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150 Cards in this Set

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A group of organisms that can interbreed in nature and produce fertile offspring


The branch of biology that deals with the structure or form of organisms


Evolutionary history of a species


Branch of biology that identifies names, and classifies species based on natural features

Binomial Nomenclature

System of giving a two latin word name to each species

-First part=genus

-Second =species


Taxonomic group of a closely related species


The grouping of organisms based on a set of criteria that helps to organize and indicate evolutionary relationships

Hierarchical classification

The method of classifying organisms in which species are arranged in categories from most general to most specific


A level in a classification scheme, such as. Phylum or order


Named group of organisms such as phylum chordata or order rodentia

How many species have scientists identified

2 million

How many species are believed to exsist

5-20 million

Why do farmers need to know about species

To identify what weeds go next to their crops

Why do doctors need to know about species

To know what species of bacteria a patient is infected with in order to prescribe medication

Why do aboriginals collect plants

Medical use

What does the morphological species concept focus on

Morphology of an organism

What does morphological species concept rely on

Comparing measurements and descriptions of similar organisms

-Taking into account species change and have variation

Advantages of morphological species concept

-Simplicity of concept makes it most widely used

Disadvantage or morphological species concept

u must have to decide how much difference between individuals is too much variation

-u must have to decide how much difference between individuals is too much variation -Almost all populations made up of non identical individual

-Almost all populations made up of non identical individual

What does biological species concept focus on

Ability of organisms to interbreed in nature and produce viable fertile offspring

Advantage of biological species concept

Species concept widely used by scientists

Disadvantage of biological species concept

Cannot be applied in all cases-Cant be applied to organisms that reproduce asexually or fossil species

What does the phylogentic species concept focus on

-Evolutionary relationships among organisms

What is a species defined as

A cluster of organisms that is distinct from other clusters and shows a pattern of relationship among organisms

Advantages of phylogentic species

-Can be applied to extinct species

Disadvantage of phylogentic species

Evolutionary histories are not known for all species

Who was the father of taxonomy

Carl von linné

What did carl von linne create

Binomial Nomenclature

What is the first part of binomial Nomenclature


Whats the last part of binomial Nomenclature


How is binomial Nomenclature written



-Species =lower case

Who developed the system of classification

Carl von linné

What is a hierarchy

-arrangement of items in which the items are identified as being above or below or at the same level compared to other items

What are taxonomic categories

The groupings used to classify organisms that have been named and identified

What is each rank called


How many taxonomic categories are there


What is canis lupus

-Grey wolf


An organism from which other groups of organisms are descended


The branch of biology that deals with structure and form, including internal systems


The branch of biology dealing with the physical and chemical functions of organisms, including internal processes.

Phylogentic tree

A branching diagram used to show the evolutionary relationships among species

The more a species shares its evolutionary history with another the..

More closely related they are thought to be

What animals are apart of the canidae family






Three types of evidence to determine whether a species is related

Anatomical -Physiological -DNA

What does morphology refer to

-Body size


-Physical features

How does studying morphology help scientists

-Helps them learn more about how an organism develops and functions naturally

-Helps scientists determine evolutionary relationships among species

What is anatomy

Study of structures of organisms

What is anatomy a branch of


Are birds and reptiles related


Similarities between birds and dinosaurs



What is physiology

-Study of the functioning of organisms

What does physiology include

- Studying the biochemistry of organisms, including the proteins they make

What are genes

Coded instructions for making proteins

What are an organisms proteins determined by




Are fungi more related to animals than plants?


What are genes

Sections of DNA made of long chains of molecules called nucleotides

Can dna sequences be compared among species?


What are turkey vultures related to


New species that evolve from a common ancestor have..

Some characteristics im common with the common ancestor


Cows and antelopes



Structural diversity

Diversity based on variety of both external and internal structural forms in living things


Smaller simple type of cell that does not have a membrane bound nucleus


Larger, complex type of cell that does have a membrane bound nucleus

Dichotomous key

An identification tool consisting of a series of two part choices that lead the user to a correct identification


An organism thay obtains energy by making its own food, usually using sunlight.


Organism that must consume other organisms to obtain energy -yielding food

1 important Kingdom concepts

-two main cell types that are significant for classification at the upper ranks, such as kingdom

2 Kingdom concepts

Study of cell types and genes has led scientists to add a rank higher than Kingdom (DOMAIN)

3- Kingdom concept

-It is important to understand how biologists think the domains and kingdoms are connected in their evolutionary history


Organism made up of one cell

Organism made up of one cell

-Single celled


Organisms made up of more than one cell


List the two major cells

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic

What does prokaryotic mean

Before the nucleus

What does eukaryotic mean

True nucleus

What has membrane bound nucleus

Eukaryotic cell

Difference between eukaryotic amd prokaryotic cells

Eukaryotic cells are 1000 times larger than prokaryotic cells

Parts of prokaryotic cell



Cell membrane

Cell wall


Parts of eukaryotic cell


-Cell membrane



List 3 domains




List traditional eukaryotic kingdoms





Example of two part choice

Red and not red

What ia the goal of many taxonomists

Make an identification at the species level

What is the first step of using a dichotomous key

Begin by choosing from the first pair of descriptions

Are keys always used to identify species


Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells


Presence of nucleus

Internal complexity

When are cell walls absent

In animals

Can asexual reproduction be found in all Kingdoms?


What Kingdom does sexual reproduction occur


Cell type of bacteria


Cell wall material of bacteria


Nutrition of bacteria

Autotrophs and heterotropha

Reproduction of bacteria is


Archea cell type


Is Archea multi or unicellular


Archea cell wall material

-No peptidogly

-Occasionally no cell wall material

Nutrition of archea

Autotrophs and heterotrophs

Archea reproduction is


Four kingdoms of Eukarya

1. Protista

2. Plantae

3. Fungi

4. Animalia

What are the 6 kingdoms






Protista cell type


Is Protista unicellular or multi

Ita both

Protista cell wall



Protista nutrition

Autotrophs or heterotrophs

Protista reproduction

Asexual and sexual

Plantae cell type


Plantae number of cells


Plantae nutrition


Plantae reproduction


Fungi cell type


Fungi cells

Mostly multicellular

Plantae cell wall


Fungi cell wall


Fungi nutrition


Fungi reproduction


Animalia cell type


Animalia cells


Animalia cell wall material


Animalia nutrition


Animalia reproduction


Species diversity

The variety and abundance of species in a given area

Genetic diversity

Variety of heritable characteristics in a population of interbreeding individuals

Ecosystem diversity

Variety of ecosystems in the biosphere

Gene pool

All the genes of all the individuals in a population


A group of individuals of the same species in a specific area at a specific time


The ability of an ecosystem to maintain balance

What disease did the Tasmanian devils get since 1996

Contagious cancer

What is a key factor towards the cancer Tasmanian devils are getting

Lack of Genetic diversity

What are genes

Genetic material that controls the expression and inheritance of traits

What is genetic diversity within a population known as

Gene pool

What are ecosystem services

Benefits experienced by organisms

What would happen without ecosystem diversity

Earth would loose most of the services that ecosystems provide

Ecosystems with greater species diversity were more likey....

To provide important services reliably

What three concepts to biologists use to classify species




What names are speciea commonly known by

Two part scientific names

What does anatomical evidence include

-comparing the structure and form of organisms, including bones

What does Physiological evidence include

Comparing the biochemistry of organisms, including proteins

How can the understanding of phylogeny help scientists

Helpa them trace the transmission of disease and develop amd test possible treatments

What are the two cwll types



Prokaryotic cells.

Do not have a membrane bound nucleus

Eukaryotic cells

More complex and have a membrane bound nucleus

Organisms in domains bacteria and Archea are...

Unicellular and prokaryotic

Organisms in the domain Eukarya and Eukarya are....

Unicellular or multicellular

What do taxonomists use dichotomous keys for

To make choices between pairs of options to narrow down identification

To little population....

Reduces a populations ability to resist disease or other changing environmental conditions

Ecosystems are diverse due to..

Abiotic anf biotic factors

Ecosystems provide services suxh as..

Recycling nutrients and regulating gases in the atmosphere

Ecosystems with greater species diversity have greater....
