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10 Cards in this Set

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GPCR binds to _________

Heterotrimeric g proteins, alpha, beta, and gamma

on beta-adrenergic receptor, adrenaline binds to _______ and the g protein binds to ______

charged transmembrane residues

3rd loop and some of c terminus

Gs _________

Gi _________

Gt _________



Gs stimulates adenylate cyclase

Gi inhibits AC

Gt is for transducin, in the eyes it is the G protein for rhodopsin which is the receptor for light

Golf is for olfactory

Ggust is gustducin for sweet, bitter, umami

olfactory neurons' cilia is unique because it is ______


different smells are ________

two examples are _____, which smell like sweaty socks, and ______ which smells like roses


octanoic acid


in olfaction, once cAMP has been released by Golf, it opens _________ which causes ______.

a cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel

this causes an influx of Ca++ which further depolarizes the cell

Gq activates ____________

phospholipase C, which breaks down PIP2 into DAG and IP3

IP3's job is to ________-

bind to a ligand-gated ion channel that lets in Ca++. Calcium activates calmodulin

DAG's job is to ________

bind to protein kinase C

What is the difference between pheremones and Kairomones?

Pheremones signal from one individual of a species to another, where Kairomones signal from one species to a different one and it benefits the receiver of the signal