. humans sex cells are haploid cells
somatic cell
every somatic cell is diploid except sex cells
specialized reproductive cells that are haploid. each carries only one of each parents two homologous chromosomes.
diploid zygote
carries 2 copies of every gene and every chromosome
a unique kind of cell division. involves one extra nuclear division = chromosome number reduced by half in gametes relative to somatic cells (46 to 23)
meiosis 1
end up with two daughter cells being pulled apart. germ cell is diploid and chromosomes start to pair up.
occurs when the replicated homologous pair (only during meiosis)
meiosis 2
pulls the single duplicated chromosome into separate chromatids and we end with 4 haploid gametes. pulling apart sister chromatids, no longer homologous.
germ cells
gamete producing cells
cell cycle checkpoints
ensure that each stage of the cell cycle is completed accurately
is cell suicide, also is an integral part of normal development
a disease of unregulated cell division. cells divide inappropriately and accumulate, in quite a few cases form a tumor. cancer cells evade cell cycle checkpoints.
the spread of cancer cells from one location in the body to another
migration of cancer cells
uses drugs to interfere with cells division to treat cancer. all cells are affected but more cancer cells die because they replicate much faster.
radiation therapy
high energy light therapy to kill dividing cells, severely damaging molecules and DNA to trigger apoptosis
P generation
the first generation or parents in a genetic cross
F1 generation
then offspring of the parents, the first of offspring in a genetic cross
children of F1 and grandchildren of g
monohybrid cross
genetic cross in which the inheritance of one trait is observed. A monohybrid cross of two heterozygous individuals yields a 3:1 phenotypic ratio among offspring
Dihybrid cross
a genetics cross in which the inheritance of 3 traits is observed. more info
punnet square
shorthand method for predicting the outcomes of crosses
test cross
to determine the unknown genotype of an individual, we mate the unknown dominant to a homozygous recessive and examine the offspring in a test cross
individuals who are heterozygous for a gene of interest- can pass on the recessive allele without a genotype (no effect)
dominant alleles
disease have a higher probability of appearing in offspring (only need one copy) than disease due to recessive alleles