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21 Cards in this Set

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Natural Order Hypothesis

1. Grammar structures are acquired in a predictable order

2. L2 learning order is different from L1

3. L2 learning adults and children show similar order

4. Some grammatical items tend to come earlier in the acquisition process

Input hypothesis

(i)+ 1

i-- level of knowledge already acquired

+1: language that is a step beyond that

Affective Filter Hypothesis

1. motivation

2. Self confidence

3. Anxiety

4. Lower affective filter will go further



Metaphorical place where children could do more and learn better

Social Cultural Theory

Language development happens through social interaction

Definitions of bilingualism

-Bloomfield - “native-like control of two languages

-”Weinreich: “ the practice of alternately using two languages

-”Mackey: “the ability to use more than one language

-”Beathons-Beardsmore: Minimalist approach (Mackey &Weinreich): incipient bilingualism

Balanced bilingual

Lambert, Havelka, And Gardner

Fully competent in both languages

Dominant bilingual

Dominant in one language

Subordinate bilinguals

Less dominant in one language

Passive or recessive bilingual

gradually losing competence in one language

Semilingual or limited bilingual

Lacking proficiency in both language


The ability to use more than 2 languages


Separate underlying proficiency

The 2 languages are stored separately

Increase of one language will cause the loss of the other

Bilingualism is a cognitive overload


Cognitive Underlying Proficiency

Both languages are merged and do not function independently of each other

Both languages are different in conversation

Threshold theory

1. Low competence in both languages

2. appropriate competence in one language

Balanced: Appropriate competence in both


Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

Social language


Cognitive Academic linguistic Proficiency

Academic Language

Grosjeans Theory

Use both languages everyday, and you are bilingual

William Stokoe

Father of ASL linguistic skills

Acquisition Learning Hypothesis


A: Subconscious and intuitive process

Occurs naturally

L: Conscious process

Occurs at school

Monitor Hypothesis


Relationship between acquisition and learning

Acquisition is the central role, learning is a monitor

3 conditions

Time, Focus on form, know the rules