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56 Cards in this Set

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Binary fission

Bacterial DNA replicates at specific site then partition forms dividing the cell

Clonal reproduction

A form of asexual reproduction, bacterial cell produced is identical copy of original cell

Somatic cells

Non reproductive cells of embryos and mature individuals

Germ cells or gametes

Sex cells; sperm & egg


Particular array of chromosomes, individual organism possesses variation in size in centromoere position

Homologous chromosome

Maternal & paternal members of each chromosome pair in cell, similar not identical carrying different versions of same genetic material

Diploid number

2 sets chromosomes in plants & animals

46 in man

Haploid number

Single set chromosomes

23 in man

Sexual reproduction

Alternation of meiosis and fertilization, offspring inherit chromosomes from two parents with their DNA

Syngamy or fertilization

Fusion of gametes forming a zygote


contains chromosomes, nuclei, nuclear membrane and genes


Consist of DNA, made of nucleotides and histones forming chromatin


Visible point of constriction at chromosome with DNA and protein

Spindle fibers

Composed of microtubules assembled during prophase at equator, carrying out separation of chromosomes at mitosis


Radial array of microtubules extending from the centrioles towards the plasma membrane to brace the centrioles


Disk-shaped structure composed of proteins at the centromere attaching to microtubules at mitosis and meiosis


In cytoplasm outside nuclear membrane identical to the basal body of animals; device and organizes spindle fibers at mitosis and meiosis


Basic packaging unit of eukaryote chromosomes in which DNA is wound around a ball of histone proteins


Complex of basic polypeptides rich in amino acid arginine and lysine


Digestive enzymes break down cell content, chromosomal DNA fragment, nucleus dissolves, cell shrinks phagocytized by macrophages

Cell cycle

Repetitions of cell growth reproduction consisting of interphase and mitosis


Method of asexual reproduction, allows growth forming new cells replacing older ones forms two daughter cells


Consist of G1, s and g2 phases when proteins and enzymes are synthesized and DNA replicates


Chromatin condenses into chromosomes, dividing into chromatids, spindle fibers form centriole migrate to opposite poles


Chromatids line up at equatorial plate attach to spindle fibers


Chromatids, now chromosomes move to opposite poles with elongation of spindle fibers


chromosomes are and opposite poles become in chromatin again, spindle fibers dismantle nucleoli reappear nuclear membrane reform


Cytoplasm divides the two daughter cells are produced

Cell plate

Forms in plant cells when cytokinesis occur, start at middle growing outward

Cleavage furrow

Forms and animal cells at cytokinesis, starts the margins pinching the cell into 2


Gametes , a process by which 2n comes n.

Reduction division

Process by which chromosome number is half during gamete formation producing 4 cells


Homologous chromatids align next to other forming a tetrad


Tendency of genes located on same chromosome to be transmitted together disrupting by crossing over

Crossing over

Genetic recombination where segments of DNA from one chromatid in tetrad pass to another chromatid

Exchange of chromosome material in genes


Uncontrolled growth of cells and humans; disease of cell division where cell control failed


Development of cancer

Benign growth

Tumor cells are confined and don't spread

Malignant growth

Tumor cells spread to other organs through the blood and lymph


Spread of malignant cells which invade distant sites, forming new tumors causing death when functioning organs is interfered with


Programmed cell death controlled by nuclear genes.

Tumor suppressor genes

Normally function to inhibit cell division and mutate leading to cancer when both copies of the gene or mutant


Normal cellular genes that become cancer genes once they mutate. Growth factors bind to cell receptors


Damage to DNA caused by chemicals, UV rays, radiation and viruses


Chart showing genetic connections among individuals providing inheritance patterns through several generations


Condition in which gametes of an affected individual end up with 1 extra or one less chromosome than normal


Presence of three or more of each type of chromosomes in gametes or sex,

Common in plants, lethal in humans

Structural changes in chromosomes

Duplication, deletion, inversion, insertion and translocation

Mitochondrial DNA

Inherited from one's mother used to trace maternal lines of descent

Genetic abnormality / disorder / disease

Genetic condition that deviate from the usual causing medical problems and increases susceptibility to infection or weakening immunity

Trisomy 21

Individual has 3 chromosomes in number 21

Down's syndrome

total 47 chromosomes, with mental retardation, slanting eyes, heart defects

Turner syndrome

Females who are XO with 45 chromosomes; infertile with shorter life expectancy

Klinefelter's syndrome

Males who are XXY with 47 chromosomes; sterile with slight mental retardation and body feminization

Autosomal dominant conditions

Achondroplasia, Huntington's chorea and Hutchinson Gilford syndrome

Sex linked recessive conditions

Color blindness, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy, hemophilia A and fragile X chromosome